Him and their stars

Chapter 1302 The only chance of victory

Mars Cook held his breath and steadily pushed the operating wheel to keep the tiger and leopard he was driving in a stable formation. Of course he knew that even if he stopped breathing completely, he would not be able to make the battleship invisible directly. However, since everyone is on a stealth cruise now, they still need a sense of ceremony.

Yes, it’s a sense of ceremony! Mars Cook thought, I'm not nervous.

Sixteen new warships completely painted in pure black optical camouflage... or rather fighter planes, like big swallows migrating south, crossed the dark sky.

At this time, they had completed an ultra-long-distance maneuver, far away from the confrontation scene of the majestic giant ships, and then began to approach the huge prey from the flanks.

However, it can be seen that although those giant ships are huge, their speed is not satisfactory at all. When the enemy and we began to chase each other, the distance was even widening.

"Are you ready to enter the attack state and activate the space bubble?" Lieutenant Colonel Snart, deputy commander of the formation, asked on the public channel.

Cook's heart skipped a beat when he heard this. However, the interesting thing is that although he always felt that his heart was getting colder and colder, the movements of his hands became more steady, and he even had enough time to signal the gunner squad in the back seat of the co-pilot next to him with his eyes.

His co-pilot also guest-starred as the bombardier and former main gunner. The gunner class has a total of seven people. In addition to manipulating the three turbine laser units on the bow and side of the ship, they also have to serve as a guest in the mechanical class. Of course, their most important task is to perform maintenance and pre-war preparations for the most dangerous weapons on the ship, the four anti-matter space bubble torpedoes.

"The infusion has been completed, and the torpedoes can be released at any time." The gunner squad leader, an older sergeant major, gave Cook a thumbs up.

"The ship's light wing is in good condition. The space bubble generator is also fully warmed up." The sergeant major added.

At this time, Colonel Gao Lanfu's voice also sounded in the communication channel: "The other side has a Phoenix aircraft carrier that is breaking away from the formation?"

"If it is a classic Phoenix-class aircraft carrier, it is only equipped with two squadrons of X-12 multi-functional fighters, and there are no more advanced Zidian Dragon fighters and sub-light speed interceptors. Most of the hangar spaces are equipped with strike aircraft. Landing craft and sailor room. As long as we activate the light wings, we can easily pass through the interception of these fighters." Lieutenant Colonel Snart said.

He is actually a little older than Colonel Gao Lanfu, and he is an equipment expert and aviation warfare expert in the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry formation.

Speaking of this, the lieutenant colonel added: "...I can feel now that the biggest threats to us are actually flexible small fighters and high-speed interceptors. If we want to carry out bombing missions against large enemy ships in the future, we will still need some Ghostly escort.”

"Ah hahaha, the ghost plane can't outrun us, we really need the white devil." Another pilot said with a smile.

"Yes, we need a White Devil. And it must be Type B with enhanced air control and strangulation." Lieutenant Colonel Snart said.

"Lao Si, after this battle, you can write a report to Commander Yu Company." Gao Lanfu said.

Lieutenant Colonel Snart did not speak, probably thinking of the pile of undeliverable reports and suggestions in his drawer.

Gao Lanfu said: "Sir is not the strict and rigid type. And before the war started, he told me that we are the front-line combatants, and the combat experience we gain from the front-line must be Only by giving him timely feedback can you show the greatest value. Hahaha, if you are worried, let me hand it over to Lieutenant Colonel Rozez. I have served as a test pilot for the Brooklyn Shipyard and Falcon Company's aircraft. Member, I still have some face."

Lieutenant Colonel Snart naturally expressed his great gratitude. However, the words of thanks and expectations seemed to be a bit routine, probably because I didn’t have high expectations.

Mars Cook heard it very freshly. He really didn't expect that there were such strict rules in the military. Shouldn't you just mention it to Chief Yu directly if you have an idea? After he put on the military uniform and completed the actual operation of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry for the first time, he directly made some suggestions for improving the driving assistance software to Commander Yu, which were immediately adopted and even received a commendation.

...Is this a taboo? Am I already on Commander Yu Company’s blacklist?

In the young pilot's emotional support, this little episode ended. The topic of old pilots quickly returned to the topic.

Colonel Gao Lanfu first made a final judgment: "Now, we still maintain the current cruising status. If we attack now, the success rate will be high, but the casualty rate will not be low. Commander Yu Company said that he will give We create the best opportunity. We have to choose to believe!”

Of course the pilots were very willing to believe it. After twenty minutes of fighting, the two majestic Flame Dragons were reduced to lying on the ground panting. Such a glorious record was enough to increase Yu Lian's reputation among ordinary soldiers.

Mars Cook was about to ask what the best time would be, but he suddenly saw a crimson beam of light passing through the Empire's numerous ships on the optical window, accurately hitting an Apocalypse Eagle. Destroyer.

The battleship suddenly burst into flames, and it was obvious that some very critical locations, such as ammunition depots and engine fuel packages, were directly detonated. The crew members of the Haw Pao Cavalry clearly saw that this huge steel ship, at least much larger than the Haw Pao Cavalry, was like butter being cut by a hot table knife. Its hull was broken into two unrecognizable parts in the fire, and was pushed by the shock wave of the explosion and began to disintegrate. Each fragment seemed to have been melted together, which was frightening to look at.

Of course, this is just the scene fed back by the optical sight. If observed with the naked eye, Cook could only see the deep darkness in the vast sky through the porthole, but there was no flicker of light at all.

Cheers sounded again on the public channel. They all knew that this was when the main fleets started fighting again. They were obviously competing for each other's T position while using shelling and harassment to disrupt each other's rhythm.

From the current point of view, we have made a good start.

"All fleets, advance 3, maintain speed. Check the status of the space bubble generator and anti-matter torpedoes for the last time!" Colonel Gao Lanfu ordered.

On the other side, the four Lord Gods led by Yu Lian (plus accessories for Light Mother, 2 Light Cruisers, 2 Destroyers 8), and four Flame Dragons and three Phoenixes (plus accessories for Light Cruisers 3, Destroyers 4) have indeed begun a classic circling state.

While the capital ships are trying to seize the "high point", various auxiliary ships and small fighters will also begin to fight against each other. This is of course intended to disrupt the movement rhythm of the battleship.

Thus, a brutal fight between small and medium-sized warships began.

However, the fortunate situation is that if the number and combat power of the single-wheel auxiliary ships are considered, the empire is at an absolute disadvantage after putting aside the losses in the first battle and the rescue ships just left behind.

Less than five minutes after the war started, one of the Empire's Apocalypse Eagles was destroyed.

Of course, this unlucky ship was actually hit by the broadside light spear cannon fired by the Zeus. However, it can be considered as being hit by oneself, which still made the officers and soldiers on the cruiser and destroyer excited.

But then, the Imperial people's counterattack came. They focused all their firepower on the Xizhao 6, probably because this destroyer had just used a proton torpedo to blast the bow and bridge of the Titanium City, and it was the one that drew the most hatred. In just three minutes, Xizhao 6 was hit by three ion beams and a missile in succession. The shield shut down on the spot, and a huge gap was torn open in the armor belt.

Fortunately, although their captain, Captain Luca Erswerk, was brave, he had a clear mind and began to command the ship to retreat, giving up the MT position at the front to the relatively tough county-class cruiser Yingtian. Although the terrifying swarm of Imperial artillery shells still chased her, she retreated scarred to safety.

By this time, the fighting situation between the two sides had reached a stalemate. The Community gained a certain upper hand by virtue of its military superiority, but although the Empire wanted to rely on the performance of its ships and elite crews to achieve a breakthrough, it found that it was almost impossible to achieve a breakthrough.

To put it bluntly, when the battleships are still testing each other, the competition among their attachments will not play a fundamental role, and can even be regarded as a waste of ammunition and lives.

In addition, the fighter planes on the Phoenix aircraft carrier also took off one after another. This is of course to prepare for the early stage of gang war. You must know that in the chaotic battle of the fleet, the biggest threat to the small assault landing craft is not the hedgehog-like anti-aircraft firepower on the main ship, but it is these small fighters.

However, what gave the Imperial pilots a huge headache was that six squadrons of X12 fighters actually tied with four squadrons of Earth fighters.

"When has the empire ever had a superior force and still been unable to defeat it?" Admiral Mergash found it difficult to accept.

"We are equipped with X12 fighters, which are quite comparable to the Earthlings' Ghost fighters. However, the Earthlings on the opposite side have a squadron of White Devils! The performance of this kind of fighter has already been surpassed in the Battle of the Predators in the Dawn Star Territory. It has shown its power. In order to study the combat methods of this new fighter plane, the Generalissimo's Mansion also set up a special team." The chief of staff sighed: "If we had changed to the Purple Lightning Dragon in time, maybe the battle situation would have been different. ”

What he said is actually suspected of being an afterthought. Zidianlong was designed and invested only last year. Even with the empire's wealth, it is impossible to immediately replace the entire army as soon as a new weapon appears. Moreover, in this generation, the order of use of military expenditures is always heraldry aircraft = main ship \u003e auxiliary ship \u003e fighter aircraft.

Although the performance of the White Devil fighter jets is good, only the Thirteenth Fleet of the Earth Expedition Fleet has changed its equipment to four squadrons. On the battlefield of the Dawn Star Territory, which stretches for thousands of light years and has thousands of warships dispatched, it is just a small splash in the hurricane and tsunami.

The Imperial Generalissimo's Office has set up a special team for this kind of fighter aircraft, which can be regarded as taking it very seriously.

"...It's hard to understand that the White Devil was finalized later than the Purple Lightning Dragon! How dare people on earth put this new weapon that has only been tested a few times into active service." Admiral Mogash muttered.

"...So, the Generalissimo's analysis of the Dawn Dragon is that he is essentially a gambler whose emotions precede his reason." The chief of staff shrugged.

Admiral Murgash glanced at the other party, always feeling that this guy was thinking about himself again, but still ordered: "Let the Hippogriff aircraft carrier come back for reinforcements. If we cannot guarantee a certain degree of clearance, the probability of failure in the gang-hopping war will be It will grow infinitely.”

For example, if the landing craft carrying the Astral Knights was shot down by a small musket from a fighter plane. If nothing else, the blow to the morale of the entire army was devastating.

"This is our only chance to win."

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