Him and their stars

Chapter 1554 Who betrayed whom?

Claire Belmont walked backwards out of the door of the office on the top floor of Jiulianxing Building with the respectful attitude of a professionally trained elite bureaucrat.

When the door closed automatically, he turned around and stepped into the corridor leading to the outer building, looking through the floor-to-ceiling windows of the corridor. He saw the blue sky covering the entire city skyline. This young and promising young general and supervisor of the administration stayed on the spot for half a minute before nodding to the officers who were waiting at the end of the corridor.

The other party responded cleanly.

These are four officers who look very capable, including a lieutenant colonel, a major and two onlookers. They are the aide-de-camp group belonging to General Finn Berenkeist, and they are always on standby at the desk in the corridor outside the chief's office. If the chief didn't summon him, he wouldn't bother him.

It's unclear whether Claire Belmont himself has received professional training, but these guys seem to be well-trained at first sight.

"Your Excellency, have you and the Minister finished talking?" the chief adjutant wearing the rank of lieutenant colonel asked routinely.

"We're done talking. We even spent half a dozen words." Krell still had a relaxed smile on his face: "Then, I'll take my leave."

"Thank you for your hard work." The adjutants stood at attention and saluted, watching Creel leave with an upright attitude.

Until this time, they didn't even realize that a high-level psychic battle had just occurred in the office.

In fact, not only them, but the entire Jiulianxing Building was not aware of the changes that occurred on the top floor of Block D. All staff were still working normally, or in other words, very busy.

This is certainly understandable. After all, the marchers in this city had gathered 300,000 people. As the headquarters of the national security department and internal security forces, they naturally reacted as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

However, although the atmosphere in the entire building was busy and tense, there was no sense of panic at all. It seemed orderly and orderly, and even had an efficient and deadly sense of chill.

During the battle just now, no one even rushed to the office on the roof to ask for the minister's instructions. This can be seen from the rhythm of the scene.

This can only show that before the parade started, General Finn Berenkeist had already made all the arrangements. Of course, it can also be explained that the subordinates he brought out are all talents with good execution ability and decisiveness.

Uncle Finn has actually always been a very capable man! What a shame. Krell thought. Until he left Jiulianxing Building, his heart was full of regret and sorrow.

When he came to the roadside parking lot across the street and started his car, his personal terminal also jumped. Immediately afterwards, a high-definition holographic projection of Yamada Berenkeist appeared on the passenger seat of the car.

Because it's so high-definition, it looks like I'm appearing in the passenger seat. Claire looked at the bright and beautiful oval face and shuddered involuntarily, as if he saw his master's hound.

Then, he forced out a flattering smile: "...According to your instructions, it has been solved. Yani."

"I feel it. The highest security authority of Jiulianxing Building is still in my hands. However, you are doing a good job, Krel." Yamida's holographic projection leaned on the passenger seat and signaled Krell can drive.

Good guy, don’t I really become your driver? Well, a driver is better than a dog, though. Claire muttered in his mind while slowly starting the vehicle.

Fortunately, his mental structure can still be saved, and he finally didn't ask "where to go?"

"Admiral Finn Berenkeist has been incapacitated by me and is walking through the subspace channel of the world structure." Krell said in a reporting tone.

"Very good." Yani responded in the same tone as her superior.

"I cut off his legs. Sorry, I'm not strong enough to take down Admiral Bei without any injuries." Krell couldn't help but report in more detail.

"This is what I expected. In other words, you just cut off his legs, which can be regarded as the method with the least loss." Yani said.

Admiral Finn in his words at this moment. It seems that he is just a pure target of action, not his own uncle. Such cruelty left Krell at a loss, even though he was the real executor.

"Left or right, it's a matter of lying in a petri dish for half a year." He said with a smile.

"Considering his fourth-ring strength, he will need to lie down for about a year. When Uncle Finn can still stand up, his strength will have been greatly reduced, but he is not a practitioner who is deeply involved in the field of mysticism. Don't worry, Claire, he won't blame you." Yani smiled.

Then this is really gratifying! Claire muttered in his mind.

"You also successfully disarmed the space shielding array of the Jiulianxing Building without alerting anyone." Yani added.

"After all, we are operating within the array, which is easier to deal with than from the outside. Now, Admiral Berencaster himself has confirmed that he has entered the secret detention center of the Extraordinary Administration, and has definitely not alerted anyone."

"Perfect action." Yani was still using the superior mode and commented condescendingly: "I see, Krel, you are already qualified to be a first-level inspector. If there are no other arrangements, then It’s time to do something more ambitious.”

Krell was also a little complacent. He broke into the alliance's security headquarters and captured their supreme commander with lightning speed, without disturbing a single person. Such a deadly, efficient and covert action is indeed the most perfect secret operation in any era.

The kind that can be used in textbooks.

However, theoretically speaking, it is indeed a "secret operation" and is illegal. Therefore, I am clearly doing wet work! These days, those who make wet goods for others have become...

"You're trying to say that only loyal hawks and dogs will help lynch people, right?" said Yani, who was sitting in the passenger seat.

Is my expression so easy to guess? The corners of Krel's mouth twitched uncontrollably, and then his face turned pale at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"It's not that your expression is easy to guess, Claire, but you want me to guess your expression. This is the only way you can express your dissatisfaction to me. I got it, thank you for your hard work." Yamida comforted her with a smile, looking like a considerate and good leader.

"I don't deny it. I don't deny it either." He twitched his cheeks and almost cried: "But, Yani, we really have no legal basis."

"I don't deny it either. That's why I asked the people I trust the most, at least one of them, you to do it yourself."

"Then I have to thank you for your trust." Krel continued driving listlessly: "You are not afraid that I will overturn the car."

"Of course there are other arrangements." Yani smiled.

As soon as she finished speaking, Creel felt that two military off-road vehicles with very stereotyped shapes and appearances merged into the lane where he was, forming a convoy naturally.

"Saint Collet? Or the one from the fountain?" Claire couldn't help but ask.

Yani turned her head and looked at Krel, her eyes turning from admiration to teasing: "Even if it is a junior measure, I can't use the mercenaries of the security company to go to Jiulianxing Building to get a general! This has something to do with rebellion. What's the difference? Krell, we need a period of unrest, but the unrest must be controlled."

Clay immediately felt that what the other party said made sense and that he was indeed being stupid, so he could only stand at attention and receive the beating.

"That's Astrid. That kid is no match for you in a one-on-one situation, but if something goes wrong, he has a way to control the damage to a minimum." Yani pointed to the car in front of her.

That little fat guy is really reliable. However, he should have come with me in the first place. Why should I take on the most dangerous things myself? Krell was indignant.

"Because you have a valid reason to visit Uncle Finn, and taking Astrie with you seems very deliberate."

Come on, is my expression so easy to understand? Oh, by the way, I did that on purpose. Claire began to feel dejected when he thought about this problem.

"Those are the twins of the Dumexi family. If the commotion is too big, they can enter the scene and use illusions to distort the perceptions of the witnesses at the scene." Yani pointed to the vehicle behind.

Those two cruel little girls. Krell swallowed. Although these two people have never appeared in the scene, he has suffered a lot of losses. It can be said that among the young children of the thirteen families, these twin sisters are the most ruthless.

"I have always thought that the relationship between the Duomexi family and your Bei family is not very good."

"There are indeed a lot of conflicts, but this is just a matter of old men. Young people naturally have young people's way of interacting. From a macro perspective, the so-called conflicts only last a hundred years. In the previous thousands of years, there were indeed many times of confrontation. , but more often when working together," Yani said in a matter-of-fact tone.

Claire once again felt that what the other party said was very reasonable, and he was suddenly speechless.

Speaking of which, isn’t this the case with our Belmont family? This is probably the essence of the alliance.

"It is also the essence of politics." Yani said.

What do you mean by the nature of politics, is the duality of cooperation and confrontation? Or can the mysticism of a small circle determine all world affairs? Claire wanted to ask this, but he didn't dare.

If it's Yu Lian here, maybe he can answer my questions.

Krell could only be forced to put his career completely on the actual situation: "So, since today's matter involves 'our own people', of course, it can only be done by 'our own people' personally. Is that right?"

Princess Rainbow Rose did not deny it, but said: "We always have to come out and do something serious."

Who are you mocking? Am I doing less serious things? I participated in the Condemnation War, and I also tightened screws in the Tulong Factory and worked as a model worker. Among us, I have done the most serious things. Krell was indignant.

At this time, this small convoy had left the entire city and was heading towards the entrance of a cross-sea bridge on the outskirts of Gem Coast.

At this time, Krell still did not ask where the destination was.

Almost, the people over at Jiulianxing Building should have discovered that Uncle Finn is gone, right? However, there was no commotion at the building, which probably means that Admiral Naris has already moved in and has quietly completed control of the security department.

He didn't doubt this at all. Since he was going to attack a secret police leader, he had naturally made complete arrangements.

It's just that if we transfer power in the field of homeland security at this time, there shouldn't be any trouble, right? You know, hundreds of thousands of angry people have gathered in the square of the Capitol Building, which is less than ten kilometers away from the Jiulianxing Building.

Before Creel expressed his doubts, Yani said: "Since Uncle Finn made all-round security preparations before leaving office, we don't need to do anything extra."

Admiral Finn is so pathetic. He is indeed an excellent security officer.

However, the more excellent the security person in charge is, the more serious the disaster will be if he or she has selfish motives.

If he had fulfilled his duties, how could he have ended up in this situation today?

When he thought of this, the little guilt Krell felt about cutting off Uncle Finn's legs immediately disappeared. However, he still said with doubts: "If we have to wait until the new commander-in-chief comes to power and produce legal arrest documents, it will take at least three months. During this period, the Ministry of National Security, the General Administration of Military Intelligence, and the security police agencies, As well as the internal security forces, they all need to operate smoothly."

"They will run smoothly. The Ministry of Security and Military Intelligence are not Uncle Finn's private soldiers. Even if there are some buddies, they will understand the situation." Yani said: "Yes, during this period, Uncle Finn They are just sick and living in seclusion, and all secret affairs involving violence will only stay in the stage of the Supernormal Administration."

"Fortunately, the administration can be trusted." Krell said.

"I thought you would trust the association more than you show." Yani said.

"The Guerrillas Association is an international organization, a mercenary, an Interpol, an international volunteer organization, and even an environmental and human rights organization. In terms of moral average, the Association is better than the Administration and Uncle Finn's Security Department. It’s more than an order of magnitude higher. But is the issue of trust being discussed here? It is impossible for all large international organizations to be simple.”

Mr. Shi Xin, the inspector of the Extraordinary Administration, and Vice President Lanster of the Guerrilla Association collided again.

The two waves of spiritual energy that erupted at the same time were like the collision of meteorites and meteorites, and formed a huge whirlpool at the same time. The uncontrollable and terrifying gravitational force formed by the spiritual power rotated rapidly in the vortex, including the downpour, and then stirred them up in all directions.

At this moment, the raindrops boiling towards you are all injected with spiritual energy, accumulating a large amount of kinetic energy and turning into deadly weapons.

The raindrops fell into the ruins of the factory, but they made a sound like bullets hitting steel. At this moment, this small island seemed to have really entered a war. The entire island's factory ruins and surrounding flowers and plants were immediately in the most dangerous state.

However, the two people who had caused this situation stood unscathed in the whirlpool and began to fight at close range. The movements and figures of the two people could not be seen clearly, only the flashing light beams and the gusting wind.

The four light blades in the hands of Vice President Lanster have long been invisible, as if their brilliance has been obscured by a higher level of power.

"You are just a 'Star Hunter'. You are no match for me in a head-on battle!" Vice President Lanster's voice was filled with madness: "Old friend, you forced me to do this! This is your choice!"

"No! You are forcing yourself! You have betrayed the country, betrayed the people, betrayed your oath, betrayed the gauntlet emblem on your chest! And I know why I am fighting! With a firm heart, there is no battle. Invincible!" Inspector Shi Xin was unwavering.

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