Him and their stars

Chapter 1345 This is not your end

After hearing King Soleyn's plan, the imperial generals present naturally felt a bit happy, but they also felt a sense of sympathy for the other half of the earth.

If King Suliuka arrives with his triumphant fleet, the Unity Fortress will gather three Titan ships and more than five dreadnoughts. At that time, the power controlled by the empire was more than ten times that of the people on the opposite earth? I'm afraid it would be more than a hundred times more.

This can no longer be called "a lion fighting a rabbit with all its strength", but a dragon trying to catch a chicken and inviting friends.

This is more than cruelty, it is simply cruelty! It's even a little bit ungrateful.

So, is this necessary?

King Soleyn probably guessed that someone here must have thought so, so he smiled and said: "You just need to remember that the strategic advantage is on our side, so you need to stay calm. I am an old man, and what I need is Stay calm."

The old man needs to be calm. So what about young people?

For some reason, Count Baoré suddenly realized this problem. He couldn't help but look at King Soleyn in surprise, and found that the latter was also looking at him with a smile.

...That’s it, young man!

The would-be knight commander decided not to think about it. He is a knight of the astral realm, and his biggest ideal at present is to break through the last mysterious door and enter the seventh ring, and then get rid of the word "accurate".

As for how the great dragon kings are going to fight for the only and supreme Void Crown, it is really not something that a warrior like me can interfere with.

Thus, the tone of King Thoren's first military meeting after arriving at the Unity Fortress set the tone.

Everyone felt that the top veteran among the eight emperors had indeed behaved too conservatively, so conservatively that it was almost unlike himself, but no one would question it.

Anyway, after this week's battle, everyone has reached their limit. The old man who chose the emperor said that he wanted to rest, so he should accept this good offer calmly.

Probably because the standard feature of all dragon kings is that they are overly energetic. After the meeting, King Soleyn, who was not tired, just closed his eyes and rested for a moment in his room, drank a glass of red wine, and then regained his full energy and mobility.

He rubbed his space ring and took out a dragon statue as big as his palm.

Under the mental control of the Chosen Emperor, the rubies of the Dragon God Statue flashed with cold light, and soon formed a holographic projection of Sulyuka King Brynhilt.

"Uncle Wang." Brunhild, the current youngest elected emperor, smiled and nodded to his distant cousin.

"Brünnhilt, congratulations on your brilliant achievements in the Battle of the Ring of Miracles. The Galactic Empire has never lacked victory, but such a brilliant victory is extremely rare." King Thoraine said.

"Thank you very much. In fact, I am also very proud. If I die now, my name can at least open a page in the history of galactic wars."

"It can't open a page, it can only be a paragraph."

"...because I'm too young?"

King Soleyn nodded and revealed a wicked sneer: "It may provide a lot of material for future generations of literary and artistic works."

"Or is it because I'm too young?"

King Solain smiled and said: "Because you are not only young, but also extraordinary beautiful, and you are also full of youthful scandals."

"Well, when you say that, I really couldn't be prouder. Especially when I received the news from the Grand Open Sea Channel." Brynhilt snorted coldly.

"Oh, you have received the news that the interception fleet led by Admiral Mergash in the Grand Sea Star Region was completely annihilated?"

It stands to reason that it should take two weeks for this news to spread from the mainland to Brunhilt, who is deep in the Dawn Star Territory. However, this is not worth King Soleyn's mind.

Everyone is choosing an emperor, and it is normal to have their own intelligence channels. have own

"Okay, our communication time is limited, let's get down to business. I have arrived at the Unity Fortress."

"Hahaha, that half is still in the hands of the people on earth, right? That Major General Yang Xiyi is his old... well, he was the biggest contributor to the capture of Unity Fortress. He is indeed a rare wise general. If he is the commander-in-chief of the Miracle Ring, I don't dare to be so reckless. What's more, the forces of both sides in the fortress are balanced, and it is impossible to gain an advantage just because of a surprise attack."

She thought for a while and then added: "Lieutenant General Minontai is indeed a veteran with both civil and military skills, but he is not a genius who can create miracles."

The implication is that she, King Suliuka, destroyed an enemy fleet that was almost three times her own size in front of the Miracle Ring, and was the real genius who created miracles.

Of course, King Solain understood what the other party meant, but he just smiled and shook his head: "Lieutenant General Minontai has served the country well."


"You are right, the other half of Unity Fortress is still in Yang Xiyi's hands."

"...Uncle Wang, you didn't kill Minontai because he was a general of King Wilente, right?"

"I promised that if the king selection meeting starts now, I will give up my rights and vote for you. However, I will not go out of my way to suppress the other candidates." King Thoraine said: "One week No progress can be made in a bloody battle. The courage and fighting spirit are disappearing, but the bestiality is increasing. Instead of stopping him, he is letting it go. Naturally, he needs to use his blood to correct military discipline."

Brunhild nodded slightly with a sullen face. If she were here, she might do the same thing, but probably in a different way.

"Then, you have arrived. It is only a matter of time before we take over the entire fortress."

"Maybe... but I don't know how many casualties there will be. More importantly, the Unity Fortress no longer has as much strategic value as imagined."

Brunhildt shook his head and said: "But it has symbolic value. Symbolic value is also strategic value."

This ancient fortress captured from the Enlightened Ones may have lost most of its combat capabilities. However, after all, it had blocked the main force of the Galaxy Alliance in this galaxy for half a year, and it has always been a C-star in the headlines of major local military news. When it was captured by the coalition forces, the people of the countries that sent troops were as happy as the Chinese New Year, as if they had just won a Patriotic War.

Before the Ring of Miracles appeared, this ancient military creation was the symbol of the Dawn Star Territory.

No...actually now.

Most people cannot intuitively understand the concept of more than 10,000 continents hanging in space, but they can certainly intuitively understand the value of a space fortress that is more powerful than the Galactic Empire's Sky Fortress.

But now, the Miracle Circle has been captured. Once the Fortress of Unity officially changes hands, the Galactic Empire can announce to the entire universe that the Dawn Star Territory is the inherent territory of the Dragon Kings of Dawn.

Anyway, they have been doing this for thousands of years.

Well, more than 70% of the Miracle Ring's expedition fleet was sunk and captured. However, the six divisions of Marines in the ring, as well as the engineering department, exploration team, and pioneer team with 20,000 people were not ready to surrender yet. They even erected a gravitational wave tower on the No. 6 plate they occupied and uttered vulgar words at the Imperial fleet.

It's like a "come and fry me if you can" attitude.

If it were on the surface of the planet, they might actually explode. But on the Ring of Miracles, a continent floating in the universe, the empire is really a bit too cautious.

Also having this problem is the Yaochi Galaxy. Brunhildt had already sent a squadron to attack. However, facing the holy land planet that is more precious than the most expensive and gorgeous gems, the empire is a little reluctant to part with it.

But even so, in this era, the troops trapped on the "ground", even if they really would rather die than surrender and fight to the last man, will not affect the overall situation.

In addition, aside from the fact that DL33 was actually the Earthlings who wiped out the Imperial Army and then fled, the strongholds established by the other five communities in the Dawn Star Territory were all eradicated one by one.

Now, as long as the Fortress of Unity changes hands again, the Galactic Empire will indeed be able to make some shameless claims. At the same time, it is also a heavy blow to the community's already plummeting morale of the military and civilians.

This is the so-called symbolic value. Who can say that this has no strategic significance?

King Solain showed a satisfied smile: "So, when your fleet arrives, you will personally command it and use the scorching sun to drown the resistance of the people on earth. A true emperor can bring the heroes of the world home. Since we all I admire Yang Xiyi very much. It's up to you to recruit him personally. Only if you can recover the 'Magician of the Demon's Throat' can you recover the 'Dragon of Dawn'."

Brunhildt finally showed an excited expression, but more of it was still doubtful: "Uncle Wang, you expect too much from me, and I already feel tremendous pressure."

King Thorane suddenly said: "Brynhilt, how many rings are you in?"

"...The Fifth Ring, the 'Flag Guard', broke through in the battlefield of the Miracle Ring. In fact, I have already touched the edge of the Five Rings, and I only need a few opportunities to leave the realm of the saint. Haha, about It’s because there were too many enemies killed in that battle, just like the setting of a video game.”

"Ah hahaha, if you take one more step, you can catch up with me, a fifty-year-old man." King Soleyn's smile became more and more gratified: "Three years ago, you were only a third ring. You are in the Dawn Royal Family He is also the most talented person in the world, but due to his innate deficiencies, he was only promoted to the third ring at the age of twenty even though he had received the most complete education and training since childhood."

The so-called congenital deficiency. Of course, it refers to the so-called "variable severe collagen disease". In the cosmic age, although medical technology has developed to a brilliant level, as the space of civilization expands and the scale of spaceflight becomes more frequent, new diseases will always appear.

For a disease like this, according to doctors, even with the most appropriate treatment and care, it is actually very difficult for people to live beyond the age of thirty.

Of course, this is all for ordinary people.

After Brunhilt's awakening, his lifespan has been extended to that of a normal human being. When the fourth ring is broken through, the terminal illness that plagues all medical scientists in the universe will be cured without medicine.

"Now that I think about it, that disease is not a shackle for you, it is just a test imposed by the spirit of the universe on you." King Solain laughed loudly and said, "What a talent that makes people jealous!"

"Actually, when I participated in the 248th God of War Festival at the age of twelve, I reached the peak of the second ring, but I didn't break through until I was twenty. However, I originally thought that the fourth ring would have to wait until I was thirty, but I didn't expect that later The progress has been rapid. Uh, could it be..." Brynhilt's eyes lit up.

"It seems that you should have understood. You actually belong to a group because of the war. First, you were the invaders of the plunderers, then the coalition's expedition to the New World, and finally this war of conquest with the community."

...I originally wanted to say that it was because I met him. Although Brunhilt thought so, she finally didn't say it out loud. This tentatively shows that her mental structure can at least be saved.

King Soren said again: "Brynhilt, the Dragon of Dawn is the Dragon God of Order, the Dragon God of Rights, the Dragon God of Life, but also the Dragon God of War. This is certainly a myth. But for those of us who are natural For someone who claims to be the Dragon King, it must be regarded as reality."

"Only by firmly believing can you use imagination to construct reality. This is the basis of mysticism and psychic energy." Brunhildt said.

"Exactly. However, such an impressive talent is rare among us. In the past three years, you have always been invincible on the front line and have achieved achievements that only countless veterans can create. So. , war, Brynhilt. War is what makes you grow up quickly."

Please don't make me sound like I'm some kind of evil god of Khorne, right? I still tend to think it's because I got to know him. This is my last insistence. Brünnhilt thought.

"Speaking of which, Your Majesty also had such characteristics back then. However, you are not like today, but more like the original Emperor Yiwenya. In the flames of war, she broke through three star rings in a row and entered the Holy Spirit in an instant. The state of being."

"Didn't she break through after being burned to death by her father?" Brynhilt felt that this kind of setting of a near-death breakthrough was too typical. He must not do this if he were to be on the verge of death. What if death turns directly into death?

"...That's a rumor spread by the alliance." King Soren said.

Brunhild suddenly showed a knowing smile.

"Where is your fleet now?" King Soren decided to change the topic back to business.

"We are in the DL48 galaxy, and we are still seventy hours away from the Fortress of Unity at the earliest. In addition to my own Angel of Dawn, I brought three Phoenix aircraft carriers, filled with jump gangs, and captured the Earthlings' flagship. The elite Panzergrenadiers."

"Did you disband the fleet formation?"

"The Earth Fleet still has one seriously injured dreadnought, three battlecruisers, and three aircraft carriers at large. The remaining battleships that broke out are also around a hundred. This will always be a hidden danger."

Therefore, Brunhildt immediately disbanded the large fleet and divided it into more than a dozen formations.

Each squadron will ensure at least one dreadnought + aircraft carrier or two to three battle cruisers + aircraft carriers as the core main force. It is searching for remaining enemies with various manned strongholds as the core.

"More people escaped than expected." King Thoren showed a narrow smile.

"I asked the Soback fleet to block the exit from the Ring of Miracles to Dl188 in advance. However, who would have thought that these Earth fleets were actually less promising than I thought. I captured the flagship in 1 hour and 22 minutes. Quite a few. The Earth battleships began to flee on the spot. Even though Mr. Soback tried hard, he was unable to completely close the encirclement net."

"...If he really closes it up. Will the remaining enemy ships fight to the death, causing you to suffer unnecessary losses?"

"So, is he surrounded by a group of people, or is he just late? I can't tell." Brunhilt couldn't help but shrugged, and then stood at attention and saluted: "Well, Uncle Wang, see you at the Unity Fortress."

In the words of the other party, King Thoraine finally heard the momentum of his duty, and returned the greeting happily: "See you at the Unity Fortress."

He added: "Conquering the New World is not your end, but your starting point."

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