Him and their stars

Chapter 1301 The Dragon of Dawn Must Die

When the fleet led by Admiral Mergash personally arrived at the burning battlefield, what they saw were two friendly ships that had completely lost their kinetic energy and stopped in place in a hurry. It's like two giant beasts that were seriously injured and lost all their physical strength. They can only wait to die.

In fact, for the two dreadnoughts to remain in place, not to be pushed away and torn apart by cosmic radiation, not to be captured and pulled by the gravity of the star, and even to ensure that basic life-support conditions can still operate, it has been completely sacrificed. of motivation and energy.

But now, the bodies of these two flame dragons are covered with blazing scars, and the flames of more than a kilometer are shooting straight into the starry sky, as if they are competing with the two silver-white sun wheels.

Two Holy Shields and three Apocalypse Eagles are trying their best to rescue their comrades trapped in the giant ship. However, their manpower and the professional equipment they carry are limited. The current appearance is more like a panicked cub whimpering helplessly next to a seriously injured mother. Looking at it makes people feel miserable. Qi.

"General Anguo has completely lost his combat effectiveness. Judging from the current damage, it will take at least 18 months of overhaul before he can return to normal. The Titanium City's condition looks better, but all the main guns are destroyed and the bridge is also damaged. Destroyed. Lieutenant General Cyril and all his officers were wiped out." The corners of the chief of staff's mouth were twitching.

Admiral Mergash nodded silently. On the other hand, the astral knight next to him, Viscount Nebot, let out a long sigh, showing sadness that was visible to the naked eye.

"Lieutenant General Cyril, that's it..."

Vice Admiral Cyril was the deputy commander of this interceptor fleet, and he was also a well-trained psyker, and also had the title of Astral Knight. However, he was silently evaporated by the shelling before he could show any abilities.

Lieutenant General Cyril, Viscount Nebot, was his classmate when he was in the apprentice training camp of the Knights. When he heard the bad news, he naturally couldn't hide his sadness.

Moreover, this can be regarded as the most senior military officer killed by earthlings on the battlefield, right? You know, even during the Community War of Independence, leaving aside those who died in assassinations and those who died in battles between psychics, on the secular battlefield, the losses of the Galactic Empire were really not great, and there was never a senior command. The tragedy of the destruction of the establishment group.

The chief of staff suddenly realized that his side had accidentally made history. He couldn't help but glance at Admiral Mogash. Seeing that the commander seemed to be in a relatively stable mood, he added: "In addition, there is also a Saint The shield and an Apocalypse Eagle were destroyed. According to preliminary statistics, four thousand people have died in the battle, and thirteen thousand people are still unable to be contacted."

"The Earthlings' fleet movement and artillery attack point just now were almost perfect. Of the 72 orbital artillery shells fired in the first three rounds, at least 20 hit the target." He added in an unbelievable tone.

This is indeed a matter that makes the proud Tirello people heartbroken.

But in fact, such a hit rate, which is close to being possessed by a god, is not unprecedented in past battles.

During the Third Galactic War, which was also the largest galactic war in history, the brave dreadnoughts of the Empire performed a feat of standing up to the long-distance salvos of the Ero Empire fleet and charging continuously.

They were constantly injured and sacrificed, but they also kept moving forward. They charged until they were within an effective distance, and then suddenly the entire ship opened fire. In just ten minutes, thousands of artillery shells were fired, which were so accurate that they hit the faces of the Erro people who were stunned by the shock.

According to statistics at the time, 1,224 high-explosive orbital artillery shells hit 427 of them, crippling the main fleet of the Ero Empire on the spot.

The Tiruiro people have a glorious record and history. But because of this, when they become glorious negative examples, they are more painful than others.

Fortunately, in such a low-pressure environment, Admiral Mogash was relatively calm. He took a deep breath and said in a sad and calm tone: "We have crossed the most dangerous environment in the universe, and the ship's shield has indeed reached its limit. Even the outer armor, if not processed, will The resistance and reflection of energy weapons will also be greatly reduced. The people on earth did take advantage of this perfectly just now. However, it was my command error to expose the flaw in the fleet. In fact, when the Tuhan people did not respond, we You should have known that the sneak attack would not succeed. However, I still issued the attack order without any plan, and also tried to divide my troops to outflank... I will bear all the consequences, and after this battle, I will naturally plead guilty to His Majesty and the Privy Council."

"No, Commander, this is not your fault." Viscount Nebot gritted his teeth and said: "Splitting our forces to outflank is a tactic we all agree on. We all hope to annihilate the Earth Fleet. And, we almost succeeded. . Actually, there are only five more minutes... Yes, obviously as long as there are five more minutes, if we can get to the battlefield, everything will be different."

"We didn't arrive after all. They were gambling, and we were gambling too. Since we lost, it would be a mistake... no, a sin! I wish I could depose myself!"

Seeing that the commander was so determined, Viscount Nebot suddenly stood in awe: "I didn't expect that your Excellency is also such a determined warrior! Well, after this battle, we will write a letter to plead guilty and remove ourselves together!"

Admiral Morgash looked at the Astral Knight expressionlessly for five seconds, and then calmly looked away: "You are right. However, the Tirero people can accept death, but they cannot Accept failure, let alone a cowardly retreat!"

The chief of staff said: "It can now be seen that our protective effect is insufficient, and the performance of the enemy's new dreadnought is indeed amazing. Now, we have lost General Anguo and Titanium City. In terms of artillery battles alone, it may be difficult to capture Upward."

He paused and then said: "No, maybe our chances of winning are smaller. With the current situation of the fleet, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no mistakes in the T-shaped movement."

He has the qualities of a defeatist counselor. Fortunately, Admiral Mergash didn't mind too much and just made a decision immediately.

He said to the Astral Knight: "The artillery battle that follows is just the cover I give you. The only chance of victory is with you."

Viscount Nebot nodded: "I'm going to prepare to command the jumping gang. It's just... my subordinate's suggestion, even if you are jumping to the gang, try not to target the Fuxi. You should hit and attack several other ships. Dreadnought.”

"You are not willing to fight against that Dragon of Dawn?"

"I am unwilling to put the battle honor of psykers before the outcome of the war. However, if you want to accuse me of being afraid of him, then I can only admit that... yes, we are indeed afraid of him! "

"The noble officer has five rings, and he will be able to break through soon. You have the most advanced heraldic machine in your hand, and there are three units of astral knights."

"One of the knight colleagues in the unit has already lost contact." Viscount Nebot sighed: "How can a psyker who has been invincible since his debut be treated as normal? Since the war began, the subordinates have always It feels like there is an indescribable monster hiding on the Earthlings' ship. I always feel that even if all the psykers in the entire fleet are on board, they will be completely devoured by him."

The Astral Knight showed a lingering fear, but also looked extremely magnanimous.

Admiral Morgash was speechless for a moment.

However, Viscount Nebot said in a deep voice, "However, from a war perspective, there is no need for us to face him. Your Excellency, if we succeed in defeating other main god-level gang members, the situation will enter my rhythm. He He should leave the Fuxi and go to other dreadnought ships to support him. At that time, if he can be killed on the way to support, it will be the greatest result! Far more than the huge result of a dreadnought ship! If he can kill him on the way to support at that time, There are friendly forces of ours on the ship, so please don’t hesitate! Do you understand what I mean?”

Admiral Mogash had a solemn face and nodded heavily.

However, the defeatist chief of staff, perhaps feeling that the atmosphere was a bit solemn, added: "The battle can be lost, but the Dragon of Dawn must die, right?"

"...Of course the battle must be won." Duke Mogash said.

"Yes, we both want victory and that man's head!" Viscount Naibot laughed, and with the wind and the wind and the wind and water, he left with his men, preparing to move to the aircraft carrier for the final blow. Prepare for a gang war.

The chief of staff asked again: "Where is the rescue?"

Of course he was referring to the two dying Flame Dragons.

The admiral glanced at the still burning friendly ship and quickly moved his gaze away, as if he did not dare to stay there for too long. He whispered: "Send the work ship over, and add one Holy Shield and two Apocalypse Eagles. The remaining ships, continue to pursue!"

A trace of sadness flashed across the chief of staff's face, but he still said: "I understand."

This fleet came across thousands of mountains and rivers. Although it carried two maintenance ships, its first priority was to keep up with the main battleships, and they were not fat and strong large work ships. There is not much equipment, and the personnel are indeed limited. To rescue two dying dreadnoughts, at least the personnel were still stretched thin. This means that on the two half-battered dreadnoughts, at least ten thousand injured or trapped crew members will die in cold space coffins because they cannot be rescued in time.

Since it could no longer pay such a heavy price, the empire could no longer accept this defeat.

Four Flame Dragon-class aircraft carriers and four Phoenix aircraft carriers, leading the remaining escort ships, quickly passed over the battlefield with a calm attitude without joy or sorrow, and then began to accelerate again.

The engine of the Yanlong Dreadnought made an overwhelmed lamentation, but under the on-site work of the Empire's excellent damage control team and maintenance technicians, it was still running hard, and the battleship was soon pushed to boarding again.

You know, the battleships on both sides have actually been running at high speed for more than two hours at full capacity. The Yanlong class is now very tired. How can the opposite Lord God class be any better?

"So, don't think so much, it's a showdown of wills now! Believe in ourselves and our battleships!" Admiral Mergash encouraged the officers and soldiers.

At this time, the chief of staff, who was a defeatist adviser, reported again: "The mass response was found at eight o'clock, only 0.3 away from our fleet. It is speculated from the mass projection that it may be an assault ship."

Admiral Morgash showed an expression of "Are you kidding me?" but still said: "Intelligence shows that there are no assault ships escorting the Earth's task force."

To put it bluntly, this kind of ship is of little use except for a frontal decisive battle with the large fleet, whether it is escort or attack.

"Then it might be a sublight speed interceptor." The chief of staff thought for a while: "Of course, it is more likely to be a new type of ship equipped by the people on earth, the kind codenamed Tiger Leopard Cavalry..."

Those two nondescript knives? Although Admiral Mergash wanted to say this, he subconsciously felt a trace of evil spirit and said: "Let the fighter planes on the Swift Eagle prepare flank cover. Our primary prey is the main god in front... No, It’s the Dragon of Dawn! No matter what the cost, the Dragon of Dawn must die!”

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