Him and their stars

Chapter 1559 The price of sacrifice

This officer of the Internal Guard wasn't entirely bragging.

This is on the 48th floor underground of the Union Capitol Building, in a passage 200 meters above the ground. At the end of the passage is an information control room. Apart from this passage, there is no other entrance or exit.

This is just an unimportant control room downstairs in the Capitol, and it does not have any structural safety with the main building. Even if an ion salt bomb is detonated indoors, it will not damage the advanced anti-shock system buried in the ground. At most it will only cause a small shock. Even the staff on the 47th floor nearby thought that there was at most a small earthquake.

Of course, if it is a weapon of mass destruction, it is another matter. However, this kind of weapon requires harsh conditions whether it is transported, carried or detonated. The whereabouts and dynamics of this small group of terrorists have been restored through high-tech and occult means. It is certain that there are at least two to three psykers in this group of less than a hundred people, but none of them are experts who can defeat a thousand people with one horse, and they do not carry any crazy and dangerous items.

Now, the security department has also obtained the identity of the other party.

The remnants of the Sons of Rohar who fled after the incident in Icedale City. Although I don't understand why these terrorists were able to sneak into the underground of the Capitol, but since they have been blocked in a dead end by their own team, what happens next is routine.

Indeed, some minor situations also occurred in the previous process. For example, some security robots lost control and attacked them, but how could they be opponents of the heavily armed internal security forces? For another example, when I reported the situation to the headquarters just now, I did not get an immediate response from my superiors. It seemed that the generals at the Jiulianxing Building were very busy, but this was not a problem. They are well-armed and well-trained internal security forces who know what to do.

"Surrender immediately. You will have a decent trial and decent punishment! Die in a civilized way. If you resist stubbornly, you will die like a dirty rat!" The officer continued to persuade him to surrender, and at the same time, he put his foot down. The heads of the dead rebels were pushed aside, as if they were kicking away an unsightly pebble.

In his heart, he didn't want these "terrorists" to surrender, he just wanted to kill them.

The rebels of the "Burning Legion" held a ceremony and looked at the scene in front of them. Although their eyes were splitting, they had to force themselves to calm down.

They had nothing left but their composure, the sacrifice that had been built on it.

The rebel soldiers guarded this passage, which was less than five meters wide. It was relatively narrow, so it was easy to set up a defense line. After all, we are underground in the Capitol, in the heart of the Gem Coast, so we don’t have to worry about the other party using heavy weapons.

He originally thought that he could guard it until the end of time. However, when the elite of the internal defense troops actually arrived on the battlefield, he discovered that even if the opponent used the most clumsy attack, they could still push everyone to a desperate situation.

It's impossible for a psyker like me to hold out for too long in front of a steel monster armed to the teeth.

However, only by persevering can the previous sacrifices be considered in vain.

At this time, the interior guard officer paused and pressed the headset on his helmet. He had already received instructions from above: It was said that there was an external instruction that was trying to lift the information security barrier around the Capitol, and its source came from the signal control room in front of him. Once successful, the other party may invade the live broadcast signal of the Capitol. If any discordant material is mixed in, the problem will be very serious.

The interior guard officer, who had not read a few books and only knew about obeying orders and killing people, said he did not understand it very well, but the only thing he understood was that there was danger in the signal room in front and he had to eliminate the danger quickly.

"The rats should just roll back into the gutter. Why do they have to run out into the sun to die? But even if I trample you to death, I only feel dirty! It's a lose-lose situation!" The mecha's helmet then made a sarcastic sound, with an angry sound. Cursing malice.

The internal guards stared at the barrages fired by the rebel soldiers and continued to charge.

Behind the battlefield in this narrow passage, inside the metal door that has been reinforced several layers, Taina Moen, the leader of the Burning Legion, is also fighting her own battle.

She pressed her hands on the keyboard projected by her terminal, and her ten fingers were beating rapidly on it, and even afterimages appeared.

In front of her eyes, the data on the three suspended screens was beating rapidly, already exceeding the normal capture range of human dynamic vision.

Now, she's trying to unlock some of the restrictions on the Capitol's internet firewall. She doesn't expect to be able to completely dismantle the most sophisticated network protection by herself, just adding a little private work is enough.

It stands to reason that Miss Taina Mohn is only a well-trained investigative reporter after all, not a well-trained information security expert, so she cannot do such an unprofessional job. Fortunately, she had in her hand a Noble Phantasm obtained from exploring the ruins of the Enlightened One, which Ash named the "Magic Cigarette Rod".

The effect is that after using it once, you can simulate the methods of the psykers you are familiar with in a short period of time. The upper and lower limits of the energy level do not exceed one level. As for the length of simulation and the degree of restoration, it only depends on the familiarity with the simulated object.

Of course, Taina could only be simulating the Rainbow Rose Princess. This recognized eldest sister among my peers was once the person I admired and respected the most, and also the person I feared the most. Later, hatred was added to the complex emotions.

For a long time, Taina really regarded the latter as the villain she must defeat. After all, in my world view after reading "Original", this woman really fits the embodiment of the "reactionary ruling class".

But now, he must rely on her power.

"In the final analysis, I am actually jealous of her. She is ugly and hateful, but it is me after all." Taina Mohn finally understood her heart clearly and finally exerted the full power of the Noble Phantasm.

At this moment, the person operating the terminal was no longer a reporter with no talent, but Amida Berenkeist, a well-versed in all walks of life.

She was working hard on the operation, and a dozen scenes had been unfolded beside her, which were exactly the scenes in the Capitol Building.

At this time, the building has entered the stage of free speech. Lawmakers from the opposition alliance are pursuing victory against the ruling Xinghai United Party. Lawmakers from the ruling party can only rely on their eloquence to deal with the situation, but they are still losing ground. When the police minister was left speechless by the question, he even uttered a curse word on the spot, which immediately caused even greater noise within the conference venue. The tense and anxious atmosphere at the scene was immediately injected with a bit of absurd humor.

Mrs. Ermeta Parotin sat on her seat, closing her eyes and concentrating. Surrounded by members of the opposition coalition, she looked like a triumphant queen reaping victory.

I have to admit that the live broadcast from the Capitol was indeed exciting. There is no debate program or political reality show in the world that is more dramatic and legendary than what unfolds here.

If it were in the past, Miss Taina, as an excellent investigative reporter, would have watched the show from all angles. Every word spoken by the congressmen, even their expressions, will not be missed.

But now, this excellent former reporter and excellent current investigator has no interest in the changes within the Capitol. Part of her attention was on the keyboard in front of her, and part of it was on the passage outside the door.

Her comrades are desperately trying to make time for themselves. But she knew that she was the last line of defense.

"There are fifteen on the front... plus the twenty-three who just came from the nearest elevator. They are all wearing mechas and carrying no heavy weapons. However, everyone smells of blood, and you can tell at a glance that they are murderers. Rumah's elite. However, there are no psychics here. No, it shouldn't be! It's been five minutes. The situation here may have been reported to the Jiulianxing Building and Chaofan. Once the administration completes the communication, there should be changes here.”

She opened her eyes just a slit, watching all the data and picture changes on the screen in front of her. Only the metal sphere the size of a golf ball was floating and moving around her.

That was the trophy she had received from the ruins of the Enlightened Ones in the New World, a set of twelve telekinetic weapons. It is more agile than the telekinesis eye made in the alchemy workshop, has more firepower, has a longer cruising time, and is of course more wear-resistant. Even if it is used as armor, it is also the most ferocious weapon.

Of course, there are also telekinesis and automatic modes.

In the past, Taina could only choose the latter. Her mental strength is indeed only at this level. But now, of course, she has chosen the telekinesis mode, which is more comfortable and more effective in combat. Now she is in very good condition, not a little good but a great one. She can operate the terminal to crack electronic programs, pay attention to the battle situation, and control telekinetic weapons at the same time. This is indeed an experience she has never had before.

This is the experience of being a master! Taina sighed with emotion, and naturally she was even more in awe of her own simulation of Amida Berenkeist.

At this time, she finally caught a trace of fluctuation coming from the direction of the passage. It was like a ghost without any entity, passing through the passage, drifting past the scene of the battle, and finally passed through the armored door reinforced with several layers and appeared in this room.

The psyker is finally here! If it were my old self, I wouldn't even notice the other person's existence, and I'd probably have his neck wiped.

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