Him and their stars

Chapter 1581 We are not the mastermind

President Keith Nishita didn't know where he was hit, but he did feel the pain very clearly, and the pain was eroding his consciousness little by little.

However, what surprised him was that this pain did not make him fuzzy, but made his mind very clear.

He felt the warmth slowly leaving his body with the wound, felt the numbness of his body spreading, and felt the light flickering in his eyes, which seemed to have become weak, but it was so bright that he couldn't even open his glasses. So, he could only see a blurry light and shadow.

Everything in his sight was no longer clear.

As for the attacker who shot him, his pace of departure was also very steady, just like the steady shooting trajectory before.

However, this was strange. The attacker who was so steady in doing things actually only shot himself and left. Since he was an assassin, shouldn't he confirm life and death?

Also, there can only be one bullet to shoot the president? Is this also a kind of ritual? What a decent assassin!

President Nishita leaned on the front, letting the blood flow and his body cool down a little bit. But even at this time, his mind was still clear, and he even began to think about the real murderer who assassinated him. This may be considered a talent.

So, why did the Alliance kill me? Because I hope the Alliance will end, or at least want them to expand military aid, so I blocked some people's way? The appeasers of the Alliance also want my life?

What is the plunderer for? Is it because I am one of the leaders of the three countries who wiped out the snake pit? This is unfair! If you have the ability, go and take action against the emperor! By the way, is that troll really a minion of the plunderer?

Or is it really the domestic enemy who wants my life? Who of the Gongrong Party? Mao Yuanzuo? Yero? But this breaks the rules! My political enemies and my "dormitory friends", who are not insects? Who has the courage to break the rules?

More importantly, do they have such strength?

In short, no matter from which angle, there is a lack of sufficient and necessary evidence, so it is naturally unconvincing.

Until this time, the hero who led the earthlings to rise up against the imperial invasion seemed to have never considered the possibility that the Galactic Empire wanted to kill him as a wartime commander.

So, why?

I, a child born in an ordinary family, finally became the president of the community. I became a wartime leader by chance. I am leading everyone to victory! I am asking the alliance to intervene in the war! I can convince them! I am about to become the leader of the anti-imperial alliance of the whole galaxy!

This is more than double joy? It is already countless times of happiness that is constantly superimposed!

Such a leadership career should become a political milestone of the community, and it will also become a dreamlike and happy time for me.

So, why is this happening?

And it really hurts!

At this time, the severe pain that spread from the wound to the whole body has become the only anchor point for President Nishita's consciousness to not fall into chaos completely, right? But even so, it is basically reaching its limit. Because immediately afterwards, these severe pains gradually became less obvious, and turned into a kind of numbness that made his heart palpitate.

Then, Nishita really cried and wailed silently: "Fuck! Fuck! What a lousy place! What a lousy place! I don't want to die here! I really don't want to die!"

Of course, he knew that crying would not only take time and energy, but also make the silent screams only make the blood flow faster, but he just couldn't help it.

At this time, the faces of his wife, children, subordinates, and enemies did not appear in President Nishita's mind one by one like a revolving lantern.

What really surprised him was that the person who appeared in his mind at the end was the one he called "brother", the young general, the genius psychic, the real war hero.

He was so young, so powerful, and so cool. Envious, jealous, disgusting. Even terrifying!

President Nishita finally realized that he was jealous of this "little brother" deep down.

So, I have fallen to this point, and you, the guy who always wins, are showing off in front of me! As long as I am still the president, you are still my subordinate!

The burning desire to survive left him struggling. He wanted to stand up, but he seemed unable to do it.

He had lost so much blood, but he couldn't stand up.

So, the fighting spirit that he had finally gathered collapsed like an avalanche.

"Wow, no one told me that being president is so dangerous! If I had known, I should have become an ordinary congressman... No, I should have stayed in the league. Wouldn't it be better to just go and find an excellent basketball player?"

"Yes! I remember that the coach of the college team told me that as long as I played for four years, a professional team would sign me. By the way, what was the coach's name? Boone? Anton? I remember he had a daughter, a good girl, her name was Xiaofang."

"Just like that, the life of Keith Nichta, the president of the Blue Star Community and the supreme commander during the war, is about to end today, right? December 13, 833. This is an easy time to remember."

Then, just when President Keith Nishita's consciousness was about to fall into darkness, when the figure of the girl next door in his youth was finally clearly reflected in his mind, when the girl picked up the celestial sphere, When I asked myself if I wanted to hit the sky ball, a slap like a cattail fan also entered my consciousness.

Pia! The president only felt that he had been slapped loudly both in his mind and in reality. Then, the figure of the young girl holding the celestial sphere disappeared like a dream. Instead, it was Mrs. Melalie Grozzo Niceta in a smart outfit.

There is a saying that the president's wife always presents a dignified, elegant and graceful image, and she always plays the image of the perfect president's wife. But now, she is wearing a coat with an obvious adventurer style, wrapped in an image that enhances the power armor suit, and she has a different kind of charm that combines impact and mystery. She looks like a sassy and domineering person. The first one for the eldest sister.

However, President Nishita wailed: "Why am I going to die? It's this evil bitch again!"

"Evil bitch? Oh, hehe, Darling, you really have to die before you reveal your true nature!" The president's wife didn't seem to be angry at all, but she let out a high-pitched and sharp laugh.

Keith Nicita was startled for a moment, and then suddenly realized that he seemed to be able to speak again. The world captured by his eyes gradually became clearer. The outlines of people and objects are slowly becoming clearer.

Wait, this lady is also a real lady?

Immediately afterwards, his senses became clearer step by step as his mind became clearer. He felt numbness and weakness in his body, but it was better than feeling bad at all. He also felt pain again, but that was probably much better than feeling nothing at all.

He looked at his chest and discovered to his surprise that the wound that penetrated his torso had somehow healed. It was obvious that half of his body was stained red by the blood he shed, and even turned a little black, but he didn't feel any obvious dizziness.

There should be no such thing as hemorrhagic shock that can lead to death. perhaps……

President Nishita understood that he was alive again. He hugged his wife with his last strength and cried loudly.

"Dead, almost dead! I thought I was really dead!"

He cried deeply and passionately, partly because he really felt the emotional ups and downs of joy and sorrow, and partly because he was probably trying to cover up his "good words" just now.

It was actually the first time for Mrs. Melalie to see her husband acting so rude. She felt distressed and curious for a moment, but she still comforted her softly: "Okay, okay, wasn't he just shot? He was not shot. The liver was not ripped out even though the heart was pierced, but the lungs were damaged. Don't worry, I've used psychics to stimulate the cells and seal all the wounds. You can just lie down in the medical cabin for a while and I'll give it to you. Changing to a young man's iron lung won't even affect your future work. Hahaha, Darling, you are really lucky that you didn't hit your head directly. I can’t save you.”

President Nishita thought about the possibility of being shot in the head. His head was penetrated by the melt ray, and his facial features were distorted and broken. He could no longer see the handsome face before, and he couldn't help but shudder.

As for a calm and professional attacker, why he didn't hit himself on the head at a distance of less than 30 meters really needs to be carefully considered.

"Then again, Darling, people always have many strange imaginations before they die. So, what did you think of just now?"

Mr. President shivered again and stopped crying.

"What is an evil bitch?"

Mr. Nishita didn't know whether to continue crying for a moment, so he wiped his tears hard: "I, the last thing I saw was you, madam! I really thought I was going to die!"

"...Tsk, Darling, a virtuous man like you will definitely live a long life. Also, I don't know when someone will come. You don't seem to be seen by others as virtuous now, right?" "

The president's crying suddenly stopped, as if someone had cut off the power supply.

"Also, I promise the spirit of the universe, in the name of our ancestors, that this matter really has nothing to do with us." Mrs. Melalie explained seriously.

"You, you guys?"

"There is absolutely no way the Alliance is behind this matter. The Alliance government also sincerely invites you to visit."

President Keith Nicita looked at the bright and upright business smile of the person next to him, and his body began to tremble uncontrollably. This must be due to the pain of a serious injury.

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