Him and their stars

Chapter 1537 The so-called failure

In this way, at the end of December 10, 883 in the Common Calendar, the first offensive and defensive battle of Seide Fortress came to an end. As the defender, the Blue Star Community paid the price of 87,000 dead in battle, killing nearly three times the number of enemies, once again blocking the imperial army from the far shore defense line, and at the same time creatively captured Titan ship.

Regardless of the tactical evolution or the final result, this was a brilliant victory. But in fact, before the war started, neither side might have thought that the war would turn into this situation.

This war was originally just a large-scale occult plan formulated by the empire's high-level officials, but it was played out by Yu Lian.

Of course, the empire did not anticipate the possibility that its plan would be discovered and counterattacked. He was even mentally prepared for Yu Lian to board the Natural Crest, and he was also prepared to use his tricks again and again. The four senior astral knights waiting on the Heraldry, Duke Garibian who presided over the entire formation, and King Valente who was hiding behind the scenes were all prepared for this.

They were ready to ambush the rest of the company on the Heraldry, but they never expected that a "cosmic rolling log" would destroy everything.

... Of course, if you focus on the extraordinary battle itself, it is really not the work of the "Cosmic Rolling Wood", but the object they ambushed that broke through all methods.

More importantly, even the "Space Courtyard", a treasure of the Wilente family, was taken away.

Although King Valente and Duke Garibian, who were in charge of all this, chose to escape very decisively, they were still decent human beings after all. After all, they had not cultivated to the point of being bloodless and tearless, and their hearts were as solid as stone. It was still a bit humiliating.

In addition, Duke Gai was already injured. Even if he tried to hide himself with his fangs, he would inevitably reveal a bit of a stranger's aura during his escape. Therefore, it is inevitable to be attacked by some virtual monsters with keen sense of smell and excellent perception, such as "light-eating ghosts" and "spirit-eating beasts".

Garibian himself was not injured. After all, she was only one step away from the demigod state, and no matter how badly she was injured, it was not something that a group of second- and third-rate monsters could handle. The Duchess even showed her prowess and killed a large soul-eating beast king that was trying to devour her own soul, and borrowed the opponent's soul to greatly replenish her body.

Of course, the Duke herself doesn't have any system. She can't get experience points from beating imps and can't level up. But a master in the spiritual field like her can heal the injured spirit by annihilating the spirit body.

In a sense, these soul-devouring beasts arrived just in time.

But even so, Duke Garibian still felt very unhappy. If he were in a healthy state, there would be no chance of a sneak attack by these virtual soldiers.

"What a humiliation! Even such a bastard has no respect for me at all, and wants to come over and attack me. What qualifications do I, Duke Garibian, have to discuss the Astral Knights? What about the inheritance of the regiment?" On a floating island somewhere in the virtual world, Duke Garibian was experiencing the gains of the previous war. She has indeed gained a lot, and has even touched the threshold of a demigod, but she has also gained unquenchable humiliation and pain.

"I'm really sorry. It was me who caused you trouble." King Wilente issued a sincere apology.

The way he appeared was very sudden, as if he was a ghost from behind who suddenly appeared from the Duke's side.

In fact, the two of them got separated on the spot when they evacuated from the sky courtyard just now. After all, it is common sense to split up when escaping. What's more, everyone is in a virtual realm after all. This is a place where space intersects and time is chaotic. Even if the running posture is wrong, it is very likely that one second later, he will be so close to the end of the world.

But now, the Duke knew that this guy had never been far away.

"Your Highness, if an apology is useful, the person who ascended the throne of God 200 years ago should be your eighth generation ancestor." Duke Garibian looked at King Valente who appeared next to him and said unceremoniously.

She knew it was a projection. She may have been seriously injured, but there was no problem with her perception or vision. Although the figure of King Valente looked flawless to the naked eye, there was no aura of strangers.

Before embarrassment appeared on King Valente's face, the Duke said in a magnanimous tone: "Aha, but I don't blame you. I agreed to your plan. Since it failed, you have to admit it." ”

King Wilent didn't know whether the other party was really open-minded or deliberately showing open-mindedness, so he could only continue to maintain an impeccable business smile, and even pressed his stomach.

She flicked her fingers lightly, and her silent telepathy fell into the gap of the floating island a hundred meters away. Then, several zero-element crystals scattered with spiritual valleys flickered out from the mountain rocks and gray mist.

However, before the virtual monsters in the surrounding space noticed this scene, these spiritual lights disappeared into her sleeves and disappeared in an instant.

These were the zero elements she had left behind after killing the group of soul-eating beasts and the two light-eating ghosts. Naturally, they were also her spoils. There is a saying that most of the Dragon Kings of the Galaxy Empire are extremely extravagant, but they still cherish the non-renewable resource of Zero Element.

Of course, considering that His Highness the Duke has just lost a virtual lord, his current posture is very compensatory, and it looks a bit pitiful to eat leftovers.

King Wilente saw this scene in his eyes and once again showed a guilty look: "I have ordered the Chamber of Commerce and the field department under my command to collect the materials you need. However, at this level, the special materials needed It’s already very scarce, even for me, it will take a while.”

Duke Garibian glanced at him and said very rudely: "You have just lost your family treasure, how can you still be so generous? Your Highness, although you have always been such a generous person, excessive generosity always leads to It reminds people of conspiracy.”

"My generosity is necessary expenditure." King Valente said: "However, there is no conspiracy, only an honest assessment. As long as you can successfully reach the realm of demigods, it cannot be considered a failure."

Duke Garibian glanced at the other party meaningfully, with a sarcastic smile: "At least in terms of self-comfort, you have the appearance of an emperor."

"Is this a compliment to me for being broad-minded?"

"No, this is mocking your generosity to others! Hey, hey, hey, the core of this plan is that I am not you! We agreed that through this operation, we will not only break through the eight rings, but also lay the foundation for marching to the side of truth. Where is the solid foundation? Yes, Your Majesty King Wei, I will become a demigod, but in this life, unless I have adventures that even novels dare not write about, I am destined to have no hope for the side of truth. "

Having said this, Duke Garibian stretched out his fingers and wiped the corners of his eyes, as if he was about to cry.

"...Well, for every great person who can rank in the ninth ring, who has not experienced adventures that no novel would dare to write about? I don't think you have lost anything. Moreover, I have been thinking about this since ten years ago. I have been on the side of truth for the rest of my life, and I don’t have any hope anymore. I am still healthy and lively, and I am still living with great ambition.” King Wilente said.

"Are you trying to comfort a top psychic genius with your useless self-abandonment as a boy?" The duchess's mood dimmed, and her contemptuous eyes seemed to say, "I am really ashamed to be side by side with such a person."

"No, this is exposing my shortcomings and trying to make you feel better." King Wilente said in a matter-of-fact tone.

The Duke really wanted to laugh, and then he actually laughed. She laughed until she burst into tears, laughed so hard that she couldn't stand up straight, and even laughed so much that she almost rolled in the gray mist of the virtual realm.

After a while, she stopped laughing and said faintly: "Your investment may be in vain. We lost a Titan, and it should be impossible for me to become the new King of Thoraine. ”

"...Yes. But you are still the first choice of the group, and you are qualified to enter the Privy Council."

Duke Garibian seemed to have discovered some blind spot and said seriously: "Wait a minute, if you calculate it like this, since I can no longer inherit the royal family of Soleyn, the next one in line is Lielei's child. Already?"

King Wilente nodded.

The Lielei they mentioned refers to Duke Lielei of the Solan family. He is the cousin of Duke Garibian and the eldest son of Belial, the ancestor of King Thoraine who died in the Unity Fortress in the New World.

The reason why he is not the first pick is because he is still underage and his psychic ability is only at the second level. Although it looks promising to be both civil and military, it is only a future after all, and it can only represent the outlook for the future.

After all, this is a time of war. Whether it is for the empire or for the lineage retainers and subjects of the Royal Soleyn family, the prestigious Duke Garibian, the pinnacle of the Seventh Ring, is obviously more suitable for the position of emperor. Even Duke Lielei himself thinks so.

But now, since this "extraordinary transformation plan" has failed, the succession issue of the Royal Soleyn family will naturally become turbulent.

Again, the Tirero people can accept tyrants and tolerate extravagance, but they cannot tolerate cowards and losers. Although one failure will not completely deny a person, it is naturally impossible to make progress immediately.

Duke Garibian felt that the matter was not that simple, and continued to ask: "Lielei is studying at Feilin University, right? He skipped a grade."

King Wilente continued to nod.

"When he was an intern in the Knights, I remember the instructor was Sir Rumil, right? Your Xiaoyue..."

"You don't have to guess. Duke Lelei does have a close friendship with me."

That's still a minor, right? You scumbag! Duke Garibian suddenly showed a dirty look, but he still calculated: "But, I still remember that Lielai's child was betrothed to the Duke Tarlyon's family. The betrothal was to the current Duke Tarlyon's family. Granddaughter Xilin, the niece of Lieutenant General Rhaenys Tarlyon."

"Although it is a family relationship, Duke Lelei and his fiancée have a very good relationship. Miss Serin has been pregnant three times."

"...The noble young lady from the Tanley family is only fifteen years old, right?"

"If you have ambitions, it's not because you're young."

"But weren't you talking about our close friendship just now..."

"What's the point? I myself have legitimate children. The love of people like us is like the ocean and the universe. Our love is actually very tolerant..."

Duke Garibian was amazed. He felt that he could be regarded as an art supporter by spending money on unknown painters and poets, and he was still very clean compared to the other party.

"Sure enough, this is the world of choosing an emperor!" the duchess said with emotion:

King Valente coughed and said seriously: "The important thing is that soon Duke Tarlyon will be one of our own. And during the alienation plan, you and Lieutenant General Rhaenys Tarlyon did have some discord, but This is not an irresolvable conflict. Please give me some respect and sit down and talk about it when you get back to Tianyu."

Duke Garibian was noncommittal and just looked at the other party with squinted eyes: "I don't know if it's my imagination. Your Highness, King Wei, after such an operation, although our plan failed, your supporters in the Privy Council seem to have changed." too much?"

"I just have more friends, which may make it easier for me to implement some of my plans. However, friends and supporters are two different things. You understand the difference."

"Your supporters among the electors have also increased."

"The votes for the emperor come from a wide range of sources. In addition to the great nobles and senior generals, the opinions of senators, bureaucrats and even ordinary citizens are very important. No one can control the election of the emperor, and the spirit of the universe does not allow it."

"I used to think so too. But now..." Duke Garibian's mouth and eyebrows seemed to be filled with sarcasm:

"The swaying courtyard in the sky is obviously your treasure. It should be closely connected with your spirit and will, but it was so easily taken away by that earthling?"

"This is indeed beyond our expectations. But there was indeed a special force that was seizing the connection between me and the Noble Phantasm. Isn't this what you told me?"

"I do have such a feeling. But when I think about it carefully, there are no traces of psychic energy or life composition. I always feel that it is an illusion." Duke Garibian thought about it seriously, with a troubled expression on his face, and then looked There was a hint of scrutiny in the other party's eyes: "From the perspective of who benefits the most and who is the most suspect, His Highness King Wilente, did you deliberately formulate this plan and then deliberately choose to fail?"

"..." King Wilente had nothing to say. He probably felt that he was now expressionless and there was no suitable expression to express his current mood.

Duke Garibian's thoughts paused for a brief moment, and then he let out a wild laugh like a hero: "Yes, yes, I think this way, even among idiots who have conspiracy theories. That’s pretty stupid!”

King Wilente smiled and said: "The Privy Council will hold a military meeting in an hour, and I must return immediately. Brunhilt is already in the Sky Territory now, and I must be there. Your words..."

Duke Garibian did not answer, but still stood there with his misty eyes, as if he had captured some mysterious mystery through the thick gray fog.

"I'm on standby here, waiting for the formal punishment issued by the Privy Council." The duchess's expression was very calm, almost to the point where the clouds and the wind were so light that they were about to shatter the void, as if she was really waiting for the Privy Council to sentence her to death. Similar.

"The Privy Council will give us a fair and just result, I guarantee you." King Wilente took the initiative to salute the other party, and his figure disappeared little by little into the turbid gray fog, and then disappeared without a sound. .

Whether he appears or disappears, he leaves no trace, like a ghost.

Is this guy really a mere fourth ring? Duke Garibian felt that he had reason to suspect, but there was no evidence.

At this time, a silver light suddenly flashed beside him and fell into Duke Garibian's eyes. Then, the elegant curved surface slowly unfolded in his field of vision, condensing into a magnificent outline.

In the blink of an eye, she was once again in a magnificent palace. Huge columns like the spine of a giant support the broad dome and are dotted with stars. The light fell into the hall through the corridors on both wings, forming a mottled but mysterious interplay of light and shadow. Every intersection contains infinite mysteries.

Compared with this temple that suddenly appeared and enveloped him, King Wilente's sky courtyard just now seemed to be just a simple country fence.

However, the Duke also knew that King Wilente's courtyard was the embodiment of the power of his Noble Phantasm. But this glorious temple is clearly the incarnation of the will of the mighty.

She faced one direction, lowered her head respectfully, suppressed the fear welling up in her heart, and said slowly: "I, I failed, Your Majesty."

At this moment, Duke Garibian has no arrogance, no ambition, no calmness, no domineering force. She is well-behaved, docile, and pitiful, like a pet dog with a low eyebrow and a submissive eye.

Immediately afterwards, she felt her will condense into a figure and appeared in front of her.

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