Him and their stars

Chapter 1374 In order to restore glory

In fact, if we look at the historical experience of his previous life, Charon Mane will be a foolhardy tyrant when he gets old, but he also has very important advantages as a lord, respecting talents, protecting talents, and being willing to serve talents. Take the blame. Therefore, with the assistance of Orson Blackfin, after he sat on the throne, he also developed the power of the Kingdom of Cathay to its peak.

However, after Orson Blackfin died of overwork, King Charon, who lost his external brain, became confused and involved in the internal struggles of the empire. Then, after Brunhild's victory, he, the majestic king and the great protector of the Cathays, was thrown away by the empire like a dirty fur rug.

Of course, as I said before, although the development of history has inertia, this aspect mainly talks about the changes of the times, not personal struggle and destiny.

In short, in this timeline, Orson Blackfin, the number one general in the history of the Cathay Kingdom, died early in the Battle of West End three years ago. Charron Mane lost his external brain in his youth. Maybe he had such a profound enlightenment and woke up early?

Seeing that there was still some time, Rozez asked curiously: "What would you do if you were in the position of General Bonaparte?"

If placed in other departments, this could easily be understood as a provocation to the two commanders. Fortunately, Yu Lian himself had no problems.

Yu Lian pondered for a moment: "If it's that guy Venn, he might try to pursue the opponent's corona class, but a ship collision occurs. At the moment of chaos, let the fleet retreat and attack with all its strength."

Luo Zeshi nodded in agreement. Horatio Wayne was usually a young man with a middle school disease, but his sense of smell was very sensitive on the battlefield. He was very good at catching the enemy's loopholes on the battlefield and making the most of the fleeting fighter opportunities.

Before Luo Zeshi could answer, he touched his chin again and thought: "If it were Senior Sister Eleanor, she might let the Xingtian class shoot down all the standard missiles at once. When the missile exploded, the Lord God class should Start outflanking and cutting.”

Eleanor Bonaparte is indeed the type to invade and enter the fire. Anyway, she must first defeat the enemy in front of her. As for longer-term issues, they are not issues she will consider.

...Of course, because she has led troops in the New World all year round, the senior sister may have experienced it.

At this time, Yu Lian shrugged again: "If it was Teacher Yang, I really can't think of what he would do. To be honest, Chester, after the Circle of Miracles, I'm worried about Senior Sister Eleanor's third The Thirteenth Fleet is worried about Wei En and Qiu Mingshan, they are worried about Yaochi and Xinyumen, but they are not worried about the Unity Fortress."

Luo Zeshi had also been Yang Xiyi's student, so he naturally knew the real power of that listless old fox. However, out of his duties as an adjutant and assistant, he still reminded: "However, after losing the outer ring fleet, the Unity Fortress will absolutely not be able to defend it. Even if Teacher Yang can use some clever tricks to seize the other half of the fortress, The end result is to be trapped in an isolated city."

He paused and said: "Marshal Li can actually hold on to Galle for a long time. Whether it is food, water or weapons, we can produce them ourselves. The 38th Division you established with your own hands..."

"We." Yu Lian interrupted: "The 38th Division we established."

"Well, the 38th Division we established is actually no less powerful than the Huben, Varangi and Hell Paratroopers. Unless the empire recklessly uses neutron bombs and positron cannons to completely evaporate the atmosphere of Yaochi Planet, and even Use the Colossus, otherwise Yaochi Star can definitely be defended. As long as it can be nailed to the Dawn Star Territory, it can become a symbol of resistance to the Empire in the entire universe. In your words, this is like pumping the Empire left and right every day. face. The damage is not high, but the insult is great. However, for a hegemonic empire like the Empire, being insulted means being hurt." Luo Zeshi smiled.

"Chester, if I tell you, I didn't consider that step. It was just a fateful choice by chance, would you believe it?"

"Comrade General, you sound too much like a psychic. However, being too mystical will alienate you from the people. You said that you also want to avoid this."

"...You learn so fast, please keep it up." Yu Lian gave the other party a thumbs up and praised him sincerely.

Luo Zeshi added: "But the Unity Fortress is different. It is located on the most important traffic artery in the Dawn Star Territory, and after all, it is just a facility suspended in the void. Unless we dig out the fortress in advance What...huh? Did we really dig up something? I remember I heard you mention it before, Master Jin and Master Grant have already left for the New World."

"What a coincidence. The holy relics of the Enlightened Ones are not mushrooms. They can be dug out by digging. There is a saying that the empire's accumulation of mysticism and the level of epochal archeology are far above us. We must really If you can dig out something from the Unity Fortress, but the other party can't, then you really feel like you are destined." Yu Lian said while looking at Xiao Hui standing on the railing.

This smart AI girl changed into a very exquisite and elegant toga robe this time, with a golden olive branch crown hanging on her forehead. Her exquisite and flawless face and posture were full of divinity. If someone really saw it, some people would believe it if it was Athena's apparition.

...Well, having said that, when you are standing on the railing like this, you actually look more like the prow of a ship!

At this time, a prompt sounded from the terminal next to the seat, and then Major General Mkawa was seen walking over quickly with a rather complicated expression.

This hard-working, meticulous man is no longer the chief of staff of the returning fleet.

After arriving at Nantianmen, the task force was naturally disbanded and seamlessly integrated into the outer ring theater, under the unified command of Admiral Joseph Bonaparte.

Uncle Mkawa received another general star - based on his seniority and age, he should have been promoted even if he did not have the military exploits to exterminate the Snake Den and the Grand High Sea. Then, he continued to serve in the Outer Ring Theater Staff Headquarters.

During this operation, he continued to partner with Yu Lian. To be honest, Yu Lian knew that he was a very lazy person, so he was best suited to be paired with a butler-type assistant, such as Rozeshi next to him, and even more so Major General Mkawa.

However, this time, Mr. Chief of Staff's expression was quite interesting. He seemed to be 20% happy, but also 30% confused, and 70% unbelievable. Just with this magical fan-shaped emoticon, if it were placed in Yu Lian's last life, it would definitely become popular as an emoticon package.

Yu Lian was really amazed this time. He really didn't expect that Major General Mkawa, who is a housekeeper type, and Major General Mkawa, who is a disciplinary committee member, is actually a top-notch artist!

"What's the matter?" Yu Lian asked, suppressing a smile.

"This... message just arrived from the New World is a real-time battle report from the Unity Fortress." said the Chief of Staff.

Yu Lian thought for a while: "Real-time battle report on the Unity Fortress? It must have been a week ago at the earliest, right?"

The chief of staff nodded: "The payment will be signed on August 26. At that time, our task force had just arrived at Nantianmen."

At this time, Yu Lian had already opened his terminal and called up the latest battle report details. He couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and showed a look of surprise: "Obisrachi, I feel sorry for that Fake, he really did Got it!"

"What's wrong?" Luo Zeshi asked.

"Without him, I have defeated the enemy." Yu Lian closed the terminal smoothly.

It wasn't until Rozeshi read the battle report that he understood why Chief of Staff Mkawa reacted like he did just now.

On August 25, the ancient fortress that had blocked the Galactic Alliance for more than half a year, the largest Enlightenment ruins second only to the Ring of Miracles, and the "Fortress of Unity" guarding the most important transportation channel in the Dawn Star Territory, was Under the witness of the two armies, it transformed into an irregular sphere with a longest diameter of less than fifty kilometers, and its appearance was exactly like a shriveled solid apple.

Seventy-two imperial battleships, including two dreadnoughts and four battle cruisers, and more than 300,000 imperial soldiers were squeezed into this solid metal lump, and no bones were left.

Before that, the Blue Star Community's fleet had left the fortress with more than 100,000 fortress garrison troops and more than 30,000 civilians in a swaggering manner.

The small number of imperial patrol ships in the galaxy were busy rushing back to rescue and could not intercept them at all.

It can only be said that whether it was the departure of the entire fleet or the timing of detonating the fortress, they had indeed grasped the best opportunity. In addition, the two predator motherships placed on standby at DL33 also worked wonders here.

As for the Titan ship Sanshen, which had finally escaped from the fortress, it immediately encountered a joint attack from the returning Community Garrison Fleet and the Thirteenth Fleet.

In the past, an intact Imperial Titan ship was enough to face the siege of two or three dreadnoughts as if nothing had happened. However, the Mountain God Gundarang barely escaped from the collapsed Unity Fortress. It was covered in bruises and riddled with holes. Even the crew was less than one-third of the quota, and everyone was exhausted.

There is no prey more precious to the people on Earth.

The remaining Imperial patrol fleet, in order to cover the escape of the Titan ship, rushed towards the Thirteenth Fleet in an almost desperate manner, but was quickly sunk.

As for the majestic giant ship that suffered five injuries and seven injuries, because the jump engine and sublight engine were severely damaged, it could not escape even if it wanted to escape. She was like a dying lion, helpless and desperate facing the attacks of the hyenas. But even so, the Titan ship was still fighting back.

This desperate and tragic siege lasted for nearly three hours. The Mountain God Gundarang was hit by twelve proton torpedoes and seven antimatter torpedoes in succession, but it still stood firm. During the counterattack, she also successively sank four Thunder Strikers and a Fletcher-class destroyer, and seriously damaged a Ranger-class light cruiser. In addition, thirty-eight fighter planes were shot down by anti-aircraft fire.

What really dealt the heaviest blow to the Mountain God Gangdalang was the White Devil fighter plane with the hull number RX78 flown by Lieutenant Li Baolu. With a high-energy penetration action full of personal heroism, he broke through the Titan ship's anti-aircraft firepower, which was much sparser than before, and dropped an anti-matter bomb into the gap created by his comrades.

Subsequently, a more violent explosion occurred from the bow of the Titan ship. Perhaps some important equipment had been destroyed. The giant ship was finally brought to a complete stop, and the number of secondary guns on both sides that could still be used was suddenly reduced to less than one-tenth of its previous size.

Even so, the Mountain God Gundarang did not sink immediately. All I can say is that he truly deserves to be a Titan.

She actually died from the final self-destruction.

This is because there are two large motherships rushing towards them menacingly, looking like they are ready to join forces. You know, these two ships are battleships captured from the looters by the Community. We all know that although the Predator ships are green-skinned, they have always been very weak in terms of extreme performance.

For example, the two motherships here are specially prepared for gang jumping. They are filled with disintegrating rams and hardened armor, and they also carry a hundred thousand recharged Earth Marines.

The Galactic Empire can accept the sinking of the Titan ship, but it absolutely cannot accept being captured.

However, what is certain is that the one who sank along with the ship also included King Thoraine, the commander of the New World Front of the Galactic Empire. After all, the Mountain God Gundarang is his ship. Without him personally issuing such a decisive and tragic order, ordinary captains would not dare to bear such responsibility.

In this way, a victory comparable to the "Battle of the High Seas" came to an end. Considering that Yang Xiyi's achievements included a Titan ship and an elected emperor, it was even more brilliant than the former.

In addition, if we ignore the unity fortress that has turned into a solid iron lump, the loss of the community is almost negligible.

After achieving a brilliant victory, the Thirteenth Fleet and the garrison fleet reunited. Of course, under the leadership of Yang Xiyi, it was impossible for them to be hot-headed again. They just spread the battle report to the entire universe in the form of clear gravitational waves, and once again escaped into the vast star field. .

"The specific location of Fleet Yang is currently unknown, but no trace of them has been found on the New World Highway or New Lushun. In all likelihood, they have re-entered the Dawn Star Territory." Luo Zeshi's voice was filled with excitement:

"The Dawn Star Territory is very large, and every galaxy will be a battleground for Yang Fleet."

Is this "Yang Fleet"? Has it been approved by the National Defense Council? Yu Lian thought.

"This battle report is coded using gravitational waves. If we receive it, it means that the whole universe has already known about it. This should also be Admiral Yang's plan." Chief of Staff Mkawa said with admiration on his face: "It's just, sir. I really didn’t expect...he actually detonated the Unity Fortress, and he actually did it."

Yu Liandao: "He is right. With the main force of the fleet gone, the fortress cannot be defended no matter what. Even if we use any cunning tactics to capture it, we cannot defend it. The fortress is useless to us, but to the empire But it has great significance. In this case, it is better to destroy it directly."

"The official understands. However, the official will not understand these things until the matter is over." said the chief of staff.

"Hahahaha, what a coincidence, King Solain across from me thinks so too." Yu Lian shrugged.

If Major General Mkawa is a narrow-minded person, he might feel that Yu Lian is a yin and yang of himself, and he might hold a grudge because of it. However, although he is rigid, serious and lacks a sense of humor, he is also a great man who is open-minded and firm, and he even showed an unprecedented bright smile.

"It is an honor for me to be compared with King Soleyn."

Yu Lian felt the cheerful mood of everyone and said with a smile: "In this way, Teacher Yang will probably become the most handsome boy in the universe? We have finally made headlines on the high seas, and we haven't caught on yet. I’m afraid I’m about to pass away. This Battle of the Blood Gate is the time to rebuild our glory. It’s our duty to do so!”

At this time, the bridge once again remembered the voice of the radar department. "Sir, we have crossed the outer orbit of the Santuchuan galaxy. In another hour, we will enter the scope of the Santuchuan 2 gravity well."

Behind Gravity Well No. 2 is the Blood Gate Galaxy, which is the gate of the Kingdom of Cathay and the location of the headquarters of the Three Kingdoms United Fleet.

"Very good! It seems that Commander Yang, who is far away in the New World, has brought good luck to Vaughn. I originally thought that I would encounter enemy patrol warships on the road, so I ordered all the warships to open their guns." Yu Lianda said:

"The ones who are working the hardest are the captains. I salute you. Haha, although the battle has not started yet, you have already made a contribution."

Captain Tovey, who was sitting in the front row, gave a thumbs up without looking back, as if he was emotionally stable and had everything under control.

"What if we are really discovered by an enemy ship?" Luo Zeshi asked in a low voice.

"Then make a strong attack and then escape, and come again in two days." Yu Lian said in a matter-of-fact tone.


"Of course, this is a joke."

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