Him and their stars

Chapter 1591 Premonition of Danger

The Star Dragon King who gave me the end in the last world line?

In a daze, Yu Lian's spirit was completely dominated by the last part of his life. In an instant, he even felt the feeling of his soul being burned.

Okay, okay, in my previous life when I was in the seventh ring, I was beaten to death by a star dragon. If you haven't even reached the seventh ring in this life, will you still be sprayed to death by the same opponent?

...However, he realized in the shortest time that what the Star Dragon King spit out was not something as superficial as dragon flames, but a thick and dense gamma light burst, which was equivalent to spreading the sun to the entire galaxy. Energy and heat, integrated into a beam of light that goes straight forward.

Facing such a force that can be called the mighty force of the universe, even if I am a seven-ringed self, what qualifications do I have to feel the heat?

Fake scene! Yu Lian made this judgment, then stretched out his hand and gave a thumbs up gesture to the giant dragon behind the starry sky.

The starry sky and the dragon collapsed in an instant. Immediately afterwards, what caught Yu Lian's eyes was the floating island in the virtual realm filled with gray mist.

Humph, this mere illusion is trying to deceive my perception? Since the Ether Dragon King has appeared, it means that it is all caused by my own inner demons.

Hehehe, I am familiar with this mere inner demon! It's nothing more than beating yourself up.

Yu Lian felt as if he had overcome another difficulty, and he felt somewhat proud. Then, he immediately noticed that his inverted thumb was pointing at someone outside the formation.

The good news is, if it is not against Master Mei, Empress Dowager Mei, but if it is true, I don't know how this aunt with a very different mental structure will be so evil. The bad news is that he is dealing with a gentle and generous elder brother. Yu Lian has no grudge against him at all, only respect and gratitude. He really doesn't want his elder brother to misunderstand him at all.

However, fortunately, the eldest brother was a truly humble gentleman. He just smiled, took a few steps away, and pointed his upside-down thumb at the master behind him.

Empress Mei applauded and laughed three times in a smooth pronunciation: "Hahaha. You see, I have said it before, this child is really the best when he is not bad."

Lan Jiufeng, on the other hand, had a gentle smile with kind eyebrows and kind eyes. He said, "The illusion when entering the battle looks very intense."

"Oh, did this happen when Master climbed the Seventh Ring Road?" Yu Lian quickly retracted his thumbs up.

"My teacher has said it many times. The only thing I can teach you is not to learn from any of my experience." Lan Jiufeng said.

However, the senior brother was much more reliable and asked seriously: "The scene you just saw is very important. It is very likely to be involved in the subsequent trial."

The eldest brother is such a humble gentleman. Although he may be a bit too mother-in-law sometimes, he is really reliable when he is reliable. At least he is more reliable than the old man. No wonder he is always looked down upon by his wife. This may be the only reason why Yu Lian respects him even more than the old man.

Yu Lian didn't hide it either. Anyway, except for the past life and the previous life, which are really hard to explain, he really has nothing to hide from everyone.

However, this kind of thing does involve my previous life. Will it mislead everyone?

"King of Star Dragons? If the eight major dragon species in the empire grow into ancient species, is it possible for them to appear in such a form? I have never heard of it, Yu Lian, could it be that you got this from some royal secret library in the empire? Did you come here?" The senior brother couldn't help but be surprised: "That little princess, did you even take you to a place like this?"

Look, look, you are indeed misled.

Yu Lian said helplessly: "This is just my imagination. Yes, it is just imagination."

"So, the Dragon of Dawn becomes the Dragon of Starry Sky. Is this the underlying understanding of your empire? This is really strange. The legendary hero who resisted the empire is the one who fears the empire the most? It doesn't make sense. "Mei Niangniang also started to think, and even her sentences became normal.

"Perhaps he is imagining the little princess?" Lan Jiufeng took out another tea cup seriously: "This boy actually has the appearance of a girl, I have long seen it."

Come on, not only the senior brother, but also the master and uncle are also crooked this time!

Yu Lian had no choice but to try to change the topic to the main point: "So, I just entered the battle without even using the materials! Is this a process change?"

Tantai Jingdao: "It's not about changing the process, but the special pre-effect of 'balance'. Our seventh ring of 'balance' is for the 'stargazer'. Do you have anything in mind about this?"

"All known civilizations in the universe had similar professions in the classical era of their home planet, and they all played the role of magic sticks." Yu Liandao.

"However, in the field of mysticism, prophecy is not just a pretense." The senior brother said.

So, the "stargazer" has the ability to predict, so he has an illusion when he enters the battle? Does the illusion have a prophetic effect? Yu Lian glanced at Mei Niangniang next to him.

"I encounter hallucinations every time, and every time they are very long. It's like living through another period of life." Uncle Master said expressionlessly.

Yu Lian suddenly thought of the feeling he had when he ascended the ring with Miss Bei in the Turanka galaxy. To put it bluntly, that experience had no hallucinations or dreams at all, it was just a real memory. That unforgettable memory is not scary, on the contrary, it is full of beautiful taste that makes people forget to leave.

Therefore, this may be the most dangerous mental quenching situation that I have experienced in my two lifetimes of occult practice.

It would be quite hard for me if I met Uncle Master often.

I see. Does this mean that the so-called "stargazers" of the seventh ring refer to the so-called prophecies? You really need to implement the setting of the bucket number to the end!

But the problem is, it doesn’t fit my personality to pretend to be a magic stick? Even if you start learning divination now, can you beat the white-furred fox opposite you? Can you outplay the dead snake-headed prophet lady?

I guess even my uncle, a part-timer, can't play it.

When he thought of this, Yu Lian felt dejected, and his interest in Gao Huan suddenly cooled down.

"Look at those little eyes and little virtues. Although I don't know what evil intentions you kid is thinking about, I must know that you are setting me up, right?" Mei Niangniang's face remained expressionless and her voice did not fluctuate, but she looked at Yu Lian's expression. Sometimes he squints his eyes.

Fortunately, at least it's not out of the corner of my eye. It means that although the old man is angry, it is not too serious. perhaps……

Then, I heard the senior brother continue to explain: "But, in the final analysis, our star ring represents the comprehensive balance of power, law, skill and spiritual power. There is no reason for us to awaken the rare ability of prophecy."

Although this statement was somewhat self-deprecating, Yu Lian felt that it still made sense. One thing to say is that there are still quite a few rare abilities that I have mastered now, but they all come from various adventures, from gifts from the Enlightenment’s divine lady to crystallized fragments from the Lord of the Void Realm. They are really the same. It doesn't matter much if the normal ring rises.

"If I have to say prophecy, let's forget it. After I entered the seventh ring, I found during training that it was much easier to predict the opponent's attacks. Thanks to him, as a senior brother, I, for the first time in ten years, Beat Nat once.”

There is a saying that they are all seven rings. The senior brother's own background and spiritual power are superior to Natalia, but the latter is a Shura warrior after all, and his explosive power and impact in frontal combat can be described as brutal. Whether it is actual combat or training, one-on-one, it is impossible for the senior brother to be the opponent of the latter.

Now, he can actually win? Is the bonus so obvious?

Yu Lian's lost sense of anticipation suddenly returned.

"...Well, you don't have to expect it to be so obvious. It will actually make me look like a loser, senior brother. In fact, I only won once, and then Natalia realized it and won three more times." Tantai Jing said helplessly.

Yu Lian smiled apologetically: "It is understandable that no prediction can withstand the force of a brick, but since the ability to predict can exist, there should be a perfect symbol. In short, what you meant before is, Is the illusion just now actually a danger I may encounter when ascending the ring? Is this actually a sense of crisis? Is it the same as predicting enemy attacks during combat? "

The senior brother nodded slightly: "The so-called stargazers are probably using their own spiritual senses to observe the stars and use the power of the stars to capture the enemy's movements and spiritual energy flows. Of course, this is just my speculation. I don't think so. I really want to know what your experience is."

"The materials are all ready. After getting the information you got from the ruins of the Enlightened One, I am preparing the materials. This is actually the case with spiritual materials. If you can find the first copy, you will definitely be able to find the second one. ." The senior brother laughed.

This scene really feels more and more like déjà vu. Warmth flowed through Yu Lian's heart, and he once again lamented how wonderful it was to have a master.

"For your material, I got it from Red Star... now I asked Renlian, right? I asked Renlian to quote a price. They paid the bill very happily." The senior brother said embarrassedly: " Well, it costs a lot of money to relocate the Spiritual Research Association!”

"Business matters must be dealt with, I understand. This can also keep the finances in order. Senior brother, you are becoming more and more accustomed to this promising job." Yu Lian said with a troubled face: "It's just that I don't understand. Why do you want to ask Renlian to pay for it? And I don’t know about this.”

The senior brother looked at Yu Lian with a strange look, pondered for a full second, and then said: "Of course, if you have the crystal fragments of the fallen virtual realm lord in your hand, you can still give more ability bonuses and talents. of."

This situation has also happened. Then, I saw Master's divine sword pointing to the sky, destroying all beasts with one force.

Yu Lian couldn't help but glance at Lan Jiufeng.

"You are also a mature saint. Disciple, do I have to take action every time this kind of thing happens?" Lan Jiufeng asked while grilling chicken wings.

Yu Lian nodded and found something. After the colorless thing came out of the ring, it kept dancing in various irregular shapes on his hand, like a swirling cloud of smoke. In fact, without spiritual perception, Yu Lian would not even be able to perceive the quality of this thing.

"Oh? This is..." Mei Niangniang showed a surprised look for the first time.

"The unpredictable core of the Eyeless Root. Obtained from the Lord of the Void Realm." Yu Liandao.

"Oh, the Eyeless Root Demon? He is definitely not under the dimensional evil lord who led the Empire's Shengyuan Star District back then. Theoretically, even if it is the current master, it will not be easy to deal with this evil beast." Lan Jiufeng road.

Back then, Emperor Elithel and the Dimensional Underlord had an earth-shattering battle.

"Yes. But the disciples have an army!"

There was a brief silence at the scene.

Yu Lian expressed that he was very happy. He had wanted to say such a meaningful line a long time ago.

"In addition, I would like to thank the Empire for its rockets."

Strictly speaking, most of the health bar of this root demon was actually bombed down by the Empire's fleet.

So, Yu Lian was satisfied to finally see that Mei Niangniang could keep her face calm and look at him with her eyes hanging. However, what was more interesting was that the master seemed very satisfied with his answer, and even a little relieved.

As for the eldest brother, he smiled humbly again: "Very good, then let's get to the point. Junior brother, are you ready?"

Haven't I been preparing all the time? Yu Lian looked at himself, and then at the spiritual energy light surrounding him. He could still feel that the spiritual energy was flowing through his body, resonating with the circular array on the ground, and flowing in those complex light prism traces. At this moment, he was not affected by the array, but a part of the array cycle.

Yu Lian felt that he should be ready. However, after hearing what the eldest brother said, he began to doubt himself again.

Speaking of which, the last time the fifth ring was upgraded, it was actually the master who took care of it. But this time, to upgrade to the seventh ring, he had to call out his elusive uncle, who was even more elusive, and even asked his eldest brother to protect him. This grand ceremony of mobilizing a large number of troops can easily make people panic.

Yu Lian couldn't help but look at his eldest brother again. Of course, he was "balanced" just like himself. In the world line of his previous life, because the Spiritual Research Society lacked information after the saint, he was stuck in the realm of "Soul Singer" of the "Sixth Ring" for his whole life. Until the outbreak of the Second Conquest War of the Empire, in order to seek more mystical secret books for his master and for his own breakthrough, he ventured to the center of the galaxy after hearing the news that there might be remains of the Enlightened One, and never came out again.

However, in this timeline, because of various coincidences, because of the big rocket brought by the Grey Queen, and the joint archaeological excavation with the Duke of Saduran of the Empire, the eldest brother should not have to take such risks.

Yu Lian really hopes that he can work as the head of the Spiritual Research Society for another hundred years. As for Yang Mingzhao, he can continue to do a promising job in politics. Maybe he can become president in the future.

To be honest, our community really doesn't have a psychic head of state, so it's actually great to have one.

Then, he had already reached the peak of the sixth ring, so he naturally became the first person in the second generation of "Seven Sons of Spiritual Research" to achieve the seventh environment.

I understand, finding an experienced veteran here is just because they are afraid that something will happen to me.

"Everyone's soul is free and unique, and of course every psychic is the same. When I upgraded my ring, my master and uncle didn't come, but my brothers helped a little."

"Is that so?" Is there such a big scene here? Yu Lian couldn't help but look at the old uncle again, thinking of her so-called "tragic fate" before.

"Don't worry. It should have nothing to do with your upgrade this time, at least I feel it has nothing to do with it." Madam Mei interrupted and said, "Also, Master, I don't know how to read minds, but your current mentality is written on your face."

"... Tragic fate, or dragon?"

"What I see and what you see, you have to choose to believe or not believe." Master stood up and thought, and thought about walking over.

Yu Lian said that he was not used to it. He really was not used to Master's serious and expressionless speech of this kind of riddle man's special lines. This would make her character become vulgar.

Then, Master also appeared behind him in a flash that he could not catch at all.

"Go." Master's voice was flat, like a crystal glass.

Well, this is good, at least the character is back. Yu Lian only had time to give Madam Mei a thumbs up, and the scene in front of him changed again.

What first appeared in front of him was not a clear scene, but a holographic vision separated by a layer of transparent material. On both sides of the field of vision, motionless face frames and data were jumping, and on the front, automatic crosshairs and logos were flashing, and there were even jumping waves composed of thermal imaging.

Yu Lian spent one tenth of a second to sense his limbs and body again, and immediately determined that he should be in a heraldry machine.

In front of him was a very luxurious and exquisite imperial palace-style sky garden. If the flowerbed in front of him was not burning and there were warriors waving swords to fight, Yu Lian really wanted to spend some time to appreciate these exotic flowers and plants.

Then, he heard an anxious shout from his ear.

"Quick! Go to the bridge! He's crazy! He wants to burn His Highness to death!"

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