Him and their stars

Chapter 1580 Is my fate coming to an end?

The dense rain of bullets almost covered the entire front of the passage, but the kinetic energy was dissolved by an invisible force energy. The huge steel body wrapped in the force energy was advancing like a rhino charging forward, and it crushed all the enemies who shot at it.

The deformed robot began to burn with sparks, and the limbs in the deformed mecha were even more horrible.

The troll psychic protected by the robot had nowhere to retreat. He opened his bloody mouth and was about to utter some offensive elemental words, but the steel giant on the opposite side took the lead and roared like a drum.

"I'll fight!" He hit the troll's bloody mouth with a heavy left hook, knocking off a whole row of sharp teeth at once.

"Wow! What a great spiritual research blasting punch!" Killian was delighted, and the sword blade controlled by telekinesis danced wildly, killing seven or eight enemies with live ammunition on the spot.

Then, the steel giant threw heavy punches up and down, as fast as bullets, hitting the troll's face and chest, and knocked him out without any chance to fight back.

"What a fast bullet punch! When will I reach this level!" Killian stood in awe, and controlled his mind knife to sneak attack the troll.

His sneak attack was indeed successful. The troll's Achilles tendon was torn, and his body paused, and the middle door opened in an instant.

"Wow!" The steel giant certainly would not miss this opportunity, and even used his thick elbow to arch the opponent's throat.

"Wow! What a life-breaking method!" Killian was inexplicably moved, and felt that what he should learn more was actually this ability to seize the opportunity.

Then, the troll psychic, whose body was wrapped in heavy armor and weighed almost two tons, flew backwards, like a sandbag that was completely smashed away.

Then, the steel giant began to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye, and turned into a young man wrapped in silver-gray professional clothes, standing at attention, with an elegant temperament. He looked like an elite civil servant. Who else could it be but Yang Mingzhao?

Then, this elegant scholar leaned against the wall and gasped heavily, like a dead social animal who neglected exercise but was forced to run a full marathon.

It took him nearly half a minute to finally adjust his whistle to a calmer level, and then squeezed out a stiff but awkward smile to his junior brother: "I, I...ah no, senior brother, I always think that I am a civilian, and I am really not good at fighting."

Killian had nothing to say, so he could only smile awkwardly. Just now, you were the most excited when you were fighting. If you are not good at fighting, then I am not even a rookie?

While he was complaining in his heart, he used his telekinesis to control the blade to pierce the enemy's neck from behind.

The dying Myshandar troll opened his mouth, as if he wanted to scream, but because his vocal cords had been cut off long ago, no sound came out. His huge body was like a puppet with its strings pulled out, and he was still twitching when he fell to the ground.

Even when the zero element was extracted from his body, the twitching did not completely stop. However, this finally meant that this tragic battle was over.

At the beginning, two masters of the Spiritual Research Association led their own marines to fight behind, but the enemies were increasing. Not only were there unknown armed personnel with sophisticated weapons, but there were also combat robots with excellent performance, and even two more psychics came.

Fortunately, these two psychics should only be rookies with one ring, and being able to pull a car with telekinesis is the limit.

Unfortunately, most ordinary people can't tell the difference between the high and low levels of psychic power. Our marines only know that there are 3 enemy psychics and only two masters of the Spiritual Research Association. 3 to 2, the advantage is not mine.

So, some marines really fled on the spot.

… Anyway, now that the president has run away, he is worthy of the salary paid by the community government.

Of course, some soldiers stayed to continue fighting, including all the internal security soldiers of the Internal Affairs Bureau. This should be attributed to the discipline rectification of Mr. Xiaona, the chairman of the Internal Affairs Committee, after he took office. From this perspective, Chairman Xiaona deserves a medal while he is still on Earth. However, Mr. President, who knows how to use people well, can't be counted as a credit?

But in any case, the number of people on our side is indeed at an absolute disadvantage. There were several times when Killian even felt that his life was about to be explained here, but with three points of luck, three points of hard training, three points of the secret teachings of the master, and one point of blessing from the underworld, he finally managed to hold on to the end.

When the eldest brother finally completed the prerequisites for opening the big, transformed into a steel giant and began to trample bloodily, except for the two psychics, no one on his side was still standing.

Killian Sazabi looked at the passage full of corpses and felt a little disappointed for a while. After this battle, he actually gained a lot, but if possible, he did not want to grow in such a tragic way.

Then, he saw the huge corpse of the troll that was still twitching while flashing with spiritual light, and he couldn't help but admire: "It's really worthy of being the Myshanda cannibal troll! Legend has it that their stomachs can even digest nuclear waste. Even without the nourishment of spiritual energy, their vitality is still as tenacious as a cosmic protozoan."

"It's not so exaggerated that they can digest nuclear waste. This is beyond the scope of carbon-based organisms. However, they should be able to digest stones and scrap steel." Yang Mingzhao said.

“…I think that stones and scrap steel are beyond the scope of carbon-based organisms.”

Yang Mingzhao laughed, holding the wall with one hand and his waist with the other to make himself stand up with difficulty. He did not forget to take out a bottle of oral liquid with a suspicious color and gulp it down.

Then, a trace of blood flowed on Yang Mingzhao's face, whose body seemed to be hollowed out. His whole posture became full of vitality again.

Well, compared to Yang Mingzhao, who had just been hollowed out and could only take drugs, Killian Sazabi, who controlled the flying blades flying all over the sky and made deadly moves, was more like a master.

Yang Mingzhao, who had recovered his spirit, asked: "By the way, did you mean to say that I was very excited when I was fighting just now, and I didn't look like I was not good at it at all?"

"This..." Killian began to laugh dryly.

"Are you still going to say that my cautious behavior is too much like a greasy bureaucrat who follows the rules. I am not a warrior at all, let alone a psychic, right?"

The eldest brother really knows how to read minds. This time, Killian couldn't even laugh, and his heart was only moved: "Elder brother, you have worked so hard!"

He still felt that the eldest brother was actually wronged in order to play the promising role of a bureaucrat well.

Yang Mingzhao understood what the other party meant. He wanted to say that he was not acting, but enjoying his current career plan, but it was really hard to tell, so he just said: "Junior brother, you are still not practicing enough! The universe is balanced. It is difficult for a race like the Myshanda trolls, who have amazing physiques and tenacious vitality, to awaken psychic powers. Even if they awaken, most of them are related to physique and strength. But just now, you saw this guy's battle, right?"

Killian nodded: "His body has been elementalized, and he is still using the word spirit to condense the storm. It is very likely that my brother is "controlling" . Well, the control of the troll is beyond my common sense. "

"As a psychic, how can I be affected by stereotypes?"

"Anyway, a troll that can use words and elemental cells is definitely not an ordinary troll. It must be a heavy punch, and it must be as soon as possible." Yang Mingzhao said: "... But to overwhelm such an enemy, I must burst out all my strength in the shortest time, so that there is a chance of victory. I can send out but not take it back. Can this prove my talent? "

Killian thought carefully about the overly beautiful battle scene just now. From this perspective, it seems that the eldest brother's statement that he output too much at once is still a little reasonable, although he still feels that something is wrong.

Yang Mingzhao added, "But they are definitely not predators."

Killian was slightly startled, and then he became interested: "Big Brother, do you mean that their identities have been found out?"

"Not at all. Junior Brother, do you think I'm a walking database?" Yang Mingzhao spread his hands and said, "But I recorded the entire battle just now and the appearance of these robots. I don't know, but Master might know something."

Killian would naturally not object. He could see the shadow of his big brother Tan Jize from his overseas student days in Big Brother; he felt that this type of person was the type who was mature and patriotic, and what they did must have a reason, anyway, it must be more reasonable than his own.

He used telekinesis to collect all the zero elements scattered around, and asked, "What should we do now? Go to the bridge to reinforce, or go to Mr. President?"

Yang Mingzhao did not hesitate at all: "Go to save the president."

Killian certainly would not have any objection. However, he then heard the senior brother add: "The bridge is under siege. If the enemy has more than two psychics of the same level as this troll, it is actually impossible to defend it. It is too late for us to rush over now."

Killian didn't know what expression to use for a moment. He felt that the other party didn't need to tell him such a cruel thing.

This means that the bridge can no longer be rescued, but President Nishita's side is still okay? Then, as a member of the secretary team, it is my duty to find him and protect him.

Speaking of which, President Nishita has Lieutenant Colonel Bom with him. He is also an experienced veteran, and he is equipped with a heraldry machine. He should be able to hold on until we get there.


In the dense rain of bullets, Lieutenant Colonel Bom stretched out his broad wrist, grabbed Keith Nishita's shoulder, and dragged the still dazed president to a temporary isolation hatch.

"Mr. President, hurry up!"

However, before he could manually close the hatch, half a dozen blaster beams pierced the burly body of the guard captain. This loyal guard captain, a psychic with amazing physique, looked at the hole in his chest with an unbelievable look.

Then, he also saw blood seeping out of the hole.

"...Mr. President, the Zumtrek is really not easy to use!" The guard captain's eyes were full of resentment, and even a little grief and anger.

He really had to be grief and anger.

Half an hour ago, he was still a psychic with a heraldry machine. The heraldry machine on his body was the Paladin MK2 model that had just been put into production, which was considered an enhanced version of the guard model. The enhancement was that it adopted the latest psychic circuit design - to put it bluntly, it was copied from the Empire's Scarlet Machine; at the same time, it also used the Zumtrek alchemical power furnace designed by Blue Label Company.

As we all know, the largest alchemical weapons manufacturer in the Community is Silver Gull Alchemical Heavy Industry, but this company is actually a legacy left over from the era of imperial rule. The company has always been controlled by the Gongrong Party, so it is naturally not favored by the Seiyuu Party government.

...Oh, it is not a Seiyuu Party government now, but a so-called coalition government.

In fact, President Nishita had been seeking a replacement in this regard long before the war, not to mention that the war with the Empire had already begun.

So, when the Blue Label Company, which has a good background, came forward to bid, President Nishita was naturally very pleased.

Then, there was the latest emblem machine alchemical power engine, named Zumtrek, and the latest emblem machine Paladin 2.

Then, there was the tragedy of Lieutenant Colonel Bom's emblem machine crashing during the battle.

This is a real tragedy! Lieutenant Colonel Bohm was just protecting the president as he retreated to the shelter. He put up two force field shields to block bullets and used blaster cannons to blast away some enemies who blocked the way. He hadn't even seen a psychic before. It wasn't a high-intensity battle at all. How could it crash?

Fortunately, Lieutenant Colonel Bohm was also an experienced veteran. He didn't stay in the priceless alchemy mecha and wait for death. Instead, he immediately abandoned the mecha and escorted the president on foot to continue evacuating.

His judgment was beyond reproach. As a guard captain, he did successfully send President Nishita to the entrance and exit of Zone D. As long as he passed through this passage, he could see the entrance to the lifeboat.

If it weren't for the last volley, everything would be perfect.

... No, if there was an emblem machine, how could I be beaten like this by the weapons of the miscellaneous soldiers?

I wouldn't even be so exhausted that I couldn't even release my steel skin.

Lieutenant Colonel Bohm blocked the door of the passage with his burly body, and his eyes were naturally full of resentment when he looked at President Nishita. He began to miss his first emblem machine, the bulky guard. Although the performance of that thing was less than half of the Empire Scarlet Machine, it was at least reliable!

Has the beloved machine in his memory been sent to the front line of the New World? We, the presidential guards who don't have to go to the battlefield, became the first group of people equipped with this new emblem machine. At that time, many media and even congressmen were criticizing us. Now look, isn't it foresight?

So, is it me who was pitted by foresight?

Of course, although Lieutenant Colonel Bohm was extremely sad and angry, in the eyes of President Nishita who was protected behind him, the captain's eyes were full of determination and fearlessness, as if he was playing a hero's elegy.

The tough president immediately shed heroic tears and wanted to hold the captain's hand. I guess he also wanted to ask the other party if he had any unfulfilled wishes.

The latter even felt a little bit amused and cried for a moment, and then he exhaled a sigh of relief. He pushed the president into the passage with force and whispered: "Let's go. Your Excellency! Both Zumtrik and Blue Label deserve to die!"

He then turned around again and shifted his sight to the attackers with guns and live ammunition. He grinned and laughed heartily: "Hahaha! It doesn't hurt! It doesn't hurt at all!"

His voice was hoarse and full of grim pressure, but it did not shake the attackers at all. They continued to shoot, trying to tear the captain's body apart with fierce firepower, and by the way, they could also tear apart the president behind him.

However, the dying lieutenant colonel exuded a steel-like aura, as if he was embedded in the passage buckle like a statue.

Under his cover, the hatch was finally closed.

And President Nishita, who had already entered the passage, suddenly found that he was the only one left.

Of course, he also wanted to contact others using the terminal, but the ship seemed to be filled with communication interference barriers that he could not understand, and there was no signal. Of course, the wireless function was still intact, such as stand-alone games, and the map inside the ship.

He hurriedly called up the map, determined the direction, and then took out the pistol that a guard had just stuffed into him.

President Nishita spent more than three times the time of a military cadet who had been enrolled for a week before he hurriedly loaded the magazine and trembled as he moved towards the end of the passage.

He felt that his footsteps were soft, and every step seemed to be stepping on cotton. The passage in front was brightly lit, spacious and clean, but there was no one. In the eyes of the president, it was as terrifying as a ghost cave. Indeed, no matter where he was, Mr. President was always surrounded by people, and he had not been so alone for a long time.

Then, he couldn't help but stop. Because he did hear human voices.

"President Keith Nishita?"

This gloomy voice was not an inquiry, nor even a confirmation, but a ritual before an attack.

A burning sensation that he had never experienced before passed through the president's torso. His back hit the wall, and the strange burning sensation turned into pain and spread to his whole body.

"I was hit? I was hit like this?" He made such a judgment very calmly. Then, he cried out very calmly.

"I was hit? I, Keith Nishita, the heroic leader of the community, my fate will end here? This, this is not scientific! Why is it like this?"

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