Him and their stars

Chapter 1534 This is our loyal Titan

Yu Lian saw the curiosity of the other party, so he just smiled and said: "A conspirator who is always looking forward and backward, and a magic stick who is exhausted, if I can't win, I will just go home to hold the child. But you're right, if they want to run away, I really can't stop them. I'll be satisfied if I can capture a big garden."

Luo Zeshi felt that this big garden should not be that simple, but he did not want to ask more questions. He just smiled and said: "What you said... General Bai just said the same thing."

Yu Lian looked towards the door. At this time, Tai'a had already knocked out a huge crack in the door, which was made of the battleship's armored plate. Although one person could not get through, at least seven or eight mice could get through.

However, at this time, she was obviously exhausted. She was sitting there with her hands on her hips, breathing heavily, as if her body had been hollowed out.

However, as a disciple of the Spiritual Research Society and the chief double-flowered red stick of the third generation, Tai'a has naturally mastered the "spiritual circulation" and can recover his blue level much faster than other psykers. She took a few deep breaths, then swung the warhammer again and hit the door.

Yu Lian felt that she was a little disrespectful to "Xingzhi" in this way, so he couldn't help but said: "So, I wanted to ask just now. Is this because she let Shameen go and took it out on the door? ?”

Yu Lian glanced at the other party.

The sound was not loud, and basically only Tai'a himself could hear it, but with Yu Lian's hearing, he could naturally tell that it was Xiaobai's child.

"I have always been loyal and honest. Therefore, I am not prepared to ask the superior departments to bear responsibilities that they cannot bear. This is also a kind of workplace emotional intelligence." Even in his words, Yu Lian's tone fully expressed his self-righteousness and naturalness.

"I, I think... this treasure and I might be destined." She added with a submissive laugh.

"Probably start with 'Baby please turn around'."

Of course, this does not mean that all imperial nobles are so strong.

Immediately afterwards, the iron-clad door twitched with a creak and began to move tremblingly to both sides.

There is no way. Although the Empire is the aggressor, since the war began, millions of Earthling prisoners of war have been given basic humanitarian treatment. Then the community cannot become a party that violates interstellar public law. This is also a kind of Reality.

However, unlike the magnificent bridge furnishings that Yu Lian imagined, this bridge had no trace of decoration except for the necessary functional equipment. Looking around, there are only cold machines, electronic arrays, screens with beating data and pictures, as well as steel stairs, guardrails and floors. Even the ceiling above the head does not have a gorgeous holographic dome, but only various complicated but well-organized pipeline structures.

The original Angel of Dawn was magnificent and magnificent. If it weren't for the uniformed killers coming in and out, you would have thought it was in the audience room of the Holy Tree Palace.

"Rebuilding?" Yu Lian was startled, and then he saw Luo Zeshi's constipated expression, and then he suddenly realized: "Oh, yes, Cuiling that time. Haha, but of course it was luck, and it should be regarded as more It must be the credit of Brother Yeager Soback.”

At this time, the already sloping armored door had cracked and a more obvious gap appeared. The most spacious area is already only for cats and dogs to come in and out.

Yu Lian felt that he still needed to pay attention to her mental health.

"Yes, the enemy ship's last defenders are fighting stubbornly on the bridge. If we attack by force, we may suffer heavy losses and cause some irreversible damage to the ship."

Now the master's niece is obviously in a slightly crazy state. She doesn't even come to say hello when she sees him. Her mental state is indeed quite worrying.

"Please, please exercise restraint. The captain of this ship, Commodore Lunlijin, has just chosen honorable suicide. Before his soul returned to the spirit of the universe, he has ordered us to end the battle with dignity. Now, we have decided to pay tribute to Your army lays down its arms. Please exercise restraint and provide humane treatment to our soldiers who lay down their arms in accordance with the public laws of the universe."

Tai'a was startled for a moment, then he raised "Xingzhi" above his head with both hands and started cheering: "Oh, good! I'm done!"

It is normal that there are always proud warriors who cannot bear the humiliation of surrender. Even the completely politicized Admiral Connelly would commit suicide after the disastrous defeat in the Ring of Miracles battle, let alone the Tirello nobles who are full of martial virtue. .

"Maybe 'Xingzhi' likes being hit with a sledgehammer? Wait, how did you get here?"

Tsk, did you obviously know that I was coming? He didn't come to say hello first.

Tai'a didn't seem too happy, he just sighed, turned his head and said to Yu Liang with tears in his eyes: "So, little uncle, you clearly saw that I broke down this door."

Luo Zeshi reminded from behind: "The bridge of the Natural Crest should have been rebuilt in the past two months. It is already perfect if the basic equipment is installed. At this moment, there is probably no time to do it. Decorate it.”

Tai'a said a dull "Oh", and then as if he just remembered it, he stood at attention and saluted loudly: "Sir, I am really touched to see your triumphant return. I would like to ask if you have achieved success in your adventurous journey. The head of the enemy’s leader, Duke Garibian?”

"...Indeed, it is indeed the case. We have tried to persuade him, but failed." The empire responded.

"That's right, Brigadier General Bai. After three hours of separation, your emotional intelligence is impressive. It wasn't Xiao Bai who taught you, right?" Yu Lian said while taking back his knowledge. Then, he heard a fierce noise coming from inside the door that was opening a little bit, and then a middle-aged man's voice came out. The voice seemed to be trying to be restrained and calm, but the panic in it could not be concealed.

Yu Lian was noncommittal and continued to explain without blood or tears: "No matter what, you got the first credit this time, and no one can take away your honor and achievements. On behalf of the theater headquarters, I thank you for your contribution. As for the attack Whose credit is it for opening this gate will have to wait for the analysis of the technical team. "

"Would it hurt your tongue to say the word surrender?" Tai'a snorted coldly.

"When you're at work, say your job. Also, give me my hammer right away." Yu Lian extended his hand unceremoniously.

Tai'a felt that he was greatly shocked again, and he continued to shout loudly while standing at attention and saluting: "Sir! It won't take long before this Imperial Titan ship will become your loyal Titan ship."

Yu Lian sighed: "I didn't expect you, an art student, to be able to understand "Principles", but at least you have to deal with things like capitalism. We are not qualified to ignore interstellar public laws now."

"It must be to chill the enemy's morale." Luo Zeshi said seriously.

As for the bridge, it is naturally spacious and advanced. Although it is not as good as the Angel of Dawn, it is at least half larger than the Fuxi, and can accommodate an entire heavenly court. The five-story stepped structure is enough to accommodate four to five thousand technical sergeants to work and fight here. Even the array terrace on the top floor is designed to be quite spacious, even enough to raise a hundred pots of chicken on it. Rose.

However, having said that, Brigadier General Lunlikin had a sad expression on his face, and there were several bullet holes on his back... Did this guy really commit suicide?

Yu Lian and Luo Zeshi exchanged a look and felt that there was no need to think too carefully about this kind of thing.

Although the Natural Crest is not the ship chosen by the emperor, it should also be of this style.

Just as Yu Lian was about to slap her in the face and ask her what she had been hit with, he heard the communication interruption beep on Tai'a's wrist, and he also cheered: "Oh, okay, sister, I've done it!"

"Even a kinder conqueror would have to execute at least half of the officers, and Ding Zhuang would have to be whipped or something..."

As long as he boarded the bridge of the loyal Titan, he would have created the history of the community's soldiers.

But now, what is in front of Yu Lian is clearly more like a large factory, and it is social (meow), social (meow), and minimalist (woo).

"What the hell, surrender at this time, shouldn't it be considered a long time ago?" Tai'a whispered in a low voice, and said with murderous intent: "If according to ancient sayings, surrendering after the city is breached cannot be regarded as surrender at all, it should be Don’t seal the sword for three days.”

Since the other party had said so, and after thinking about it carefully, it seemed to make some sense, Yu Lian was not prepared to ask in detail. He moved his hands and feet and simply walked towards the door.

For example, the second officer who just announced the surrender on behalf of the entire ship is also a noble, and he is also the direct descendant of a hereditary retainer of the royal family of Solane.

Yu Lian was thinking about whether to drop some bombs into the gap and inject some poisonous gas or something, when he heard a harsh sliding sound from the gate, as if a machine was whining.

Everyone is no match for themselves.

Yu Lian's sense of intimacy suddenly arose spontaneously, and he exclaimed in amazement: "It's so simple! It's actually simpler than our old independent class! Such a simple imperial army is no longer an ordinary imperial army, and it must be important..."

"They are all unwilling to surrender and choose to commit suicide?" Luo Zeshi asked.

The second officer of the Imperial Army, who surrendered on behalf of the entire ship, seemed to feel some terrible murderous intent, and showed a pleading look: "Your Excellency, General, we sincerely lay down our weapons!"

"This is your illusion." Yu Lian said unceremoniously: "The sword is also a spiritual thing. If used incorrectly, it will make it cry. Whether it is swinging a sledgehammer or burning incense, if you can't use it, you can't use it. Just now you This has been proven.”

In addition, he used to think it was fun to break down the door with a hammer, but there were not many occasions where it was reasonable and legal.

This is naturally excellent. Yu Lian is now more and more confident in the subjective initiative of his friends.

Tai Aga laughed twice, but he looked like he was not ashamed but proud: "Disciple has the determination to try and make mistakes. This is the reason why I can become a disciple of the Spiritual Research Association."

Although this girl looks like a brave man and is a "Shura" herself, her speech spirit is above average. The success rate of launching a sneak attack on a restless surrendered officer is of course very high.

The Marines of the Community quickly cleared out the dead from the bridge. Including the captain, Commodore Lunli King, and more than ten people. Their ranks range from generals to captains. When you hear their names, you know they are officers born into noble families.

"...Smashing the door with a hammer, doesn't that count as a forced attack?"

"Cold the enemy's morale?"

There were approximately more than a thousand imperial officers and soldiers who surrendered. Most of them did not have mechas or heavy weapons, and naturally there were no psykers. It is conceivable that at this moment when the gate is lost, once the Marines of the Community rush into the bridge, their resistance will not even last more than two minutes.

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere of everyone in the Empire on the bridge became even lower. This is good. Only after your bones are broken will you be willing to cooperate with your work, and only in this way will you achieve better results.

Tai'a was immediately speechless. Her men had indeed discovered the bodies of seven Imperial psykers in the hold. Judging from the quality of the zero elements precipitated, two of them are even in the fifth ring.

"No. But I have at least killed five more Astral Knights and two Star View Officers. If nothing else, their corpses should have appeared somewhere on this ship, right? But they have been collected Okay zero element?”

Tai'a suddenly realized that Yu Lian's words were just words. What he meant was very clear. The captured Noble Phantasm was the trophy of the Spiritual Research Society. It could even be regarded as the trophy of Yu Lian, but it was not the trophy of the Blue Star Community.

"Uncle Master, you are really not a loyal and benevolent person!" Tai'a also responded in a recited voice.

Speaking of which, I haven't seen the child since just now. Needless to say, I should have found a way on my own, and it seems that I succeeded.

"Of course not. This is to chill the enemy's army. The enemy is trapped in a small area, and the psychological pressure can be imagined. Every time General Bai attacks, every sound, every roar, it is a heavy psychological pressure for them. Strike." Luo Zeshi continued to explain seriously.

Tai'a's eyes widened with shock, and then he showed a hateful look as if he was looking at a scumbag. However, before she started to cry, the "Xingzhi" in her hand was snatched away by Yu Lian, who was bloodless and tearless.

Only then did Yu Lian step into the bridge. Of course he knew that with his current capabilities, even without these empty seats, the remaining imperial defenders would not be able to harm him. However, this was also the standard tactical procedure for ordinary soldiers and needed to be respected. Moreover, being the first to board the bridge of the enemy's Titan is also an honor, so there is no need for him to compete with ordinary soldiers.

"In addition, after this battle, send a letter to your uncle and master, saying that I have obtained the Royal Palace's Noble Phantasm 'Sky Courtyard', which can be regarded as the trophy of our spiritual seminar."

You must know that the Tiriro people are a people who attach great importance to rituals and believe in the special concept of "only by fearing power can one be virtuous." Even the bridges of battlecruisers and aircraft carriers will be in line with the solemn and domineering palace style, let alone Titans.

Sure enough, the person on the other side had a dazed look on his face and said, "Yes, yes, we sincerely surrender. We have put down our weapons. We are very fragile. Please don't hurt us."

As the door was completely opened, Rozeshi gave an order, and a group of armed soldiers entered the bridge first, driving all the Imperial soldiers together.

Of course, the officers present in the community knew that Yu Lian was making a joke, so they all burst into laughter with emotional intelligence.

Tsk, I've acted it before, but it didn't show any sincerity at all. Yu Lian curled his lips in his heart, and then said: "Very good, at least the bridge can be changed to the style we like. We can hang a red flag on the front and draw the sides of all the Imperial Dreadnoughts sunk by us. number and ship's emblem."

Of course the imperial officers and soldiers present understood what Yu Lian meant, and their faces were full of humiliation and grief, as if they were witnessing a tragic crime but did not dare to resist.

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