Him and their stars

Chapter 1480 The line of fire in the wilderness

Major General Surmei looked at the burning smoke and dust on the terminal screen, and for a moment he felt a little hopeless.

He knew very well that up to this point in this battle, not only had both troops and generals been lost, but Brigadier General Mando had also died. If another major general dies, who is also the deputy commander of the entire army, the only one who can take the blame is himself. At that time, neither the Grand Marshal's Mansion nor Marshal Farrell of the Circle of Miracles can handle it lightly anymore.

Even if King Bedo and King Wilent are willing to intercede, the best result must be to retire in disgrace, right? As for the location of the ball length of this beautiful holy land planet, it is naturally impossible.

Suermei couldn't help but feel so sad that she was speechless for a moment.

But at this time, he suddenly saw on the screen, the giant with a huge body and three layers of armor, jumped out from behind the sea of ​​​​fire, raised his battle ax high, and greeted Everyone continued to charge forward.

Major General Hongkesi was still on fire. However, looking at him looking so lively and energetic, it shouldn't be a big problem.

His courage immediately inspired many panicked imperial soldiers.

Major General Surmei had just relaxed a little, but missiles launched from the enemy's unmanned submarines from the offshore were also roaring towards him. The continuous explosions once again formed a strong light, which temporarily blocked the orbital reconnaissance aircraft's detection field of view.

However, the actions of this group of troops were still very decisive and timely. They should be able to avoid the explosion range of most missiles, right? Probably... Major General Surmei comforted himself in this way, and at the same time shouted loudly:

"Still can't get in touch?"

The communications director of the Kyeyans reported with sweating profusely: "Still, the call is still continuing. Well, we have been in contact with the troops retreating from the east."

"I'm asking about Deputy Commander Hongkasi! Don't you even understand the cause of the interference now?"

"This, in fact, may be an enemy aircraft that is performing frequency hopping. We..."

"I didn't ask you a technical question. Wait? Aircraft? We have blocked all orbits and skies of the entire planet for such a long time, but there are still enemy aircraft that have not been destroyed?"

"If it is a small drone and uses the same stealth coating as that used on unmanned submarines at sea, it is possible."

"In other words, you also made a guess?" Major General Surmei couldn't help but touch the pistol at his waist.

He is an elegant aristocratic general, and he has the image of a Confucian general who is graceful, gentle, and not angry but has no authority, but this does not mean that he will not shoot people.

At this time, a communications sergeant suddenly loudly reported: "Commander, there is a communication coming."

He may really have an important report, but objectively he may have saved his immediate boss's life. The communications director from Kiye Yang suddenly showed a grateful expression.

"Have you contacted Major General Hongkesi?" Commander Surmei suddenly beamed.

"...No, they are coming from the direction of the Miracle Ring. Marshal Farrell asked us to quickly submit a report on the battle situation in the past two days."

"..." Major General Surmei shrank his head. He was extremely lucky that this was a new continent. There was no instant communication, so he didn't have to directly endure the face-to-face questioning of Marshal Farrell.

As for the report, no matter it is a report with strict requirements, it can always be polished with the Spring and Autumn writing method. Major General Surmei said that he was born into a noble family and received higher education, so this is what he is best at.

"What else did Marshal Farrell say?" he asked.

"... Your Excellency the Marshal stated that the frontal defense line deployed by the main force of the enemy Marines in the Ring of Miracles has been broken through by us at 16:27 on November 27, and the community defenders are being defeated. Now, the Ring of Miracles has been controlled by us. It’s in hand.”

Major General Surmei was speechless for a moment. He looked at the time and realized that this happened more than a day ago. Of course, considering the distance between the two places, this notification should have been sent to myself just after the war.

What does it mean? A dignified marshal wouldn't show off his military exploits in front of a humble major general like me, right? Major General Surmei felt very uncomfortable.

Of course, the communications sergeant saw the commander's dark face, but he could only bite the bullet and continue to report: "Marshal Farrell said that the Ring of Miracles and Yaochi are the two strongholds that the earthlings are still resisting in the Dawn Star Territory. . He hopes that you can give him good news before December. In this way, the battle report submitted to the Privy Council from the Dawn War Zone will be better."

Well, that last sentence is obviously the exact words of Marshal Farrell.

Major General Surmei looked at another window, the ruins of the city that had been razed to the ground. He realized again that his fate was actually completely bound to this city that refused to surrender no matter what. It is conceivable that if he cannot win, this non-aristocratic marshal will definitely shoot himself before King Wilente and King Bedo come forward to intercede.

"Let the destroyer No. 4-1 of the Seral Corps and the destroyer No. 77 of the Black Bearded Lion enter low-Earth orbit, prepare to install high-yield thermonuclear warheads, and prepare for bombing." He ordered in a deep voice.

The officers present looked at each other, feeling that the Commander's change of circumstances was too quick.

"The 233rd Panzergrenadier Regiment and the 587th Regiment, acting as reserves, airborne in the D-12 and 14 areas north of Marshal Li's city of Grad respectively. Go immediately to support Marshal Hongkas. And, this big mountain!" His He moved his hand across the mountains to the north of the city: "I don't want to see such rugged mountains by the sea. Blow them up for me!"

It was probably the first time that the imperial officers saw such a gloomy commander. They lowered their heads and expressed that they would obey orders and would not dare to have any opinions.

But in fact, we all know that even if Major General Surme does not hesitate to use powerful weapons, even if it is to burn glass, he must wipe out Marshal Li Gele, and it must be after the battle is over. At this time, Major General Hongkas's troops were already in a melee with the Community soldiers who intercepted him, and they could no longer be distinguished.

Therefore, before the empire's high-altitude bombing began, dozens of missiles released by the community from unmanned submarines had already landed on the hilly wilderness in the north.

The explosion immediately put an end to all the plans of the 4th Regiment of the 17th Imperial Brigade to change the direction of advance.

At the same time, there were reinforcements who had just arrived at the scene. They stood at the foot of the mountain, and the portable ion cannons in their hands, called AKs, sounded like a violent storm.

The plasma energy formed a beam that penetrated the gray fog used to obscure the battlefield. In an instant, the gray-white smoke continued to flash like a curtain of lights of different colors, making it radiant and full of murderous aura.

Energy beams and physical cannonballs fell on the giant general's path, trying to cut off the meeting of the two imperial armies.

But at the same time, the Imperial Army's tanks and assault vehicles had already turned their muzzles to both sides, covering the foothills with more intense artillery fire. The terrifying shock wave turned the towering trees in the forest into powder at the same time, as well as the gun crews hiding under the grass.

"Advance, never retreat! When we meet on a narrow road, the brave will win!" Major General Hongkas roared.

Well, of course he shouted in the common language of the empire and used imperial metaphors with similar meanings, but we only need to understand a few of them.

Major General Giant could already feel that this might be a trap for him. However, there was nothing he could do except order the soldiers to move forward bravely.

Sergeant Jerry Metz, who had officially become a member of the guerrilla team under the 38th Division, let himself crawl as much as possible in the naturally formed trench at the foot of the mountain. Although he was wearing an exoskeleton, protective clothing and armor plates, he still felt that the ground beneath him was like a drum skin being beaten continuously by the intensive explosions. Mud, rocks and even metal fragments were blown high into the air, covering the back of his mecha.

Then, amid the explosion, he heard the voices of his comrades.

"Three o'clock direction! Distance 100, Imperial Lieutenant MK2 assault tank 1."

That was the voice of his comrade, Corporal Sandman Kadai.

Sergeant Max felt himself shaking, as if the entire universe had been shattered into pieces in this heart-destroying explosion. When he was a crew member on the Chimera, he also participated in the Battle of the Ring of Miracles.

However, even in that unprecedented battle that focused thousands of huge warships on both sides and swallowed up millions of lives, there was no such terrifying experience.

This is probably because when I was in the battleship, even though I was in a cold and empty universe, when the deadly beams and explosions passed by me, although it was thrilling, I knew after all that I was being protected by the battleship's shields and equipment. If the deck is protected, there will always be a sense of security or two left.

However, here, there was only a thin layer of armor between him and the deadly ray.

So, I am a crew member! Why did he become an anti-armor shortstop? I am really unprofessional in this regard!

Thoughts that he shouldn't have were running through his mind, and his nerves were about to collapse. However, as a well-trained battle cruiser assistant gunner, he was now also a well-trained portable gunner.

He straightened up almost by instinct, and a vague outline of an armored vehicle suddenly appeared in the aiming window under his visor. On his own battlefield, he raised the AK beam cannon with the help of his exoskeleton, aimed it at the side armor of his tank, and ignited its rear wheels with an ion beam.

On the other side, the roar of fierce anti-tank missiles rang out. That should be the missile launched by Corporal Cadet.

Sergeant Jerry Metz saw the explosion of the enemy tank with his own eyes, but before he could confirm it, he subconsciously shrank his head and rolled back into the trench.

It’s impossible not to do it subconsciously. Sergeant Max still remembered that Corporal Tom of the assault team next door was a little slow when dodging, and half of his body was blown away by a blaster beam.

Was this a fight that happened a week ago, or two weeks ago?

The siege has been going on for too long, and I have changed from a battleship sailor traveling across the galaxy to an assault soldier hiding in the tunnels. I have become accustomed to resting and recuperating in the darkness of the refuge, advancing in the twists and turns of the dark tunnel, suddenly showing up and giving the enemy a cold shot, and then retreating with ease.

I remember an Imperial soldier who had his leg broken. Before he died, he cursed himself as a gopher. But, what's wrong with this? As long as the gophers are not opened, they are very safe.

Sergeant Jerry, lying in the trench gasping for air, found himself unharmed again.

However, immediately afterwards, he was pulled up by a strong hand. It was his captain, Sergeant Major Tatora, a veteran of Rumina who had experienced many battles. His three arms carried a warhammer, a shield and an electromagnetic rifle respectively.

He also saw his other comrade, Sergeant Cadet. The sand warrior wearing a hundred-eyed giant mecha threw the portable hive missile launcher aside and picked up the shotgun and battle ax.

Before the war, they were colleagues in the same outpost. Two months after the war began, they were teammates in the same guerrilla group. Fortunately, the war has progressed to this point and the trio are still alive. Unfortunately, Sergeant Cadet lost half of his tail. Sergeant Major Tatara only had three of his four arms left. Only he, the former crew member with the least experience in land combat, was still unscathed.

If they have the conditions to lie down in the best gene therapy warehouse for a few months, their injuries can be healed and they can grow new tails and arms. But after all, Marshal Li Gele did not have such conditions.

Fortunately, our comrades have shown amazing openness on this issue.

"With only three hands left, it won't affect my ability to use the gun. It won't affect my ability to go back and tighten the screws after the battle." Sergeant Tatara said.

"My tail is missing? Wouldn't it affect my movement if I added a spring chair? It could even support me to sit down and take a rest." Sergeant Cadet said.

"Maybe in the future we can even use a whole prosthetic body or something like that?"

"...Prosthetic body, that is not in line with the national beliefs of the Rumina people."

"The national beliefs of you Rumina people have yet to be restored. You haven't traveled millions of light years all at once."

"Well, it seems, that's what it is."

These people actually have serious illnesses. Sergeant Max felt that if he stayed with these people for a long time, he would not have much time left before going crazy.

What broke him out of his thoughts was Sergeant Tatara's voice.

"Don't be dazed, you are not injured!" The Rumina sergeant stretched out his finger, flicked Sergeant Max's helmet, and shouted: "Get ready to charge! Charge! Do you hear the bugle?"

Immediately afterwards, shouts, roars, guns, explosions, mechanical friction, and all kinds of heart-stopping noises poured into his mind like an avalanche and a flood.

Of course, there is also the passionate sound of trumpets coming from behind the distant foothills.

That was indeed an attack signal unique to the 38th Division. Whether it is the Rumina people from New Seville or the sand people from New Yumen. When I hear this trumpet sound, my blood always boils up accidentally.

However, after all, he, Sergeant Jerel Mace, was a sailor who once belonged to the First Fleet, and the lifestyle he pursues is a stable one. It is still difficult to understand the lifestyle of these people.

He mechanically took out a power hammer from the weapon rack on the back of the exoskeleton. He looked blankly at his comrades and then at the real battlefield.

At this time, the light mist and thick smoke were dissipating. The grass in front of them was scattered with hit Imperial mechas and tanks. Some of them had lost their mobility, leaving only a large ball of raging bears wrapped in black smoke. Fire.

However, there are more Imperial soldiers advancing.

In fact, at this time, detectors without mechas could also capture that the burned woodlands on the foothills on both sides were also littered with mecha carcasses and corpses of our own soldiers.

However, more Community soldiers were rushing towards the battlefield across the forest and corpses.

At low altitude, the melee between drones and armored airships continues. Sergeant Max saw with his own eyes that an Empire Falcon airship exploded in mid-air not far away. That was because a drone carrying a disintegrating horn and high explosives got into its belly.

Farther away, a heavier and higher-flying Fire Crow armored airship dragged its burning tail and swayed past his head. The airship's cannon fired a series of lines of fire, knocking down four or five of its own fighters, but then, the self-destructing drone launched from behind the side of the mountain ejected and rushed over with its rotors extended.

The Fire Crow armored airship crashed to the ground dozens of meters away, and immediately exploded into a ball of fire.

Then, there was a bang, and an imperial mecha more than three meters high emerged from the raging fire, as if it was an evil ghost emerging from purgatory.

Immediately afterwards, the evil ghost turned his face and looked at himself. His vision hole was covered by flames, but he clearly hid a fierce light.

"Go and kill that imperial devil!" Sergeant Major Tatara patted Sergeant Max on the shoulder.

Me, me?

Are you talking about this Panzergrenadier whose ax alone is bigger than my head?

"Forget it, just follow us." Sergeant Cadet laughed.

Sergeant Max saw with his own eyes that his two comrades, the Lumina man with only three arms left and the sand man with only half a tail, had jumped out of the ditch and rushed into the smoke.

When he reacted, he suddenly realized that he had actually rushed out with his comrades. I could even see the cold glow of the battle ax in the hand of the Imperial Grenadier.

If the ax is thrown over, half of my body will be broken into pieces, right?

…Wait a minute, I don’t seem to have any armor, I’m only wearing protective clothing and an exoskeleton.

"Come on! Rats!" The imperial soldiers under the mecha roared. His throat seemed to have been injured, and his roaring voice had a strong rusty smell, more like an evil ghost.

The young human gunner was unconscious for a moment, but he still moved forward subconsciously.

However, all that was heard was a "boom". It was his comrade-in-arms, Sergeant Cadet, who opened fire with a shotgun.

The half-body of the Imperial Panzergrenadier was immediately completely covered by the roaring rain of bullets. No matter whether it was the ferocious eyes, the burning flames of war, or the cold light of the battle ax, it was no longer clear.

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