Him and their stars

Chapter 1524 Why Choose Confrontation

This elite knight also wears a black coat of arms, but has a few more red decorative stripes than the previous one. Yu Lian didn't know the opponent's name, nor had he seen his face, but after fighting for more than a hundred rounds, he had already felt it. The opposite person is actually a rough-skinned "bloody road". To put it bluntly, he is a natural MT, but he also has a clear mind and a cold fighting style that most "bloody roads" do not possess.

But no matter what, he will be a MT. We all know that someone who does this kind of work must have a rough mind. If you are really crystal clear and sensitive, your tolerance for headaches is also very limited, so naturally you cannot face it head-on.

This black and red knight brother did not feel that telepathy had penetrated into his heraldry machine. He was obsessed with his own light spear and couldn't pull it out, and he was gritting his teeth to expand the opponent's wound.

However, he never imagined that this was actually Yu Lian's calculation and plan.

The so-called reluctance to let go of children cannot trap the wolf. Faced with so many top-level sieges, sometimes it is still necessary to play hard tricks. Only in this way can we cause enough damage to the enemy.

He never imagined that the enemy on the opposite side was the one who was most familiar with the mechanical structure of his Silent Night heraldry machine, even more familiar with it than the first-line knights like them.

In an instant, Yu Lian's telekinesis activated a certain mechanical structure within the enemy's heraldry machine. The back of the shoulder armor of the knight with black armor and red belt flipped up a cover, revealing an open hatch, and then two Vulcan cannons stretched out, like two mice poking their heads. They turned automatically, heading in the direction of Viscount Shamaine, and there was a roar like a rainstorm.

Yu Lian was very lucky that the heraldry machine equipped by this red-strap knight should be the test prototype of Jiye. He had dealt with too many official versions of this device in his previous life, and even captured more than one.

He is also fortunate that these days, there is no setting that the prototype machine is more powerful than the final machine, and there is no special mechanical mechanism.

What he was even more fortunate about was that this man with the black and red belt was actually a simple and strong cannon man. The auxiliary weapon hidden in the shoulder armor was also the most popular Gatling cannon, and he had played Steel Rain more than once. For the MK8 type, you only need to use telekinesis to activate the spring.

If it is a hive missile, it will be a bit troublesome. You may have to enter a password or something.

Sure enough, people who like to play blue fire Gatling are all people of good taste. If there was no hostile relationship, I might be willing to find time to have a drink with the other person.

We all know that no matter how powerful the Vulcan cannon is, it is only used to mow down miscellaneous soldiers, and it cannot even scratch the itch of high-level psykers.

Fortunately, Yu Lian never expected to kill him hard, as long as he could play an obvious role in harassment, that was enough.

The Astral Knight with black skin and red belt hurriedly retracted his light spear and tried to turn off the Vulcan Cannon. On the opposite side, Shameen also saw him and quickly put away the dark red light beam that had formed. He swung the blade whip in his left hand and wanted to come over. rescue.

However, it was already too late.

The heraldic machine of the black-armored and red-striped knight was once again disturbed by telekinesis. The alloy steel fingers on his armor flicked away, and the light spear fell to the ground.

Yu Lian stretched out his left hand, causing the opponent's spear to spin half a circle in the air and bounce lightly into his hand. He bowed left and right, twisted his hands, and cut off the opponent's head like scissors. If you guessed correctly, the expression inside the helmet must still be unbelievable, right?

Yu Lian waved his hand, and the telekinesis gathered by his spiritual energy pushed away the heraldic machine that had wrapped the knight's headless corpse, and he took a stance. The light spear in his hand turned into a beam of light, and the scarlet beam filled the bloody and confused body. The ominous aura seemed to be condensed from sunspot fragments.

It is also the "Long Night Meteor". It obviously completed a blade grab and beheading before charging up, but it completed the forward swing of the skill almost at the same time as Shameen, and it was faster, more powerful, more ruthless, and more powerful than his technique. Danger.

"Is the gap actually so big?" Viscount Shameen felt desperate.

"You are such a brave person. Not only did you use my formation, but you also wanted to use my own tricks to deal with me?" Yu Lian laughed.

Your trick? This is the orthodox warfare spearmanship of the Astral Knights! How did it become your trick?

Viscount Shameen knew that the other party was insulting him, but he still faced him without giving in.

Above his armor, the bright spiritual light was like the sea under the midday sun, sparkling, vast and gorgeous, even magnificent. Immediately afterwards, those magical auras continued to expand and condense, turning Shameen and his human armor into a magnificent arc of light.

"Well, it has become light. Do you also want to make soup?" Yu Lian couldn't help but ask.

Of course, he knew that this was not entirely the power of Viscount Shameen, but the efforts of the other "miscellaneous soldiers" holding the battle. They couldn't get close enough to fight Yu Lian head-on, but they could still lend their strength to their comrades.

This is probably the bond of the Astral Knights.

Yeah, that's a touching statement. Yu Lian thought. Although there are clearly two Hoshimiguan here, it is not important.

Then, at the moment when the light rushed toward him, Yu Lian took two steps back and threw the dark red light beam in his hand towards Duke Garibian, who was still concave in the distance.

The most powerful psychic on the scene still seemed to be a statue full of divine majesty and domineering, like a god stabilizing this space.

"Don't sleep! Your Highness! I know you need to spend too much energy on that virtual realm lord, but can you respect your enemy. I am the boss here."

The knights on the scene were suddenly shocked. Only then did they suddenly realize that when the space was shaken, the Duke had stopped talking, and he didn't even use any clever techniques to interfere with his opponent's actions.

Viscount Shameen, who turned into light, moved in the direction of His Highness, trying to intercept the dark red light beam this time.

However, this time he was still a step too late.

The "Long Night Meteor" hit the Duke without any reservation.

His Highness, who had maintained extremely high standards since the beginning of the war, was completely covered in the death light of the blooming atoms. The blood-red light mist is like the breath of death from hell, which can make life and nature wither and turn into a sea of ​​blood.

However, the disintegrating light that represented death only flickered for two or three seconds before turning into a violent explosion on the spot.

The thunderous explosion blew away the heart-stopping blood mist, but it also formed a violent energy vortex.

Then, His Highness Garibian was thrown away by the exploding hurricane bomb. He bounced twice on the ground like a spring, and then rolled out seven or eight meters away. Her body twitched a few times like a salted fish being dragged ashore, and then stopped moving.

Her soul seemed to have left her body long ago, and now all that was left was a walking corpse.

"Your Highness!" The two Star Officers howled like abandoned pet dogs and ran towards His Highness Garibian, shouting.

Needless to say, Viscount Shameen, who turned into light, naturally returned to human form again. His expression was still unclear, but his mood was a little depressed, and the fluctuations in his spiritual power were also reaching a low ebb. It seemed that he could not accept that he was no longer the light.

The other knights didn't even know what expressions to make for a while.

And then, in the empty galaxy outside the platform, everyone clearly saw that the Community fleet in the distance seemed to be advancing faster and faster, and it was rapidly approaching everyone.

The leader is naturally the Fuxi, which has already been on the must-kill list of the Imperial Space Fleet.

There were no fools present, and they soon realized that it was not the other party that was accelerating, but that the Natural Crest where they were was slowing down.

However, almost at the same moment, an even greater change occurred.

The Void Realm Lord who has been chasing the Natural Crest and is still fighting millions of Imperial fleets, the Thousand-Eyed Root Demon who almost killed millions of Imperial troops in this battle, He will no longer be in the form of a giant with teeth and claws. His hazy figure was rapidly collapsing, leaving only a little spot of light, like an ember that might be extinguished at any time.

The Lord of the Void Realm is about to die. Even the most pessimistic person with the least knowledge of mysticism will definitely make such a judgment, right?

No matter how hard the people of Earth struggle, as long as the Lord of the Void Realm falls, our victory will be near.

The low morale of the knights began to recover a little.

At the same moment, Duke Garibian, who was lying on the ground, floated up from the ground, as if his soul had finally returned to the walking dead. Her movements are light and graceful, and her body seems to have no weight or reality, as if it is a phantom made of mist. However, considering the few times it was hit and twitching like a salted fish, no matter how elegant it was, there was no style left.

"Your Highness!" The two star ministers shouted again, and quickly stepped forward to help.

At this moment, they instantly changed from gray and transparent people who wanted to be ignored, to full of life and tears, as if they had found their owner's pet dogs. The only thing that seemed pity was that they were missing something to shake. of organs.

"That's too exaggerated! Get away!" Duke Garibian waved his old subordinates away. After standing firm, he coughed with a sigh and sorrow, and then let out a sad sigh: "Hey, Yu Lianqing, I My heart was toward the bright moon, but the bright moon shone in the ditch."

Well, there is no such poem in Imperial Language, but there is a colloquial saying with a similar meaning, and it is also a cadenced limerick, very much in the spirit of postmodernism.

Therefore, Yu Lian frankly expressed his kindness to the Duke's sense of humor, and naturally laughed like a barbell, and then said: "I often hear this, but you are the only one who makes me laugh. ”

"But, I'm very sad that you still chose to fight. Why did you do that? What happened to make you trample on our good intentions like this."

She seemed to be really sad, and even Yu Lian felt a sad low pressure. But then, the sad low pressure suddenly became violent, turning into an invisible but deadly sense of oppression, as if an avalanche was rushing toward him.

At that moment, Yu Lian seemed to feel that he was frozen and unable to move, as if even the cells in his body had betrayed him.

Immediately afterwards, he felt a whine within his body, as if his internal organs were being squeezed by invisible forces. He also felt the bending of the bones in his body. Every bone in his body had a tendency to deform and should break soon.

What method is this? Super large gravity operation? Or, more subtly, as an extraordinary means in the spiritual realm that makes every organ, every bone, and even every cell of mine feel like it is being torn apart by super gravity?

So maybe this is an illusion? Yu Lian thought so, and then smiled broadly.

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