Him and their stars

Chapter 1536 A Pyrrhic victory?

It turns out that the new taunts still have some effect. At least there was commotion along the way to the Biffick fleet. Those pure black imperial warships fired a volley of cannons in the direction of the minefield. However, looking at it like that, it was hard to tell whether he was clearing mines or venting his anger.

However, they still didn't attack. Probably because they had reunited with their own defeated army at this time, the tragic situation of the Tarlian fleet and the Sobek fleet had successfully formed a source of calm for them.

Of course, Yu Lian never expected that this little ridicule would really make the experienced Imperial Army soldiers lose their cool. He just wanted to mock him.

In this way, the Natural Heraldry sailed into the cover of our own fleet and fortress guns without any danger, under the guidance of the mighty Imperial fleet and escorted by our own fleet.

Before the command headquarters could send a pilot signal, thousands of brilliant sparks suddenly unfolded around the fortress. They were gorgeous in shape and colorful, and it was dizzying to see. They were clearly the fireworks for the triumphant return of the Qing ancestors.

"The handwriting of Chief Sylvester?" Yu Lian was a little moved.

Rozez contacted the fortress and replied: "...Chief Sylvester is arranging a banquet for us. These triumphal fireworks were actually arranged by Vice President Hierro."

Yu Lian was really moved this time. Even if it is just acting, if you have reached this point, you are no longer an ordinary Gonggun prince, and I am afraid you need to be more careful in what you do.

However, although he is very wary, he must also admit that he is also a serious human being after all, and he has not completely overcome the so-called vulgar taste, so he will always have a lot of vanity.

As he looked at the gorgeous fireworks blooming in front of him, he couldn't help but feel a little complacent in his heart. If my literary talent was not really limited, I might have wanted to recite two poems on the spot.

This is indeed a brilliant, even historic victory.

Not to mention anything else, just this Titan ship that fell into the hands of the community has already made history.

How many years has it been since the Galactic Empire experienced such a humiliation?

Even more than 800 years ago, during the Third Galactic War, which involved almost all civilized empires in the Milky Way galaxy and caused the entire Elorian civilization to perish in the starry sky, the empire only had the destroyed Titan ship. But no one was captured.

This is of course thanks to the empire's cleverness, but it should also be attributed to my own strategizing. Yu Lian puffed up his chest proudly, but decided not to be proud until Mr. Vice President boarded the ship.

However, when he received the casualty list that had just been compiled, he could no longer feel proud.

The Imperial Outpost Fleet, headed by Vice Admiral Rhaenys Tarrion, initially conducted tentative formations and confrontations at a safe distance from Star Seder, but due to the occult plans of the Empire's big shots, it evolved into a full-scale Great war.

This should be something the Imperial Army did not want to see at the beginning. Probably because of this, the Imperial Army was not prepared enough to fill the fortress with enough defenders, so they paid a far more tragic price than the people on Earth.

In addition to the capture of a Titan ship, more than a hundred battleships including a dreadnought and four battle cruisers were sunk. The number of soldiers killed in battle should have exceeded 300,000.

In comparison, the Community fleet, which had long been prepared for counterattack, firmly controlled the rhythm and initiative throughout the battle. There has never been a tragic situation where the queue was confused, surrounded or attacked by the enemy, or hit in the vital point by a cold gun.

Logically speaking, in such a one-sided battle, one's own losses should be relatively minor.

However, Yu Lian had no such hope. He knew that this time was different from before. There would no longer be the technological dividends of the "Battle of the High Sea" and the "Battle of Blood Gate", nor would there be the suddenness of the "Ten Dangles and Ten Battles".

More importantly, if you want to maximize the damage to the enemy, you must make a decision before General Rosanaio's team arrives on the battlefield. In this case, the soldiers will naturally adopt more radical tactics.

However, we all know that in war, radicalism always comes at a cost.

"Three battle cruisers sank and three were seriously injured..."

Luo Zeshi nodded, suppressed the turbulent emotions in his heart, and reported in a calm and even stern tone: "There are also four ships belonging to the Zeus formation that have also sunk. They are responsible for tearing them apart. Breaking the interception of the two squadrons on the enemy's front, creating an opportunity for the torpedo ship to attack, a very fierce fight took place between the pilots. According to current statistics, 1,246 fighter planes failed to return, and preliminary estimates indicate that 800 pilots were killed. More than that.”

"Where's the Fuxi formation?"

"The three Lord God-class dreadnoughts, including the Fuxi, all suffered considerable losses. If we follow the standard fleet management knowledge learned by my subordinates, they will have to undergo at least three months of overhaul and repair before they can participate in the decisive battle of the fleet again."

Yu Lian agreed. This is what he learned at the National Defense University.

However, both of them knew that the standard regulations had always been ideal for death, but according to the current war situation, it was already a luxury condition that was completely impossible. Don't talk about anything else, let's just talk about the Zeus over there, but it didn't even have time to replace the main gun, and it came out to resist the line with a half-broken body.

"Things should be thought of in a positive direction. At least, no ship's main gun was blown up this time." Yu Liandao.

Luo Zeshi nodded in acceptance. This may be the only luck among misfortunes, and continued to report: "The Marines who landed on the Heraldry said that according to statistics just now, there were more than 4,000 dead in the war. Among them, alone The number of death squads led by Brigadier General Tai'a exceeded 1,000."

"More than one-third of the soldiers died in the battle."

Luo Zeshi nodded: "The resistance of the Imperial Army is very fierce."

Don't look at the fact that the bridge of the Heraldry would rather let the captain commit suicide than surrender, it seems that the resistance is not fierce. In fact, as the most powerful national weapon of the empire, the stormtroopers, armored grenadiers and security personnel aboard the Nature's Arms are actually well-trained elites. In terms of combat effectiveness and organization, they are no less than The number of Earth's death squads who landed with the "Cosmic Rolling Log Tactics" was even more overwhelming.

The community's follow-up reinforcements all arrived 10 minutes after the death squads boarded the ship. If it weren't for the powerful psykers stationed on the ship, these 3,000 fearless death squad members would have been piled to death by the sea of ​​​​emperors.

Facts have proved that in this kind of gang-hopping battle where the fighting space is narrow, psykers are indeed more useful than heavy weapons and robots.

But even so, facing the imperial soldiers coming from all directions to intercept them, why didn't they pay any price? Before the war started, Yu Company and the General Staff had actually planned to sacrifice 10,000 people, but now only one-third of the expected number was already an unexpected surprise.

"This is the credit of General Bai and Little... Lieutenant Colonel Bai." Luo Zeshi said: "Not to mention the hard damage caused by General Bai Ziqi to the enemy's formation, there is another point. The landing points of the death squads are all concentrated. In the front half of the enemy ship. This is not due to luck, but because the 'space roller' we used to cover the landing did drift to the best space point. Judging from the drift trajectory, it did pass Bai Ziya. The Lieutenant Colonel carefully adjusted it.”

Yu Lian expressed surprise at this. The herbivorous baby's face has grown up, and it's growing faster than he expected.

Of course, he wasn't surprised. No matter which timeline it is, he has demonstrated this quality. On the Navy Day, he was able to bear the pressure of tens of thousands of lives on the Blue Star Princess and steadily disarm the Red Tiger's weapon limiting device. He was also able to brave artillery fire to attack the central control center of the Empire on a real battlefield. terminal.

In fact, he did succeed. Even if the Imperial Army on the bridge did not surrender, the armored door was successfully opened by Xiaobai. The next step is to take over all central control and even turn the ship management AI into our own shape.

Although there was the cooperation of Golden Whistle, in fact, he could handle it all just relying on his own professional level. It was just a matter of time.

...Well, maybe it’s not just the golden whistle, but also other mysterious powers from the previous generation of civilization, right? Yu Lian couldn't help but open his spiritual sense. This time he did not see the body of a certain Enlightenment's nanorobot, but he did feel the presence of some nanorobots swaying in the bridge. They were smaller than platelets, but as cheerful as a group of excited parrots. .

Well, Xiao Hui's body is obsessed with new toys and can't help himself, so don't bother him. Moreover, she is a very respectable nanorobot. If she says she doesn't pull the curve, she definitely won't pull the string. perhaps……

"You see, a big tech master who can follow you on the battlefield can always work wonders." Yu Liandao.

"That's why we have reached a strategic partnership with the Engineers Guild. This is all your foresight." Luo Zeshi said with a smile.

This child is getting better and better at talking. However, this "we" and this "strategic cooperative relationship" are still very debatable. Yu Lian glanced at Luo Zeshi and hesitated for a moment, but couldn't help but remind him: "Compared to the Empire, the cyborgs don't actually face much discrimination in the community, but they are still relatively avant-garde in public perception. However, as a military officer or government employee, you should be cautious.”

Luo Zeshi laughed dumbly: "I am indeed interested in new equipment and new technologies, but at my core I am still a labor insurance person and I don't dare to casually remove body parts. In comparison, sir, Hachiman is actually more dangerous than me. ”

"...because he can't awaken spiritual energy, so his flesh and blood will be weak?"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out." Luo Zeshi quietly blackmailed his friend, and then said: "The lower official's suggestion is to rebuild the Rumina Regiment and the New China Regiment, but the engineers should be recruited through the Engineer Guild Hall. consultant."

"Consultant?" Yu Lian was curious about this statement.

"If you are a consultant, you don't need to account for official military expenses." Luo Zeshi said.

"...are you going to recruit engineers to join the army in the future?"

"The official engineers of the guild are all technical experts. If they are really used in battle, it would be a blasphemy of knowledge. However, many engineer apprentices are cyborgs, and their survivability is far greater than that of mecha soldiers. You can ask them Views."

Yu Lian thinks this is a good idea. Cyborgs are very powerful in combat, and depending on the technological level and creativity of the cyborgs, they can even put psykers at great disadvantage.

However, in the era of idealism, the transformation of the body by natural people has always attracted attention. Even in another timeline, I have never heard of any official military unit of cyborgs.

However, I have the final say on this timeline, so Yu Lian thought, I can give it a try.

"Actually, the Lumina Regiment, the New China Regiment, the Light Rail Military Police Regiment, etc. are all volunteers in nature. They receive subsidies instead of military expenses. They are relatively flexible in terms of personnel operations."

Yu Lian felt that this guy must mean what he said. However, considering that Davari Shirozeshi was better at military affairs and armament in the previous timeline, his opinions would certainly be very insightful, and he could naturally follow the good advice.

If the above losses were still bearable, the news that 80% of the Rogue Squadron was killed really made Yu Lian silent for half a minute on the spot.

Strictly speaking, the Rogue Squadron is the original Tiger and Leopard Squadron. They were the first group of pilots equipped with lightning strike ships, and they were also the first group to achieve perfect execution of their own aircraft carrier tactics. All of them have achieved enough military exploits to make themselves famous in history. They are qualified to leave the battlefield with full honors and spend the rest of their lives peacefully surrounded by respect.

However, they had a heroic beginning but a tragic ending.

"I originally thought that changing their name to Rogue would bring them good luck." Yu Lian sighed.

"For a squadron, they actually have good luck." Luo Zeshi said: "I have analyzed the Rogue Squadron's final charge attack on the Natural Crest, and it actually involved a lot of gambling."

However, they still overcame all fire interceptions from the enemy ships and successfully damaged the Natural Crest, which also laid the foundation for their own successful boarding. From a tactical perspective, this is certainly good luck.

It is even said that, judging from the standards of the entire battlefield, even if the Rogue Squadron is completely destroyed, it is actually a price worth paying.

Fortunately, they haven't finished it yet.

"In addition to Lieutenant Cook who finally returned, the Rogue Squadron has four crew members. Pilots who have completed training at the New Shenzhou and New Shuntian Aviation Schools can be given priority to be added to the Rogue Squadron," Luo Zeshi said.

This kind of heroic unit naturally has a huge morale bonus for soldiers, so it naturally needs to be restored immediately.

Yu Lian naturally agreed. However, after thinking for a moment, he said: "Give the veterans of the Rogue Squadron a half-month holiday. As for Captain Cook, let him temporarily go to Bai Yujing Shipyard to join Eisen."

Luo Zeshi was startled for a moment, then became interested: "Is that kind of fighter plane ready?"

"War is the best breeding ground for the birth of new equipment. Of course, although the model is finalized, we still have to complete the test. Moreover, after all, there are many gaps between fighters and torpedo ships. Fortunately, Captain Cook flew He has passed rowing and Guangjun racing, so we don’t have to worry about his driving adaptability, and he has sufficient experience in operating torpedo attacks, so he is the best test pilot.”

"Are you going to let him form a new squadron?" Luo Zeshi asked.

Yu Lian nodded: "My favorite candidates were Li Baolu or Annie... but Baolu is from the Yang fleet and can't be contacted in the New World. Annie's words are actually more suitable to become the captain of the battleship. Maybe in the future. Can take the route of commander. Now the chairman thinks about it, Captain Cook may be a more suitable candidate."

Of course, Luo Zeshi was not opposed to this arrangement, but it was really hard for him to imagine that Anne Romanova, the eldest sister of the Storm Tribe, could become the captain of a battleship or even the commander of a fleet in the future.

However, it is also difficult for me to imagine Xiaobai, a baby-faced herbivorous child, joining the death squads and joining the gang. This may show that people who can become leaders must have the ability to recognize people without taking the usual path.

He sincerely hoped so.

In this way, the future of the heroic crew of Rogue Squadron has been artificially opened to a new chapter. They have gone through a heroic journey full of honor and tragedy, but this will not be the end.

Yu Lian firmly believes that there will be a more glorious future waiting for them.

At this time, the Titan ship, surrounded by its own fleet, had passed through the outer defense line consisting of the fort array, peripheral hangars and sub-fortresses. Through the portholes of the Natural Emblem, everyone can even see with the naked eye the national emblem of the Community on the armor of the outer wall of the main fortress.

At this time, the fireworks show around the fortress was of course finished, and rhythmic and orderly lights began to flash, and light signals began to be used to express the greatest respect for the victors.

"Well, after the victory, there are actually many more things that need to be dealt with than before the station. Now I just hope that this Titan ship and the courtyard I created can be more useful. Otherwise, such a victory, Hey, we can't win this typical Pyrrhic victory many times," Yu Lian said to Luo Zeshi.

Luo Zeshi said nothing. As a well-spoken elite officer with high emotional intelligence, now he doesn't know what to say except keeping silent.

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