Him and their stars

Chapter 1344 Devil’s Throat, I’m back again

"Devil's Throat, I'm back."

The 54-year-old King Thoraine looked at the huge fortress on the other side of the starry sky, looking at it with sharp eyes like a dragon, but all he saw was his 53-year-old figure...

Well, he really began to miss this ancient fortress that he had taken back from the looters, and even more so when it was called the "Devil's Throat".

As for now, whether it is friendship or unity, it really makes me, a pure warrior, feel a chill.

He walked off the trestle with steady and gentle steps, stepped on the carpet spread out in the starport, and passed through the guard of honor composed of armored grenadiers with helmets on.

Soon, the elected emperor saw a group of senior Imperial Army officers bowing to him at the end of the long corridor formed by the honor guard.

The leaders are the fortress garrison commander Lieutenant General Minontai, the (quasi-) knight commander Count Baoré, and the star officer Viscount Ereda. Among them, Lieutenant General Minontai, standing in position C, bowed particularly obviously.

"No need to be polite." King Solain waved his hand reservedly: "Thanks to you for the hard work during this period of war."

The tone of the election emperor was very bland, and it suddenly seemed that the word "hard work" was made into a completely objective concept. It was not an encouragement, certainly not a compliment. Lieutenant General Minontai suddenly felt tremendous pressure and was sweating profusely for a while, but he still managed to stand upright tremblingly.

At this time, King Soleyn had already strode towards the inside of the fortress.

This top-notch veteran among the emperor-selectors is indeed a man who loves his soldiers as much as his sons. The first thing he did when he got off the ship was to inquire about the barracks, water, medicine, etc. prepared for the reinforcement fleet. He was indeed a resolute man. When most of the soldiers really rested, he still had no news. Instead, he called all the generals together to prepare for a meeting.

Then, to everyone's surprise, the first person he asked was Lieutenant General Minontai: "I need you to give me an explanation."

Lieutenant General Minontai straightened up his back, suppressed the fear in his heart, and tried his best to appear more confident: "My subordinates acted in accordance with Order No. 66 formulated by the Generalissimo's Palace at the beginning. However, , the Earth’s army on the opposite side is obviously already prepared, we..."

"I'm not accusing you of this." King Soleyn interrupted directly: "Although Major General Yang Xiyi is young, he is indeed a rare wise general in the earth's army. Strictly speaking, he captured this fortress. I I never expected to be able to capture all this place with just one surprise attack. You have been fighting for several days. Although the battle situation was tense, you still managed to cause more casualties to the enemy than your own, which is not a dereliction of duty. I am asking about the day before yesterday."

"The day before, the day before yesterday? Well, my subordinates also followed... um, I wanted to try to see if we could make good use of our fleet's advantages, and see if we could land and attack through the outer wall, forming a flanking situation for the enemy."

"You don't have to cover up for me. It is indeed my order to let you conduct a probing attack with the fleet." King Solain said calmly, and then changed the subject: "However, after the first and second attacks, you should Did you get the results you deserve? Why did you ignore the fatigue of the soldiers and launch two consecutive rounds of attacks in the next two hours? I asked you to test, not to attack forcefully. "

Lieutenant General Minontai was speechless.

"Could it be that during the second attack, I saw that the people on earth were already showing signs of fatigue, and thought that if I put in more force, I could capture the fortress before I arrived and achieve an immortal feat?"

All the little thoughts of the garrison commander were invisible under the gaze of the elected emperor. At this time, apart from a long silence, he really couldn't say anything.

"These two unintended attacks caused our army to suffer unnecessary losses. More importantly, because the fleet was seriously damaged, the people on earth received reinforcements. Those were their ace divisions 'Hell Parachute Division' and 'Valan Master Ji, he just swallowed up 50,000 empire soldiers in DL33. Now, if he wants to seize the fortress, he must pay a higher price." King Soleyn said.

Count Baorei hurriedly said: "What is puzzling is that Yang Xiyi has such a new force in his hands, but its movements are a bit strange."

After all, he was a quasi-knight captain, and he was probably the only one who dared to interrupt. However, speaking at this time was somewhat diverting attention and excusing Lieutenant General Minontai.

"Oh, they're standing still?"

"No, they carried out a round of fierce attacks, but they clearly made a breakthrough, but they did not continue to expand the results. They stopped a little distance from the center. It seems that this attack was also tentative."

King Thoren fell into thinking for a moment, and then said: "No matter what, this defeat was avoidable and someone must take responsibility."

Count Baoré lamented silently, knowing that his tactics of changing the subject did not work.

After all, he is a real dragon king, and he wants to eat people after all!

"Including the fleet I brought this time, the empire has gathered more than 500 warships and more than 2 million soldiers in the New World. For such a large-scale army to fight, military discipline must be stricter. Lieutenant General Minontai, do you understand I mean?"

"I, I understand..."

"Go ahead. History will only record that you died in battle and will receive promotion and pension. Your family will also be properly taken care of by the empire."

Lieutenant General Minontai only felt that there was anger in his heart that he wanted to vent. He raised his head suddenly, but suddenly met King Solane's eyes. At that moment, all the resentment disappeared.

"...Subordinate, I understand."

In this way, escorted by two military policemen, the imperial garrison commander of Unity Fortress and a famous fortress attack and defense expert walked towards the gate mechanically. At this moment, all his energy and energy had been drained from him, leaving only a walking corpse.

Immediately afterwards, King Thoraine looked at the two brigadiers of the stormtroopers sitting at the bottom of the long table. They were a tall and thin man from Lytalin and a huge man from Wolfgang.

"Take it. Act according to military law." The election emperor wrote lightly.

These two men did not violate any military orders, but when the fourth attack failed yesterday, they tried to vent their anger and killed a group of prisoners of war, including more than a hundred earthlings.

The imperial generals present looked at each other in confusion. Some wanted to plead for mercy, but they really did not dare to bring trouble to His Highness the Elected Emperor.

You know, even the dignified garrison commander and the empire's lieutenant general are killed at will! Moreover, didn't you see that even noble figures such as the quasi-knight commander Count Baorre and the star officer Viscount Ereda remained silent?

Several powerful military policemen rushed forward and dragged the two brigadiers out the door, as if they were dragging two dead dogs.

"Your Highness, no, please. I was wounded in the Feimo Nebula! I bled in Hyar! I have performed military exploits for the empire! I have performed military exploits for the empire! I, I am promoted by His Royal Highness King Wei. Yes, I am a retainer of His Highness King Weirent! I want to see His Highness King Weirent! I want to see His Highness King Weirent!" the tiefling brigadier general screamed loudly.

On the other hand, the Wolfgang man appeared to be tougher and said loudly: "Your Highness! Your Highness! This is not fair! There are too many things about killing and abusing prisoners! Who hasn't done it? Who hasn't done it? Lieutenant General Minontai still disobeyed orders. Well, don’t we also have decency? Why do we have military law! This is not fair! This is not fair! Ah, I understand, human nobles have decency. Even if we, the alien species, bleed dry, we are still dogs! We are all dogs! "

However, no one present said they were touched.

Soon, the brave werewolf brigadier general shut up, because a military policeman had already thrust a stun gun into his neck.

Suddenly, a burning smell wafted into the office, but of course this would not affect the continuation of the military meeting.

Of course, since the fortress garrison commander had just committed suicide and the two brigade commanders were also executed, no one would dare to express any objections for a while. Therefore, in the subsequent meeting, everyone basically followed King Solane's arrangements.

"You have three days of rest. During this period, all units only need to stick to the existing front line. If they are provoked by the enemy, they will be repulsed. The newly arrived capital ship needs maintenance, and at least three regiments of engineers must be on standby at any time. . The fleet begins to increase the alert range and maintain surveillance near the entrances of all gravity wells. The Astral Knights ensure that the two groups conduct daily patrols, and they can start to rest at other times."

All these orders from King Solain seemed to be prepared to settle the matter.

The senior generals present looked at each other, but none of them dared to express doubts.

"Viscount Ereda, I brought thirty-six early warning arrays from China. I need you to arrange them and combine them into a wide-area Gnosis array group in the King Luo configuration."

"Yes!" Xing Jianguan said, but secretly cried in his heart. This most sensitive and sophisticated wide-area spiritual perception array naturally consumes an astonishing amount of zero-element resources, but the consumption on the array organizer and operator is also staggering.

"Is this to prevent Chi Shura's sneak attack?" Count Baorei asked.

"Not only that. There are also Kale Jin and Sonny Grant. The intelligence department determined that they had passed through Nantianmen and made a brief stop at Xinyumen. The possibility of arriving at the fortress is extremely high. Such powerful psychic energy The person is in the fortress, but there is no trace of him. Everyone, don’t you feel a chill running down your spine?” King Sorain said.

The would-be knight commander smiled bitterly and said: "My subordinates are very suspicious of this information now. It has been more than a week since the war started. It is unreasonable that they have not shown up even though the war is so tense. Of course, we also speculate that they should be involved. The decisive battle between Duke Sadolan and Lan Jiufeng."

King Solain nodded: "We don't rule out this possibility, but we can't take it lightly."

As he spoke, he turned his head and glanced at Viscount Ereda.

Xing Jianguan immediately understood the meaning of choosing an emperor, and showed a bitter expression: "The scales are still balanced, and the astrology can only see chaos. My subordinates want to take a deeper look, but they only feel a splitting headache."

King Soleyn sighed with emotion: "He is indeed the master of Lan Zhenren, who opens the stars with his sword! If he was born into an imperial noble, and if he accepted the empire's invitation, I am afraid he would have been on the side of truth ten years ago. It seems that, It will take some time to determine the winner.”

Still fighting? The ordinary people here or the low-level generals here are in disbelief. What kind of life-and-death duel can last for a week without a winner? This is really beyond their common sense.

King Thoren was too lazy to explain: "If the wide-area gnosis didn't find any clues, maybe they really weren't in the fortress. Then the only real troublemaker is Natalia Elenko. Lord Baorre, she What is its true combat power?"

"If it's a competition of skills, I can fight her all day long. If it's a life-and-death battle, maybe a hundred rounds will result. The chance of my subordinates surviving is no more than 10%."

"That means she should be at the seventh ring?"

"Yes, the instantaneous explosive power makes it almost impossible for the subordinates to parry. This is not Irene's previous style. Your Highness, you also know that the so-called 'Red Shura' nickname is actually brought about by her lightning-fast speed. If she On the premise of having high explosive power, you can still maintain the past mobility, even interception is very difficult."

"Then, what if there is another king?" King Soleyn suddenly showed an interesting smile.

"Your Highness, this..." the would-be knight was speechless for a moment. Although the Elector Emperor spoke in a joking tone, he could not help but answer seriously.

"I mean interception, not defeat."

Count Baoré breathed a sigh of relief and thought: "It should be possible. However, we need to focus on our subordinates."

King Solei smiled and said: "That's a reassuring answer. Earl, I am an old man, so I am not trying to steal the knight's credit for the sake of being in the limelight."

"I'm ashamed of myself." The would-be knight commander bowed his head slightly. However, he still couldn't help but said: "But, Your Highness, when your fleet arrives, you will already have the absolute initiative. Why should you adopt a defensive posture?"

Of course, insisting on resting can also be to replenish energy for the counterattack, which also makes sense. However, the would-be knight commander always felt that choosing an emperor was not what he meant.

Sure enough, King Soleyn nodded and said: "This Unity Fortress has a strong symbolic significance, but it does not have such a strong strategic significance. It is actually not as important as you think."

While everyone looked shocked, the Chosen Emperor continued to explain: "When we captured the fortress, the raiders' death squads had already carried out various large-scale destruction in the fortress. Until now, many of its functions have not been restored. When it was in the hands of the predators, it could block the gravity wells and block the movement of the fleet with its powerful fortress cannons and strange jamming devices. But now, these weapons cannot be activated."

In fact, after the "Devil's Throat" was changed to the "Fortress of Unity", this majestic ancient space city of the Enlightenment could no longer block the Dawn Star Territory on its own. Much more harmless.

If the Circle of Miracles had not appeared and the war had not broken out, within half a century, this fortress might really have turned into a space city that was a transit city for commerce and shipping.

So, as expected, it is more energetic when it is called "Devil's Throat". The election emperor thought.

He continued: "After all, we each only control half of the Unity Fortress, and it is even more impossible to use its full functions. We might as well acquiesce that both sides will perish together. This fortress no longer exists, and the empire still has absolute fleet superiority. , then we have an absolute strategic advantage, so what is there to be anxious about?"

The imperial army generals all felt enlightened. They arrived immediately and were a little confused. Since there was no need to worry, why did the Generalissimo's Mansion still order them to attack?

Could it be that Lieutenant General Minontai, who committed suicide, walked alone?

Or in other words, who is taking the blame?

I really don’t dare to think about it anymore!

King Soleyn said: "Of course, I cannot let the earthlings occupy the fortress forever. When King Suliuka's fleet arrives, we have more than ten times the enemy's advantage, and then launch a general attack."

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