Him and their stars

Chapter 1541 Victory, but big problem

Seeing that everyone was still busy, Yu Lian estimated the time and then said goodbye to Qingfeng Mingyue and Xiao Hui, preparing to return to the main material world.

"No need to say goodbye, I will also leave a terminal outside." Xiao Hui said with a smile: "The big ship you got is actually quite fun."

"The space courtyard is the trophy of the Spiritual Research Society, and the Titan ship belongs to the Community Defense Force. I am a person who values ​​fairness and justice, and I hope that a bowl of water can balance everything."

"You might as well just say that the rain and dew are all wet. Isn't this in line with your current mental structure?" Xiao Hui said.

Yu Lian pretended not to hear, and said in a tone like a rebel: "In short, you can play with it, but you can't take it apart. You can't take it apart after playing with it, and don't just make it into your shape."

As for the Flemish man, after receiving Yu Lian's tolerance, he started to drive the half-drawn robot with a vigor that even Xiao Xuanwu was amazed by. First, he used his only remaining hand to Apply a layer of spiritual energy on a stone slab that exudes spiritual light, and then outline the outline of a large array. Judging from the orientation of its outer circle alone, this is a fairly tight formation, and it is full of a strong imperial style.

Looking at his energetic appearance now, how does he look like he is semi-crippled?

Xiao Hui had already walked behind Herito Hewen, watching the array gradually take shape, and began to nod approvingly.

Immediately afterwards, as the array took shape, the flowing spiritual light sprinkled over the stone slabs and quickly condensed, forming a nebula-like light mist. In the mist of light, star-like twinkles flowed through it, as if calling for a glorious comet among the stars.

"That's it! Oh wow, the Tirero people are still very creative in these illogical areas of power. So, why do they definitely put more effort into the logical aspects?" she said. With three parts of surprise, three parts of curiosity, three parts of expectation and a strange sound of praise.

Yu Lian was not sure whether the robot girl really understood or pretended to understand, so he asked directly: "What is this?"

Herito Hewen probably thought he was asking himself, so he explained before the robot spoke: "The spiritual veins near the sky courtyard. As long as we grasp their flow patterns, we can introduce them into the courtyard and create special planting areas." "It's a garden." Of course Yu Lian didn't think that the plantation the other party mentioned would be for growing tomatoes and potatoes, and he was even more excited about the function of this garden.

"If you had told King Wei of this discovery, he might have been reluctant to let you die as a soldier." Yu Liandao.

"He will definitely do this even more. After all, I am just a Flemish man." Gerrito River said with a bitter smile.

"However, you seemed quite confident in King Wilente's credibility before."

"These are two different things. Your Excellency, a spoken promise is one thing. Word play is another thing. Don't we already agree on the fact that the contemporary King of Valente is a mystic?"

Well, the official career and economy of alien races, especially talented alien races, in imperial society seems to be quite hard. It sounds like it particularly tests emotional intelligence, position, and structure.

"After all, he is King Wilente! If it were His Highness Suliuka, the fate of this subordinate might be different." He seemed to think of something again, and a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes: "Your Excellency, do you still remember that Mr. Xunfeng.”

"Swift Wind? Oh, the chief investigating judge of the Tribunal disappeared later."

"He has returned to the empire, resigned from the Tribunal in a low-key manner, and became a member of the Holy White Tree Shogunate. Everyone said that he went to King Su's Chamber of Commerce to receive a high salary for retirement, but I feel that he From the shady intelligence front to the upright interstellar trade field, it is clearly a precursor to great use. "

Yu Lian thought to himself that this was something new. In the previous timeline, he was an inspirational example of the alien race in the empire, but in this life he has become envious of others.

"Is this possible? Mr. Herrito, are you surrendering to me here because you hope to have the opportunity to return to the empire one day and earn a resume that will be valued in front of King Suliuka?" Yu Lian copied. He started.

He Wen did not hide anything: "If you are willing to recommend me in front of King Suliuka, that would of course be better."

Yu Lian said goodbye to everyone without comment.

But anyway, since everyone in the courtyard is already busy, there is no need for him to continue disturbing them.

He went straight through the portal of the Sky Courtyard, and when his body's senses came into contact with more substantial air and matter, he appeared in a bathroom in the main hall of Area A of Seder Fortress.

This is one of the excellent functions of the sky courtyard. You can stabilize an anchor point in the material world and enter it at any time, so there is no need to waste false orders.

Of course, the positioning of the spatial anchor point can also be transferred, but the cooling time is nearly a week, and no way to shorten it has been found yet.

In addition, he is not the owner of the bathroom. He just tried it out when he discovered the new function, and he never expected that it was actually fixed.

He adjusted his military uniform a little to make sure that his outfit was not affected by the virtual realm. Less than three minutes passed before he left the bathroom with a natural pace.

Soon, while walking in the corridor, he heard the noise coming from the main hall, which was mixed with noisy, chaotic and joyful colors, as well as cheerful music accompaniment.

This was naturally a celebration banquet hosted by Vice President Hierro himself, and it was held to celebrate this glorious victory. As the main commander and main fighter of this battle, Yu Lian was of course also the protagonist of the celebration banquet.

Of course, he is the commander of a war zone after all. It is reasonable for him to occasionally go to the bathroom to change his clothes because he is "military" or "too drunk".

There is one thing to say, apart from the political background that cannot be determined whether it is true or false, Vice President Ye can be regarded as a respectable gentleman. After the battle, he really brought out tons of medals to commend everyone, from the most advanced Blue Star Freedom Guard Medal, to military merit medals at all levels and branches of the military, as well as various excellent service medals and war injury medals. .

The key problem is that it is not a large wholesale of medals, but comes with a complete gold-plated certificate.

"As for the name above, of course I just wrote it down now." The vice president said to the generals on the fort: "Don't you think that I don't have this authority? This is too insulting! Wow, hahahaha ~~~~"

In short, the Vice President showed amazing enthusiasm and energy in this matter.

He commanded his entourage and spent only half a day setting up a fairly elegant venue. Then he enthusiastically asked the fortress statistics department to quickly list the merits.

So, just as the Natural Heraldry had just docked at the cargo ship dock, and before everyone could drive the prisoners off the ship, the ceremony venue and celebration banquet were ready. Like a trembling Mexican turkey, Vice President Hierro boarded the Titan ship accompanied by Admiral Sylvester.

The Vice President was very sensible. He didn't even take a few laps of the ship in a show of glory. Instead, he rushed directly to Yu Lian, held his hands and said in a touching tone: "General, you are the hero of the community and all of us." Heroes! You are all heroes and the patron saints of us ordinary people! It is my honor to live in the same era as you!"

Mr. Ye's emotional intelligence was so high that the subordinates around him were all radiant on the spot. Yu Lian believed that if he ordered his friends to kill Vice President Ye for being an imperial spy, they would hesitate for at least half a minute before taking action.

Therefore, such "Gong Gong Lords" are indeed no longer ordinary politicians, and they must remain vigilant.

But no matter what, this is the first time the Empire's Titan ship has been captured since the founding of the Community. Of course, it can be claimed that this is the most glorious victory since the founding of the country. Vice President Ye just wanted to celebrate with everyone, and Yu Lian really had no reason to stop it or not to participate.

In this way, just after coming off the line of fire, Yu Lian had no choice but to put on his military uniform and received his second Blue Star Freedom Guard Medal amidst the sniping firepower of the media who appeared from nowhere. .

This is the highest medal of honor since the founding of the community. Its status is equivalent to that of the Venus to the furry bear and the Congress to the eagle sauce. Speaking of which, even the founding heroes during the War of Independence, including Marshal Li, only received two Blue Star Medals of Freedom at most, but Yu Lian tied them at the age of 24.

However, if the world only needs to look at his record once, who would dare to say that this honor is not well-deserved?

Thinking about it carefully, I have received more than 20 medals of various sizes from various places. Those from the community, the alliance, and even the opposite empire are enough to open an exhibition hall. Should we stop working hard and try our best to get four Blue Star Medals of Freedom and be on par with Mr. Xun Zong?

Yu Lian just watched as the Vice President put a medal on his chest with a smile, then hugged him with a smile, and finally raised his right hand with a smile, as if celebrating a boxing championship. Just as loudly.

He is an emotionally intelligent adult, and of course he worked hard to cooperate throughout the whole process, but he still felt that it was quite tiring and not at all as smooth as when he was getting along with President Nishita.

There's nothing I can do about it, Mr. Vice President's business smile is so typical. It's the smile of a politician who has been tempered for thousands of years. Even the direction and speed of the spring breeze seem to have been measured with a laser ruler.

Yu Lian felt that although this kind of smile looked impeccable to outsiders, it was a bit off-putting to psykers. He now feels that just from the perspective of his expressiveness during the show, President Nishita is indeed more natural. He can be said to be like spring breeze and rain moistening things silently.

... Or it can be said that Mr. Vice President's acting skills are outstanding but he knows how to act again, while President Nishita is so good that even he is convinced of it. Of course, this can be regarded as a sense of belief.

Having said this, Yu Lian found that he missed the President a little bit. Counting the time, he should have already crossed the high seas when he went to the Alliance to ask for help... ah no, he asked for military assistance. The news of his side's victory over the Titans has spread, hoping that it can become his diplomatic weapon.

Gee, I actually started to look forward to the diplomatic results of President Kes Nichta, and I was really under a lot of pressure.

Although Yu Lian is "missing" President Niceta, he must admit that Vice President Hierro also has his merits.

In the subsequent ceremony, he took the trouble to award medals of war merit to more than 400 people. Of course, they are not all the meritorious soldiers who fought here, but they are all representative and newsworthy. The vice president remembered everyone's appearance and name, hugged them, chatted and laughed with them when awarding medals, and even made a few common remarks with them.

At the end, when the representatives of the Rogue Squadron came on stage, the Vice President's face was even more solemn, as if every wrinkle on his face was conveying his condolences and admiration.

After putting the medal on Captain Cook, he even hugged him and comforted him in a low voice: "The reputation will be engraved on the monument of history, and the immortal glory will shine forever."

The Vice President recited the heroic hymn from "The Metamorphosis". Unfortunately, he was too particular and recited the original Latin text, which the former postman with only a high school education could not understand.

However, he still felt the kindness of this super big man and responded with a friendly but forced smile.

"Young man, don't put too much pressure on yourself, you are already tied with immortality." The vice president said again.

After such an investiture ceremony, Yu Lian indeed showed more respect for Vice President Hierro. Regardless of what one thinks psychologically, at least they have shown outstanding abilities and high professionalism in their own work.

As a result, the scene was very enjoyable.

However, Major Lilia Alfonso, who had just received a Sword Medal from the Vice President, did not appreciate it at all and even expressed her doubts in private.

"But among the Vice President's entourage, it's not just the mentally ill one who has problems."

"Oh, the mentally ill one was the one who went crazy in the headquarters, but was captured by you? Where is he now?" Yu Lianqi asked.

"Dead. During the mental examination, he was having an epileptic fit, frothing and biting his own tongue." Lilia shrugged.

This is a ruthless person. Yu Lian expressed a certain degree of respect in his heart.

Lilia said while mixing fruit wine for Yu Lian: "The security guard named Maeve is not an officer of the common internal security force under the jurisdiction of the Secret Service, but an employee of the Deepwater Security Company. He was hired by the Vice President out of his own pocket. ”

Yu Lianxin said that was the case. You know, after President Nikita came to power, he appointed the Chairman of the Internal Affairs Committee, Mr. Shona, to carry out a major overhaul of the internal security system, and many moles were cleared out. During this process, the Spiritual Research Association also expressed strong support. His two cheap apprentice nephews, "Juque" Yang Mingzhao and "Fish Gut" Killian Shazabi, even took action themselves.

In another timeline, one of these two people became the third generation leader of the Spiritual Research Society, and the other was one of the secret front leaders of the Volunteer Army. They were both very professional embryo killers. But now, one of them is the deputy secretary-general of the President of the University of Nigeria, and the other is a secretary and doctor. They have become gentlemen wearing dresses and glasses, but they should still be professional embryo killers at heart.

In short, after these rectifications, although the internal security of the community cannot be invulnerable to needles and water, at least it will not be full of losers, spies and traitors everywhere.

However, this does not mean that the security of VIPs is impeccable.

Politicians of the community enjoy security measures provided by the government according to their rank and status. But in addition, of course they can also pay their own money to hire their own personal bodyguards to strengthen security.

After all, this is not a waste of taxpayers' money, so others can't say anything.

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