Him and their stars

Chapter 1512 Breaking the Ship Single-handedly

"If we fight head-on, it will be very difficult for us to win."

"That's why we decided to take advantage of the situation this time."

"...That is to say, I don't understand mysticism, otherwise I would have dissuaded the commander no matter what. He is a brave man, how could he risk his life like this?"

"Even if you understand, he won't listen to advice. In fact, he is the type who accepts advice humbly and even sincerely apologizes, but he just doesn't change."

The above conversation took place on the dreadnought ship Fuxi. The people talking were Rear Admiral Mkawa, the chief of staff of the Yu Company, and the loyal adjutant, Lieutenant Colonel Luo Zeshi.

At this time, the three dreadnoughts headed by the Fuxi, leading their own heavy cruiser group, had begun a full-scale exchange of fire with the Rast fleet responsible for intercepting our own.

Although they were blocked in a dangerous space by the superior firepower of the Earthlings, the opponent still used extraordinary fleet operations, allowing the bulky guard ships to form three echelons for alternate movements, keeping the shields of these MT ships There will be time to restore power.

The arsenal ships hiding within the defense network will also concentrate their firepower on the dreadnought ship with the largest target at the moment when the queues alternate. They do not expect their own artillery bombardment to bring any absolute damage to the enemy, but as long as it can achieve the necessary denial effect, it is considered a success.

This tactic is quite successful. They were under tremendous pressure, and soldiers died every moment, but there was no sign of the defense line breaking down.

On the other hand, the aircraft carrier under the Rust Fleet also released all its fighters. Thousands of fighter planes and twice as many unmanned interceptors launched a tight interception network in the starry sky, fighting against the Community's fighter planes without giving in an inch.

These imperial fighter planes never expected to be able to defeat the opponent's enemy planes. They only wanted to be able to stop the opponent's eye-catching lightning strike ships, and they were satisfied.

In this case, even with three advanced Lord God-class dreadnoughts as the core, it is almost impossible for the Earth Fleet to win quickly. Even if they no longer adopt a steady style of play, but adopt the craziest tactic of sudden advance, breaking through the storm circle of fire and heat, blood and death at the cost of a large number of human lives, even if they win, it will only be a misfortune. There is even a huge risk of overturning.

"This is the foundation of the Imperial Army. Strictly speaking, Lieutenant General Rust on the opposite side did not use any clever tricks, but all the captains are skilled and strictly implement the steps of fleet operations, which can form this An airtight line of defense." Chief of Staff Mkawa praised. He is actually also an expert in fleet operations and knows how difficult it is.

"We must also ensure that most officers and soldiers, as well as all important units and agency officials, have the courage and composure to complete technical actions despite casualties! The officers and soldiers of the community must also achieve this quality in the future, but it should be done in a different way. Change your mind." Luo Zeshi saw more.

In another timeline, his expertise is not in military orders, but in armaments and military administration, and now he has begun to enter the role.

Chief of Staff Mkawa wanted to laugh a little, but also felt a little emotional. The students of Class 830 who were classmates with Chief Yu were all very proud of themselves. In other words, there is too much ownership. A lieutenant colonel in his twenties, his way of thinking is very much like the chairman of the National Defense Committee.

Is this just hard work for those who can do it?

The chief of staff put away his subtle thoughts and said: "However, the latest news came from the Sky Survey Eye just now. The Rosanaio fleet is only four hours away from here. Moreover, Chief Sylvester The exact news has also arrived. The time we agreed with Commander Yu is almost time."

Rozez pondered for a moment: "The dreadnought Zhenguo General, where Lieutenant General Rust is located, is in formation with the guard ship. The enemy probably wants to make full use of the armor of the dreadnought to maintain the front line. Of course, if we catch Even if there is a flaw, the Zhenguo General's firepower can occasionally produce extraordinary strikes."

"So, what you mean is that you want us to concentrate our firepower on the enemy's flagship?" Chief of Staff Mkawa asked.

"No, what I mean is that we can ignore them completely. Most of our warships are mainly high-speed warships. Their maneuverability will not be inferior to that of the enemy. They can completely accelerate and execute tactical movements in a clockwise direction, which will be the same as the Zeus formation. And. Of course, we can also bypass the Rast fleet blockade and directly attack the Natural Crest."

Chief of Staff Mkawa lamented that this is indeed a young group, and it is really decisive, but isn't it a little too careless about the head and the back? Thinking of this, he suddenly realized that when Chief Yu was around, this young and mature adjutant still played the role of a moderate person who persuaded Chief Yu to calm down. What does this mean?

The chief of staff asked: "...our modified lightning strike carriers?"

The so-called lightning strike ship motherships are, of course, those warships that are temporarily transformed from transport ships in the galaxy. They had previously achieved great success in deceiving the enemy by disguising themselves as battle cruisers. Now they were following the battleship formation, slowly coming over.

"Bait!" Luo Zeshi said in a matter-of-fact tone: "Of course, the bait can also become the main attack. It depends on the empire's decision."

Chief of Staff Mkawa glanced at the other person in amazement, as if he was taking in a visual spectacle.

"Speaking of which, Lieutenant Colonel, you wanted to ask just now. With our current situation, we shouldn't need to worry about enemy landings, right? But now we are in full armor?"

"...As the adjutant, I am always ready." Lieutenant Colonel Luo Zeshi showed a stern, even decisive expression.

Chief of Staff Mkawa knows now. If the Fuxi and the Natural Emblem were within jumping distance, this guy would definitely jump on the assault landing craft without hesitation.

Let’s dance, let’s dance. If I hadn’t been with anyone for twenty years at my age, even I would really want to dance. Although he was waiting for the opportunity, even though it was all planned from the beginning, no matter what, it is indeed a shame for a soldier to sit back and watch his commander fight alone in the enemy camp!

When he thought of this, even the butler-type Chief of Staff Mkawa wanted to transform into a war mad man.

On the Nature Crest, the psionic thunder and flames flashed, flowed, and bloomed within the ship, constantly creating explosions and collapses in the passages of the Titan ship.

If the news of the "invaders"'s arrival had not spread throughout the ship, the Imperial officers and soldiers would have felt that their warship had been severely damaged and was disintegrating. It’s time for everyone to be ready to consider abandoning ship.

Of course, there were also armed stormtroopers arriving at the scene along with the rumbling sound of collision. They wanted to come and help, but found that they couldn't intervene at all.

They could only see a deadly energy blade, one gold and four red, rolling and flashing in the smoke and dust of the explosion, making it dazzling and dizzying. As for who the intertwined combatants are, this has exceeded the dynamic vision of these imperial soldiers, and also exceeded the processing limit of their mecha's own terminal.

Speaking of which, the golden light blade is so representative that it is indeed easy for some imperial noble officers who grew up listening to the legend of Emperor Elithel to imagine. At that moment, they thought they saw the emperor training his loyal knights.

The battlefield between extraordinary beings even formed a huge moving wind of energy that was constantly raging inside the ship. The core of the strong wind is a vortex with huge suction, as if it is sucking in everyone and everything around it, turning them into powder.

In fact, hundreds of stormtroopers who had no time to escape, as well as dozens of fire robots, were pulled into the impact of the strong wind and smashed into particles on the spot.

In just five or six minutes, the battle had moved from a hatch at the stern of the Titan ship to the main channel along the ship's central axis. This is the central axis of the super battleship. The most spacious part is 30 meters wide and more than 20 meters high. Under the top of the durable steel suspended tower, no light fell on the center of the passage, as if human eyes were watching the battle in the center of the passage.

The deadly halo of spirit particles shone in the passage that was as wide as the center of a square.

The alloy hatches around the passage were torn and squeezed by the oppressive psychic power, deforming and twisting like fragile cardboard.

All passing vehicles and robots in the passage, as well as all protruding equipment exposed to the perception range of psykers, were pulled away from the ring wall by psionic energy, and turned into heavy warhammers, battering rams and slings, emitting The heart-stopping whistling sound circled towards the four people who were fighting.

However, these heavy objects are often disturbed by invisible power before they hit the people in the passage, directly distorting the trajectory, hitting everything, and making a roar like thunder.

And those imperial soldiers who came from all directions only dared to stand far away, trying to keep a safe distance from the battle. They now felt that these people were clearly here to dismantle the ship. They were heartbroken for a while, but there was nothing they could do.

Soon, the stormtrooper officers on the scene received orders from the security director and asked why heavy weapons were not used.

"If we were in an open place, we could use heavy weapons of mass destruction, but now we are inside a ship after all. Moreover, I really can't tell the difference between the enemy and myself. To be honest, I don't even know these knights. When did you board the ship? We have no record of their boarding!" An Imperial Army major who arrived at the scene reported to the other party full of grievances.

He felt that the oil-headed, pink-faced young man-like officer opposite him was simply a retarded man with no common sense. If that guy hadn't been a psychic, he would have been trapped in his sack long ago.

But what can he do? Facing the aristocratic officer who landed in the air, even if he was a major, he could only explain patiently with a low eyebrow.

The security director felt that this was reasonable, so he ordered the soldiers to set up a cordon in the passage around the psykers to restrict their movements as much as possible.

The major continued with a grimace: "We will do our best. But, sir, can we really stop this kind of extraordinary battle? I have never thought that with full firepower of psykers, it will be This kind of power..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard an explosion in his ears. It was a four-meter-tall ostrich-shaped combat robot waiting next to him. It was as if two bombs were stuffed into the ammunition by an invisible big hand. It's like a warehouse. The high-heat shock wave ignited all the energy sources in the robot's body and turned into a larger explosion.

Several blazing fireballs bounced out from the source of the explosion, and immediately hit the heads of the surrounding soldiers hard.

Damn it, I'm almost a hundred meters away from them.

The officer felt sad and angry, and even felt a sense of fear. He suddenly felt that he was like a lion fighting and occasionally stepping on flowers and plants, and his pride in being a human being had been trampled to pieces.

"It's too terrible!" He signaled his subordinates to retreat while continuing to report: "Sir, just the scope of the battle destroyed twenty-seven cabins, four kilometers of passages, and one hundred and twenty-seven units. Robots, as well as various equipment and personnel losses. The passage of a typhoon does not have this effect...Is this the battle of psykers?"

"What the hell are you doing!" The security director's voice seemed to have a sense of superiority, as if "young man, you are really ignorant": "If it is a battle between demigods, you are not even qualified. Bystanders.”

Is this guy so proud? It's as if you're the one who got it. Another typical aristocratic gentleman, even a psychic can't cover up the stench of you guys.

The officer at the scene may have thought so, but of course he didn't dare to say it. He still twitched his cheeks to hold back his anger, and reported patiently: "But, sir, if this continues, our heraldic number... "

"Well, anyway, keep a lookout."

The officers and soldiers at the scene suddenly felt extremely sad. They are all veterans who have served on the Natural Crest for several years, and have long regarded this giant ship as their home. However, the captain, first mate and even the security director were all newly appointed paratroopers this month. As expected, they had no feelings for the Heraldry, and they all looked indifferent even when the ship was dismantled.

Sure enough, only we veterans care about our own heraldic numbers!

But what can be done about this? Who said that their Natural Crest had just joined this war and its bridge was blown off? The captain, first mate and senior officials of various departments on the ship were eliminated by 70% at once. Of course, an admiral and an entire fleet headquarters were also eliminated. Compared to that, the top management of a mere battleship was nothing.

The poor major almost wanted to burst into tears, but he could only summon up the courage to organize the soldiers to pull out the warning net. At present, the extraordinary battle of the mentors seems to have reached a stalemate, and the core of the battle has not continued to shift. This seems to have finally given ordinary soldiers time to react.

However, if they start moving again, wouldn't everyone's warning net be in vain?

This idea flashed through the minds of the police officers at the scene, and then they quickly warned themselves not to think about it anymore. Sometimes, people can't be too smart. If they think too much about some things, they really don't have the will to continue doing things.

Fortunately, both sides seemed to like this relatively spacious battlefield in the central passage very much, and did not move for a while.

After more than an entire division of imperial soldiers arrived at the scene, and a security network was actually set up near the passage, several more psykers wearing heraldic machines arrived.

The leader was not wearing a helmet, but she was a lady in her early thirties, with outstanding appearance and good manners.

The officers couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Of course they recognized that this lady was Dame Aynan, the head maid of the noble Duke Garibian. Does her appearance here mean that Her Highness...

Dame Einan glanced at the major who was about to step forward to report, and nodded: "Don't worry, we are here. We have brought His Highness's will. With His Highness here, victory will be achieved. This Natural Crest, from now on It will be His Highness's ship, how can we bear to see her destroyed."

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