Him and their stars

Chapter 1555 I surrender, please spare my life

"Betrayal? How have I ever betrayed my oath! Guerrillas are freedom knights who protect civilians! I always stand with the people!"

"Stop flattering yourself! Say it again to your gauntlet emblem! Are you on the side of the people, or are you being used by others?"

"Can you tell the difference? You are an Argonian! Why does your loyalty exist?"

"My loyalty is to this system. It's not the best system, but it's not the least bad system, and all the systems we have now."

"Who understands what you are talking about? I can't even deceive your heart!"

The two bosses of the Guerrilla Association and the Administration were fighting together, and it seemed that they could intervene casually with such an earth-shattering aura. But even so, it didn't stop them from turning words into sharp swords for each other.

However, these two are indeed in high spirits, and it seems unlikely that the winner will be decided in a short time.

All in all, through these spirited conversations, everyone can tentatively figure out who the villain is. perhaps……

Of course, at this time, they were indeed focusing on each other, so they had no time to pay attention to how much harm the raindrops thrown out by their spiritual vortex would bring to the surrounding flowers and plants.

Next to them, the ruins of the factory, which was used as a training ground by the Guerrilla Association, were trembling and swaying like a dangerous building in a strong wind.

As for the place further away, the "Spell Breaker" clearly had four lightsabers inserted into his body, but he had to open a force field shield to push away the raindrops, as if to protect the two ladies from the wind and rain. big umbrella.

Then, those raindrops whose power was condensed continued to hit the force field shield, making a series of heavy impact sounds, as if burning bullets were bombarding the defensive barrier.

"Although he is an enemy, and although he looks very young, he is indeed a personable gentleman." Gongsun Qing couldn't help but praise him.

The young man incarnated as a law breaker was slightly startled, and then showed a very moved expression: "Are you praising my youth? Hehe, yes, law breaker, I am fifteen years old this year, and I am still far from adulthood. Three years apart.”

"She is mocking you for pretending to be young! In the culture of the earth, handsome young people who pretend to be young are either monsters or ghosts and will be exterminated." Fleur on the side added coldly. I have to say, it's a bit over-explained.

"Don't believe him either. I've known him for ten years. I don't know how old this guy is. Maybe he's older than his 'past father-in-law' who has gone to heaven." Fleur said again. Gongsun Qing said, what stands out is a person who is fair, objective, rational and rigorous.

"It's really too much! I was an eredar elf in the past! The average lifespan is at least five times that of humans!" the spellbreaker said loudly. Of course, although he showed dissatisfaction, he finally did not expose Fleur's identity directly.

"In other words, you became a snake head when you were less than eight years old? Little Fleur, little Fleur, your life experience really shocked me!" Gongsun Qing looked at the purple-haired girl and expressed A greater degree of consternation.

However, this matter is actually no longer important. Frey Wilbart had hugged her head, shrunk to the corner and crouched down. This pitiful, helpless, weak and humble look really perfectly fit her image of a weak and gentle girl.

However, there is one thing to say, in a battle of this level, with Miss Fleur's strength, she really can only make this gesture. She is indeed the new "past," but that title was never earned by fist size. After all, she is a young girl who has just grown up, and she still has a very clear understanding of her psychic potential and hard power.

What's interesting is that the moment she really started to hold her head and crouch in defense, she seemed to really blend in with the surrounding environment, and she really disappeared from the cognition of "Gongsun Qing". She was in a trance for a moment.

For an expert like her, this is a very rare experience.

As the head of the Thirteen Faces, the Lawbreaker certainly cannot miss this opportunity. Of course he guessed the possibility of this being a trap, but he didn't hesitate at all. In a battle of this level, even the top warriors would not hesitate at all.

The moment he launched his charge, the explosion in the air was louder than the huge waves in the distance. But immediately after the rain and fog, high-temperature smoke and gases rose, and the high temperature enough to melt steel started to burn at the same moment.

Until the time when the law breaker launched the charge, "Gongsun Qing"'s four lightsabers were still hanging on his body, which seemed indescribably funny at first glance. However, if you take a closer look, it is indescribably weird.

Those brilliant and deadly Jian Mang have already melted, as if melted into some indescribable black hole.

Indeed, it would be impossible to directly injure this powerful snake head just by relying on a mere hard kill with a lightsaber.

This guy whose gender is indistinguishable, whose age is unknown, and whose race is not even clear, has been in the position of chief of the Thirteen Sides for too long after all. If nothing else, at least the means of saving one's life can be said to be a result of God's creation.

He is the ultimate master of "element cells". The switching between the body's cell entities and elementalization is as natural as breathing, and the pain of tearing cells has been completely eliminated.

...Well, it’s hard to tell whether it’s reduction or adaptation. Anyway, the spellbreaker has stated in front of his colleagues more than once that he is not a jerk, and that he can indeed transform into wind, fire, thunder, lightning, mountains, rivers, trees, etc. at will, with a myriad of changes.

In this way, all weapons that comply with serious physical development are almost harmless to him.

Not only that, he can also create some kind of powerful force field vortex in the gaps between elemental cells to absorb and disintegrate psychic attacks. It can be said that every pore in his body is an energy black hole.

However, this is not just a defensive method.

Since these ubiquitous force field vortices can absorb the high-temperature cutting of plasma from the lightsaber, they can shatter the enemy's body.

The roar that breaks through the sonic boom, or the flames that burn steel, are actually just illusions that naturally arise when the vortex of power affects the real world.

The Spellbreaker looked at his opponent who could grasp four lightsabers without stretching out his hand, and was filled with admiration for his opponent's skills. However, he does not need a sword, he is covered with the most deadly weapons.

Then, he also saw the smile on his opponent's face. Immediately afterwards, her figure and appearance began to blur, and a beam of light formed by shadow suddenly appeared in her hand, but quickly disappeared into the rain.

The Spellbreaker senses danger. His intuition told him that the weapon made of shadow was obviously a Noble Phantasm, and it was a Noble Phantasm that could definitely cause fatal harm to him.

What's more important is that I can no longer feel where the shadowy treasure phantom has disappeared, but I always feel as if I have sent it directly to it now.

Oops, I was really fooled! The hardened snake head made such a judgment, and even couldn't help but cast a look of sadness and anger at Fleur, who was holding her head and squatting in defense.

I warned you! The lady in the past returned with recitation.

What did you remind me of?

I said, this person is not "Gongsun Qing".

What kind of reminder is this? I thought it was some kind of pretending game between your besties. Did you say that you told me not to disturb your normal jk life?

It must be admitted that the efficiency of communication between masters through chanting is indeed very high. Anyway, in less than a tenth of a second, the two of them completed the communication.

Although the spellbreaker didn't know what his opponent wanted to do, he immediately made a judgment.

Without any further hesitation, he turned around in the air. Spirituality allowed his body to perform a transfer that was so light that it was almost anti-physical. Immediately afterwards, the four lightsabers stuck in his body popped out, suddenly unsheathed, and flew backwards towards "Gongsun Qing", like four boomerangs that were enough to cut through armor and battleships.

Then, his legs hit the floor, buzzing as they landed, as if they were stepping on a spring. He began to turn in the air again, his body rising from the ground towards the rocket squad, and soaring towards the sea breeze in the distance.

He had decided to leave poor Miss Frey Wellbart behind. As a snake leader, safety must come first. Moreover, judging from the current situation, they have probably found out the identity of Miss Fleur's snake head, but they have not found out the "past" step. This is easy to understand. Although Miss Fleur is a genius, she is still relatively young and does not look like an "alliance leader".

For ordinary snake heads, there is no problem in surrendering to the Alliance. For example, the previous "Thorn Witch" and the "Takuzu" brother, I heard that after the princess Rainbow Rose was born, their young lives were quite comfortable.

And people like the past lady, after all, are from a wealthy family in the alliance, and I heard she is Princess Rainbow Rose's best friend. That should be even less dangerous.

However, he is different. He is not one of the alliance rulers' "one of their own." The cases he carried on his back were enough to get him shot 100 times, and he didn't dare to gamble on the size of the alliance's rulers.

However, the Spell Breaker's body had just been less than ten meters off the ground when he felt the warning from the spiritual energy to him. He raised his head, only to see that the rain and fog above his head had been eroded by the endless cold, and seemed to have turned into heavy snow.

A figure appeared in the heavy snow without knowing when. The sword in his hand unfolded behind the frost and mist, like crystal and colorful snowflakes, pure but romantic.

An ordinary person would not seem to feel the sense of crisis at all, but his mind has been taken away by this ultimate pure beauty.

That was another Gongsun Qing.

The lawbreaker thinks that this should be Gongsun Qing himself, right? .

Yes, yes, since he is a member of the Sword Saint Gongsun's family, he should naturally be painted in this style.

Really beautiful and sharp swordsmanship! No, this is already entering the realm of "Tao". The spellbreaker praised his opponent frankly in his heart. However, it is still impossible to intercept objective comments from me now. It's not a problem of swordsmanship, but the difference in the number of rings.

After all, the Spellbreaker is also a master who can challenge the demigod realm, and his physical fitness and spiritual strength are both crushing.

He suddenly felt his body sluggish. Not only the movements of the body, but also the spiritual energy in the body were slowed down. It was as if the spiritual energy flowing in his body was obviously a flowing and smooth water system, gathering little by little from the fine stream to the sea. But now, the streams have gathered into rivers, and the key points where the rivers merge into the sea are blocked by solid dams.

The "river" naturally began to change its course.

He suddenly realized that he couldn't turn his body into elements, at least not before Gongsun Qing's sword stabbed him.

The battle-hardened psyker quickly guessed why. The four lightsabers that were submerged in his body just now were not intended to kill him with plasma flames at all, but were a method with control technology templates.

The spellbreaker cursed in his heart, but there was no joy or sorrow on his face. He could only grit his teeth and stretch out his hands. The slightly slender hands were covered with a layer of silver-gray steel.

The endless training on his body made him twist his body in the air again. The power level that is one dimension higher than that of his opponent allows him to capture a trace of a trace that can be grasped from the thousands of cold lights.

Indeed, those thousands of cold rays can actually change from feints to actual moves, and they may all pounce on one's vitals like poisonous snakes. However, his dynamic vision, agility and strength were still far stronger than Gongsun Qing's, and he was able to hold the opponent's sword.

...Well, after being plotted just now, my physical skills have indeed shown a very obvious slowdown and stagnation, and now I can only do this.

He opened his hands, not to block, but to close them. He clamped the opponent's sword-type Noble Phantasm with his hands covered with "mithril skin".

The spellbreaker crouched in mid-air, completing the feat of catching the sword with his bare hands.

Although I don't know why he squatted down in mid-air, it was probably for a sense of ritual.

The real Gongsun Qing showed a look of astonishment, then a little more admiration, and then realized that the other side was an enemy after all, so he let out a dissatisfied "tsk". Of course, this is not directed at the enemy, but on one's own side. This girl is such a straightforward type.

The lawbreaker glanced at the other party and confirmed that the other party was Gongsun Qing himself.

Since I successfully caught it with my bare hands, the next step should be to seize it. The spellbreaker had just turned away from this idea when he saw Gongsun Qing on the opposite side take out a free hand and magically pull out a phase wave cannon from behind that was at least as big as a single-door small refrigerator and pointed it at him. The face door pulled the trigger.

The suppressive fire weapon used by Ben was turned into a shotgun by her. But at this moment, something as powerful as the main gun of a battleship exploded.

The Spellbreaker let go of his hands and stepped back with his face blurred by the torrent of ions. But at this time, he was still in the air, and his body movements seemed more clumsy. Then, the other "Gongsun Qing" on the ground had raised a strangely modified blaster cannon.

The Spellbreaker's body covered in flames hit the ground. He tried to struggle, trying to extinguish the fire through psychic energy or the more embarrassing death roll, but no matter how he tried, the flames still existed.

"Gongsun Qing" on the ground looked at the snake head that was still rolling, and then at Miss Frey Wellbart who was still squatting with her head as furniture. Until this time, the purple-haired girl's presence was no stronger than a stone, but it could no longer be hidden from her spiritual sense.

"A good hiding method, but not perfect." She waved her hand, the flames of the four lightsabers retracted, and the scabbard floated back into her hand. She weighed the hilts of the sword, took them back one by one, and revealed her true appearance.

He was a man with an average physique and figure. His body was wrapped in a power suit made of composite materials that could be seen everywhere, and he was also wearing a military green travel suit.

Generally speaking, nine out of ten rangers, mercenaries, and adventurers across the galaxy will be dressed in this ordinary way.

The "Spell Breaker" wrapped in flames stopped struggling, raised his upper body from the ground, and said loudly: "Surrender, surrender! Earl Black Moon, for the sake of our previous friendship, please spare my life."

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