Him and their stars

Chapter 1535 Thank you, His Majesty the Emperor, for sending the ship

Well, the crew members of the Space Fleet do have the habit of treating the battleships they serve as their wives. This is actually a kind of glorious tradition, and it is much more positive than those fat nerds calling their wives to paper figures.

So, I am indeed married to my husband now? What should I do if I feel a little excited for no reason?

Yu Lian began to make assumptions full of malice.

At this time, the engineers of the Earth Landing Force had taken over the bridge terminal and contacted Xiaobai in the second central control room. After a while of operation, they had completely gained control of the Natural Crest.

However, this is a huge Titan ship after all. The Blue Star Community has not played with this largest battleship in the history of civilization for more than half a century since its founding. What's more, most of the people who boarded the ship were Marines killing embryos. It's really There are not many professional crew members. They really couldn't get this giant ship to move right away.

After listening to a brief report by a technical sergeant major, Lieutenant Colonel Rozez immediately asked the surrendered imperial crew members to return to their respective positions, obey the instructions of the earth's technical personnel and navigators, and sail the ship back to the island. Gotta go to the fortress.

Come on, not only is the husband now, but he also comes up to help push the butt (meow) buttocks. Yu Lian's bad intentions began to bubble up.

Sure enough, the expressions of the Imperial crew members on the scene became even more humiliated, and some even looked like they would rather die than surrender.

Yu Lian estimated that most of the imperial sailors who surrendered would endure the humiliation and cooperate, but there would always be fierce people who refused on the spot and only wanted to die. If this kind of thing happened, it would indeed be a tragedy.

But at this time, Tai'a snorted disdainfully: "If you don't cooperate, we will probably have to let our dreadnoughts drag the Heraldry back. In fact, this will not delay anything. At most, it will waste a few knots." Battery. However, the majestic Titan ship is dragged like a dead dog cargo ship that was crippled by pirates. Isn't this the same as a seriously injured dragon being raped by a hyena? "

The imperial officers and soldiers who heard this were stunned. The second officer who announced the surrender must have seriously imagined the scene, and immediately showed an expression of begging for death.

"So, you don't want to see the Natural Crest become a Titan ship, a historical shame, right?"

Yu Lian was amazed and found that his niece, the bargain-hunting master, was indeed worthy of having the face of a little girl. She was also worthy of being the wild lady of the leading family of adventurers in Xinxin China. She was indeed quite good at playing.

Although the expressions of the Imperial crew members became more humiliated, they did move with sorrow. Therefore, under the command of the community officers, energy was injected, the engine was started, the course was changed, and even the damaged cabins were repaired.

...This is also subjective initiative!

Of course, just when the scarred Nature Emblem began to accelerate, we also received a signal that the gravity well was empty. A huge mass outline is about to jump to this galaxy.

The estimated quality is even 10% greater than the natural heraldic number. Needless to say, it could only be the Thor.

General Rosanaio's reinforcements finally arrived on the battlefield at the critical moment, even five minutes earlier than originally expected.

Immediately afterwards, the flashing air shock finally condensed into a majestic ship shadow, which looked more majestic than the Natural Crest.

Immediately afterwards, jumping out of the gravity well passage were several dreadnoughts that had already opened all their gun ports, like sturdy warriors armed with sharp armor.

These majestic and fearless ships are unparalleled national treasures in any country except the two poles, but here, they are just like jackals, foxes and leopards accompanying the beast king.

Of course, this way of appearing with the battleship as the vanguard is indeed domineering. In addition to intimidating the enemy to the greatest extent, it also has practical tactical significance. The battleship group immediately entered the battle to attack, which was also a surprise tactic that only the wealthy empire and alliance could execute.

No, with the arrival of Rosanaio's fleet, many of the miserable Imperial crew members seemed to become upset, and each one of them began to act full of life.

Of course, the community is not completely unprepared.

"Do you want to activate the mine?" Luo Zeshi asked.

While the Marines were besieging the Natural Crest, the automatic minelayers were also moving in the direction of the escape of the Tarlian fleet and the Sobek fleet. Currently, tens of millions of dollars have been dropped in the direction where the enemy fleet must pass. A group of powerful mines.

This weapon has a long history and has little technical content, but it has a long history precisely because it is useful. Of course, they cannot completely block the main force of the empire, but they can have a certain interception effect, which can definitely be regarded as playing a historical role.

Yu Lian pondered for a moment: "It would be a bit troublesome if the fleet of Vice Admiral Biffick arrived first. But now it is the main force of Admiral Rosanaio. This is a mature and prudent imperial general. On the contrary, Don’t pay too much attention to it.”

After all, Rosanaio is also a veteran general of the empire who has experienced hundreds of battles. He needs to pay attention to his propriety and is not a hot-blooded fierce general. What's more, the Imperial Army has been defeated again and again. If he, the second-in-command on the far shore, suffers further losses, this battle will really be unsustainable. In this case, no matter how decisive and fierce the general is, he will choose to be cautious.

Yu Lian believed that Admiral Rosanaio would understand this.

Luo Zeshi immediately understood what Yu Lian meant.

"Let the Fuxi formation be on alert, and send the injured warships back to the dock for repairs one after another according to the original plan. The work ship and the hospital ship came in and quickly cleaned the battlefield, giving them two hours. In addition, notify the Fortress that the air force Let’s go out to the large cargo ship dock in Area B.”

In the fortress, only the docks prepared for super-large cargo ships can accommodate this Titan ship.

What unfolded later was just as Yu Lian had deduced. When the Natural Herald began to accelerate towards the Seide Fortress, the mighty Imperial fleet stopped instead and took up a defensive posture on the spot. .

A small ship began to move forward, but turned back before the mine group.

Immediately afterwards, the Thor and the newly arrived dreadnoughts from the empire lined up, but instead of moving forward, they took a defensive posture, actually covering the work ships.

At this time, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief. They, ordinary officers and soldiers, finally determined that the attack and defensive counterattack against Seide Fortress had finally come to an end.

Once again they were victorious.

In the joyful atmosphere, Yu Lian climbed to the top of the Heraldic bridge with great interest and found the commander's chair.

Yes, although this bridge is all in the clear water room, all the furniture that should be sent in is also ready, including these commander's chairs.

The structure of the seat is very ergonomic. In addition, the fabric of the sofa is finally not made of real leather, but some kind of high-tech textile fabric, but I don’t know what material it is. It looks very light and clear. Sitting on it feels like sitting in the clouds. It feels quite good. Comfortable.

...Speaking of which, what is the point of designing the fleet commander's seat to be so comfortable? Aren't you afraid that the Commander will fall asleep sitting on it?

"If it were me, I would have changed this chair. Then I would have melted the swords of the defeated enemies together to make a high platform. This would be in line with the empire's Khorne warrior model," Yu Lian said casually.

Luo Zeshi next to him said: "...I won't talk about whether this kind of chair will be comfortable to sit on. The key question is, if I accidentally cut myself and died of tetanus, would I look stupid?"

"Maybe this way can be used to reflect mysterious settings such as destiny, right?"

"With a chair?"

"Use a chair. Okay, it doesn't sound very smart." Yu Lian smiled and said: "However, I still hope to change the style of the bridge into the shape of our... ah no, community as soon as possible."

"Your Majesty has just sent the complete picture of the bridge to Mr. Trend. It is estimated that within a week at most, at least three design plans will be available for you to choose from," said Luo Zeshi.

"I feel so relieved that you are doing this." Yu Lian thanked him sincerely.

"However, we'd better consult Chief Sylvester's opinion first."

"It's natural. No, it's not a reference. You still need to ask him for advice when necessary."

"I understand. In addition, there is Vice President Hierro. His attitude is also very important."

"..." Yu Lian felt that he heard a name that disappointed him, and couldn't help but pick his ears: "Oops? Mr. Vice President is still here? I thought he had returned to Xinshuntian a few days ago. ”

"The vice president's office did have plans in this regard, but due to coincidence, it didn't happen."

"Is it a coincidence?" Yu Lian sneered and put his hand on the silky-feeling armrest of the seat, as if stroking the hilt of a sword.

"Yes, it's a coincidence." Luo Zeshi continued to report seriously: "During our previous battles, the Vice President had been sitting with Chief Sylvester in the headquarters, talking and laughing while facing the enemy's attack. They He showed extraordinary courage and boosted the morale of the entire army.”

"What is this, an official report submitted to the Presidential Palace and the National Defense Commission?" Yu Lian couldn't help but be stunned.

"Yes, I have already completed the first three paragraphs." Luo Zeshi said.

What's the saying? By the way, the subjective initiative when writing a report can also reflect a person's ability to adapt to the system. From this perspective, Luo Zeshi already has the potential to be a top bureaucrat.

"So, what about beyond official reports?"

"Mr. Vice President's guards had some minor misunderstandings with the fortress defenders at the headquarters, but before the matter escalated, they were persuaded by Major Lilia Alfonso's light rail gendarmerie."

"Did you persuade him to make peace?" Yu Lian raised his eyebrows.

Luo Zeshi nodded: "Yes, we have reconciled, and almost no serious incidents occurred. However, one of the guards of Mr. Vice President was too excited and rushed to the guard post, and was knocked down by us. He is currently receiving treatment. The doctor believes that , This should be a stress reaction. Some people will have this reaction when they see too intense and cruel scenes.”

Yu Lian suddenly looked astonished: "The special service members are just security guards. They may be good at using weapons, but without going through a war, it is normal to have PTSD."

Luo Zeshi nodded: "The military doctor also judged this. In addition, for safety reasons, the Light Rail Military Police disarmed the Vice President's guard."

...Good guy, in any other country, this would be enough to qualify as a military coup, right?

"Yeah what did the Vice President say?"

"His Excellency the Vice President stated that he supports all decisions of the frontline commanders. Anyone who violates the emergency military orders issued by the Outer Ring War Zone is a traitor and should be brought to military court and military law should be enforced on the spot! It is said that he said this When speaking, his expression was so resolute that even Chief Sylvester felt that the Vice President was too radical."

Come on, another slippery eel guy. However, since he is Mao Yuanzuo's nephew and an experienced old politician, this should be a basic skill.

"In short, there is currently no evidence to show that Vice President Hierro has any direct relationship with this mental incident. He himself has been at the fortress headquarters, apologized to the soldiers, and even danced with them."


"Yes. When we officially captured the bridge just now, the Side Command was also celebrating the victory. Vice President Hierro even sang and danced with a few young soldiers arm in arm. It is said that the performance level was quite good. This scene has been The reporter accompanying the group took the photo, and it has now been published on GNN’s frontline report.”

"...Move very quickly! Gnn."

"After all, we have not blocked the news channels to the country. If nothing else happens, this should become a historical scene this year, right?"

Although Yu Lian thought that the scene might be eye-catching, it was indeed in line with the effects of communication studies.

But then again, his own guards have been disarmed, and Mr. Vice President can still maintain his character as if nothing has happened. Just by relying on this determination to do things in front of others, he can indeed be regarded as a character. .

Yu Lian asked himself, if it were him, it would be difficult to do this.

He now vaguely remembered that in the previous time, Mr. Hierro did not actually become the vice president, but was just a few of the most influential senior members of the Co-Prosperity Party. After the Empire's second war of conquest, he was the kind who stood in the front row and waved flags to the new master.

Although he is standing in the front row, and although he is a senior senator, he is only a background figure after all, and he is the kind of person who would not even appear on the first three pages of the rape list.

However, the world line is different after all. Even Brother Soback has become a famous general among the younger generation of the empire. Who knows whether Mr. Hierro will turn from a small-time traitor into a big-time traitor? Similarly, for some people, going from a football traitor to a patriot doesn't actually require any excess.

However, no matter what Vice President Ye's background is now, he is indeed doing things well. He did not show any traitorous tendencies, nor did he impose any burden on the frontline command, and he indeed fulfilled his duties well.

He is the vice president, even if he is a patriotic soldier like Yu Lian, who has only been in the military for five days, it is impossible for him to be killed without any reason, right? If this is true, the persona that I have been concave for so many years will no longer be able to survive, and the community will no longer be able to maintain it.

"His Excellency Vice President Hierro's office has sent a message. He hopes to be able to board the Natural Arms soon. On the giant ship of the empire, he will celebrate all the first soldiers and award medals to everyone. He hopes We can prepare a ceremony site," Luo Zeshi added.

Yu Lian couldn't help but asked: "When the Vice President came down, did he drag half the cabin's medals with him?"

"This possibility is not ruled out. If I were him, I might even bring dozens of letters of appointment and general stars with me. Just take them out at the right time." Luo Zeshi said with a smile.

With a watch in one hand and a medal in the other, he is ready to kneel down to box, and at the same time he is ready to sing mournful songs with his head in his mouth. This is the self-cultivation of a qualified "Gonggun Lord".

At this time, a new imperial fleet arrived, but it was the fleet of Vice Admiral Biffick and Vice Admiral Vero who arrived from the direction of the T2 gravity well.

In this way, before Marshal Ikenroga arrived, the total strength of the Imperial Army in Saide Fortress once again exceeded that of the entire Community Army.

Of course, these newly arrived imperial troops, whose ships and personnel were in top condition, and even Lieutenant General Biffick, who was extremely brave and often passionate, did not launch an attack immediately, but still chose the original choice. on standby.

Even though he was two or three astronomical units away, Yu Company could feel the humiliation and anger of those imperial officers and soldiers. For a while, he got into a bad mood again. He really wanted to send something to the other side: "There are tens of millions of soldiers in the empire, but there is not a single man." " and other provocative letters. However, after a brief thought, he finally chose to give up.

He couldn't use the second move against the saints, nor could he use the same set of words to ridicule the enemy. This was Yu Lian's final pride.

"Send a letter to the imperial fleet over there, clearly indicating the wide area. Just say..." Yu Lian smiled and said: "Thank you, His Majesty the Emperor, for sending the ship!"

"Thank you, His Majesty the Emperor, for violating the ship?" Luo Zeshi repeated.

"Yes, thank you, His Majesty the Emperor... That's it. There is no need to be so straightforward. Leave it blank, Davari Shirozeshi. We are civilized people, so we must leave it blank."

"I understand." Luo Zeshi showed a knowing smile, and his smile was even more evil than Yu Lian's.

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