Him and their stars

Chapter 1528 Psykers have become mascots

Soback had to admit that although the other party's behavior was suspected of escaping from the battlefield, it was still legal and moral.

In fact, Lieutenant General Tarlyon could completely blame the defeat of this battle on Duke Garibian's mystical battle plan. She indeed thought so, and her resentment towards the latter was about to swell into hatred.

But even so, she has worked hard to this point. Even the most picky military judge must admit that she has fulfilled her duties.

The lieutenant general said: "I will retreat in the direction of gravity well No. 3. I think, judging from the current situation, the people on earth will not continue to pursue our remnants of soldiers. Well, they will definitely not."

This is of course because of the existence of the oversized MT of the natural heraldry number. Of course, there is no need to go into too much detail about this kind of thing, everyone still knows it.

"As for you, Yeager, you should retreat separately from me. Finally, break away from the battle line near the Z887 universe point. You can then transfer to the D9 planetary orbit and retreat to the No. 2 gravity well, so that you can be with the Lu T2 system. Reunited with Vice Admiral Biffick’s fleet.”

Then if you take Gravity Shaft No. 3 to Count I's Corridor, you should go to Admiral Rosanaio to file a complaint as soon as possible. This must be the case, right?

However, it must be admitted that the retreat plan given by others is still very clear and can be studied.

"So, what do you think? What are you going to do?" she asked again.

I? Of course I am also ready to wet it with you! The battle has been fought like this, and those who continue to persevere are dogs. Those who do not run away are dogs! Of course Soback thought so, but he certainly couldn't say that specifically. However, before he could organize these thoughts into suitable words, the other party smiled bitterly:

"Well, Yeager, you are still a decent and moral person. Running away like this is really not in line with your style. His Highness Garibian also appreciates you. In this case, don't you Maybe he left her and ran away."

Soback felt that this eldest sister still misunderstood him quite a lot. He was speechless for a while, and the war between heaven and man began.

"Really, run away quickly. Yeager, you killed the Lord of the Void Realm here, and you are worthy of His Highness Garibian. Come on, if everyone can break through, I will treat you to grilled dragon steak in the Tianyu. , the most authentic kind." Lieutenant General Tanlian gave one last word of advice, leaving a look in his eyes full of blessings, admiration and pity, proactively saluting, and then silently hung up the communication.

What is this parting scene full of tragic drama? It was as if I was dead.

The two of them had indeed considered the possibility of a meeting. It might be easier to break out of the encirclement by holding together for warmth, but the current battlefield situation has completely rejected this possibility.

In fact, when the defense line of the Tarlian fleet was breached, the Zeus formation had already separated the two imperial armies. The lookouts of the Soback fleet even discovered the existence of the lightning strike ship within the short-range gravity detection range. This is a very dangerous situation.

"So, we should..." Soback looked at his left and right hands.

"The Natural Crest is very likely to be boarded by the enemy, and it does need support. And we still have 30,000 people in our hands." Miss Viscount Serlu said.

"However, once we get closer to it, the opportunity to break out will be lost." Captain Peggese put forward a different view.

Could you two agree on something once in a while? Sobek felt bad.

However, before he started to wander again, he received the latest communication, which was sent from the Natural Crest.

The screen showed Brigadier General Jin wearing a mecha, with only his head and face exposed. In Soback's memory, this nobleman was born into a noble family and was an elite general who graduated from the Royal Naval Academy. He had a reserved and dignified smile on his face at all times, and he could always maintain his tall and elite temperament. Die to death. But now, his smile is very humble, even a little flattering.

He said in a pleading tone: "Sir Sobek, for the sake of the empire, please pull him down... No, pull your brother down!"

...You are more than ten years older than me. How come you are called "brother" so naturally? Isn't your personality reversed too quickly? What about the super noble who was born into a famous family?

Soback was stunned and didn't know how to express his expression for a moment.

Of course, in the eyes of the other party, no expression means no attitude, and no attitude means rejection, which is very serious.

"The officers and soldiers of this ship are still holding on! As long as there are reinforcements, we will definitely be able to hold on until the reinforcements of Admiral Rosanaio. At that time, you will be the first contributor to this battle!" Commodore Lunlikin said .

Since he was asking for help, this aristocratic general who paid great attention to decorum stopped being pretentious and explained the current situation very frankly. Although the tens of thousands of stormtroopers and armored grenadiers on the Titan ship were severely depleted of energy and fighting spirit, But the defense should still be able to support it.

The main problem is that there are no more psykers on the ship, and even the navigator must wear a heraldry machine in case of emergency.

We all know that in the brutal gang fighting and street fighting on the ship, there are completely two armies with or without psykers.

Soback continued to be stunned, this time with a "are you kidding me" expression.

No psykers on Titan? Lack of extraordinary combat power? So is the "demigod" His Highness Garibian a mascot?

Brigadier General Lunli King looked embarrassed, and indeed felt that his words were stupid. However, as a mortal, he didn't know how to explain the current situation.

"Anyway, I just can't get in touch."

"could not be reached?"

"Yes, even the door to the Star Gazing Pavilion can't be knocked open."

"Knock, can't you knock it open?"

"Our soldiers tried to cut the door with a laser cutter, but the rays seemed to be sucked into another dimension."

It can be seen that if these two people want to clarify the matter, it will still take some time, but now it is completely too late. Captain Peggese jumped in directly, appearing very rude, but his voice was urgent: "There is a high-energy response at 4 o'clock! It's a bombardment from the enemy fleet!"

"They rushed into the effective range in such a short time?"

"Block! The entire fleet quickly evades! Prepare to meet the enemy!"

"An enemy lightning strike ship is approaching! Open the air defense net!"

Soback didn't even have time to turn off the communication. The bridge of the Royal Rabbit was in a panic in front of Commodore Lunlikin.

The latter felt sad in his heart, knowing that he would no longer have reinforcements.

He had suspected that Soback was playing himself, and even considered it. Even if he died in battle, he would still have to file a letter of death to the Privy Council to complain. Anyway, even Lieutenant General Tarlian, the eldest daughter of the Duke's family, is involved, so there is no shortage of a nouveau riche.

However, thirty seconds later, he received the news that the Royal Rabbit was hit by three consecutive ion cannonballs and an antimatter torpedo. This ship can be regarded as a meritorious battle cruiser that has experienced hundreds of battles. A huge gap was blown out of the bow of the ship, as if it had transformed from an elegant arowana into a large-mouth bass in an instant.

The communication between the two ships was cut off.

It’s not easy for this young man! Thinking about it now, he was clearly the one who persisted until the end, much better than the woman from the Tanli family. Commodore Jin looked at the Yutu that was on fire, feeling pity.

Of course, he doesn't have time to think about these issues now. At this time, he also received news that all nine assault landing craft had already landed on the ship one after another. The disintegrating ram with a spiral turning head had penetrated into the armor, supporting a passage. The Earth soldiers rushed into the body like viruses.

The landing craft closest to the bridge is less than two kilometers away from here in a straight line.

At this moment, the psykers in the subspace did not feel that the ship had been invaded, but they at least felt the invaders breaking into the subspace.

This virtual beast that should have been reduced to embers should no longer pose a threat to them.

However, even if only the embers are left, it is still like an invisible black hole, swallowing up all the light sources in this space. Then, darkness suddenly fell.

Of course, along with darkness comes the most direct killing.

Ymir Shameen was in the darkness, holding the weapon in his hand tightly. Although he was deprived of vision, his spiritual sense was still sharp and clear, and he could still capture the position of his comrades and the trajectory of hostility.

If he was dealing with ordinary enemies, with just this little bit of perception, he could continue fighting without even the slightest hesitation in his skills and moves.

However, against an enemy like Yu Lian, this is far from enough.

He tried to use hearing, smell, touch and perception to locate and restore the opponent's movement trajectory, but found nothing.

In the endless darkness, the opponent's will and aura are still there, but they are hidden in the increasingly dense blood and smoke, as if they are escaping, but they seem to be everywhere.

At that moment, this talented young knight even felt that he had been brought to a battlefield filled with smoke, flames of war, and murderous intent.

Hallucination? He is also using illusions to disrupt this realm.

However, this is unscientific! This is clearly the disputed territory of Duke Garibian!

Where is His Highness?

Shameen was surprised, even horrified, to realize that he could find Yu Lian's aura, but could not find the Duke's presence.

No, this is also an illusion!

He took a deep breath, trying his best to calm down, and use a stable spirit to abandon all the deadly illusions that were turbulent and dangerous around him.

Only in this way can he accurately capture the opponent's position and movements and avoid being attacked by surprise.

He captured...

The other party ignored him at all. He had already rushed towards a target. That was Colonel Hermey, the Natural Crest's chief of security.

This psyker, who also graduated from the Knights, chose to quickly hug the surrounding comrades for warmth when darkness fell. The four psychics, whose combat power was only between the second and third rings, formed a circle on the spot and entrusted their backs to their comrades.

In such a situation, they took the most correct action. However, Shameen knew that this steady, cautious and decisive choice was wise in any situation, but it was meaningless in front of Yu Lian.

In the face of absolute power, all choices are meaningless.

"Can't you find an opponent who is at the same level as you? Why bully the weak with the big one!" Shameen really wanted to try to provoke his opponent like this, but he knew that even if he said this, the other party would not be fooled. But it will only make yourself look like a clown who cannot afford to lose.

However, what is surprising is that Yu Lian seemed to have stopped.

The combined efforts of the four psykers seemed to form an invisible fortress of power, giving him a pause.

Immediately afterwards, Shameen also felt that his only remaining teammate, Sir Gaffer, had recovered from the shock of the mental attack just now and was now rushing towards Yu Lian's back.

Very good, this should form a double-attack situation. If Sir Gever attacks from behind, everything will be fine.

This idea was too optimistic. Viscount Shameen just flashed this idea and completely rejected it. Baron Omaga is a "bloody road" and has never been good at spiritual sense. There is no reason why he can't catch the enemy's trajectory, but the other party can lock it, right?

This unscientific! Not psychic either! It must be a trap!

However, it's too late.

Shameen clearly heard the buzzing sound of friction, which was the pressure of the force field intertwined. Immediately afterwards, Sir Gever let out a low muffled sound, which was the sound of death.

It was too late for him to call the Duke and other comrades in arms, so he could only bite the bullet and rush towards this direction.

He finally saw the gorgeous and deadly light. That was when the enemy finally showed his light blade.

However, what is surprising is that Viscount Shameen can clearly see the dawn-colored light blade flying up and down, but it cannot shine elsewhere.

Then, in his spiritual vision, Baron Guyver's life fluctuated like a candle that was instantly quenched by the biting cold wind, losing all light sources and heat in an instant.

Another comrade died in front of him. This is an old knight who has served in the Astral Knights for thirty years. He has experienced hundreds of battles and has rich experience. It is possible to enter the realm of saints within three years.

However, less than two seconds after darkness fell, he died.

So, we deliberately set up an ambush, we laid siege regardless of dignity, are we still just adding to his legend? Is this the Empire’s nightmare? If it's a nightmare, when will you wake up?

Shameen's heart became increasingly cold and numb. He knew he couldn't be afraid, couldn't retreat, couldn't despair, but he couldn't control this.

Four bright blades of light also flashed out. This is Colonel Hermer and his comrades. No matter how strong their nerves are, they can still sense that the most dangerous enemy has appeared beside them.

These candidates, who serve as psychic batteries, must be forced to fight against the most dangerous enemies.

The golden energy light blade was surrounded by four strands of red light. After a burst of staggered fighting, there was only a blur of light and shadow left on the scene. The impact of the force field rumbled like a bomb, squeezing the warriors' armor and muscles.

Fuzzy ripples composed of spirit sons rippled in the dark vision, like howls and roars from hell.

Their own energy light blades were misplaced in the dazzling flash of light, and immediately turned into dangerous rain of fire, splashing down around them, and then perished in the void.

Of course Viscount Shameen knew that this was the reaction of the knights' heraldic machine being destroyed. Shields were torn, armor shattered, and the fragments burned into fiery sparks. However, once the knights' bodies are destroyed by the atomic spear, they will not even have such a reaction, and will only be disintegrated into particles that are indiscernible to the naked eye.

This is a massacre!

However, as the most powerful Imperial psyker on the scene, Shameen could not sit back and watch, but there was still nothing he could do.

He knew that he couldn't keep up with the opponent's movements at all. Although they are of the same age, there is already a distance in dimensions and levels, and the gap in strength is so huge that it almost forms an insurmountable chasm.

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