Him and their stars

Chapter 1529 He is anxious, what about you?

Viscount Shameen looked at what unfolded in front of him and determined that he had indeed seen a similar scene somewhere. It was a scene that made him tremble and admire him whenever he recalled it.

That was the Battle of the River Valley that took place at the God of War Festival! The figure who was like no one in the camp composed of the young noble elites of the Galactic Empire will still be the nightmare of the Astral Knights.

At that time and that moment, exactly at this moment!

After understanding this, Shameen's heart was filled with regret. He actually knew that during the God of War Festival, he actually had a certain advantage in terms of hard power against the enemy.

In fact, after that battle in the river valley, I should have dropped everything and gone to fight him to the death.

However, due to various coincidences and tricks of fate, or perhaps because of his own timidity, the duel that should have happened during the God of War Festival did not happen.

But now, less than two years have passed, and the other party has already left him far behind, and has left a realm behind.

So, is it like Teacher Sadulan who has been suppressed by Lan Jiufeng all his life? Will I also encounter a peak that I can't overcome no matter what?

Obviously this battle that determines life, death and destiny should have happened two years ago, but because of my cowardice, it was postponed to two years later. Therefore, you will definitely pay a higher price. Is this destiny?

He felt that he was unable to extricate himself from the powerlessness of fate, and his moment of crisis had also arrived.

Viscount Shameen was obviously fully prepared for the battle, but he was still caught off guard.

He clearly felt that this terrifying enemy had escaped from the energy circle of the Astral Knight. His movements were still leisurely, but he was approaching him with a stronger smell of blood. In his spiritual sense, what came over was not a shadow, but an interstellar storm that seemed to swallow all things.

He could not feel the limit of the enemy's power. He only knew that under the storm, it was like an even more terrifying abyss.

Shameen gathered all his energy to one point in an instant, and used his intuition to strike out at the opponent. This is the "Sword of Blessing" from the Astral Knights. It is a true regular attack. It can definitely hit whether it is against people, spirits, or even more indescribable opponents.

He clearly felt that he had indeed broken through the opponent's defense, allowing all the impact to blast into the opponent's body.

However, he felt like he was shaking his fist at the abyss, which was meaningless.

"Tsk, I'm really giving you an advantage. Brother Sha, at least in terms of your will to survive, you impress me and my brother!" Yu Lian's voice sounded in the darkness, as if he was sincerely praising himself.

Immediately afterwards, the Viscount felt a heart-wrenching pain that almost caused him to lose consciousness, but the success of his repeated training allowed his body to move on its own. The spiritual energy was automatically injected into the body, locking the wounds and forming protection.

His body also entered a disembodied energy state for an instant, widening the distance between him and the enemy's sword.

When Shameen regained consciousness, his body regained its physical form, but the wound still existed. He suddenly discovered that the right arm holding the light spear had been chopped off at the wrist.

However, what shocked him was that, apart from the physical pain, he didn't actually feel much hatred or consternation. Instead, he was more grateful.

My last blow just now did hit him and successfully deflected his attack. Shameen made this judgment. If not, that blow just now might have cut off my head, right?

But, is this guy really injured?

In Shamaine's calculations, the darkness dissipated. He felt the more direct flow of fireworks, blood, and air, and knew that he had returned to the main material world. He glanced around and determined that he was in a certain cabin on the Natural Crest. It was here that he led his comrades to besiege Yu Company.

But now, the three old knights who participated in the siege have all lost their heads.

The young astral knight looked sadly at the corpses around him. In addition to the three old knights, the four psychics were also dead and injured. The only person still alive is the ship's security director, Colonel Melher, but his knees have been severed, and his upper body is wrapped in half of the heraldic machine, leaning against the wall behind him.

...That's about it for a rag doll that was tortured by naughty children.

Fortunately, although he looked miserable, at least he was still alive. This is the only good news after this battle.

However, the important problem is not here, but elsewhere. Yu Lian, Duke Garibian, and the ember of the virtual lord have completely disappeared.

When the bewildered Viscount Shameen helped his comrades and wanted to call for rescue, a fierce alarm sounded in the cabin.

"Warning! Enemies are boarding the ship! All crew members are prepared for hand-to-hand combat!"

"Warning! Enemies are boarding the ship! All crew members are prepared for hand-to-hand combat!"

Viscount Shameen looked in the warning direction and suddenly felt a little numb. Immediately afterwards, the edge of his helmet's vision flashed three times, and then a pop-up window automatically popped up, but it was none other than Commodore Lenrikin, the captain of the Heraldry.

"Great, Your Excellency Shameen, we have finally contacted you! We are now..." Brigadier General Lunlikin's voice was obviously excited, but he immediately realized that something was wrong, and there was hesitation in his voice. : "This, this, the battle is over? What is the result? Where is Your Highness? Where are the others?"

Shameen did not answer immediately, so the captain's tone changed from hesitation to fear: "Your Excellency, you also..."

Viscount Shameen took the initiative to shut down the communication. This was not because he had any objection to Captain Lunrigin. In fact, although the latter was noisy, it was not unbearable, and it was not likely to have any impact on his state of mind. He just heard the footsteps and gunfire in the opposite passage, which became louder and louder, like a rain of sharp arrows, piercing his ears continuously.

Of course, there is also a dangerous aura with obvious hostility.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, you can find that the owner of the aura is probably separated by several cabins from himself, and the straight-line distance is at least several hundred meters away, but the other party is not prepared to hide his existence at all.

This is clearly a psyker from Earth. He is vigorously publicizing his existence. On the one hand, he can intimidate the empire's defenders, and on the other hand, he can attract his own attention and cause maximum damage to his own side.

Yes, judging from the momentum displayed by that spiritual energy now, his fight was definitely not a feint attack to lure his comrades to create openings, but he was clearly preparing to fight his way through.

Viscount Shameen sighed quietly and looked at Colonel Meyer next to him: "What should I do?"

The colonel didn't answer. In fact, he had already passed out.

The Viscount sighed and placed the remaining colonel on the back of a medical robot that was coming over. He endured the pain and took out a spare lightsaber from the mecha's weapon compartment, stumbling forward. Walk in the direction of the hostile psychic energy.

In a certain virtual subspace realm, the battle is still going on.

In the endless ashes space, Yu Lian is falling. The distance of this fall is very long, as if it is falling all the way from outer space orbit to the center of the earth.

...No, maybe it's more like drifting from one planet to another.

Anyway, now Yu Lian no longer knows how long he has been falling. He is emotionally stable. Anyway, in the realm of virtuality, space is indescribable, and the sense of time is also misaligned. Although it can be determined that the river of time continues to flow forward in the correct order, the priorities are really unclear.

However, this is not important. As long as his senses can ensure that the two opponents... no, the two most important prey are still within his sensing range, that is enough.

Yes, does he want to describe his opponent as prey now? This will make him confident.

His perception was locked on the shaky, ember-like will of the virtual world. In the real material universe, that little bit of mottled light seems to be likely to stop living at any time and decompose into part of the ions of the universe. However, here, in this subspace world composed of unidentifiable and inexplicable energy, it seems that the germ of life has returned to the warm and comfortable water, been nourished, and begun to revive.

Good recovery! Yu Lian thought. If I don't recover a little, I might never find this thing again.

No, it's not that I can't find it, it's probably that I've forgotten it.

But now, Yu Lian can use the gravity-like simulation composed of spiritual energy to grab the last entity of the falling Lord of the Void Realm. His other hand has already put on the Infinity Glove, directing Dawn Sword Pill to attack continuously. Nearby Imperial Duke.

Compared to himself, who was in a state of embarrassment and covered with scars, and to the Lord of the Void Realm, who was only a ball of embers, Duke Garibian's whole body was wrapped in armor that seemed to be made of glass and crystal. Her hands stirred the space, and every lingering power seemed to release endless murderous intent from the turbulent gray mist.

This is indeed the case. Every ripple in the gray mist contains a deadly storm that can tear apart steel and mountains.

Several times, Yu Lian even felt that his body had been pulled by these storms hidden in the gray mist, but in just a blink of an eye, the body parts captured by the opponent's techniques directly transformed into elemental mode. , even the etheric mode, breaks free of its constraints with ease and ease.

Immediately afterwards, there was a counterattack from the Dimensional Collision Bead.

Yu Lian was very sad. He suddenly discovered that he was in a virtual realm, and it felt more like he was fighting at home than in the material world.

Yu Lian was also very happy. As a warrior, as long as you can challenge yourself beyond the next level, it will be enjoyable.

The two people's spiritual energy fluctuated, driving visible and invisible extraordinary weapons, colliding, roaring, and intertwining in the vague gray mist. Long energy wave tracks rippled out in the vast virtual space, as if a ship was gliding in the water waves.

The collision of murderous intent formed a more violent shock wave. The thick gray fog was penetrated by the dazzling bright light, began to flicker, began to boil, and began to burn, as if the lava was resurrecting from under the dead volcano.

Yu Lian's memory from his previous life was not wrong.

Duke Garibian was born as a Star Viewer. He was a master of space, technique and perception, but he was not good at frontal combat. In the end, she could only balance the situation by relying on the external force of one ring ahead of her in terms of strength, physical fitness, mental strength, and even the Noble Phantasm.

This kind of battle situation always gives Yu Lian a subtle sense of déjà vu.

"You are killing yourself! You are killing us all! This is the Void Realm! Young man, our battle is like shedding blood in the wild wilderness. It won't take long, the real monster, the monster beyond your imagination , will appear! At that time, you, me, and it will all be prey!" Duke Garibian's voice rippled in Yu Lian's ears, very calm, but still full of bewitching power.

Until this time, she had not given up the energy of speech spirit and illusion. This is one of her areas of expertise, almost to the point of becoming instinctive.

On the other hand, the ember of the lord next to him flickered brightly and darkly, as if to say, "It's none of my business, why should I be included?"

Well, while fighting and talking, it really feels more and more like déjà vu.

Yu Lian thought about this while replying: "Yes, prey and hunters are always changing in our world. However, these are all minor problems. Back then, Duke Sartolan led his cavalry to besiege When I was a master, I was not afraid of the prying eyes of the virtual world. There is no reason to be cautious when you come to our place. Please be more energetic! Your Highness, how can you be elected emperor if you are so lackluster? Personal morality, cruelty, greed, and extravagance are all just minor problems! The only thing that cannot be accepted is the incompetent ones! "

Looking at Yu Lian's wild and wanton laughter, Duke Garibian fell silent for a short period of time.

"You don't need to show this expression, I'm not talking about you. Really. Also, do you think he can hear me now?"

The Duke laughed dumbly and said: "Nanny of the God of War! You really understand! You already understand so much, and you still say that you are a loyal minister of the community and a patriot of the earth. Do you believe it? Do you actually believe it yourself? ?”

"I believe it! It is precisely because I believe that I can adapt to the current battle and must enjoy it all. Hahahaha! Your Highness, I just want to beat you to death, or be beaten to death by you!"

At this moment, the hot lava formed behind the gray mist, pulled by Yu Lian's dimension, reversed and swept towards His Highness Garibian opposite. The armor, which seemed to be made of precious light and colored glaze, also became loose.

Duke Garibian's face showed a look of avoidance and retreat. She seemed to be at a complete disadvantage, and was even heading for defeat little by little.

Therefore, it seems that this competition is about to have a structure.

But then, downwind of the two of them, at the end of the descent that they didn't know how long it would take to reach, a sudden change occurred, and the undulating mountains and the earth gradually condensed. It's like a large continent suddenly appearing in the virtual world.

The gorgeous and spectacular pavilions are like palaces and temples built on top of the mountains and the sky where the gods live.

"The swaying sky fortress? Hahahahaha, when did the shape of this place change again? Your Highness, your biggest mistake was to cooperate with that, that, um, that King Wei."

Duke Garibian did not answer.

At this time, the boiling energy formed in the competition between the two people seeped out from the disordered gray fog, and continued to fall on the mountain like bombs from orbital bombing. As a result, they ignited the forests, leveled the mountains, destroyed the palaces, and turned the streams, ravines, and lakes in the mountains into a hell made of lava.

"Tsk, Mandian! Is he anxious, or are you anxious?"

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