Him and their stars

Chapter 1479 Isn’t this a current crime?

How could I not know? I'm just complaining. But being reminded like this by you makes me seem stupid, and my strategic mind is not even as good as that of a lieutenant.

General Honkas glanced at Captain Meigs, thinking that this was the first time he met an amiable, simple and strong officer like me. Otherwise, with your emotional intelligence, you might end up serving as a low-level officer until you die... Oh, no, you might end up being shot dead by angry subordinates one day.

Captain Meigs didn't notice the change in the new commander's heart at all, and just asked in a business-like manner: "So, do you want to speed up the meeting with the 17th Brigade?"

Major General Hongkesi had already heard gunshots and explosions in the distance. He could almost rely on his own instinct to determine that the opponent's ambush was not many. Therefore, he quickly made the "calmest" judgment: "Go over and make peace! Tell the boys of the 17th Brigade to hold on, reinforcements will be here soon!"

A regiment in utter disarray, having just escaped from an enemy ambush, went to support an entire brigade. It sounded like something was wrong, but because Major General Giant's tone was so confident, no one felt there was anything wrong, and the morale at the scene immediately increased a lot.

"Go rescue our comrades!" He said loudly again, with the power of morale-boosting words in his voice.

As a psyker born in Yeluzi, Major General Hongkas only began to receive systematic occult education at a very young age. This is already the only psionic technique he has mastered.

Fortunately, his level is not bad. The soldiers were indeed inspired, and they immediately responded loudly. Each one of them was so high-spirited that it seemed as if they were not breaking out, but charging to the death.

There were less than a thousand fully armed soldiers left in this regiment. Under the cover of the remaining 14 light assault tanks and 8 self-propelled sports cars, they strutted forward towards the distant battle site.

As standard, their stormtrooper regiment is also equipped with four heavy armored tanks. It's a pity that these fat and slow-moving armored vehicles were all opened one by one by the defenders.

Many of the defenders did not even wear mechas, but wore light power suits and moved quickly with the help of the cover of the ruined walls. Then he suddenly emerged from a place where no one was aware of it. After firing a shot, he disappeared in an instant.

From this perspective, can it be explained that when the enemy relies on the ruins of the city to attack, heavy armored vehicles that are slow to move, have huge targets, and have too large front projection area can have limited effectiveness and may even become targets? ?

Thinking about it more carefully, in the previous battles, the larger ATAT was indeed destroyed. Those sturdy and mighty multi-terrain iron feet have weaknesses no matter how you look at them. This kind of weapon is not only used to scare the indigenous mobs who have no fighting spirit and lack heavy weapons, but if it encounters low-level players of the same specifications, wouldn't it be useless?

Major General Hongkesi pondered these thoughts while following the large troops. He suddenly felt that he seemed to have grasped an important change point in the Imperial Army, and he felt a little excited for a moment.

As a Marine general, these issues are indeed within his scope of thinking. He did become famous and promoted due to his bravery, but he didn't really want to be a reckless man for the rest of his life.

If you can put forward some forward-looking and feasible reports, this failure will not only not become a stain, but will become the fuel to boost your take-off, right?

Yes, those who learn to sum up the lessons of failure are talents, and the big guys above will definitely see this.

Hongkesi was thinking as he moved forward, but he didn't feel tired at all. He even felt safe among the crowd.

As a major general, of course he can ride in the car. However, Major General Hongkas, who has experienced many battles, knows very well that once he gets into the car with his big body of more than three meters, he will naturally not be able to sit in the hatch and can only squat on the turret of the tank.

Just thinking about that scene, the giant general felt bursting and dying, and he knew on his knees that if it were like that, not only would he be ashamed, but he would definitely become a target of fire from the enemy.

Of course, although he said this in his heart, he kept saying that he must share the joys and sorrows with the soldiers; the majestic imperial warriors can complete this journey with their legs; even though he is old, he is still an invincible warrior. At that time, I will take the lead in the charge. The ordinary soldiers were immediately moved to the point of bursting into laughter.

However, as the adjutant, Captain McGowan had already sat on the base of a tank without hesitation, leaning against the turret, carrying a high-power military communicator and began to call the headquarters and our own warships in orbit. .

However, five minutes passed, but he found nothing. Even the brigade headquarters of the 17th Brigade, which he had successfully contacted just now, was disconnected.

Major General Hongkesi listened to the other party saying "Hey, hey, hey, hey" in the car nearby for a long time, but there was no movement. He felt a little irritated, so he smiled and said: "So, Captain, how is this kind of wide-area communication interference achieved?" ?”

"There are actually many methods. For example, hiding a large number of electromagnetic jammers in urban areas or nearby mountains; allowing soldiers to carry wide-area noise amplification equipment for non-stop maneuvers; using satellites to diffuse neutron beams; and launching them over cities. Strong photon interference bombs. Of course, there are many countermeasures, but we are not prepared in advance." Captain McGowan still answered directly and straightforwardly with his usual low emotional intelligence.

However, Major General Hongkes once again experienced a huge surprise. He felt more and more that the other party must be a talent.

"You didn't just go to school... I mean, you didn't just go to Royal Guards University, right?"

"Xiaguan served as the deputy captain of the guard force for five years in the slave labor camp in the Symoea sector. He didn't have much to do, so he took two degrees online."

"After this battle is over, Captain, you will prepare a report for me. It will include the communication methods that the other party may use and how we can counterattack. The more detailed the better." The giant general said.


"Tsk... If it weren't for this strong interference, the battle just now would have been enough for us to take down this city." Major General Hongkas cursed reluctantly.

"Actually, even if there is no communication interference, we can only break through to the first underground level of the city. There is still a tough battle to conquer the tunnels." Captain McGowan said.

Major General Giant felt more and more that this man was a talent, so he no longer minded the other party's attitude. When he was about to ask the other party's opinion on the tunnel attack, he was interrupted by a sudden explosion in front of him.

He looked up and saw that the originally spacious wilderness gradually became undulating terrain in front of him, and his field of vision suddenly narrowed. The mountains on both sides overlook the passage below the mountain, forming an irregular bottle mouth. These hillsides are just an extension of the mountains to the north of the city. The slopes are relatively gentle, the terrain is not steep, and the altitude is not particularly high. Strictly speaking, even civilian off-road vehicles can be considered as walking on flat ground passing through here.

But if it appears on the battlefield, it will make people think a lot.

What's more, the battlefield further away has been completely covered by the air waves and thick fog generated by the explosion. The weapons of oneself and the enemy flashed in the white mist, just like the colorful lights of the city in a dark, humid and dense foggy sky. It was gorgeous but without any sense of beauty, only a heart-stopping sense of oppression.

The dazzling flash produced by the explosion flickered in the thick fog, accompanied by a thunderous roar. The figures of the soldiers shuttled through the fog, but it was completely unclear who was the friendly force and who was the enemy.

Now, more than 2,000 soldiers of the 17th Imperial Stormtrooper Brigade, who had withdrawn from the city in the early stage, were fighting with countless enemies in the gaps between the foothills and hills. The fierce killing field is constantly expanding and has blocked all possible paths forward for the newly arrived 4th Regiment.

Major General Hongkasi pondered for two seconds and said quietly: "Well, this... there is a saying in the art of war. It is said that there is no forest and no mountains."

If I remember correctly, there should be another road after exiting the mountain and walking three kilometers east.

He had to admit that since the airship he was riding in was shot down, he had not recovered yet, and he was still relatively stable after all.

"But, isn't that what the cold weapon era said?" Captain McGowan said.

How different are we from the cold weapon era? Major General Legg Giant clearly saw that two kilometers away in a straight line, an Imperial soldier and a Lumina man rolled out of the fire mist while wrestling.

They had lost their firearms, and even their main hand-to-hand weapons were damaged, leaving only pitted battle axes, broken high-carbon crystal swords, and fragile and thin daggers.

The final result of the battle ended when the Lumina soldier fought hard and had one of his hands cut off, and then pierced the dagger into the gap under the enemy's faceplate. This warrior with only three arms stood up tenaciously.

It was only then that he saw the soldiers of the 4th Regiment who had just arrived. He raised three middle fingers and retreated into the thick fog.

"Natives of Rumina! Lowly Longhorn people!"

"It is simply a shame for mankind that the bumpkins from Earth treat them as treasures!"

"Yes, a traitor! Everyone on earth is a traitor! That, that Dawn... that person is the biggest traitor!"

Major General Hongkesi heard his subordinates whispering and felt that he was being ridiculed, but he could only pretend not to hear. Then he also heard a lookout shouting: "Look! Direction to the coast!"

The giant major general turned back and glanced in the southeast direction, and saw three red spots rising in the sky, which soon bloomed into gorgeous and gorgeous sparks.

This scene should have occurred during a grand celebration.

However, it must be admitted that such large-scale fireworks are highly visible from a distance and very recognizable. It's perfect for use as a signal flare when communication is lost.

"Sir, this is..." Captain McGowan's voice was a little urgent.

Major General Hongkas said angrily: "I can see that missiles are being launched again on the other side of the sea. Three red fireworks, which means at least thirty missiles were fired? Tsk, there are still enemy unmanned submarines lurking under the sea. ?”

Thinking of this, he suddenly became angry and said loudly: "That's why I said that unmanned submarines in the sea are hidden dangers. If you really can't find them, why not use two neutron bombs in the offshore sea? ?”

I pity my poor soldiers who retreated from the plains to the east. They were already bombarded when they came, and they were bombed again when they left.

Just for this so-called holy land planet? In order not to destroy the so-called environment? Will it cost more soldiers' lives to push it? Although the bosses above are always misbehaving, this time they were really misbehaving! Major General Hongkas decided that this time when he went back, he would smash the table for Commander Surme.

If you want to capture this city, you must be ruthless.

"The power of the neutron beam will be weakened when it encounters water. I think the positron beam should be used for irradiation." Captain McGowan said.

Isn’t that just burning glass? I think you are still a little too extreme.

Just as Major General Giant was about to say something, he heard the noisy bass sound coming from the terminal carried by the opponent again, and finally there were some intermittent and fuzzy sounds: "Attack...avoid!"

"It's the headquarters." Captain McGowan said.

No special introduction is needed. Major General Honkas thought. Although the voice was quite vague, full of noise, and intermittent, he could still recognize Commander Surme's voice.

"Yes, sir, we have seen the signal flares. The enemy once again launched artillery attacks on us from the sea. However, the troops retreating from the plains to the east are in an orderly manner and are well prepared for air defense. They will definitely be able to retreat to a safe area. "


Major General Surmei's voice was like a fat-headed fish caught ashore, struggling hard as if this could prolong his life. However, he still failed to finish a complete sentence after all, and the communication terminal shut up again.

"Your Majesty will continue debugging, and we should be out of the interference zone soon." Captain McGowan said: "However, Your Majesty probably guessed what Commander Surmei meant."

"……you say."

"Does he mean that those missiles are coming towards us? Tell us to get out of the way quickly?"

Hongkasi's first reaction was impossible, absolutely impossible!

You know, at this time, the enemy and ourselves were completely in a chaotic melee. In this way, wouldn't it involve one's own people? You know, using large-scale firepower to indiscriminately kill is a taboo on the battlefield, and the blow to one's own morale is completely devastating.

This is completely different from supervising the battlefield law enforcement of the team, or driving cannon fodder to charge to the death.

Noble generals like the Imperial Army, who had always regarded the lives of ordinary soldiers as resources, were unable to do such a thing. Since the 38th Community Division on the opposite side is such a formidable and powerful enemy, it should be unable to do these things.

After all, when defending a city, the defender's morale is much more important than the attacker's.

But then, the giant general suddenly realized that his side seemed to be one or two kilometers away from the battlefield.

In the sky above his head, dozens of fire lights flickered, like a boiling meteor shower.

However, as a psyker, the Giant General had no time to worry about the missiles that were about to land.

He clearly felt that there were indeed new enemies coming from behind the ridge in the northeast. One of the psychics was not even prepared to cover up his sense of existence. The psychic fluctuations he unleashed wantonly were clearly provoking himself.

It should be the deputy mayor of the 38th Division, the Highlander named Meng Jiao, right? It is said that he is a very impressive guy. In the past two months of fighting, he has killed many imperial warriors. Judging from the psychic fluctuations, he is indeed a powerful character.

However, I, General Hongkas, have experienced hundreds of battles, how can I be provoked by such a thing? We have long passed the age of showing off our strength and martial arts.

"Command to the whole army! Attack me!" He slammed the cannon on the ground and ordered the whole army to move forward bravely.

Now, even if you think about it with your knees, if you retreat, you will definitely be bombed by missiles coming from afar, followed by the siege of the enemy's pursuit troops. Only by moving forward can there be a glimmer of hope.

However, he had just shouted loudly, and before he even had time to use the spirit of speech, another cannonball fell next to him.

It should be an attack from the surrounding mountains, but I don't know the specific direction. For the imperial army's scouts, there are sources of heat and murderous opportunities everywhere in front and behind them, on the mountains and underground, and even in the sky.

Obviously, the community's ambush troops have noticed this group of imperial troops, and of course they cannot fool the fat and tall Major General Hongkas.

Fierce shock waves and hot smoke rose up at the same time, completely covering it.

This scene, of course, also fell on the big terminal screen of the headquarters where Major General Surmei was located.

Although communications have been interfered with, the reconnaissance aircraft and warships in low-Earth orbit are not affected. Instead, they can conduct 24-hour tracking and filming of their own retreating troops, and the images are still 1080p high-definition, and even I can also give you a close-up or something.

However, you can clearly monitor the movements of each officer and soldier, but you cannot contact them personally.

What the hell is the difference between this and the current prison sentence? Major General Surmei looked at his deputy who was swallowed up by the explosion with grief and indignation. He felt that this was the most humiliating war ever.

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