Him and their stars

Chapter 1341 Meteor Shower

At this moment, in Marshal Li's headquarters located 1,200 meters underground in Grad, the commanders had just finished their meal.

Their food standards are the same as those of ordinary soldiers. At most, they can order more coffee and strong tea. However, there was always meat and vegetables that were nutritious. Even old people like Brigadier General Schiller and Commander Longba were full and quickly regained their energy.

Commodore Schiller stuffed the stainless steel lunch box onto the tray held by the robot and cleared his throat: "Okay, the Imperial fleet will arrive at any time, and now is the last count. Which of you will come first?"

Simon Wayali first reported: "We have organized everyone to harvest the crops in advance. All grains, fruits and vegetables have been transported to the warehouse 1,500 meters underground, and the livestock have also been slaughtered and made into jerky. To give a rough estimate, There are about 400,000 tons of grains, and more than 100,000 tons of dried vegetables, preserved fruits and canned meats. The fresh meats and vegetables stored in the cold storage are not included in the statistics. According to your instructions, they are given to soldiers and soldiers who have made meritorious services. Welfare of the sick and wounded.”

This is not what I ordered, but what you suggested. Brigadier General Schiller thought.

"With these material reserves, even if the city's average per capita giant is no longer needing to eat dirt within three years."

Meng Jiao said: "It won't be necessary after three years. The hydroponic robots and fishing robots laid on the seabed will continue to work. In addition, our exploration team has discovered a huge underground space 4,000 meters underground, and the soil inside is It is fertile, has sufficient water, and the moss on the surrounding rock walls still has a certain amount of light. We have tried it, and the grain seeds brought from Lumina can grow, and the beasts and poultry can survive safely again."

"No matter how magical things are discovered on this planet, I can no longer be surprised. Let's just thank nature for its gifts first." Simon sighed.

They do have to thank the planet Gaia for its gifts of nature. If it were in other places, even if there were the best grains and the most advanced agricultural technology, it would be impossible to achieve such a grain reserve in a short time, let alone find the natural resources that can be recovered at any time. .

Brigadier General Schiller reminded: "However, even if there is sufficient food, we must prepare for the worst and not waste it. We still have to follow the original plan and formulate eight categories of supply standards according to the tastes and appetites of all races. All The military and civilians, starting with us, must follow standard rations."

"No problem, this is the classification standard and menu we have formulated. The recipes are different every day. The main focus is on nutritious food." Simon Vayali handed over an electronic document.

When Brigadier General Schiller squinted his eyes and began to observe carefully, Simon sighed again: "These foods were originally intended for export. I originally expected that by next year, they would all be replaced by high-rise buildings that this planet needs. , bright and comfortable houses, star ports and factories, light rails and suspended roads. There is also the greenway and park built along the entire coastline that we have been planning for a long time. On one side is the warm sea breeze, on the other side is the lush greenery The park has Shengjing with sea and sky on one side, and golden wheat waves extending beyond the horizon on the other..."

Meng Jiao suddenly showed a fascinated expression. Not to mention him, even Brigadier General Schiller was distracted for a moment.

Marshal Li and General Lomba, the mayor of Golla, laughed out loud: "I thought that was actually my job. Don't worry, young people, the reason why we are unwilling to leave is because we firmly believe that one day, sooner or later, There will be all these. You are so young, you should be more confident than us old people. You have to believe that you can definitely see it. "

The Mazawi mayor immediately picked up the report and continued: "The statistics in the city have also been completed. There are currently a total of 245,678 civilians in the city..."

"You have to count the prisoners of war and, uh, guests from the Empire," Simon added.

"There are more than 11,000 people in total, all taken into account." General Longba's smile was quite complacent: "I also counted the number of pregnant women in the city. By next year, there should be more than a thousand Multiple babies. However, this is all within control. The underground space in the city protected by three layers of armor is now enough for one million people to live comfortably, and it is even enough for everyone to open two underground heavenly courts."

"Well, let's change it to a militia training ground. There won't be too many training grounds." Meng Jiao said.

"You kid really has no sense of humor. Or are all psykers like this?" General Longba glanced at the other party, shook his head, and continued:

"Currently, the 38th Division has 23,000 combat troops... I was thinking before, wasn't your division just established? Why is the establishment so exaggerated? The strength is already 1.5 times that of a regular Marine Division. Double it?"

"This, I can only say, is a product of the times." Brigadier General Schiller sighed.

After all, most of the soldiers in the 38th Division are Sand People and Rumina. Before getting the Alliance's synthetic division equipment, 80% of the soldiers were unarmored and could only make do with patchwork exoskeletons and vehicle armor pieces.

Although the 38th Division took over the Marine Corps headquarters during the New Yumen military exercise, the expedition fleet's senior officials still believed that this was just an extreme black swan event and never had any hope for its true combat effectiveness. .

It is difficult for one person to change the stereotype of Lieutenant General Seyo, the director of the Marine Corps.

The reason why the 38th Division is allowed to be overstaffed is probably because they want to use the second-rate troops reorganized from this indigenous guard force to fill the lines on the predator battlefield.

However, after the 38th Division acquired the new Hundred-Eyed Giant Mecha sent from the Alliance, it was another matter.

Anyway, just thank the league veterans for the big Rockets.

Simon Vayali considered it for a moment: "Actually, there are more than 23,000 people. Colonel Porter just said that the more than 1,000 marines on the ship can also join the battle. In addition, at the critical moment, the more than 4,000 sailors You can also be armed, but you need to provide weapons.”

Battle patrols do not need to perform gang-hopping, charging, or troop transport tasks. The more than 1,000 marines on board are not so much stormtroopers as they are security teams to prevent enemies from joining the gang. Fortunately, most of them are fully armed.

The key is these 4,000 crew members. Neither shooting nor hand-to-hand combat are their specialties. Most officers and soldiers estimate that except at the training ground, they don't even have the opportunity to shoot. And they all only have self-defense weapons,

"...Well, if nothing else, AK and 107 are enough to take care of anyway." Simon said: "However, I think it is better for these crew members to work in the technical positions that we are in urgent need of. Even if they are underground It is more cost-effective for the arsenal to provide technical guidance than to send it to the front line to fill in the lines."

"I still need to ask Colonel Porter for his opinion. Speaking of which, where is Colonel Porter?" Brigadier General Schiller asked.

Colonel Porter was, of course, the captain of the battlecruiser Chimera and a survivor of the Battle of the Ring of Miracles. Of course, he was also the first to send the tragic Ring of Miracle battle situation to China.

After the battle, the Chimera fled all the way to Yaochi. It was originally planning to take senior officers such as Brigadier Schiller with them, but because the battleship's energy transmission system collapsed, it really couldn't run away. So, with the help of Marshal Li's technicians in Golla, the battleship was temporarily sunk into the sea and hid in the complex maze of coral reefs on the continental shelf.

There is no way. With Marshal Li's current conditions in Golla, there is really no way to repair such a giant ship, so he can only hide it in the seabed temporarily.

Fortunately, as a relatively young Yinglong-class battlecruiser, the Chimera's outer armor is made of Taishi alloy, so there is no need to worry about the hull being soaked by seawater.

"The gentleman from the Engineers' Guild is taking Colonel Porter to our shipyard and work ship to see if there are any usable things and equipment." Simon said.

The so-called work ships are, of course, trophies captured from looters. Although it is only a medium-sized ship with a length of more than 1,200 meters, the Sparrow is small but has all the internal organs. It has indeed greatly supplemented the production capacity of Marshal Li Grad.

Currently, this mobile factory is hiding in a gap in the cape ten kilometers away from Marshal Li Grad, connected to the main city through a tunnel.

"He still wants to repair the ship and take us away? A battle cruiser can't take away 250,000 people. Not even with the work ships and transport ships we have." General Longba showed a dissatisfied expression : "Besides, I don't want to be hunted like a rabbit by the empire's fleet in the universe."

Simon smiled and said: "No, if he still wants to leave, he will not leave the entire ship's officers and soldiers under our unified command. What Captain Porter means is to see if he can disassemble the cannons from the ship as much as possible and use them as For fixed turret use.”

"Well, at first I thought he was a very conservative gentleman. After all, he is a member of the Solar System Fleet..." Commodore Schiller touched his chin and sounded sighing.

It sounds like you were no longer a member of the Solar System Fleet before. Simon glanced at the veteran: "Actually, those who can break out of the Miracle Circle can have an evolution in their thinking."

"However, at this time, even if it is to dismantle the fort, it is too late, right?" General Longba said.

"...Yes, it is said in "Defense Omnipotence" that a battleship that falls into the planet's atmosphere must be the worst fixed fort even if it is used as a fixed fort." Meng Jiao said seriously.

"That's why we have to dismantle the cannon!"

"Tear it down, and then what?"

"Fill the ship with anti-matter materials and ram it directly into the enemy fleet. This way, the lethality may be higher."

Having said that, "The Theory of Omnipotent Defense" also said that once the opponent takes orbital advantage, planetary defense will be almost impossible to talk about. But we see that each of you is very informative. Brigadier General Schiller thought.

However, just when the atmosphere was about to turn into a joke from hell, the alarm sounded at the right time.

"The Piaomiao Peak 04 Observatory has discovered the mass projection signal from the edge of the galaxy, and the radio telescope is determining the enemy's trace!"

"It's finally here!" Simon Vayali took a deep breath, and immediately found that his heart was beating loudly. This was the hardest dance I had ever done in my life.

"I'm rushing to Area 8 now." He said to everyone in the calmest words.

However, when he said these words, he suddenly found that his mood had actually calmed down.

On the observation deck of Piaomiao Peak No. 04, Sergeant Jerry Mack, who had just finished a meal of braised pork rice bowl, was holding his late-night lollipop in his mouth, operating the radio telescope with deft movements, and shouting orders at the same time. My comrades: "Has the mass projection signal just been sent?"

"Sent to the headquarters." Sergeant Cadet responded loudly.

"Where are our preliminary calculations?"

"Still working on it...Soon, soon, I promise!" Sergeant Tatara hurriedly used his limbs and arms to operate the terminal. He said that this kind of military computer is much more difficult to operate than the production control system in Hongfeng Factory. Are you making things difficult for me, an illiterate who doesn't even have a junior high school diploma?

Even so, the dead memory of the workers' night school was coming back to life. Although it took him more than twice as long as a skilled technician to complete the work, he did complete the calculations without any mistakes.

"There are three aircraft carriers, two light cruisers, five destroyers and one transport ship!"

At this time, images captured by unmanned satellites at the edge of the galaxy have also been sent.

However, perhaps because of the interference, the image was very blurry, but it could be seen that it was indeed an Imperial battleship.

This video signal only lasted less than half a minute, and the scene went dark immediately. Needless to say, it must have been destroyed by the Imperial fleet.

"...Well, can you see any battleships?"

"Don't make things difficult for me. That picture is blurry than my notebook under Xinyumen!"

"Ben, what is this book? But by the way, the New Yumen side is actually connected to the local star network?"

"I can only connect to the transfer station at Nantianmen, so I'm confused!"

Is this really the point? Sergeant Jerry listened to the bad words of his two comrades. Although he wanted to complain, his agitated mood just now inexplicably calmed down again and continued the operation.

Twenty minutes later, a clearer image appeared on the terminal screen.

"Shadow Falcon-class aircraft carrier, phew, it's not Phoenix-class or Wind King-class! That's okay." Sergeant Jerry breathed a sigh of relief, but was immediately startled by his own.

Even if it is not Phoenix and Wind King, the Shadow Falcon can only be regarded as a light mother, and it can carry three or four regiments of Imperial Stormtroopers to carry out orbital raids and airdrops.

What's more, that Owl-class transport ship can even carry two or three divisions plus a hundred ATATs.

Why do I think these enemies can be described as "okay"?

"It has been sent to the headquarters." Sergeant Kadai said: "However, we just received the satellite signal, and the empire may be able to capture our position."

"Guessed it! So according to the original plan, arrange the scene, and then evacuate to Area 8!" Sergeant Tatara said loudly.

"Also, send a message to the master and ask him to go to the nearest shelter immediately."

"It has been sent."

Then, under the bewildered gaze of Sergeant Jerry, a Lumina man and a sand man began to use all the facilities to set up traps and mines.

As a technical noncommissioned officer who has worked on ships since he joined the army, Sergeant Jerry has never seen these contents in any serious military books, and he suddenly felt that today's outlook and knowledge level have been greatly updated.

At this time, two soldiers of different races had already begun to put on power armor. As the only human being present, I didn't know what else to do for a while.

...Well, now the entire Marshal Li Gelu has a full 30,000 sets of hundred-eyed giant mechas sent by the alliance, which can naturally adapt to the sizes of the sand people and Lumina people. Moreover, because there are technical masters from the Engineers Guild here, you can already use your own hand-made in small workshops in the city, with a monthly output of one hundred sets.

Sadly, however, there are not many hussars and dragoons deployed by humans alone.

Jerry looked at his comrades and felt that after they put on the Hundred-Eyed Titan mecha, they looked more like the villainous monster army in the movie. He couldn't help but said, "Do we need to be in such a hurry?"

"You were the one who was anxious just now, and you are the one who is not anxious now. Scholar, you talk the most! For the sake of your nice words, just try to speak as much as possible. However, when we get to District 8, we can't just Use your mouth! You have to show me the courage you had just now!"

Was my performance just now very courageous? Sergeant Jerry actually felt a little proud.

After Sergeant Lumina said these words, he immediately grabbed his Earthling comrades under his arm and rushed out of the observation tower. Sergeant Sandman followed closely, but was immediately shivered by the cold wind. She knew that this was a psychological effect, but she still held the rifle and the molten battle ax in her hands, which probably could make herself warmer.

Three comrades from different planets were traveling in the cold wind of the mountains at an altitude of 5,000 meters. Of course, they did not notice that in the gray sky, countless light spots were already shining, like a meteor shower breaking through the sky.

That was the trace of a sublight missile.

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