Him and their stars

Chapter 1513 The empire is moving towards victory

The officers on the scene did feel themselves to be greatly relieved. As long as the ship could be saved, he was satisfied. If it can really become the ship of a chosen emperor, it would be considered an honor. The status and treatment of these crew members have naturally increased.

...However, now that Duke Garibian has begun to regard himself as the elected emperor before he has even written a word about his horoscope, isn't it a bit too frivolous?

Of course, there are also mature and prudent people who have this kind of doubt, but this is not an important issue.

Then, they saw the six newly arrived psykers headed by Sir Aynan, all closing their helmets, crossing their respective weapons, and slowly moved towards the center of the battlefield where the blazing light blades were flying up and down. passed.

If there are really knowledgeable people here, they will know that these psykers wearing gorgeous heraldry machines are not all astral knights, but there are also two execution judges and two star judges.

What the ordinary officers and soldiers didn't know was that the new security director who had been slandered by them just now was also there. He also wore a Silent Night model of heraldic machine, carrying a spiral impact spear and a blaster machine cannon, and stood there. Ser Einan's side.

At this moment, the number of Imperial psykers arriving on the battlefield has reached double digits. However, these few people who appeared later did not immediately jump into the war, but assumed a posture of holding the line and did not act rashly.

Of course, such a move could not be hidden from Yu Lian, who was fighting fiercely with his old friend. He didn't even need to look back to feel the new enemy. He can even capture their energy level and general star position.

There are six newly arrived psykers, one fourth ring and five third ring.

As for the four people who are besieging him, they are all fifth rings. Among them, these three whom I didn't recognize must be senior knights over fifty years old. It is a type of person who may be able to break through to the saint stage if he works hard, but because he is in higher grades, he does not dare to take risks and loses his spirit, so it is difficult to break out again.

However, this kind of veteran is the core fighting strength of the Astral Knights. They all hold mid-level leadership positions such as deputy knight commander, stable master and flag officer. They are proficient in various combat techniques and formations. They are rich in combat experience and pragmatic, and it is almost impossible to be hot-headed.

The only one who surprised me was Viscount Ymir of Shameen. If I remember correctly, this guy is actually half a year younger than me, but he has already reached the peak of the fifth ring. In just two years, he has crossed two circles. This situation is a bit contrary to the common sense of occultism.

In his previous life, he probably didn't have this level at the same age.

Thinking of this, Yu Lian finally couldn't help but said: "Well, are you taking drugs? Or are you stimulated by something? At the last God of War Festival, you were the third ring, right? This way of progress is a bit contrary to common sense. As your Old friend, I am really worried about the psychological shadow you will leave behind."

I have never seen such a shameless person! Shameen looked at the events of two years, and Yu Lian, who had become a saint from the third ring, wanted to reply like this.

Of course, he believed that any words he said were just to shake his fighting spirit. He had already understood that to deal with such an opponent, he should remain calm at all times. Now Viscount Shameen has regarded life, honor, anger, hatred and even the instinct of survival as foreign objects. Without going to such an extreme level, it would be impossible for him to win.

His fists and feet wrapped in spiritual light and armor, his light spear and chained ice blade, his spiritual power constituted force field impact and thunder and lightning, forming a deadly psychic storm in the crazy twists and turns, covering his body. shape. Of course, it also obscured the figures and attack trajectories of his comrades.

He knew that by doing so, he was suspected of showing off his power. This is a problem that Emperor Elithel asked everyone to learn to avoid when he inspected the Knights again.

"Remember, if you can kill the enemy with only one force, don't use two. You are glorious psykers, not street vendors setting off fireworks and pulling pictures."

Having said that, if you really encounter the enemy of life and death, who can do it with ease? Even the grand leader, who has gone to heaven, cannot avoid this problem. However, how many psychics can be on par with Duke Sartolan?

Now, he can only use all his abilities to cope with the opponent's casual counterattack, and create room for his teammates to counterattack.

Of course he knew that this kind of explosive output wouldn't last long. As the battle lasts, your chances of winning will get lower and lower.

However, until now, our side has not found any loopholes in the enemy's attack.

This is a sad truth. He, Ymir Shameen, entered the Astral Knights at the age of six. He held the title of Sword-wielding Viscount before he was a minor. He was regarded as the number one genius in the past fifty years and the best candidate for the future Grand Master. , with the cooperation of the three seniors and the addition of new tactics that had been practiced for more than a month, there was no chance of winning at all.

In other words, he never had the possibility of winning. He has lost his advantage before the battle begins.

Yes, with the appearance of this earthling who seems to have descended from heaven, the enemies of the Galactic Empire have changed, and so have the enemies of the Astral Knights.

However, the Knights and the Empire remained the same as they had been for more than a thousand years.

Perhaps, relying solely on the atomic light spear, it is no longer possible to conquer this opponent. Psychic fire cannot melt them. They are always like seeds, standing out from nowhere.

If we really kill this great Earthling here, will the hope of Earthlings be wiped out? Well...that's a problem, but it shouldn't be something I have to consider.

The hope of the Knights already felt the possibility of defeat.

He had just endured the most attacks from Yu Lian, and was also responsible for most of the protection of the four people's tactics. Naturally, he was also the one who consumed the most physical energy. But now, he could clearly feel that if he wanted to make the same action, he would need to expend more physical strength and energy.

Then, he heard the other party's voice again: "How amazing! You actually tried to use the formation I developed to deal with me?"

Amazing people. Viscount Shameen was filled with admiration. In just this short confrontation of less than ten minutes, I was actually figured out by the opponent.

The formation currently used by him and his three seniors is indeed similar to the "Four Symbols Tactics" formulated by Yu Lian in his paper on the spot.

Indeed, mysticism and extraordinary combat skills have developed to this day. There are various types of combined attack tactics. They are not new for a long time, but they all require long-term study, and the tacit understanding between psychics is also important. A huge test.

However, in terms of its quickness, versatility, and even the philosophy of simplifying the complex, this formation can be called an epoch-making product.

"My tactics were trained with the goal of winning the last war. However, after your improvements, they are designed to encircle and suppress one person." Yu Lian sighed: "Whose handiwork is this? Well, could it be? Gilly?”

As soon as he said this, he felt that there was a slight difference in the light spear thrust by one of the knights, and he immediately knew that he had guessed correctly again.

Well, Yu Lian said this is really not surprising.

After all, in another timeline, this strategy was the work of that red-haired girl. It is conceivable that when Miss Giafel was improving and expanding her tactics, she would definitely feel that something was wrong, right?

"If this continues, she will become the leader of the knights, not you." Yu Lian said quietly.

Shameen still has an unflappable poker face. I must admit that, apart from anything else, this child's mental state of mind has really improved significantly!

"So, what exactly is this? A well-planned trap?" Yu Lian casually used his light spear to deflect the attack coming towards him. A force field flashed and he wanted to escape from the encirclement, but he felt a force field wall set up on the path he had to pass.

Without saying a word, Viscount Shameen waved the blade he called "sissy" and kept rubbing more lightning in the air.

However, it was no longer lightning, it was clearly high-pressure, high-temperature plasma.

...I also wanted to beat this kid to autism, but now that I think about it, I probably thought too much. This is actually understandable. There are people who can become demigods. There are paranoiacs, violent maniacs and war maniacs. There is no shortage of bloody Khorne believers, but they cannot be cowards who dare not face failure. .

However, although the battle between the two sides was in a stalemate, Yu Lian was fighting and chattering at the same time, appearing to be leisurely, but the four astral knights did not say a word from beginning to end. It has a bit of a bitter taste.

If the battle continues according to the current steps, the winner may be decided within ten minutes.

Ordinary soldiers couldn't even see the figures clearly, so naturally they couldn't tell the result, but the psykers who were watching understood it. However, with their strength, if they want to get into a confrontation with psychics of this intensity, they will naturally not be able to help, and may even disrupt their own rhythm, so they are naturally very anxious.

Only Sir Einan remained calm.

"It's almost time," she said.

"Oh? Is it time?" the security director asked curiously.

"...Yes, we should be able to tell the winner. His Highness said that this is a hunting ground." Sir Ainan whispered: "We couldn't help just now, but there will be a place for us soon. !”

Before the security director could ask more questions, the energy vortex in the center of the battlefield suddenly expanded violently, forming a huge storm.

At this moment, the psychic operations that these psychics could not capture formed an invisible barrier around everyone, covering the storm of spiritual particles that spread in all directions and were tearing apart the space.

If it were normal times, these psychics at the scene might do their best to resist these impacts. However, the spirit storm slowly stopped surrounded by barriers.

The atmosphere at the scene seemed to have stabilized.

In other words, the space on site has a feeling of separation, dislocation and shuttle.

When the psykers came to their senses, they were shocked to find that they had already entered the main passage in the central axis ship, or landed... no, ascended to the observatory in the center of the Titan ship.

No, this is not inside the Titan ship. The ground of the platform is clearly extended out of everyone's sight, as if it is a flat and vast wilderness. Even inside the Titan ship, it is impossible to have a cabin that can fit a city.

Looking further, outside the platform, there are indeed stars twinkling all over the sky. Everyone seems to be standing on a floating island floating in the universe.

However, the ground setting of the floating island, as well as the gorgeous patterns and the orderly halo of light flowing through it, make it easy for people to misunderstand that they are in the alchemy array of the observatory.

While looking at the stars, the staggered lights and explosions constantly colored the platform with different colors. Very close to everyone, it was the Void Realm Lord with his teeth and claws.

However, everyone can also see the continuous barrage of light spears piercing into the ethereal and insubstantial body of the Eyeless Root, like flames steaming mist.

"This is the hunting ground." A disembodied, majestic voice echoed in the observatory, like a bell or a bell, or even more like the voice of a god: "Our hunting is about to be successful!"

However, Yu Lian wanted to laugh a little. He once again had the absurdity of the blending of future and reality, and this absurdity was enough to deconstruct all the so-called sacred and sublime.

"Who do I think she is? It turns out to be the old hag from the Soleyn family!" Yu Lian said, and then moved his shoulders. Space friction formed a formless and invisible dimensional collision, and he had a head-on confrontation with all the astral knights who were besieging him.

The knights suddenly discovered that the impact they faced was several orders of magnitude. Many knights staggered involuntarily, and the siege formation they maintained suddenly showed flaws.

Viscount Shameen's expression finally softened. He finally realized that the other party seemed to be showing mercy.

However, at this time, the voice full of divine majesty suddenly broke through: "Who the hell is the old hag of the Soleyn family!"

Well, such a shouting, whether it is divinity or majesty. Of course it is gone.

Immediately afterwards, after the flash of spiritual light, Duke Garibian, dressed in military uniform, walked out from behind the big screen with calm steps, as if he had stepped out from behind the starry sky.

The way he appeared on the stage should still be considered to be very capable, but unfortunately there was an obvious anger on his face, and he suddenly lost his temper.

"Humph, even though we are enemies, I still have some appreciation and respect for you. But I really didn't expect that you are not even willing to be a decent person!"

Yu Lian could only shrug and smile: "I have never been a decent person in the sense of the empire. Your Highness. However, don't blame me. This is what His Highness Brunhilt told me."

Duke Garribain was slightly startled, and actually showed such an expression.

"Haha, very good. This is indeed what that sarcastic love-brained girl would do." The Duke sneered and motioned for Yu Lian to look at the screen.

At this time, the imperial reconnaissance ship cruising nearby had opened a wider panoramic shot. As a result, Yu Lian could see with his own eyes that the body of the huge Lord of the Void Realm was trembling and twitching, as if it had turned from an ethereal and terrifying ghost into steam under high temperature, and could disappear in the starry sky at any time.

"So, this is the hunting ground. My little friend." The Duke said loudly.

Yu Lian finally showed a sudden expression: "I understand. The people you want to hunt include me. Is that right?"

The Duke did not speak, but answered with his expression.

At the same moment, in the starry sky outside this vast wilderness, the imperial fleet began to advance while firing. Almost every one of these heroic imperial warships was covered in scars and even flames, but they still bombarded the giant monsters in the virtual world with intensive artillery fire. They really seem to be heading for victory!

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