Him and their stars

Chapter 1340 Are you still afraid now?

Gan Jiang and Mo Xie were slightly nervous. After all, the other party is an old political monster who has lived since the Revolutionary War. Even people who know nothing about the world of politics have heard of Mao Yuanzuo's name. There are also various rumors among the people, similar to the fact that the president is a puppet in front of the stage, the multi-party system is left-handed and the right-handed, the real ruler of the Blue Star Community is actually Boss Mao Yuanzuo, and Boss Mao Yuanzuo is the real sun of the earth, etc. of.

...Speaking of which, is there such a gloomy and dark sun?

When Gan Jiang and Mo Xie thought of this, they couldn't get nervous at all and even wanted to laugh a little.

Although they are "real" JKs, in terms of actual combat experience and combat intensity, they have actually exceeded 90% of psykers. They can definitely be regarded as extraordinary warriors who have experienced hundreds of battles. How could they be... Scared by a villainous old politician who only appears in urban legends?

Soon, the big boss behind the Co-Prosperity Party, Mr. Mao Yuanzuo, who had been a senator for twenty years and prime minister for fifteen years, appeared in front of the girls with the support of his other older granddaughter.

He is an old man who has been active on the core stage of earth's politics during the War of Independence. He should be preparing for his 100th birthday in the next two years. But in fact, his appearance is nearly thirty years younger than his actual age. He is indeed an old gentleman with clear features, hale and hearty, steady steps and elegant demeanor.

It can be seen that the old man's body is well maintained, and he actually does not need help at all.

It can be seen that this old gentleman must have been a handsome man when he was young, and now that he is older, he has naturally become kind-hearted.

He looked at the twin girls in school uniforms with warm eyes: "I heard from Xiao Ling'er that two cool and beautiful new classmates have transferred to the class. She wants to become friends with such classmates."

The twin girls exchanged a quick look. They understood that this old monster had actually found out their identity a long time ago, but there were some things that would be meaningless if revealed. It’s good if everyone knows it well.

Then, Mo Xie said proudly: "I am indeed beautiful and sassy, ​​and Ling'er is very discerning."

After saying that, she reached out and pinched the little face of the birthday boy tonight.

"Yao Yao! You are so annoying!" Mao Yuanzuo's little granddaughter said with a blushing face.

Mao Yuanzuo looked at the girls who were laughing and playing with a smile full of doting, and said to the general: "Thank you for being willing to be friends with my granddaughter."

"We are all good girls, sir." Gan Jiang said.

"Hahaha, seeing you reminds me of before the war of independence began. At that time, we were still teenagers! Marshal Li and I, as well as your Taishifu Brother Lan, are best friends. We They are both close friends and comrades-in-arms. We look forward to the future together and feel that the universe can be held in our hands. Even in the face of the Galactic Empire and God-like people like Emperor Elithel, we are still fearless."

Moxie, the go-getter, found it a bit difficult to keep smiling.

What the old man meant just now was that he was juxtaposing himself, Marshal Li, and Grand Master, right?

I have never seen such a shameless person! The twins began to mutter in their minds.

"In the blink of an eye, more than half a century has passed...Ah, I'm sorry, young people don't like us old men talking about the past the most, right?"

"Grandpa, you also know?"

"Haha, stop talking and take your friends to play. You must be a landlord."

So, the three young girls said goodbye to the owner of this mansion and left happily. The dignitaries present quickly gave way with smiles on their faces. Anyone who looks at this seductive scene will feel that their mood has been healed.

However, no one knew that two of the three beautiful girls were still talking to each other at this time.

"Looks like this, doesn't he look like an old man who looks a little gloomy?"

In fact, there is a saying that Mao Yuanzuo is not only not gloomy, but also personable and kind-hearted. Mo Xie, the go-getter, thinks so because of some personal grudges and prejudices. Of course, it may also be because their spiritual senses sense more auras that cannot be detected by the naked eye.

"So, what does he want to do when he comes to talk to us today? To show his kindness? Or to show off his power? Tell us that he has actually discovered it a long time ago. To warn us not to make mistakes?"

"To show goodwill to us, is it to show goodwill to the Lingyan Association? Or, in other words, to show goodwill to our junior uncle?"

"There must be some deeper meaning. We are still high school students, so it is normal for us not to understand. Just tell the exact words to Senior Brother Jique."

"What about us? Just do whatever we have to do?"

"Ask Senior Brother what you mean, and then do whatever you need to do."

"What if Senior Brother wants us to withdraw?"

"Then don't listen to him. We don't listen to Master anyway."

Led by their master, the twin girls walked through the palace-like corridors and arrived at the back garden hung with crystal curtains and decorated like a dream castle. Many friends of the same age have arrived. Seeing the arrival of the host of today's birthday party, everyone burst into applause and cheers.

Mo Xie, the go-getter, wore a business-like smile and his eyes quickly flashed across the faces of all the students whose names he could not name, but he successfully gave everyone the illusion that "she is smiling at me."

...It certainly makes sense that these twins have such good popularity after only half a month in school.

But in fact, their eyes stayed longer on the luxurious snacks and dishes piled aside.

"Oh, there is also Usenger's twelve-story sweet tower! It is said that Usenger is the most authentic Imperial Palace pastry shop on earth, and it is also sold by Lunke."

"What's wrong? Don't you love food? Every time you stare at the reviews in food magazines, your mouth water. You can have one bite after saving your pocket money for half a year."

"I was just thinking, my junior uncle is on the front line right now. What did he eat?"

"Little Junior Uncle? I think that even if there is only a pile of wires and waste batteries left in Little Junior Uncle's hands, he can still smell the braised food."

"There is also the New World. Grand Master and Uncle, as well as Mr. Yang, Sisters Eleanor and Ina from the Thirteenth Fleet. There is no news at all now. Are they all eating rubbish?"

The New World, Yaochi Galaxy, is 40 kilometers away from Marshal Li's Galle City, in the watchtower on the top of Piaomiao Peak with an altitude of 7,800 meters.

The sergeants who were checking the radio telescope in the observation tower were disturbed by the prompt coming from the intercom. It was a powerful "dinner is served".

Sergeant Tatora from Rumina, like a husky who heard the sound of a bowl being knocked, rushed to the front door. However, Corporal Shamin Kadai, who came to Xinyumen, was one step ahead of him. He turned on the switch of the elevator in advance and gave the other party a proud look.

Sergeant Tatora from Rumina suddenly had a mournful expression on his face, and his drooping tentacles seemed to have lost their nerve response.

But at this time, the open door blew cold wind and moisture into the house. Corporal Kadai, who came from the desert wasteland planet, suddenly started to shiver, and the white scales on his body turned up.

"Ahahaha!" Sergeant Tatara sneered arrogantly.

Are you children? The human radar sergeant from the Chimera battle patrol, Sergeant Jerry Metz, looked at his two partners in stunned silence, confirming once again that the people of the 38th Division were indeed all insane.

Then, he saw a human sergeant wearing a fur cloak to keep out the cold and an exoskeleton, striding into the watchtower covered in moist and cold water vapor.

"Well, a human, a Lumina, a sand citizen... the configuration you have here is really classic!" The older sergeant major gestured to close the door to isolate the cold air outside, and then removed the exoskeleton from Three lunch boxes, two large and one small, were taken off the rack: "Your dinner and midnight snack today. It will be cooler in the mountains in a while, so I will bring them here. Of course, if you finish eating now, there will be no one." It’s none of your business… Hey, no grabbing!”

This sergeant has a long body, a wide body, a round face and a thick neck. He does have a very cook-like face, but his temperament is still quite tough. At first glance, he looks like a tough guy who usually cooks, but at critical moments, he can kill half a dozen enemy soldiers in hand-to-hand combat with a pan and spatula.

When he roared like this, the sand people who were half a head taller than him and the Rumina people who were two heads taller than him did not dare to move.

In fact, the old squad leaders of the 38th Division Sui Battalion all wear this style. It is said that this comes from the army-building aesthetics of an unknown "Dragon of Dawn" who was the real founder of the 38th Division. .

"Sergeant Tatara, from Rumina, B-12. Pork steak, black bread pancakes and fried corn velvet. Don't worry, only a little salt is sprinkled." The sergeant major shook his head, saying that I was really sorry that I couldn't freely display my skills. expression.

"Corporal Kadai, Sandman, C-8. Sweet potatoes soaked in pork and red earth soup, and fried white worms." The sergeant major wiped his face, as if to say, can this thing really be eaten?

"Sergeant Jerry Metz, human, A-7, braised pork belly with rice and stir-fried vegetables. Hey hey hey, I added a lot of spicy food. You can keep the cold away." The sergeant major grinned. This is good craftsmanship. Please praise me quickly.

Me, I actually can't eat spicy food. Although Sergeant Jerry Metz thought so, of course he didn't dare to say it.

Tatara, who couldn't wait any longer, picked up his lunch box and opened it while asking: "Old squad leader, it's really rare! You actually delivered the meal in person? Aren't they all drones in the past?"

"As I said, the temperature is going to drop. Snow girls have begun to appear in the mountains now. Who knows if the drone will be eaten. Oh, ho, ho, snow girl." The sergeant major said in a long voice, as if Tell ghost stories.

"Snow Lady?" Sergeant Rumina looked confused.

"Snow Girl!" Corporal Sandman raised his hands and cheered.

"Snow, snow girl..." The human sergeant began to tremble, but couldn't help but retorted loudly: "Where is the snow girl? This is all superstition."

"There are even whales as big as islands on this planet. There are also elephants that are twice as big as ATAT. Isn't it normal to have a snow girl?"

In fact, those animals are not whales and elephants, they just look similar. Anyway, no biologists have come to name it now, so it is probably just called this.

Sergeant Tatora responded: "Are you talking about the kind of snow orangutan? There are more of them on the mountain now. I killed two of them last time. In fact, no Lumina moa can kill it, but it's a pity. The meat is too thick.”

"And it's fishy," Corporal Cadet added.

"It tastes fishy even to you, so it must not taste good. However, you have to be mentally prepared. When the war breaks out and supplies run out, you will really have to eat these."

"Hahaha, at least I didn't eat dirt." The Rumina laughed.

"Actually, some soil is really edible. I have also read that even humans occasionally eat soil." Sha Min tried hard to identify the delicacies of his hometown.

"A fight?" Sergeant Jerry shivered and took half a step back.

"Okay, no more joking. If the empire comes over, the drones will definitely not be able to take off. Those of you units on the front line of Piaomiao Peak and the New Kunlun Mountains will really have to rely on manpower to provide food and support. I have to go there in advance. road."

"Well, can't we still use all-terrain robots..." Sergeant Jerry Nono said authentically.

The sergeant major stopped the other party loudly: "Young man, don't rely on me before me. But, in my long life, the only thing I have learned is that at critical moments, don't trust the machine, but trust yourself!"

Sergeant Jerry pursed his lips, naturally not daring to reply.

However, Sergeant Rumina next to him smoothed things over and said with a smile: "Then you will have to make more trips. According to the orders of our street, once the imperial army appears. After we send out the alarm, this observation tower will be closed." It was abandoned and moved deeper into Area 8. Hahaha, Mr. Engineer Guild, I still can’t understand what was built there. Fortunately, I have this scholar.”

He patted Sergeant Jerry's shoulder so hard that he almost vomited blood.

Indeed, compared to the Rumina people who only attended workers' night school, and the Sand people who had no prenatal education per capita, Sergeant Jerry was the radar officer of the Chimera after all, so he could naturally be regarded as a cultural person. Some technical weapons can indeed only be operated by educated people.

The old sergeant major showed a knowing smile and gave a thumbs up: "Don't worry, young men, no matter where you go in the New Kunlun Mountains, I will definitely find you."

He smiled again and said: "Now there are mountains of food in the warehouses at the bottom of the city. If you guys really run out of food, it will be my fault, dad. Well, hurry up and eat. The labor and management have to go to other places to deliver food." meal!"

The old sergeant major faced the cold air on the top of the mountains and walked away in the wind. Sergeant Jerry watched the two non-human partners laughing and eating, and had mixed feelings for a moment.

He finally couldn't help but said: "Do you really have no fear at all?"

"Huh?" Tatara looked at the other party inexplicably.

"We, the main force of our fleet, were defeated in just over an hour. More than 800 warships and millions of people were gone in just an hour."

"Oh. We already know that." Kadai blinked his small green bean-like eyes and looked at this new human comrade in confusion.

"You don't have any..."

"Are you afraid?" The Rumina man put down the dough that was so hard that it could be used as a shield, and thought about it seriously: "But, we have already fought against the Imperial Army."

"Well, it only took more than an hour to wipe them all out." Sha Min pointed out a finger, but thinking that it was a bit bragging, Bi pointed out the other fingers on his hand: "Okay, it actually took four hours. .”

"That's the Imperial Fleet, not the Stormtroopers." Sergeant Jerry continued to try to retort, but he was no longer full of energy.

"We have also seen the Imperial Fleet. We fought together last year." Tatara smiled even more happily: "They are all holding a head on their shoulders, and they have two fewer hands than me. Hahahahaha!"

"Yeah, it's missing a set of scales and a tail than me, hahahahaha!" Kadai also laughed.

"One time, yes, yes, don't tell me yet, don't tell me yet, it was that battle, the time at the Eye of the Demon Sea."

"Yes, yes, the empire's aircraft carrier was landed by predators, and that guy named Suo... was trapped on the fortress, and we were the ones to rescue it. Hahahaha!"

"Ah hahaha what a ghost! It's not you, it's the captain...it's Commander Yu Company who went to save him."

"We are originally the general's old team! The general went to save him, so rounding it off, we went to save him."

Jerry was speechless for a moment and could only stuff a large spoonful of braised pork rice into his mouth angrily. The slight burning sensation that he couldn't adapt to, and the aroma of oil and protein spread into his mouth, almost making him choke.

Then, before he squirted the food, the Rumina stuffed a bottle of ice milk into his mouth.

Sergeant Jerry finally regained his breath and found that although he didn't choke on his food, he still choked out tears and snot.

"How is it? Are you still scared now?" Sergeant Tatara closed the carapace on his face, still smiling heartlessly.

...Well, I don’t know if Lumina people really have organs like heart and lungs. Sergeant Jerry wiped his face and ate his dinner.

He suddenly discovered that he was no longer afraid of spicy food.

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