Him and their stars

Chapter 1300 They can’t afford to lose

The situation was just as Yu Lian expected. The approaching imperial fleet fired a series of artillery fire, but the nearest shell only passed by the point of space more than a thousand kilometers away from the Amon. There wasn't even a movement to trigger the reactive shield.

Of course, this distance can be considered a far away on the surface of the planet, but in space it can be considered close. If the current situation is maintained, the main force of the Imperial fleet will only need about ten minutes at most to bring the Earthlings within the striking range of their most effective Dragon Breath kinetic energy cannon, and this will still be done with the ship's bow facing the side. The embarrassing situation that the Anguo General and the Titanium City faced just now will also be encountered by people on earth, and the situation will be even worse.

Fortunately, long before the belated arrival of the imperial warships fired their ten thousand guns, Yu Lian had already commanded his own fleet to start taking full left rudder, once again completing a smooth fleet movement.

These majestic giant ships turned to the left, like a herd of elephants taking a moonwalk. It took a smooth arc in a silky state.

The light track thrown out by the particle nozzle sent out a series of fleeting ripples in the universe, just like throwing a gray face to the rushing imperial fleet.

Although the leading flame dragons and phoenixes still looked majestic and domineering, judging from the screen, they already looked a bit dusty.

"The enemy's flagship's coat of arms and hull number are confirmed to be the Frontier Conqueror." Luo Zeshi glanced at the reconnaissance camera and immediately answered, still acting like a humanoid database.

"Oh, it's the flagship of the Imperial Guard's Sixth Fleet. The homeport of that fleet is in Secret Code Castle, located in the Cold Age star region, and connected with the Abyss Nebula." Yu Lian felt that he seemed to have discovered some blind spot, but it wasn't the case now. When pondering this issue, he just ordered: "Maintain the charging speed and increase the distance from the imperial fleet."

Luo Zeshi said: "Our engine has been running at full load for 90 minutes. The instructions given to us by the alliance give us a warning line, and the engine is about to reach its limit."

"The Alliance knows nothing about the neutrino engine... Well, I mean, our friends in the Alliance are more modest. In fact, they should be more confident in their own designs." Yu Lian waved his hand: "Besides, the Empire wants to outflank When it comes to us, that ship is not running at full strength? Their shields and armor are so fragile, how can the engine be intact? "

Luo Zeshi feels that this analysis is still very reasonable, but it still involves gambling.

However, if you want more than twice the ambush, you have to play a heartbeat. For example, in the battle just now, if a burst of bombardment hadn't crippled two Flame Dragons, and if the empire had used two Dreadnoughts as bait to launch a high-speed penetration, it would have successfully held its own side back for more than ten minutes. Maybe they really were outflanked.

However, no matter what, the gamble just now did achieve brilliant results.

Yu Lian added: "Put the damage control department on standby. Tell them that if there is a problem with the main engine, the most likely reason is that the recoil magnetic field generator is overloaded, and the spare main gun capacitor can be used to separate it."

Anyway, the shelling battle just now was very effective, and the capacitors on standby in advance were not used.

Luo Zeshi's eyes lit up and he suddenly understood: "So that's it, the alliance uses a recoil force field to restrain neutrinos! What a wonderful design."

He conveyed the order cleanly, but he couldn't help but look at his commander with a careful look.

"...A mere adjutant, looking at the supervisor with such eyes, is clearly plotting something evil and intending to assassinate the king!" Because the war has come to an end, Yu Lian is also in the mood to tell such cold jokes that will make others unable to laugh at all. .

Luo Zeshi shrugged and said suspiciously: "So, it is obviously the latest type of equipment, but you have already mastered it in such a short time! This is actually not very scientific."

Yu Lian glanced at the other party: "But it's very mysterious."

"No, this is actually not mysterious. It can actually be explained using scientific methods." Luo Zeshi seemed to have just remembered something, and once again showed a sudden look and said: "The neutrino engine is also designed by Polaris. It is a product of the Bureau, but the theoretical concept was actually proposed by the Future Laboratory five years ago. The first author of that paper, oh, it seems to be Mr. Hongqiangwei..."

"What about Rainbow Rose?" Yu Lian glared at the other party.

"No, nothing. I just lamented that the commander has worked really hard."

More than one person heard this conversation, at least Chief of Staff Mkawa and his team at the staff table at the back heard it. Of course, none of them dared to laugh, let alone make noises, but the bridge was still filled with joy.

As a result, the community's warships began to speed up and leave the battlefield with a relaxed attitude.

Facts have proved that Yu Lian's confidence in the neutrino engine is well-aimed. The Lord God-class dreadnought, which had just finished a battle, seemed not to be affected at all. Driven by the still powerful neutrino engine, it suddenly accelerated away from the battlefield, and soon the distance between the two sides was once again reduced. Pulled away.

Afterwards, the soldiers on the ship even had time to rescue the wounded, repair wounds, count ammunition and energy, etc.

"The total ammunition reserve of the entire fleet is still 83%. We can fight with this intensity a few more times." Luo Zeshi looked at the imperial fleet getting further and further away, and looked at the flame dragons and phoenixes with eyes that already looked like It’s time to look at the prey again.

Yu Lian fell into brief thought.

Chief of Staff Mkawa said: "If we can still maintain this posture, we can also try to implement the T-grabbing tactic."

When encountering an "encounter" and the fleets of both sides are small - meaning the capital ships are less than twenty and the total fleet size is less than three digits, the so-called T-grabbing is what the commanders of both sides are willing to carry out. A standard tactic.

To put it bluntly, it is to force one's own side to gain the upper hand in the T-shaped position through various fleet movements and firepower harassment.

Of course, since this is the era when the bow of the ship is facing the enemy, the one you want to grab is vertical rather than horizontal.

The reason why our side just destroyed the two Yanlongs in a burst of artillery fire is that, in addition to the fact that the shield power of these dreadnought ships is not very good, it is also because Yu Lian relied on advance prediction and the performance of the neutrino engine. It perfectly grabbed the high point of the T-shaped position, allowing the main gun on the bow to capture the opponent's soft flanks to the greatest extent.

If the commanders of both sides are fresh-minded and will definitely try their best to command the fleet to use the bow to cut the enemy's belly or even the stern, then the fleet operations and movements will definitely become two ouroboros.

...Well, it sounds very easy to think of a certain fun-loving terrorist organization, so let’s just think of it as two big bears doing a whirlwind dance.

In short, in this kind of battle situation, any mistakes made by both sides, from instructions, sailing rhythm, bombardment and fighter harassment, to even malfunction of the ship itself, may be exploited by the other side, causing the battle situation to be completely reversed.

Given Chief of Staff Mkawa's character, he would have been disapproving of this millstone-style approach in the past. Obviously, it was the performance of the main god level that gave him confidence.

However, after thinking briefly, he said: "However, the Imperial Fleet has four Phoenixes. This is a landing carrier with enhanced speed and armor. It cannot be ruled out that the other party will divide its forces again. Use the remaining four Yanlongs to fight against us, but use the aircraft carrier to penetrate the defense and jump into the gang."

"But, isn't this the same strategy as the one used by the empire just now?" Luo Zeshi said.

"The empire's tactics were correct. It just misjudged the performance of the Fuxi class and the commander's ability to adapt to the situation." said the chief of staff.

Who said that a staid butler-like chief of staff couldn't flatter someone? Isn’t this how the spring breeze transforms into rain and moistens things silently? Anyway, Yu Lian said that he enjoyed being photographed very much now.

"We only need ten minutes at night, no, five minutes at night, and we will be bitten by the empire. Even if we can complete the turn in advance, it will turn into a war of attrition. If the commander-in-chief of the empire is firm enough, he will not change tactics rashly "Yes." The chief of staff said again: "Your Excellency, although we have achieved great results, the balance of combat power has still not been fundamentally reversed. We may want to consider quitting as soon as we are ready."

To put it bluntly, the goal of this task force is still to return home safely. Now, after facing the opponent's sneak attack without martial arts, he gave the opponent a head-on blow with almost no damage, which can be regarded as a brilliant victory. If it is a pragmatic and conservative choice, it is to quickly leave the KL45 galaxy where it is now and pass through the Capricorn Gap.

After crossing the Grand Gonghai Star Territory, Nantianmen and the powerful outer ring fleet were right in front of them.

Anyway, judging from the current situation, it is obvious that these flame dragons of the empire cannot catch up with everyone.

"However, the Anguo General and the Titanium City were not completely sunk." Luo Zeshi's tone was full of regret and unwillingness.

To put it bluntly, the dreadnought is such a hopelessly strong war creation. With the empire's shipbuilding and repair capabilities, even if the ship's head is blown off or the bridge is cut off, as long as the main structure is still retained and it can be dragged back to the dock for repairs for a year and a half, there will be another capable ship. A hero on the battlefield.

In this case, wouldn't today's results be just a waste of hard work?

"I understand, so this is a painful decision. It can only be made by His Excellency the Commander."

Yu Lian shook his head and said: "No, Chief of Staff, I feel that this kind of issue should not be decided by me. In the final analysis, lurking, terrorist attacks, sneak attacks, and undeclared wars will lead to such a disastrous defeat with the loss of troops. If I were the empire, Commander, if you don’t want to commit suicide to thank the world, you must keep us.”

He looked at the light curtain beside him.

At this moment, the icon representing one's own Tiger and Leopard Cavalry has quietly appeared on the edge of the battlefield. They were wearing camouflage all the time and were in a low-key stealth state, but they didn't know if the empire was still aware of their presence. Or in other words, he had discovered it but didn't care.

Indeed, in front of the majestic giant ships, these assault ship-class boats are so small that they are almost negligible. Even if they encounter the secondary guns of destroyers and cruisers, they will be torn into pieces.

However, these small boats are indeed approaching step by step their opponents that are much larger than themselves, like a group of ants trying to hunt an elephant.

Yu Lian smiled and said: "The empire can afford to lose, but not every general of the imperial army can afford to lose. What's more, if my prediction is correct, they must have deployed semi-permanent gravity disruptors near the entrance and exit of the gravity well in advance. . Even if we ask the Tuhan captives for waterway information, it will be difficult to escape for a while. In addition, we are currently in the territory of the Turank Coordinating Minister State. Considering the current situation, Tuhan must be It would be better if the human fleet is considered the enemy.”

Having said this, he showed a ferocious and cruel smile: "The rice must be eaten one bite at a time, and the enemy must cut it off one by one. I am not in a hurry now."

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