Him and their stars

Chapter 1482 Lost

Long Yuan heard a series of screams. This was a multi-functional infantry fighting vehicle in front of him on the left, launching the last six multi-functional missiles in the launcher.

When fired at such an ultra-close range, the hit rate was certainly gratifying. Three of the shots hit, but one bounced off the shield and the other hit the reactive armor, but did not explode. Fortunately, the last shot still caused some damage to this fat and strong Imperial armored airship.

The latter's flight path was a little tilted, and it turned crookedly like a drunkard to the 7 o'clock direction.

At this time, three soldiers wearing only protective clothing jumped out of the door of the missile vehicle and ran towards Long Yuan's direction. For these chariot riders without mechas, Long Yuan wearing a heraldic machine is definitely the one that makes them feel the most secure.

However, before they had even taken a few steps, an ion beam struck from nowhere and tore open the reactive armor of the multifunctional infantry vehicle. The high temperature formed by the energy package and plasma was mixed together, adding some crisp beeping sounds to the explosion sound, which looked very weird.

Immediately afterwards, the ion cannonball swept over like a light whip, sweeping away the smoke of the explosion, sweeping away the remnants of the reactive armor, and sweeping away the fleeing riders. The two soldiers were hit by the ion light group with a temperature exceeding 1,000 degrees, their protective suits were destroyed, and their upper bodies were suddenly blasted into a blur of flesh and blood.

The last soldier had his leg broken. He stopped moving forward and could only roll into the crater closest to him.

Long Yuan had no energy left to help his comrade. Those dense beam cannons roared continuously, and they had shifted their targets and extended towards themselves.

The soldiers of the Spirit Research Association began to charge faster. He dragged his heraldry machine and rushed towards the source of the light whip. While he was sprinting, he was continuously moving and jumping. The huge mecha, which was more than three meters tall and weighed at least half a ton, was as agile as a ghost at this time.

None of the dense ion beams hit Long Yuan, who instead rushed into the smoke. He saw with his own eyes an injured Imperial assault vehicle that was obviously staggering. The turret was clearly equipped with a blaster cannon and an ion rapid-fire cannon, but only the latter showed its power.

Long Yuan passed straight past the assault vehicle, but when the two made a mistake, he crossed the long branch made of star steel and gave the opponent a smooth crosscut.

He did not stop and continued to move towards the rear base. He didn't even look back, nor did he see that the soldier who had rolled into the crater and had only one leg left had pulled out a pistol and shot himself in the temple.

It is now November 27, 833 in the Common Calendar, at 20:00 pm standard time. However, the Ring of Miracles Plate 1 continent is still under the sunlight reflected from the dome containing ancient technology, maintaining a refreshing and soothing day. .

Those warm rays will shine on the fields, rivers and lakes, making all the scenery look like the eternal paradise in myths and legends.

However, it was completely invisible. The jade-like wilderness, the silver-chain-like rivers, and the pearl-like lakes are no longer visible. After a day and night of fierce fighting, everyone retreated nearly 15 kilometers and finally retreated into the valley.

Now, those beautiful things have been covered by the mountains. Even these mountains have completely lost their luster of life.

After experiencing countless rounds of shelling, the altitude of those mountains was cut off by hundreds of meters, and the trees and rocks were completely smashed, giving them a cold, gloomy gray color.

Looking around, black smoke columns were rising from the destroyed gun emplacements. In an almost windless battlefield environment, these annoying columns of dark smoke rose straight into the sky.

However, when you raise your eyes along these plumes of smoke that climb straight up, they begin to dissipate naturally before they touch the dome two or three kilometers above the ground. In this atmosphere surrounded by a huge dome, there seem to be countless small factors that are invisible to the naked eye, constantly decomposing all pollutants that are harmful to people, living things, and the environment.

Of course, this is just one of the countless miracles in the Ring of Miracles.

The early pioneers and soldiers who came here have looked at the starry sky outside the dome countless times and couldn't help but worship the great enlightened one in the dark. Even a psychic like Long Yuan is no exception.

However, now I can no longer worship him.

On the battlefield, above the dome sky showing the morning light, after the azure blue background simulated by ancient technology, many sharp and cold outlines can be seen vaguely, like a The deranged gods used their own paintbrushes to scratch out graffiti, but they were more like some evil gods peering into this land.

If it were before the interstellar age, this scene alone would have made most people lose their minds.

In fact, it is still...

Of course everyone knows that those are actually imperial battleships. They are staying close to the dome, paying attention to the changes on the battlefield. Of course everyone also knows that these imperial warships are just for viewing. They do not dare to use powerful weapons to smash the dome of the continental plate and conduct orbital bombardment on their own side.

But even so, the soldiers of the community still felt a huge sense of oppression, and their morale was inevitably low.

In comparison, for the Imperial Army, those "evil gods" hidden outside the blue "sky" are their own patron saints, and they are naturally very high-spirited.

For the Imperial Army, they do not need to rely on battleships for orbital strikes. When the mighty army's primary attack was not going too smoothly, all kinds of firepower began to clean up the ground.

The Empire hit tens of thousands of cannons of various types on the opposite side and conducted a bombardment that lasted for six hours.

From the perspective of a non-professional like Long Yuan, the attack was not actually accurate and the efficiency was not high. In the three-dimensional defense line constructed by Lieutenant General Seyo and Major General Lal based on the "Defense Omnipotence Theory", most of our own firepower points are hidden in the mountains and trenches. Under such circumstances, out of ten shots fired by the enemy, the effective hit may be less than one.

However, the Imperial Army's tactics proved that it was possible to establish a powerful force in any era.

Even non-professionals like Long Yuan can clearly tell that the enemy's intensive bombardment, which is literally like a storm, is always mixed with several rather dull explosions in each round, as if There were one or two muffled thunders mixed in with the heavy rain. That was naturally the news that one's own target had been hit.

Therefore, the muffled thunder in the crazy rainstorm and the heart-stopping explosions formed the purgatory fire that covered the sky and the sun for six hours, suppressing them to the point where they could not even lift their heads.

Long Yuan's own position was not at the forefront of the battle line, but at a safe position in the second direction, witnessing the continuous attacks almost unscathed. When the attack was over, the young psyker was not even sure whether the defense line still existed.

Facts have proved that the defense built through "Defensive Almighty Theory" is indeed strong. Although the enemy's shelling destroyed most of the firepower points in the first line of defense, there were still people alive after all.

As the Imperial Army began to advance with the bombardment, their counterattack also began.

According to the battle reports from the front line, the defenders of the Blue Star Community are rising up to resist. Each bombardment can fall into the densest crowd of enemy troops, and can be "eroded for dozens of miles." Every step forward by the imperial army cost more than a thousand people.

Lieutenant General Seyo said that the staff officer responsible for the frontline battle report should be shot. As expected, the academics in the "elite group" have no serious skills other than learning to eat imperial court dishes with silverware and writing reports in a garish manner.

Naturally, Long Yuan listened to the entire content of Lieutenant General Seyo's rant on the frontline observation post on the communication channel dedicated to senior officers. He felt that the commander's words were a little too much. After all, Commander Yang and his uncle were also the "elite group" of the academy. If it were at home, just based on these words, Lieutenant General Saiyo would have made countless mortal enemies.

Fortunately, this is a battlefield in the New World, and no one has time to consider these unproductive office political issues. The staff officer in charge of frontline battle reporting was immediately shot dead on the spot.

Lieutenant General Seyo personally led a group of reinforcements to fill in, finally stabilizing the battle situation.

However, even non-professionals like Long Yuan knew that if our reserve team was put into the battlefield so quickly, it meant that the situation was out of control.

...However, considering what Commander Saiyo and Chief of Staff Lal gave them before the war, they seemed to have already expected this.

The barracks where Long Yuan was located was destroyed three hours after the enemy launched the second round of strong attack. At that time, six missiles fell on the barracks where he was located. One of them was shot down by an automatic sentry gun thousands of meters away; the other was chopped away by ITA Long Yuan himself. However, four missiles still exploded over the barracks, raining down a hail of deadly bullets.

The barracks where he had lived for half a year, a small iron-clad single villa built with metal building materials, burst into flames on the spot. The main body of the house, as well as all personal belongings inside, were reduced to ashes in the flames.

Also burning were rows of warehouses, maintenance and repair workshops, and other barracks.

It was obvious that the enemy troops had rushed to the front of the first line of defense, and might even have passed through the heavily fortified valley entrance. The Imperial Army's thinking is very fresh. On the battlefield, the first thing to attack is of course the most threatening and valuable target. Therefore, after confirming that the shooting field of view was clear, they immediately chose to attack the Blue Guard's station.

Long Yuan judged that Officer Youxing should have locked the location of the Blue Guard through spiritual fluctuations. He remembered that his mentor once told him that if only in terms of frontal combat effectiveness, the core disciples of the Spirit Research Society would never lose to any well-trained elite astral knight. As for the seven sons of Reiken, all of them are qualified to serve as knight commanders. However, the gap in the mystical reserves of the community and the empire is often reflected in "auxiliary" fields such as exploration, prophecy, alchemy, investigation, and breeding.

Speaking of which, what the hell is this farming thing that got mixed up in?

...In any case, the Galactic Empire is indeed experienced in how to use the power of psykers to maximize the combat power of ordinary people's armies.

This missile attack is one of the results.

Fortunately, before the missile fell, all the psykers in the station had already put on armor and were ready for battle, and they immediately avoided the explosion.

The heraldry machine and the psykers were relatively safe, but almost all the equipment and alchemical supplies in the camp were destroyed. The maintenance groups of the two companies also suffered heavy casualties.

Long Yuan saw with his own eyes that a young maintenance man was torn in half by the shock wave of the missile explosion as soon as he escaped from the barracks. He still remembered that the soldier was a member of his machine's maintenance team. He was less than twenty years old this year and graduated from a technical high school. He also wanted to save some money by serving this year and return to the countryside to marry his childhood sweetheart and save money for college. of tuition fees.

The disciples of the Spirit Research Association really want to save other comrades. His current mentality was more like that of a knight than a soldier, but before he could activate the mecha, the person next to him reached out and grabbed him. It was Brigadier General Daisuke Shibato.

"They have their responsibilities, and we have ours. You have accepted the order from Commander Saiyo, and he told you what you should do at this time, right?" Chaimen said loudly.

"...Go to Area F-3 to meet with General Mallowan and accept her instructions."

"Very good. You are indeed very capable, but after all, you have only been in the army for a short period of time, so I am afraid you are not yet able to adapt to the four-image tactics. You may be more suitable to act alone here." Brigadier General Chaimen nodded.

Long Yuan was a little embarrassed. He is called "Colonel" because he is a third-circle psyker, but he has not been in the military for a long time, so he really doesn't look like a soldier. It is really shameful that the Four Symbols tactic is clearly owned by my uncle, but I am not very proficient in it.

"As for our mission, it is here. We will lead the commando team to carry out a counterattack. It would be best if we directly drive the enemy out of the valley." Brigadier General Chaimen patted the opponent's shoulder armor hard and grinned. He smiled brightly: "If you have the opportunity, please tell Commander Yu Company that it will be a lifetime pleasure to work with him several times!"

After leaving these words, Brigadier General Chamon led his comrades in the direction of the Imperial Army's attack outside the valley. Following closely behind, in addition to the other seven members of the Blue Guard from the two teams, was the 5th Marine Division, which served as the final reserve.

Long Yuan watched the backs of Brigadier General Chaimen and his comrades disappear in the dust and smoke, then turned around and quickened his pace towards the forward headquarters of Area F 3.

However, this is not destined to be a smooth journey.

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