Him and their stars

Chapter 1523 You can give orders at any time

Xiaobai lowered his head to operate the mid-range and high-end, and said: "However, the main control AI activated the natural drift magic board of the ship's hull at the first opportunity. We are naturally drifting in the direction of the Void Realm Lord's body."

"...This is not entirely the work of the main control AI, but also has certain mystical methods. Our fortress, well, this temporary flying object is based on the physical support of the arrival of the Lord of the Void Realm, so it will naturally have a certain degree of mystical aggregation effect."

"God, can the convergence effect of mysticism still be understood this way?"

"Hey, hey, you're so unskilled, aren't you? You, a mere second-level person, dare to question my occult knowledge, a quasi-saint?"

Xiaobai didn't quite understand the setting of this quasi-sage, but he was indeed a novice in mysticism, so he very humbly stopped objecting.

Under his operation, the small maintenance robot hidden in the secret compartment has taken action. Their movements are smooth and orderly, even more flexible and precise than usual. They don't look like robots that are moving steadily under the control of a terminal, but more like a group of dancing elves.

Tai'a also clearly felt this. She, a "quasi-sage", really didn't expect that psychic powers could be used in this way, but as an art student, she should still be humble and shut up when it comes to engineering.

Then, she heard her cousin take the initiative and said: "Landing craft...well, uh, landing craft. Nine of the twelve landing craft are still in full operation."

There was joy in his voice, and it looked like it was going very smoothly.

"Very good. Fortunately, Uncle Master has reserved some seats in advance. If everyone squeezes in, everyone will be able to sit down."

"However, it is still a little far to log in immediately. However, there are still ten minutes before the agreed time."

"In ten minutes, will the Titan ship be within jumping range?"

"If we follow the original plan, this possibility actually exists. This was also our initial plan. However, there are variables in calculations, and I cannot give an exact variable. This is an irresponsible statement." Xiaobai explained seriously.

Can't this guy give you an accurate answer? Or do all technical workers have this virtue, and the most outstanding one is rigor?

"I can't give you a guarantee. Whether it's a tactical issue or a technical issue, rigor is very important." Xiaobai continued seriously.

Tai'a wanted to go crazy. However, at this time, she finally remembered that she seemed to be an art student, and she might have to correct her attitude when science students discussed similar issues.

"Based on common sense, if a battle breaks out, the Titan ship will definitely find a way to distance itself from the Void Lord and completely destroy it with artillery fire. This is a typical tactic used to deal with large Leviathan beasts. The vastness of the star field is enough to serve as a hunting ground for any giant creature. If the opponent is an ancient species of Tiyankai or a space dome whale, his actions will be unpredictable."

Tai'a said "Oh", his face still full of confusion.

"However, that giant thing is not the space Leviathan in the physical concept after all, but the Void Realm Lord. If we use the existing biological concepts, it is difficult to even regard it as a living thing, more like a pheromone. Collection. This actually involves cutting-edge information cybernetics, I think..."

"Collect your taste, little scholar. I really think you and Uncle Jin are very compatible. Anyway, you are just a beginner, and you haven't officially become a disciple yet. However, this will happen after the war is over. Now, sister, I just want to hear Something I can understand.”

Xiaobai said with certainty: "With just the firepower of a Titan ship, it is difficult to effectively attack this kind of prey on a large scale in a short period of time, and it will definitely be harmed by the power of mysticism. It is conceivable that, The most effective tactic that the Natural Crest can formulate is to use itself as bait to attract the Void Lord, and then let the rest of the Imperial fleet carry out the attack. In this way, the enemy ship's action model can be predicted to a certain extent ”

"So, is this also part of Junior Uncle Master's calculation?" Tai'a exclaimed. In her tone, there was some admiration, some admiration, some surprise, and of course there was also very obvious disbelief.

Xiaobai paused for a moment and said hesitantly: "Well, actually, this is what the captain...er, Commander Yu Company said."

"...You mean he is deceiving us?"

"I just think that this assumption is too optimistic. However, since it is Commander Yu Company, there must be no problem. Facts have proved that most of us succeeded. Haha, you are worthy of my respected captain!" Xiaobai He nodded.

Hey, hey, isn’t this a fanatical cult of personality? With your current virtue, where is your pride as an engineer? What about the rigor of the promised technical staff?

Tai'a sighed: "Okay, let's just think it was your little uncle who calculated it in advance. I really want to know what will happen to a person like him who is so calculating when he is besieged in the boat. mentality."

"Sister, when you work, you have to honor your duties..."

"Then you have to call me Commander now!"

"...Okay, Commander. Sorry, Commander."

Tai'a just managed to detect an obvious hint of yin and yang from that harmless baby face.

"Don't evade the important! I just want to know that our plan has completed a hundred steps. So, what about the last step?"

"Now?" Xiaobai's voice was still calm and matter-of-fact, and he had an upright sense of pride: "The engine is ready to start. I can't guarantee its overall function, and it may explode after running at full strength for an hour. , but it’s available now.”

Now, the "Cosmic Rolling Wood" is not too far away from the natural heraldry number. Everyone never expected that this thing could reach the end of the galaxy on a normal spaceship. What they wanted was the effect that a short burst could have.

"...But you are so fast!" Tai'a glanced at the other party.

Although the simple Xiaobai always felt that there was something wrong with what the other party said, he didn't think too much about it. He just smiled and said: "I am 'Gong Rong', and what I am best at is large-scale equipment and material operations. We use The maintenance robot is also a standard type. It is actually the same series as the labor skeletons and wasteland mousetraps we use, and I also participated in the design. Using them to deal with maintenance situations will naturally be beneficial. "

Some top swordsmen insist on forging their own swords. I'm not sure whether that makes sense, but Master Daigoro does. This should be the same theory, right? perhaps……

"You can wake everyone up now and order the attack."

Tai'a nodded, preparing to wake up the commandos who were hibernating first, and then wait and see for a minute or two. However, before she could make a decision, another shocking change occurred on the scene.

In the distant starry sky, the empire's battlecruiser, which glowed a low-key gray-blue, sprayed out a blazing and bright light towards the homeland of the Lord of the Void Realm.

Both of them felt that this shelling seemed to be very different from the past. The swaying ghost suddenly stopped in place, and then began to twitch for a long time, as if it had been shocked.

However, this does not allow the Natural Emblem to distance itself from the giant beast.

The largest and most majestic space battleship in the entire starry sky suddenly trembled and made a very obvious stop motion, but it was not known whether it was affected by the damage to the B engine just now.

However, from the perspective of technicians like Xiaobai, even if the engine is damaged, it is too abnormal for Nuo Da's battleship to stop whenever it wants. It is like an elite soldier who has experienced hundreds of battles and suddenly suddenly stops while walking normally. A tea utensil came and was thrown to the ground on the spot.

Facts have proved that being mean and cute on the battlefield will not lead to any good results.

The Natural Crest had just made a pause when most of its hull was completely covered by the roaring and fierce shelling. She only had such an obvious pause, and the fierce bombardment from the Earth Fleet came over like a furious wave.

This was an attack from Fuxi and her two other friends. They were still quite far away from the Imperial Titan ship, far from close enough to be forced to join the gang, but this did not delay a few rounds of artillery fire.

In other words, it was precisely because they noticed the unnatural movements of the Imperial warship that these rounds of shooting were a bit more intense than usual, which was obviously above the normal shooting frequency.

In an instant, the towering body of the Titan ship was also covered in blazing fire. Even people with little military knowledge can tell that this should be the most violent blow that the Natural Crest has suffered since the war began.

Within the disputed realm of subspace, the battle continues. But at this time, outside the earth, outside the starry sky surrounding everyone, there were layer after layer of ripples.

Ordinary psychics may be shocked, amazed, or panicked by such a magnificent spectacle. However, to Yu Lian, this situation is actually clear at a glance. Needless to say, the huge Titan ship relying on the material entity of this disputed field is trembling.

This invulnerable imperial ship seems to be undergoing the most violent impact since the war began.

Duke Garibian stood on the spot, his expression still indifferent and solemn, still standing tall, awe-inspiring and inviolable, like a statue with divinity.

However, facing the indifference of a powerful enemy, Yu Lian was equally indifferent, and even wanted to laugh a little. He may be the only person present who understands the whole situation, even better than the Duchess opposite.

He has already sensed the weaknesses of his opponents. The sudden burst of spirit storm suddenly turned from an overwhelming explosion storm into a concentrated shock wave, pushing Viscount Shameen, who was attacking in front of him, backwards and flying away.

Clad in a heraldic machine, he acted as if he were a fragile inflatable doll and flew out lightly. This is a way for him to resolve the impact that penetrates deep into the bones of his body. Although it is embarrassing, it is very useful. Of course, if it were a well-trained guy like Shameen, it would not only be useful but also save him from being too embarrassed.

No, he flew out upside down, but he regained his balance in the shortest time, and even hit Yu Lian three times with the "Blessing War Hammer" condensed with spiritual light.

It's called a "blessing", but when it hits an ally it's a buff, and when it hits an enemy it's an attack plus a curse. Yilan didn't dare to push too hard, so he used his spiritual energy to manipulate two "Dawns" to form a dimensional barrier and teleport the Spirit Hammer to a hundred meters away.

He himself did not chase Shameen who floated out, because at this moment, the three knights who cooperated tacitly rushed over again - speaking of it, the heraldry machines of these three were all pure and even deep black, Can we nickname it "The Black Three Stars"?

Yu Lian vigorously danced his light spear and deflected the attacks of two of the three black stars. He even gained a little more intensity and knocked all of them away a few steps.

However, when facing the last one, his strength suddenly turned into a strange gravitational force.

Caught off guard, this knight wearing a pure black coat of arms was caught by Yu Lian for the first time in a vital flaw.

The joint between his helmet and breastplate was torn open by the dawn-colored blade, and his throat, windpipe, and carotid artery were also torn open. However, no blood flowed out.

In fact, at that moment, the organs in his neck had been broken down into particles by the disintegrating force field of the atomic light spear.

The astral knight in pure black armor fell to his knees and died without even letting out a scream.

The other two knights also had no time to grieve for the loss of their comrades, and their light spears swept over at the same time.

The one on the right was thrown into the air. The astral knight, who was wearing a black armor with gold carvings, was even blurred by the silver dragon's breath that Yu Lian exhaled from close range, and staggered away.

But at this time, Yu Lian's movements inevitably showed flaws, and the left attack successfully landed on his shoulder. At this time, he no longer had much physical strength and margin to continue to maintain the elemental form of his body.

However, the sharp light spear, which can directly disintegrate the battleship armor into atoms, seemed to have turned into a dull knife after piercing Yu Lian's shoulder. It only cut into two inches of his body, and then again Can't get in either.

The disintegrating force field had been disintegrated by his spiritual energy, leaving only the high temperature still reacting. The temperature of this plasma can certainly melt the alloy, but it can only cause a certain degree of cuts and burns to Yu Lian.

It's not a minor injury, and it does hurt, but it's certainly not a fatal injury.

And, although it hurts, it’s actually bearable. What's more, I still like this kind of pain very much, so that I can convince myself that I am still a human being.

Yu Lian sighed while capturing the enemy's movements.

In his sight, Viscount Shameen's fatal attack on the opposite side was also ready.

At this moment, what he held in his hand was no longer a dark red light spear, but a dark red light pillar, as if it were a destroyer condensed with blood-stained spiritual fire.

"Long Night Meteor, I'm familiar with this trick!" Yu Lian couldn't help but smile. Legend has it that Emperor Elithel used this technique to shoot down a Dreadnought in low-Earth orbit, and he actually used this technique to blow off the bridge of a Predator Dreadnought.

Well, this is indeed a high-end martial skill of the Knights, and it is a ultimate move specially used to deal with bosses.

It turns out that I am really the boss! Yu Lian was very pleased, and then he twitched his hand, clasped the armor-wrapped wrist of the astral knight on the left, and closed the distance between them. Then, his psychic power seeped into his opponent's crest machine.

This is the most basic means of psychic manipulation. However, with Yu Lian's attainments, this subtle thought power was like a poisonous snake that was already alive, penetrating deep into the gaps in the armor of the enemy's heraldry machine, like a smart and sharp snake.

Obviously, the psyker opposite who injured himself was a brave man, but he was not good at subtle psychic perception. He was completely unaware that his most loyal comrade was about to betray him.

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