Him and their stars

Chapter 1560 Who is a friend and who is an enemy?

She didn't hesitate. Twelve telekinetic weapons fired ferocious firepower at the shadows entering the room almost at the same time. The dark cloud also condensed into reality at this time, and the activated shield composed of spiritual energy was also deployed on the spot, but what was displayed was not a tough shield, but a rhythmic whirlwind.

In the whirlwind, the cold waves of light swept the dense explosive barrage into it, disintegrating it silently and invisible. However, the telekinetic weapon remained motionless and continued to attack. Although it is small, there is a reactor hidden inside that can release endless power.

The outside psyker knew that if this continued, he would have to prepare to die before the soldiers outside the door rushed in. His figure suddenly moved, and the afterimage of himself had not yet disappeared. His real body had already pounced on Taina Moen at the deepest part of the room at a speed that was difficult to discern with the naked eye.

However, before his attack touched the reporter's back, he quickly returned to his original form, showed two lightsabers, and deflected the blaster beam that hit his face.

He was indeed a top stealth master and defense master, but his shield eventually fell apart under the opponent's intensive bombing. Now, he could only use his lightsaber to block the intense firepower, and he suddenly looked embarrassed.

But even so, he said loudly: "I was just the first one to discover the situation. There are more than three guerrillas coming! Put down your weapons quickly. Madam, surrendering to us is better than surrendering to the internal guards." Gouzi, surrender! You and your subordinates will be treated humanely, I promise to the spirit of the universe!"

This was a young and familiar voice. Taina turned her head and saw an upright and heroic face, full of the air of a sunny boy.

"...Mo, Miss Moen?"

"Mr. Lanna." The reporter nodded and greeted.

This is a guerrilla named Thor Lanna, Ash's colleague and friend in the association. When I was a reporter for the Pioneer Newspaper, I asked him to serve as a bodyguard and conduct several dangerous investigations. He could be regarded as an old comrade-in-arms with whom I had a close friendship.

Lanna Ranger is two years younger than himself, but he is a far better psychic and warrior than himself and Ash. Although he is still young, he is experienced in many battles. And precisely because he is young, he still has an innocent heart and the most fulfilling side.

Taina Moen made her own judgment and immediately put away her attack, leaving her flawless back to the opponent. She admitted that she was gambling now, but now she had no choice. It was simply impossible for her to continue working while fighting the other party.

She won the bet. After she put away these floating turret-like telekinetic weapons, the opponent did not take the opportunity to counterattack, but just stood there with a complicated expression.

It can be seen that the Lanna guerrilla is indeed a model of a very martial guerrilla.

The reporter lady said without looking back while working: "Sorry, now is not the time to reminisce about old times. I'm very busy."

"You, me, this, we..." The young guerrilla finally regained his composure after being at a loss for a while, and finally took back his sword.

"After the incident in Ice Valley City, you and Ash disappeared. There have been rumors from the outside world that you have joined the Sons of Loha. Someone in the association is even considering putting your two names on the wanted list."

"That's really my honor." The reporter smiled.

"But this is not a rumor. Is it?" The young guerrilla showed a sad expression: "Those people outside are members of the Sons of Loha, right?"

"Yes. But the regional and racial feel of this name is too obvious, so we have now reorganized into the Burning Legion." Moen said.

The young guerrilla was furious and said loudly: "Why do you want to collude with the terrorists who caused the Ice Valley City massacre and attacked Tatos Commander? This should not be your behavior. How could this be you? the behavior of?"

Taina Moen paused for a brief moment, with a hint of suppressed anger in her voice: "I've heard of this statement. However, it has been concluded now, isn't it?"


"Have the prosecution, the courts or the security agencies come to a conclusion? Is the Guerrilla Association also prepared to take action based on this?"

The guerrilla was silent for a moment, but after all he did not hide anything: "The Ministry of Security was originally preparing to make a conclusion, but was stopped by the Congress. Mrs. Parrotin thought there must be something fishy and requested a re-investigation."

The reporter lady also smiled: "So, you are also a supporter of Mrs. Parrotin? Are you here to participate in the rally this time?"

"Guerillas cannot express their political leanings in front of the public. This is an iron law." Guerrilla Lanna shook his head and said: "My companions and I are here to maintain the order of the parade. Now, on the three blocks adjacent to the Capitol Building, Nearly a million people have gathered. If a security incident occurs, it may cause crowding and stampede, and our duty requires us to be here.”

"You are also people who have escaped from vulgar taste!" Taina Moen praised using the adjectives she learned from "Yuan".

The Lanna guerrilla felt that these words were new, but they sounded very comfortable and made him glow with glory.

"I was on standby at Olese Square in front of the Capitol. I heard the alarm on the security channel and rushed over immediately." Lanna guerrilla advised again: "I was the first to arrive. What is certain is that , there are at least twenty guerrillas who have received the news, and they will arrive within ten minutes. Miss Moen, you will not stand a chance."

Taina Moen still has not looked back: "We are doing the same thing, the same thing as you."

Without waiting for the other party to speak, she interrupted: "The Sons of Loha have been reorganized several times and are no longer the original terrorist organization. In the past three years, have you heard that they launched attacks on civilians and civilian facilities? Have you ever attacked?"

The guerrilla wanted to say that there was suspicion in the Gangangyan City incident earlier this year, but when he thought that the file was full of doubts, he suddenly had nothing to say.

"The Ice Valley City incident was originally a peaceful strike rally. Some people wanted to turn this incident into a bloody conflict and an armed riot. Some people wanted to let this incident ferment and trigger a nationwide uprising. Turmoil. I have evidence here. The people who attacked Commander Tatos were mercenary organizations affiliated with the World Snake, and these mercenary organizations had relationships with senior officials of the Guerrilla Association and even the national security department. Contact." Taina Mohn said frankly.

Lanna showed an indignant look, feeling that the other party was insulting his beliefs. However, before he got angry, he thought of something else, and his expression froze on the spot.

"Have you thought about it? Yes, it is indeed a B-class guerrilla, Mr. Eisen Pierre, the deputy secretary-general of the Central Coordination Bureau of the Guerrilla Association. So, does he represent the will of the association's senior executive?"

"Mr. Pierre is dead. We found his body in Ice Valley City."

"Fragments of corrupted flesh and blood, right? It's hard for you to calculate his DNA information like this."

"...But who is this so-called senior security officer you are talking about?"

Miss Morn couldn't help but fall into silence.

"What kind of big shot is he with hands and eyes that reach the sky? Even here, even you, don't dare to say it clearly?" Mr. Lanna couldn't believe it. He knew Miss Morn's family background, and the latter had never been able to hide it.

Even she kept it secret, what a terrifying scene this would be!

A jerky smile flashed across Taina Moen's face: "I, I'm just a canary that looks pretty glamorous. It sounds nice but it's of no use. If you want to imitate Haiyan, But you have to be prepared to set your feathers on fire.”

She still did not answer immediately, but changed the subject in a natural manner: "Mr. Lanna, I will not harm this city or the citizens gathering outside. I just want to unlock the information firewall of the Capitol and Some of the evidence hit the big screen in the square."

"...There are hundreds of thousands of people in the square over there now."

"Yes, and they are all watching the internal meetings of the Congress on the big screen." The reporter lady nodded, her eyes flashing on the screen beside her.

On the screen, of course, is the scene inside the Capitol. At this time, the wonderful political debate finally came to an end. Faced with the aggressiveness of the opposition alliance and the so-called "impeachment proposal," the Speaker of Congress finally made a request for a temporary adjournment, which immediately caused boos in the Congress.

Needless to say, everyone in the square would be furious. If not handled properly, it can easily lead to vicious incidents. However, in order to ensure that this rally can be completed in a peaceful manner, Gemstone Coast has mobilized tens of thousands of police personnel, and even the number of guerrillas maintaining law and order on the scene is counted in three figures.

This kind of mobilization of troops and crowds should be foolproof.

What's more, the Speaker does have such authority, so everyone can only hold their noses and admit it. In fact, anyone who has a little knowledge of political rules knows that prorogation is not something that can be used casually. The next time Congress meets, the impeachment of Acting Commander Marshal Esco and the investigation of all series of incidents will be formalized. That will be the time for the opposition alliance to achieve a comprehensive victory.

In fact, it is only a matter of time before they overthrow the current regime.

"After the adjournment, the MPs will walk out of the building, and then they will see our evidence at the same time as the assembled people. The angry marchers will force the MPs to make a statement. The opposition alliance will not miss this opportunity and will definitely I will attack on the spot so that everything can be done," the reporter said.

"Is it just for this? Just for this, do you have to make such a sacrifice?" Lanna Guerrilla still found it difficult to understand.

"After all, I'm not a true god in the online world. I can't break through the firewall of the Capitol from the outside world, so I can only sneak in here and make a physical connection." Miss Taina pointed to the screen she was operating: "That's all right now. It saves a lot of things, the number of defense lines that need to be broken has been reduced from twenty-five to three, and the calculation amount has been reduced by at least 95%. "

This is a technical issue. Although Guerrilla is not an expert in this field, he knows that this can indeed be achieved. However, this is not the point.

"Actually, if you really have evidence, you can give it to the association..."

At this point, the young guerrilla couldn't help but shut up. He knew how childish he sounded now.

Only then did he hear Taina Moen's explanation: "You are right, there are indeed big figures above the clouds who designed all this. If you just release information to the public, it will soon be If the vast amount of junk information on the interstellar network is handed over to the association, or to the Progressive Party or even Senator Parrotin himself, who can guarantee that this will not become a problem among the big shots in upper class society. What about the behind-the-scenes deal? Mr. Lanner, politics is a power game full of compromises and exchanges.”

More importantly, no matter what organization it is, once it involves the top management, it will definitely be forced to participate in political games. Although Lanna still has an innocent heart and is passionate, he is not a fool. He finally understands this truth.

"You're also taking a risk."

"I had no choice."

"Does this really change anything?"

"I don't know, Lanna, I don't know. We don't even know what we need to change, so how can we know whether we are doing the right thing? But, I only know that many people have died. There has to be a change, Only in this way can we pay tribute to their souls. Our country, the beacon of civilization in the universe, the cradle of republic, and the birthplace of democracy, also has many ugly scenes. But if everyone can’t see the ugliness, what’s the point of being beautiful?”

The young guerrilla gritted his teeth, suddenly let out a loud shout, and then took out his two lightsabers. His figure turned into a phantom again and walked towards the door: "I, let me help you stop it. Oh no, I have never been here! Yes, I passed by occasionally and saw a conflict between two groups of unknown armed men. , for the safety of the people marching on the ground, they must calm down! Yes, that’s it!”

He roared with self-deprecation and a consciousness that would sacrifice his future for the rest of his life, and rushed out of the door.

Taina Moen once again puts all her attention on the screen. Her calculations are about to be completed and she is only one step away from breaking through this firewall.

In the live broadcast next to her, Representative Ameta Parotin, surrounded by members of the Progressive Party, walked towards the exit of the Capitol like a queen.

Outside the armored door, the vibration of the lightsaber, the friction of the mecha, and the frightened roars of the inner guards rang out at the same time.

"Rebellion! The guerrillas are going to rebel!" She heard the angry roar of an internal security officer.

At the same time, around the Leman Islands, a group of armored airships from the sky, as well as atmospheric gunboats and submarines from the sea, had completely surrounded the headquarters of the Guerrilla Association. At the same time, more internal security troops were riding in a menacing armored convoy, approaching across the sea.

In a car surrounded by armored vehicles, Brigadier General Claire Belmont of the Interior Guard looked at the island at the end of the bridge through the porthole.

He kept turning his wrist, trying to take off the watch from his sleeve.

He now feels that a hawk-dog leader who brings court hawks and dogs to suppress civil society organizations is no longer worthy of wearing the symbol of a model worker.

"Now, I can't tell who is the enemy and who is the friend." He looked at the cube building that appeared in the business and let out a miserable, sad, even desperate sigh.


He heard laughter, coming from his wife. She must be laughing at my pretentiousness, right? Hum, pretentiousness shows that I have a conscience!

As soon as Claire turned away from this thought, he immediately felt Yani's gaze.

It was a look that was peaceful, natural, yet full of power, and also a look that was full of coercion.

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