Him and their stars

Chapter 1542 I will keep an eye on them

We all know that the market for security companies is actually very complex and hierarchical.

A small company has to run a business with an interstellar cargo ship, and risk its life with the ferocious, fierce, and unprofitable pirates; or it has to follow an archaeological team or pioneers to hunt for dangers in ruins and wild planets, and watch the strange beasts baring their teeth. That's all, there are never a few unlucky people who are targeted by strange alien species and die in unspeakable misery.

Then, there are super security companies that have good cooperative relationships with large companies and even governments of various countries.

For example, White Wing Angelo Company or the Deepwater Company mentioned just now are established security companies that have long-term cooperation with the political circles of the Community and even the military.

Lilia swung her wine glass and said, "We have already sent an alert to the country. However, I don't expect any normal actions on the earth. After all, Deepwater is a large multinational company, and its ingredients are too complex."

"For any multinational enterprise like this, the equity can be traced back to the Alliance and the Empire. The Lords of the Earth don't have the patience, let alone the determination." Yu Lian calculated: "However, taking this as an opportunity, We can ask Lord Gongun to issue some bills. Government officials can hire private security guards, but they cannot be allowed to enter military areas as attachés."

Lilia put down her wine glass and opened the terminal: "Understood, I will inform Mr. Bai and Sister Jessica on Earth to ask the Pioneer Party members to be in Congress... Wait, why do I become your secretary?"

"Doesn't this show that you are well-trained and resolute?" Yu Lian said with a smile.

Lilia snorted coldly and continued while recording: "After that incident, I put all the Vice President's attachés without official status under house arrest."

"You are indeed vigorous and resolute." Yu Lian praised: "But, Vice President, do you have any objections?"

"He was very cooperative and helped us solve a lot of troubles." Lilia sighed: "Actually, even if he has an official status, he may not be reliable. I can only do everything within my scope of authority now. ”

Yu Lian motioned for the other party to continue speaking.

The girl blocked her sharp sight with a wine glass. She looked at the vice president in the stands, then scanned the crowd, and then said: "Actually, two hours before the battle officially started, the deputy director of the vice president's office , that’s the Mr. Eddock you’re familiar with.”

"Who is this? Do I know him well?" Yu Lian showed a confused look.

Lilia was furious: "On the third day after arriving at the fortress, he paid a private visit on behalf of the Vice President and gave you a pair of authentic Ni Zan paintings."

Only then did Yu Lian show a bewildered expression: "I seem to have refused."

"Yes, but the refusal was not blunt, and everyone was on the line." Lilia shrugged: "That Mr. Eddock came to your office to look for you three times. Of course, we blocked him all the time. "

"It's really interesting. Are you trying to determine my location?" Yu Lian began to guess.

"We thought so too. So, when he wanted to come to your office for the fourth time and the first time after the war started, my people took notice of him."

Of course, the friends are also fighting hard on the underground front battlefield outside the public view! Yu Lian was immediately more moved, but still frowned and said: "...Security and deputy director of the office are not the same thing."

After all, the former is just an employee of a private enterprise, while the latter is an established civil servant, and he is also an elite, upper-class civil servant.

"Don't Master Yu Lian still feel relieved when I do something?" Lilia smiled: "It's just to get some smoke, throw the person into a cabin to rest for a while, and then say that he got lost. Anyway, at that time We are already in combat, and most of the passages that allow people to travel are completely closed. It is normal for new arrivals to get lost. "

Okay, it's really normal.

"And it's naturally impossible for my light rail military police to go up and fill the line to deal with the imperial armored grenadiers, but hiding here to do some sap work should be considered a professional counterpart."

Yu Lian couldn't help but laugh; "Well, Vice President Hierro's attachés are all civilians, and you have this authority. This is to ensure his safety."

Lilia nodded and smiled knowingly.

"And where is Mr. Eddock?"

"The rest cabin numbered DM-112 where he was resting exploded. In fact, it was caused by the desperate bombardment of the Imperial Army's Le Pen fleet. Half of the rest cabins and backup medical cabins in the entire DM area were lost at once, and more than 2,000 people were killed. All the wounded soldiers lost their lives together," Lilia reported.

Yu Lian was immediately startled, looking at the other party's eyes with a hint of horror as he looked at the visual spectacle.

"What do you mean?" Lilia said angrily: "You don't think I did it, do you? This is a coincidence! Although it is unbelievable, it is indeed a coincidence."

Of course, Yu Lian could only think it was a coincidence. It couldn't be said that the deputy director brought a magnet to attract the Imperial Army's artillery shells.

"Mr. Vice President didn't say anything?"

"He was very sad. He included Mr. Eddock in the list of those killed in the war and prepared a medal. Of course Chief Sylvester also signed the report."

At this point, Lilia looked a little troubled: "I don't have any evidence, but I definitely don't dare to take it lightly."

Yu Lian naturally understood the other party's doubts.

"Lilia, do you think the Vice President is really a spy for the empire?"

The girl was slightly startled, then subconsciously looked at the vice president who was still chatting and laughing with the decorated officers and soldiers in the stands, and whispered: "What a bold idea! As expected of Mr. Yu Lian! He is indeed as lawless as ever!"

I'm just talking. You disarmed Mr. Vice President’s security personnel, and by the way, the deputy director of the office was directly bagged. Who is the lawless one?

"...However, I do think that spies are not capable of and unlikely to take the initiative to betray useful information. After all, they are also decent big shots and can be regarded as the rulers of the community. Although the groups they represent and The empire is inextricably linked, and of course I am nostalgic for the empire's reign, but I feel that if you can close the door and become a local emperor, why should you continue to be a current person? "

This makes sense. Of course, there are also many old compradors in the community who lost their property, honor and status because of the War of Independence.

These people use the most vicious words every day to curse the demise of the community, hoping that the Imperial Father will come back to save them soon. But in fact, these old and young people are obsessed with the past and can't help themselves. They have long lost their influence in the political and business circles. Naturally, they cannot be in the same class as the big bosses of the Co-Prosperity Party.

"If the Dragon Kings on the opposite side cannot offer a higher price, no matter how much the Co-Prosperity Party bosses prefer the empire, there is no need to gamble their wealth and lives, right? They are just egoists with not that hard bones, and Not a dead soldier of the empire," Lilia said.

Yu Lian agreed.

In fact, before that, he also asked Luo Zeshi the same question, and the latter also gave the same answer.

Of course, Luo Zeshi added one more paragraph than Lilia: "However, this is all because we are winning, and some gentlemen must have the illusion that they can gradually be on an equal footing with their previous masters. However, If we become tired, the first people to surrender and betray us will definitely be these big figures of the Co-Prosperity Party.”

"Does this mean that the big guys from political allies are tougher?" Yu Lian asked deliberately.

"Of course this is because the Co-Prosperity Party has a way. The political allies are all talking about the alliance." Luo Zeshi also smiled: "So, sir, we actually cannot afford to lose."

But no matter what, whether you can afford to lose or not is another matter. At least from the current point of view, everyone is still in the big win, and the internal hidden dangers in the center of the earth are a bit subtle.

At this time, Lilia said: "However, I feel that all the unnatural behaviors shown by Mr. Vice President and his men in the Fortress are actually like a way to fight for the initiative."

"Initiative?" Yu Lian was confused.

"It can also be understood as promoting one's own sense of existence. For politicians, initiative means presence. The greater the sense of existence, the stronger the initiative. Okay, I know this sounds a bit abstract, but you also You know, all politicians are very abstract." Lilia thought carefully about an example: "Speaking of which, before the war started, my father accepted the invitation of the new Shuntian government to serve as the deputy chief of the district government, in charge of public security. and cultural development.”

How did you come up with the idea of ​​handing over these two areas to one person? Yu Lian said it was really difficult to understand.

"He, on the second day after he took office, he sent people to knock out several local gangs that had been causing trouble for a long time, and at the same time he went to attend the Workers' Music Festival."

Doesn't this look very resolute and decisive, and also has the style of a big shot talking, laughing and killing people? As expected, he was an old warlord from New Seville...well, an old socialite. He was carrying a raptor across the river and killing local snakes for drinking.

Yu Lian smiled and said: "Does Mr. Alfonso want to run for the chief executive of the Far Coast?"

"If the war hadn't started, he had indeed planned this. But now, of course, he is thinking about Mr. Qi and the theater headquarters coordinating the logistics work." Lilia brought Yu Lian a glass of red wine: "And, Yu Lian, Don’t you think this is similar to what Vice President Hierro did?”

"...Well, the differences in all aspects are still quite big."

Lilia said angrily: "It's not the nature or purpose. I'm talking about the feeling, the atmosphere, the breath. Do you understand?"

What she said was becoming more and more abstract. However, although there is no logic, it is actually very convincing. This is probably the style of a politician.

"In short, this should be regarded as a kind of coquettishness belonging to a politician? When he came to Seder Fortress, he not only represented himself, but also represented the central government of the earth, and also represented his own faction. He always needs to show an attitude... …Wait a minute, Mr. Yu Lian, what are you looking at? If you want to say that I am suitable to run for office as a politician, even I will be angry." Lilia said angrily.

"No, I just want to say that Miss Lilia is extremely smart and can always point out the dark side of people's hearts." Yu Lian praised vigorously.

Lilia thought for a while and decided to take this as a compliment to herself: "You and Chief Sylvester have already set a tone. Vice President Hierro will naturally stop when he finds that there is no loophole."

Yu Lianchen suddenly felt that he somewhat understood the mentality of people like Vice President Hierro.

To put it bluntly, if you are traitorous to your country and have no courage, then your actions will naturally appear abstract and awkward. However, after all, he is a decent and fastidious man, and he is very decisive when he should be decisive. When he finds that he cannot take any advantage, he will show 120 points of determination to cooperate with the work of the frontline headquarters.

At this time, he will definitely play the role of the kind of politician that the frontline generals like best.

...Tsk, I suddenly realized that President Nishita is pretty good. Although I love acting, at least it’s not abstract!

"Don't worry. While Vice President Hierro is in the fortress, I will keep an eye on him. Again, my people cannot fight hand-to-hand with Panzergrenadiers, but doing this kind of thing is professional. "Lilia finally promised.

Yu Lian is of course very pleased that all of his friends are so reliable.

Lilia handed the mixed fruit wine to Yu Lian, and said with some worry: "It's you, didn't you hate this kind of situation in the past? You just finished a fierce battle, and you still have to deal with this kind of scene, now don't you Feeling a little exhausted physically and mentally?”

Yu Lian felt that Lilia was confused because she was concerned.

I really didn't like business cocktail parties, diplomatic dinners, palace dances and other occasions in the past. The more high-end they were, the less I liked them. This is because the scene is always filled with too many unnecessary idlers.

Obviously we are not the same people, and there are even some disagreements, but due to the emotional intelligence of adults, we still have to be patient and talk and laugh with each other. This is a quite painful experience.

But it's different here. Almost all the people present are Pao Ze who are fighting side by side. We may not all be talented people, but we must all be comrades-in-arms. Even if we don't speak well, we may sound pleasant to the ear. Yu Lian said that he still likes it here very much.

What's more, all the expenses for the celebration banquet that started after the investiture ceremony were paid for by Vice President Ye himself. What reason did he have not to appreciate it?

Of course, after three rounds of drinking, Yu Lian inevitably became suspicious, wondering if the Vice President was planning to use this celebration banquet to get everyone drunk.

If the opposite empire takes this opportunity to launch a massive attack and catch everyone who is drunk in the fortress, he will definitely become a laughing stock in the universe. All the achievements made before will become a fleeting smoke.

However, this is the age of the universe after all, and the conditions for launching such a raid are still very demanding. What's more, we now have many comrades who are full of a sense of responsibility and mission, and are capable and energetic. For example, Chief of Staff Mkawa, Rozeshi and others, as well as the original heads of important departments in Saide Fortress, have already left the banquet hall and returned to their duties.

In addition, all friendly departments in the system, including fortresses, sub-fortresses, control terminals of array turret groups, orbital airports, and fleets that can still operate, are also on full alert.

As for Admiral Sylvester, he was with him throughout the whole process. He had been chatting and laughing with the Vice President. The two middle-aged men who had experienced many battles and had high emotional intelligence did not seem to be patiently engaging in business greetings. The atmosphere was even very harmonious, like a pair of old gays who had met each other late. Like a friend.

To put it bluntly, this job is actually very suitable for General Sylvester. He was totally enjoying it.

So, taking this opportunity, Yu Lian used the excuse of changing clothes to run to the bathroom to deal with the problems of the "Sky Courtyard" and Herrito Hewen.

Therefore, I am also drinking and doing work at the same time. Who dares to say that I am not a person full of mission? Yu Lian couldn't help but think so.

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