Him and their stars

Chapter 1483 Guerrilla and Exploration

When he had just started, the Imperial Army's derived artillery fire roared over, like a meteor shower falling towards the camp. And behind the spreading ridge, a large number of black spots also appeared, densely packed like crazy wasps.

Those were clearly the empire's armored airships. During the previous battles, these flying units had always maintained restraint and calmness, but now they found an opportunity and finally could no longer hold back.

Facing the terrifying scene, Long Yuan could only silently wish his comrades success, but he really had no confidence. After all, he didn't understand the art of war, he wasn't a top commander, and he didn't know how to turn the tide of the war. He is also not one of those demigod or above characters, who is truly invincible. After all, he was just an ordinary disciple of the Spiritual Research Society. Although he was a colonel, he was still essentially a new soldier. He didn't know what else to do except keep moving forward according to previous orders.

After receiving a communication from Major General Mallowan, he was informed that the forward command post in Area F 3 had been lost. She is moving to the rear base in Area Z, hoping to meet up there.

It was already in the deepest part of the valley. Once the enemy blocked it, there would be nowhere to escape.

Long Yuan thought so, but before he could object, Major General Azisha Mallowan said again: "If I haven't arrived when you arrive, go to my office and open the red safe. I have already sent you the password." I'm at your terminal and use your senior officer authority to decode it. Also, if you haven't arrived an hour after I arrive, I won't be able to wait for you. Young man, just take care of your destiny."

Although this arrangement is a bit cruel, it still sounds very step-by-step. So, going to fight with Major General Mallowan is the so-called emergency plan, right? Long Yuan was thinking like this, forcing himself to relax.

However, when he really started to change his route, he suddenly discovered that behind his own defense line, the vast battlefield was already filled with flames of war.

He had only been in action for half an hour, and he had already encountered enemies everywhere. What is constantly raging in the sky has become the Imperial Army's airship, and we can only rely on drones to fight back. In the vast wilderness within the valley, a large number of Imperial armored grenadiers and light assault vehicles were swimming around, and there were even lone Astral Knights.

The Astral Knight that he killed just now was the second Astral Knight that he encountered within twenty minutes.

As for air strikes...

One thing to say, although the airship just acted very stupid, it was really not the first flying unit to launch an attack on itself.

Speaking of which, those flying drones pose a greater threat than the thick-skinned armored airships driven by pilots. The weapons carried by these mechanical gadgets have limited power, and the damage to psykers and heraldry machines is almost negligible. However, they do not need to consider the issue of "casualties". As long as they find the target, they will pursue it.

Seeing them, Long Yuan couldn't help but think of the ghouls in myths and legends, which can still cause psychological burden.

This is because when the empire was sure that it had broken through the first line of defense at the mountain pass, General Orosha was keenly aware of the weakening of the anti-aircraft firepower on both sides of the foothills. He made a prompt decision and dispatched a large number of airship groups, carrying the most elite death squads, to carry out forced airdrops directly into the valley.

These Imperial Panzergrenadiers were quickly besieged by nearby Earth defenders. However, they know very well that they can get a steady stream of reinforcements, and the longer they can persist, the faster the people of the earth will collapse. Although these imperial soldiers suffered huge casualties, they did not show any awareness of being beaten. Each one of them seemed to be very adaptable to this feeling, and even enjoyed it, showing a shuddering tenacity.

In other words, these elite armored grenadier regiments of the Empire with special honorary titles do this kind of work.

Regarding this, it can be seen as long as these grenadiers saw Long Yuan, a psyker wearing a heraldic machine, and instead of running away, they rushed up to attack him with a fierce look.

At this time, Long Yuan, as a non-professional, can be sure that the current battle situation is indeed very bad.

He just hoped that Major General Mallowan had already made arrangements. If the leader of the Blue Guard prepared any strategy that could change the situation, even if he was asked to fight to the death, he would admit it.

Probably because the bad luck just now finally neutralized his luck, and the subsequent actions were not painful. Long Yuan finally arrived at the No. 4 rear base in Area Z before the official arrival on November 28.

This base was originally a production dispatching base, located at the foot of a Hengduan mountain ridge. Half of the base is embedded in the mountain wall, but it still looks very upright.

Facing the expectations of his subordinates, Major General Mallowan checked his alchemical eyes and said in a matter-of-fact tone: "I understand what you mean. I am also deeply moved by your courage and sense of responsibility, but, Colonel, You still have a deep misunderstanding of me! After all, I am just an archaeologist-turned-soldier... Well, yes, I will take a look at you. Why do you think I have any means to turn defeat into victory?"

"...Maybe we can arrange this in advance." Long Yuan said.

"Aha, you have seen Chief Seyo's style before. As for Chief of Staff Lal, he used to be a diplomat. Are your expectations of them too high? They are not Lao Yang or your uncle. "

Long Yuan's face was filled with sadness, and he sighed in an old-fashioned way: "You don't need to comfort me anymore. Even Chief Yang and Uncle Shi are helpless in the face of this situation. The general situation is like this, and there is a huge disparity between us and the enemy. How can we save the day?" .”

Is this so-called "old man" talking about Yu Lian? The female general looked weird when she heard that. She pressed the prosthetic eye back into her own eye socket and sneered: "You young people can't always jump between pessimism and optimism. Regarding this point, what else do you think? I really want to learn from Commander Yang and your uncle."

"You are really joking. Uncle Master and Chief Yang are such great men. How can I compare with them?" Long Yuan looked flattered and frightened.

Considering the child's usual behavior, Major General Mallowan certainly knew that he was not acting, so he added: "However, Yang did leave us some suggestions. Before the war."

"Oh? A great idea?" Long Yuan's eyes lit up. It was as if he saw Yang Xiyi shaking his goose feather fan.

"There is no real mystery. Real war is not a novel. Who dares to draw conclusions about the future?" The female general thought to herself, how can this young man be more superstitious than an old man like me?

She looked at the other person again: this young man, who is twenty-six years old this year, has a very typical face of the Tirello noble, but his gestures are all like the ancients of East Asia on earth. For a moment, he can only sigh. The relationship and destiny between people are really wonderful.

General Mallowan continued: "In short, according to Chief Yang's proposal, if our defense line is breached and cannot be saved, I, and you, should lead a group of elites to leave the No. 1 continental plate through the back door of this base. .”

"Breakout, breakout?"

"This is a term for high emotional intelligence. If you directly call it escape, I have no objection." Major General Mallowan shrugged and explained: "Going out of the back door of this base, there is a mountain road that we have opened, which can lead directly to Reaching the mechanical edge of this continental plate. I discovered a hidden secret door two months ago that can transfer to Continent 16."

Long Yuan felt that his thinking was a bit out of line. If he hadn't set up a gentleman and a cautious person very firmly, his jaw would have dropped by this time.

"Why, why is it Continent 16? Isn't it the Continent 3 controlled by the empire next door?"

"Space teleportation is the dark technology of the Enlightened Ones. When I was doing archaeological work, this type of Enlightenmented relics was not uncommon." Major General Mallowan looked quite indifferent: "After all, it is the Enlightened Ones. What's so surprising about the holy relics left behind? There are already more than 10,000 continents listed here. Each continent can comfortably accommodate billions of people. There is also a portal. This is not easy to understand. Settings?"

"So, our next goal is... to break out to Continent 16 and re-build the defense line?"

"No, after breaking out, don't build a defense line or try to build a base. While continuing to explore the secrets of this miracle ring, fight guerrillas. You can wait for opportunities to attack the enemy, but don't be obsessed with fighting."

Long Yuan continued to be stunned and even speechless. He said that he was a non-professional officer and he really didn’t know much about this style of fighting.

"In the final analysis, it is to put aside the pride of the regular army and imitate the rebels of the Flemish and Sumi people to climb over the mountains and drill into the forests. More than half a world ago, during the War of Independence, our ancestors did the same thing." Major General Mallowan Added: "The good news is that there are more than 10,000 continents here, and there is definitely enough space for guerrilla warfare."

"Actually, it's still increasing..." Long Yuan said. He felt that if he didn't intervene, his mood would not be stable.

"Yes, it is still increasing. So, there are enough unsolved miracles in the Ring of Miracles, enough for all civilizations in the galaxy to unite to explore for several centuries. Why are we fighting?" The female general shook her head with resentment on her face, full of He expressed his contempt for the imperial devils.

"Looking at your expression, you seem very dissatisfied?"

Long Yuan said with a distressed look on his face: "... How dare you lower your rank? However, even if you are a lower-ranking official with little talent and knowledge, you still know that guerrilla warfare is not easy to fight. How should we fight this?"

"Yes, this is bad news. Guerrilla warfare is difficult to fight. What's more, the commander is a layman like me." The female general smiled.

Long Yuan's expression became even more broken.

The female general glared at the other party and said angrily: "Don't show such an expression. It's me who really wants to collapse, okay? I'm just an archaeologist. When I came to be the commander of the Blue Guard, I thought I was just an archaeologist." I am an excessive person. In a few years at most, I can hand it over to your uncle. Then I may retire as a general and go into politics. What do you mean? I really want to go into politics. Although I am an archaeologist Scholars, but we have invested too much energy in occult archeology, but our own basic research has fallen behind. This is not smart. We should walk on two legs like the Alliance and the Empire. However, to solve this kind of thing , as expected, we should still enter politics to promote reform!”

"Then what?" Long Yuan was in awe when he heard that he was not hungry.

"Then? I was ridiculed by your uncle. That guy seemed to have no interest in politics at all, but what he did had already exceeded the boundaries of the military. What exactly did he want to do? It's really mind-blowing to think about it... …How timid!”

Long Yuan felt that although Ms. General was saying "cold", her smile could not be concealed at all. No matter how you looked at it, she must be "excited" about writing.

"But what happened? Three years ago, he was a special commissioner, and I was the commander of the Blue Guard. Three years later, he became the commander of the theater, and I was still the commander of the Blue Guard. Then my position as commander was in vain. "?" Major General Mallowan sighed: "So, Colonel Long Yuan, do you know why Commander Yang chose us?"

"...Because you are the strongest? Your subordinate is a disciple of the Spiritual Research Society. He knows a little bit about the method of spiritual circulation. Maybe you can last the longest?"

"Aren't you quite perceptive? Of course, it's also because I'm an archaeologist. I have six exploration experiences of large-scale enlightened ruins, and I have also collaborated with Professor Jones."

"Isn't that a movie character?"

"I'm talking about the prototype. Of course, that's not the point. The point is, the Miracle Ring is still here, and we are professionals." Major General Mallowan said.

"Your Majesty did study alchemy with Uncle Grant." Long Yuan now understood what the general meant by "fighting guerrillas while continuing to explore".

It turns out that this is not a joke?

Major General Mallowan looked at the time and said quietly: "I came back from the frontline headquarters in Area F. Within three hours, it was attacked by the Empire's armored airship. It looked like it couldn't be defended. . We built this three-dimensional defense line along the foothills according to your uncle's works. We originally thought that we could fight the empire for several months, just like Marshal Li Gollah. However, we only lasted less than two days. Sure enough, even in a solid defense line, you are just covering your head and getting beaten. If you don't choose a positive attitude, even conservative tactics cannot bring guaranteed results. This is the case in the world, and the same is true in war. Tsk, he was actually given to Yang again. You guessed it right!”

Does this mean that Chief Yang is against us holding on to our defensive line?

While Long Yuan was digesting the other party's words, he tried to comfort him: "...At least, I can be sure that we must have killed far more enemy troops than us."

Major General Mallowan couldn't help but laugh: "I didn't realize that you are actually suitable to be a press spokesman for your uncle. You are indeed a disciple of Zhenren Lan. All of them are indeed talented."

For a moment, Long Yuan really didn't know whether the other party was praising him or hurting him. However, considering that she expressed her respect for the Grand Master after all, she should regard it as a compliment.

Major General Mallowan added: "But, Colonel, we stay in the Ring of Miracles not to kill the Imperial people, but to tell the entire universe that the resistance of the Blue Star Community is always there on the Ring of Miracles. This galaxy, this The greatest creation of the Enlightened One should also belong to us. Even if the defense line is breached, we cannot give up resistance."

At this time, the general's terminal sounded a notification tone. She did not avoid it. When Long Yuan opened it, the projection of Chief of Staff Major General Watt Rall popped up.

Seeing the disciples of the Spiritual Research Association, the chief of staff showed a relieved smile: "Very good, you have finally reconciled smoothly! Then, let's start executing Plan B according to the plan B left by Chief Yang."

"...the situation on your side."

Major General Wat Lal's expression remained calm and natural: "Ten minutes ago, Lieutenant General Singh Saiyo died on the battlefield."

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