Him and their stars

Chapter 1373 Good reading

Well, as a famous military family with a long history (actually only passed down to the third generation), the current generation of the Bonaparte family is at the helm. Although General Joseph Bonaparte is not too old, he is a senior general in his fifties. Of course he is considered to be in the prime of life, but he is completely in the style of a watertight veteran.

However, despite saying that, at 5:25, the battle suddenly became intense.

Seeing that their little trick was not successful, the combined fleet took advantage of the outer ring fleet assault group to slowly retreat, and suddenly began to hit all of its own Corona-class dreadnoughts, rapidly advancing forward.

His purpose is very clear, which is to maintain the bombardment and fighting between the two sides, and burn the flames of war all the way to the main cluster of the community. In this way, we can rely on the strength advantage of the combined fleet, especially the numerical advantage of the stormtroopers, to defeat their favorite gang of the Cathays.

At that time, maybe the imperial knights who oversee the army can also play. The initiative on the battlefield is in your own hands.

It's a pity that his idea was very good, but it didn't succeed in the end.

If the execution was carried out by the Imperial Guard Fleet, it might actually be successful. It is a pity that the combined fleet made many mistakes in terms of the timing of artillery strikes, the hit rate of artillery fire, and even maneuvers. Moreover, perhaps because of poor cooperation with friendly forces, a Cathay corona-class even collided with the Enbu cruiser.

This should be a problem that should be solved by each captain, navigator, helmsman and even the gunnery chief of each turret, but it seems that it has not been properly solved.

However, this was the case, and this sudden advance really shocked the outer fleet into a cold sweat. Fortunately, the Yinglong-class battle patrols in the rear accurately captured the opponent's momentary chaos, and immediately launched a fierce bombardment without hesitation. This opened the distance between the two parties.

As a result, the second round of this battle still ended in a deadlock. Of course, the community still took advantage of a small tactical advantage.

One thing to say, until now, the development of the war situation has been predictable. In this era when capital ships defend more than they attack, a large-scale fleet battle will often last for a long time. Thinking about the battle that took place in the same galaxy three years ago and the 1 hour and 22 minutes of the Ring of Miracles battle, they are actually very rare examples.

"Speaking of which, during the battle in the Western Tail System in 830, more than half a million people from Cathay died, most of whom were the most elite crew members." Admiral Bonaparte pondered.

"Indeed, excellent crew members are not leeks and are not so easy to train. What's more, the Kingdom of Ketai has had financial and people's livelihood problems in recent years. The country has also experienced a coup and a major uprising of the Terrabi people. Although they have We have received new ships provided by the empire, but the combat effectiveness has not even recovered to what it was before the Battle of the West End System." Chief of Staff Li Ren said.

Speaking of this, both of them felt a little depressed for a while. The opposite Kingdom of Katai lost the lives of hundreds of thousands of elite sailors in the West End Galaxy. But the Blue Star Community lost more than a million in the Ring of Miracles? I really have no right to despise the other party.

"It's such a pity. The commander on the other side...if it's not the Imperial Advisory Group, it should be Charon Mane, the Prime Minister and Crown Prince of the Cathay Kingdom, right?"

The chief of staff nodded: "He arrived at the Blood Gate Galaxy at the beginning of the war and has been sitting there ever since."

"Three years ago, he seemed to be the person most responsible for the defeat of the battle. However, it is not surprising that people always grow up. My grandfather was still the captain of a destroyer under the empire during the empire, but my father became He became one of Marshal Li's staunchest comrades. Who says that the Cathay people can't grow? That Charon Mane can survive in the win-or-die political environment of the Kingdom of Cathay and still gain political power, he must have grown up He is a heroic person."

Therefore, they all felt that the fleet of the Kingdom of Cathay might be the greatest threat to them.

As for the Embu and Angmans, the former prefer to stay in the mines and dig holes, while the latter are more suitable to work as cooks and gardeners for the noble men of the empire.

These two races are not strong and brave fighting races.

In any case, after the combined fleet's strategy of "outflanking from behind, dividing and encircling" failed, the strategy of "breaking through the center and causing chaos" also failed, and suffered considerable losses. But even so, their front line still maintains an unshakable and stable posture. In terms of defensive battle, this can be regarded as quite successful.

During this process, the combined fleet even had the leeway to withdraw its own damaged warships from the battlefield and return to the Blood Gate for supply and maintenance, as if preparing for a protracted war.

"If the war situation continues like this, we must be the ones who can't hold on first. Tsk, if Fanfan has half the current strength, no, even only one-third, I am confident that we can accumulate hundreds of small victories and turn them into one A great victory." General Bonaparte sighed and asked hopefully: "Where is Lieutenant General Yu Lian?"

"While we were fighting, we started maneuvering along the outer orbit of the galaxy and have entered the Santu Galaxy. So far, we have not found any reaction from the other party."

Yu Lian's squadron had indeed safely jumped into the Santu Galaxy from the No. 3 gravity well in the West End Galaxy an hour ago.

The flagship of the squadron was still his loyal Fuxi. Logically speaking, as the only warship in the Lord God class with enhanced command and navigation equipment, it should be automatically handed over to Admiral Bonaparte to serve as the new flagship of the outer ring fleet. However, the commander is a very open-minded person and said that he is actually used to the decoration style of the Republic.

In comparison, he himself is more looking forward to the Odin, which is still under construction in the alliance. According to the initial installation plan, that was the new flagship of the outer ring fleet.

Yu Lian knew that this was actually General Bonaparte's good intention, so of course he had no choice but to accept it happily.

In addition to the Fuxi, it also includes 4 county-class cruisers, 6 Fletcher-3 and Kagero-2 destroyers each, and 24 modified ships carrying more than 180 Tiger and Leopard Cavalry and 120 White Devil fighters. aircraft carrier.

In addition, there are 60 assault ship-sized back-type torpedo ships.

The number of the fleet is actually quite large, but most of them are actually small combat boats. On the vast battlefield with more than 2,000 battleships, they are actually very inconspicuous.

During that period, the main fleet had been reduced to a mess, attracting all the enemy's attention. In addition, Admiral Bonaparte always ensured that the dreadnoughts in his hands remained stationary as the general reserve, which naturally formed a huge deterrent to the combined fleet, and the other party did not dare to launch patrols and guerrilla fleets.

Therefore, Yu Lian and the others were not intercepted along the way. They avoided the main battlefield of both sides without any danger, circled nearly half a circle around the outer ring of the galaxy, and ran a distance of at least 5 astronomical units. Finally, Before dinner on September 3, we entered the Santuchuan Galaxy.

This is also a galaxy with a rare three-star system. Therefore, although it is located on the main waterway between the community and the empire, it has always been an inaccessible "marginal area".

In such a galaxy, the navigation situation can be imagined. Of course, in the previous round of battles that lasted for nearly a month, our own squadrons also had small-scale conflicts with the opponent's infiltration fleet in the Santu system. The downside is that no one takes advantage. The good thing is that in the chaos, all the unmanned detectors and automatic turrets deployed by both sides in this galaxy were wiped out. Originally, there were two border outposts here that could house more than a hundred people, but they had also been destroyed long ago.

However, for safety reasons, Yu Lian still chose to forcefully pass through the gravity entanglement area of ​​the three stars. This empty space seems to be nothing, but it is densely covered with chaotic magnetic fields, violent gravity, and various deadly cosmic radiations.

Even the thick-skinned Titans and Dreadnoughts have to think twice before passing through here, let alone patrol fleets and unmanned detectors consisting mainly of small and medium-sized ships. Although this is the safest area, it is also the most dangerous area.

However, this is not a problem for the Sky Surveying Eye, which can survive in front of the stellar Leviathan. It is also difficult for Yu Lian, who is in charge of the space identification array and personally leads the entire fleet.

The alliance's most advanced unmanned detector was exploring the path ahead, keeping a safe distance of half an astronomical unit from the fleet. Yu Lianze sat at the rear, using his senses to cover the surrounding airspace through the psychic array, leading the route for the entire fleet, and instantly feeding back safety information to the Fuxi's central control terminal and the navigator of each warship.

It took them nearly four more hours, and finally they passed the most dangerous magnetic field disorder area without any danger.

"We have passed through the Santuchuan-4 planet and entered a relatively stable navigable area. Now, the terminal can take over fleet navigation." Luo Zeshi reported.

Yu Lian breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the sweat from his forehead, went straight back to the commander's seat, pressed himself on the comfortable leather seat, and drank the Lingyan Society's special herbal tea sent by Luo Zeshi. Nutrient solution specially designed for psychics, ice cream, and a bucket of ice cream.

"What a difficult voyage!"

"...Well, it is indeed very difficult. However, because of the protection of His Excellency the Commander, all the officers and soldiers on the ship just feel like they are on a roller coaster."

"Oh? How would this be explained?"

"Thrilling, but not scary. Because we know that we are guided by you, so we are naturally fearless."

"...Davari Shirozeshi, your child's skills as an official have become even more sophisticated!"

"It means that I have made significant progress by your side. I assure you that at least 70% to 80% of what I said is sincere." Although Luo Zeshi's expression was calm, there was a hint of excitement and admiration in his tone:

"In fact, when we were in the military academy, everyone recognized that Mihir and I were actually the most suitable for joining the military and then entering politics."

Yu Lian felt that these words were not all nonsense. Judging from his and Yani's experience in the future vision illusion created by Shimuyu, it seems that this is really the case.

Yu Liandao: "Okay, when the time comes and things calm down and Mihir becomes prime minister, you can become chairman of the National Defense Committee. Or should it be the other way around?"

"...Can this kind of thing be decreed?"

"Just think of it as a blowjob in the student dormitory. I just followed your words." Yu Lian took a big mouthful of ice cream.

Luo Zeshi smiled and did not continue the topic. Instead, he opened the terminal and began to analyze the real-time battle reports coming from the main battlefield of the West End Galaxy.

In short, during this difficult voyage, only one aircraft carrier and two destroyers suffered some minor damage, but it did not affect the battle. The Beiwei, who were relatively much more vulnerable, were unscathed because they were surrounded by the big ships in the center of the fleet.

Of course, this is not only the credit of Sky Survey Eye and Yu Lian, but also thanks to a certain space female ghost who has changed into a stormtrooper anti-gravity suit and is sitting on the railing on the fifth floor of the bridge digging out ice cream. .

... Having said that, it doesn't matter if others can't see you, but stealing ice cream to eat is just too much. Didn’t you know that ghost stories about battleship elves living in the galleys of the Fuxi are already circulating?

However, this ghost story not only did not dampen the morale of the crew, but made them love life and the battleship they were on even more. Yu Lian really couldn't say anything.

If it hadn't been for Xiao Hui's occasional reminder just now, Yu Lian would have been confident that he could sneak through this dangerous airspace with the main force of the fleet, but the loss was by no means an understatement.

However, the officers and soldiers on the bridge were not aware of Xiao Hui's existence, and only thought it was the commander's contribution. So when they looked at Yu Lian, who was drinking ice, he was almost on the verge of a pilgrimage.

I guess everyone in the fleet has this attitude.

At this time, the fleet passed by the orbit of a brown earth-like planet and continued to move towards the No. 2 gravity well of the Santuchuan Galaxy.

Yes, even in such a turbulent galaxy, there are actually four planets. Among them, the outermost one is an Earth-like planet with a certain atmosphere.

Yu Lian really wanted to ask if there were any indigenous races on this planet that could dehydrate, and if so, just burn them. However, considering that all the friends nowadays lack a sense of humor, they would not understand his cold jokes, so he had no choice but to Give up.

He quickly drank the herbal tea, nutrient solution, ice cream, scooped out most of the 1-liter bucket of ice cream, and then listened to Rozez's report with a roast leg of lamb.

"So, what Commander Bonaparte means is that the Combined Fleet is doing well?"

Rozez nodded: "The formation is stable, the battle is firm, it is used for sacrifice, and it is also flexible. Commander Bonaparte believes that if the officers and soldiers of the combined fleet are not of high quality and their cooperation is not tacit enough, the state of the ships will be If it is not satisfactory, we should have already suffered a loss. Based on this alone, the commander-in-chief of the other party can be regarded as a famous general in the world. "

"The commander-in-chief is Charon Mane?" Yu Lian asked again.

"Current intelligence shows that, in addition to Charon Mane, the person with the prestige to unify the three-nation joint fleet is Count Heronqi, the head of the Imperial Military Advisory Group. One is your old enemy, and the other is an old comrade-in-arms."

"Then it can only be the former. I am very familiar with Count Heronqi. He is an excellent knight commander, a powerful psyker, and a very graceful imperial martial noble. Of course, he is not ignorant. A soldier must at least have good grades in the advanced training class at the Royal Fleet Academy."

The implication is that he has no actual experience in commanding troops.

You are really a decent person with high emotional intelligence, but why are you always a bit mystical? Luo Zeshi rolled his eyes inwardly.

"But, what Charon Mane said..."

"People will grow. Three years ago, I hadn't graduated yet, and I had just awakened my spiritual power. I stood like an ant in front of the Golden Claw Guards of the Kaitai Kingdom." Yu Lian smiled and said, "So, three years ago, Cha It is understandable that Lun Mane has grown from a reckless man to an all-powerful military and political hero."

Luo Zeshi looked strange. He felt that the other party was suspected of flaunting himself, but he still nodded in agreement: "You are right. This is the materialist view of development in history."

"The book is well read." Yu Lian praised.

I am spending the winter in Sanya with my little cat, enjoying the sunshine, beaches, waves, cacti... and the beautiful long-legged girls from the Northeast. Oh hehehe~~~

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