Him and their stars

Chapter 1592 Historical Fragments

In front of him was a very elegant imperial palace garden. Exquisite pavilions and towers were scattered among the lakes and mountains, surrounded by flowers and chirping birds. Looking around, everywhere was elegant and beautiful, and everywhere made people feel as if they were in a fairyland on earth.

However, within this fairyland, there was agitation and heat in the flames of war.

The sound of the impact hammers and force field spears of the imperial armored grenadiers was like the roar of evil spirits.

Yes, they were all elite armored grenadiers wearing the same model, but they were fighting against each other here, and each of them seemed to regard the other as their mortal enemy.

Yu Lian always felt that even when facing the soldiers of the Alliance during the Galactic War, these grenadiers would not be so violent, which fully demonstrated that heretics were more damnable than pagans, and the cruelty of civil war was stronger than the human political tradition of foreign war.

... Well, so, which period of the history of the imperial civil war was it?

After all, the Tirelo people are also a nation with a vast history of civilization for thousands of years. Not to mention the era of the mother planet, even in the era of the Galactic Empire ruled by the Dawn Royal Family, there are no shortage of examples of civil war. There is no way. No matter how glorious the tradition of the king selection system is, there will always be frustrated people who are dissatisfied with their own strength and can only use force to speak.

After all, the Tirelo people are a nation that relies on force.

The only difference is that in every civil war in the Galactic Empire, the leaders of various factions are always members of that family, so the person wearing the Void Crown is always a dragon king who has killed out of the sea of ​​blood.

Raising Gu is also a tradition of the military empire, and you have to taste it.

So, which period of civil war will it be? In fact, all periods are turbulent times!

Yu Lian thinks that although this scene is cruel, it is also very interesting. He thinks that his values ​​are still very positive, but there should be a dark side in his heart that humans must have. This sense of impact of destroying beautiful things can actually satisfy this dark psychology.

Chaos is the ladder to rise, and danger and opportunity should coexist. Does this mean that I can play this kind of historical fragment as a copy?

He looked up and saw the obsidian statue that fell down due to the bombardment, the burning emblem flag, and the crushed gem flower garden.

Then, he also saw a power mecha rushing towards him. In general, it looked like an inverted inclined barrel with four limbs. It was a very typical imperial style at first glance, but the shape seemed a little primitive and the pendants were a little less interesting.

So, Yu Lian immediately raised the machine gun in his hand, and a series of scarlet beam shells turned into sharp whips of light, ruthlessly tearing apart the opponent's armor and limbs.

Oh, the standard 44 blaster machine gun. I can even recognize it just by looking at the range of the light arrow. This is a classic old gun! It can be used as a fire suppression weapon for the squad and can be equipped on armored vehicles and emblem machines.

The reason why it cannot be installed on ordinary mechas is that the supply equipment of energy weapons is absolutely beyond the capacity of a single soldier's equipment, so it can only be solved by the concept of mysticism.

In addition, this classic old gun served for 8 centuries and was not retired from the imperial army until around 800. But now, it is still an important equipment for many second-tier countries and underworld people.

The gangster movie in which a 44 blaster machine gun was used to shoot all the enemies was also a memory of Yu Lian's childhood.

So, which era am I in now? While thinking, Yu Lian took out the atomic light spear from the weapon rack with skillful movements.

The dark red disintegration light flame rushed out for nearly three meters, and naturally tore the limbs of the two mechas that rushed over.

The texture is right. This alchemical weapon is much more classic than the blaster machine gun. It has been used for two thousand years and is still the same. However, after all, it is still a big road version of the light spear. When using it, I always feel a little stagnant at the moment of opening the belly, just like using a blunt knife to grind meat patties.

Sure enough, the handmade custom version given by His Majesty the Emperor has been too long, and the big road version has become a monkey version.

Sure enough, even in terms of chopping people, it is not free from the conclusion that "it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality"!

Then, Yu Lian heard the voice just now rang again: "No, we must stop him!"

So I said it! Who is crazy? Who wants to burn whom?

Yu Lian looked in the direction of the voice and naturally saw another figure wearing an emblem machine. This was the person who made the sound just now. Judging from the voice, it should be a young man in his thirties, a military strategist or a conspirator.

...Okay, this judgment is a bit free, but Yu Lian has this feeling.

Judging from the model, this is the F6B Dragon Man type, which is the emblem machine used by the Empire 500 years ago. It was the captain machine of the Star Knights at that time and the most outstanding alchemical mecha in the universe.

The reason why Yu Lian can distinguish the appearance of the equipment 5 centuries ago at a glance is that the Dragon Man Mecha is indeed regarded as the most classic emblem machine in the contemporary era. It has been in service for nearly two centuries and has not become obsolete. Even for a long time, it was regarded as the top product of this alchemical technology.

Now, on the black market, a complete set of dragon-man-machines can be auctioned for tens of millions of gold dragons in the collector’s circle.

So, I have returned to a certain historical fragment? Yu Lian thought. He immediately thought of the time when he went to get the Salwen treasure in New Seville. At that time, he went back to 200 years ago and witnessed the time when Emperor Ileser had just ascended the throne. Then, he fought with the young emperor again.

He lost miserably and only managed to escape by relying on the environmental mechanism. This is also a memory that I will remember for the rest of my life.

However, the feeling now is completely different from that at the beginning.

Now recalling that part of the mental maze composed of Count Salwen’s memories, although it can be completely fake and real, and most people can indulge in it, high-level psychics can clearly feel the sense of disharmony in it, and naturally let their minds get rid of the confusion.

But this time, all the senses are real. At least Yu Lian really can't recognize any difference.

This feeling is like when I was in that "future fantasy" with Yani, all the senses and cognitions are real, all the memories are beautiful and comfortable, and even the air is full of sweet smells that make me happy. Therefore, everything makes him still lingering now, which is also the most frightening scene.

However, the interesting thing is that his five senses, his cognition, and even his spiritual perception are telling him that the world he is in is real. But his reason is reminding him that everything in front of him is an illusion. Even now, Yu Lian still remembers the kick from Mei Niangniang a second ago.

This is really disturbing.

The situation is obviously the same as the illusion world that Yani conquered together, but is his reason still there?

Then, this is definitely not an ordinary heart-hardening game, and it must be a heavy punch.

Yu Lian turned to the Emblem Machine that was shouting at him and asked directly: "So, who wants to burn who? Who are you?"

The Empire Emblem Machine on the opposite side was briefly silent, but then, the voice of the conspirator-type was more anxious and resolute: "Follow me! We have vowed to protect her from being hurt by anyone! This is our vow!"

He drove the Emblem Machine forward, and the five Star Knights wearing Emblem Machines followed closely behind. Yu Lian was immediately left behind.

At this time, Yu Lian suddenly felt a little like watching the opening cg of the game, and felt a little pity for a while. If the guy just agreed, he might really want to chop him with a knife to see the effect, but he used a natural self-talk to advance the plot, so he didn't want to really flip the table right away.

"Hurry! Hurry up!" The knight on the opposite side shouted to Yu Lian, a young but very courageous female voice, which was very consistent with the image of a female knight.

Miss "Red Comet" Giafil is also of this type, but not so majestic and sharp.

Yu Lian didn't think for too long, and quickly followed. He now wanted to experience some of this "holographic game" with a sense of reality that reached 100%, to see what the plot was and what the purpose was.

As for why this historical drama was related to his own ring upgrade, Yu Lian was even more curious.

So, just treat it as playing RPG seriously, and don't turn the table for the time being.

He followed the team forward and began to think seriously about where this place was and what period of history it was. At present, from the equipment and the surrounding decorations, it can only be determined that it should be after the Third Galactic War, that is, after the entire galaxy unified and used the "common calendar".

He thought about it and looked at the back of the knight in the front. He walked in the front with a spear in his hand, and a gold-rimmed battle flag was hung on the spear shaft. The gorgeous dragon pattern fluttered in the flames, as if a blood dragon was dancing. But Yu Lian really couldn't recognize it.

There was no way, the heraldry of the empire was really complicated. In addition to the family crests of each noble family, nobles with a little status and achievements also have their own unique crests, which are really dazzling. Of course, Yu Lian couldn't spend time remembering all the crests, let alone historical figures.

... Well, no, it is precisely historical figures that can be remembered!

Yu Lian couldn't help but take another look at the battle flag. Gold border, black background, and a red three-headed dragon roaring.

He was sure that he had seen this flag somewhere. While thinking about it, he was completely stunned by a huge explosion of "boom!"

And behind the smoke and fire in front, a giant wearing tank armor and more than five meters tall suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

From the shape, it was a Liger giant. However, this behemoth of more than five meters is also a very rare big guy in this giant race.

"This road is blocked! You can't pass!" The giant roared.

His voice was not particularly loud, but it condensed into a storm-like roar in the air.

The Star Knights who were advancing with the Emblem Machine stopped, as if they were really stunned by the roar of the storm roared by the giant.

It can be regarded as a very powerful word spirit. Although the sound and light effects are not gorgeous, and there is no direct physical damage and magic damage effect, it has a strong deterrent power to the spirit.

He also held an ion cannon used for tanks in one hand and a battle axe as big as a windmill in the other hand. There were dragon patterns on the armor, which showed that he was the private soldier of some electoral king, or even the emperor himself.

But then, Yu Lian soon saw the flashing seven-pointed star symbol on the giant's breastplate.

"Oh, a slave? Wearing armor, but using dragon patterns and alchemical weapons? And a psyker?"

I understand. Before the 4th century of the Common Era, before the military reform of Emperor Ivenya. After the empress ascended the throne, there would be no more slaves in the regular army of the empire.

Of course, even in Yu Lian's era, the imperial army also had the so-called auxiliary cannon fodder corps composed of slave soldiers, but those were not regular army formations and did not receive a penny of military pay from the Grand Marshal's Office. Strictly speaking, they were "consumables" rented by the Grand Marshal's Office from the lords and nobles.

In addition, after Emperor Ivenya, all psykers of the alien races were also liberated and changed from slaves to lords.

And now, this giant still has the mark of a slave. He should be the most trusted slave guard of a dragon king, and he must have received the courtesy that was in line with his status as a psychic. He might have lived a more comfortable life than many nobles, but in terms of status, it was still just property.

...Well, before the reform of Emperor Ivenya? Burning? Was he crazy?

Yu Lian was almost sure which period of history it was. Coincidentally, he was really curious about this period.

He quickly looked up, and sure enough, he saw a transparent dome on the roof 100 meters high, and of course there were flickering stars outside the dome.

Either in the space city or on the Titan. The Empire likes to build gardens on large warships, but this kind of place with a strong palace flavor is more like a royal garden than a dome garden. As you can imagine,

Sure enough, the troll roared again: "How dare you use weapons here! You are committing treason! By order of His Majesty the Emperor, lay down your weapons! While everything is not irreversible! Lay down your weapons!"

Well, this troll looks like a highly educated person. Yu Lian thought that at least he should have received a lot of professional court education, and at least the lines in this regard were well-spoken.

"Make way! Mang Xi! You know what is happening there! You shouldn't stop us!" The female knight shouted angrily.

The giant psychic's face showed hesitation and hesitation. He sighed heavily and gritted his teeth and said, "But I also have an oath that I must uphold! My mission is to stop you!"

Yu Lian shrugged, thinking that this giant gentleman should be considered a man. So, he immediately showed his light spear and threw it out.

This move is of course "Long Night Meteor", a killing move that only appeared in the era of Emperor Elisel in later generations.

The head of the giant warrior named Mang Xi evaporated directly with a sudden burst of red light. His huge and majestic body, like a mountain, lay straight on the ground, and his nerves that had not yet stopped responding were still moving, and he twitched uncontrollably, as if he had been connected to high voltage electricity.

For a loyal psychic warrior, this is really not a decent way to die.

This giant Liger probably didn't expect that the star knight on the opposite side would be so unethical, so he didn't make any defensive moves at all. But in fact, not only him, but also the other knights didn't expect such a development.

Everyone was silent for a few seconds, and when the atmosphere was a little solemn and funny, the leading conspirator-type young man raised his lance with a flag and shouted: "Forward! Everyone, keep moving forward! Protect our highness!"

The knights shouted and continued to move forward, and the plot continued to move forward.

Yu Lian was a little disappointed. He thought that these unnatural actions of his could constitute unplanned changes in the "plot", so that he could gain more clues to the strategy.

So, is my behavior not unnatural enough? Or does this historical fragment have some kind of wonderful correction power? So, should I observe carefully step by step, or make more noise?

Yu Lian has decided to use "historical fragments" to describe the world he is in now.

As he thought, he followed the team with his weapon in hand, charging towards the center of the garden. He even felt the endless flow of physical and spiritual power in his body, which was the aura ability that his comrades had activated to buff everyone.

Indeed, in terms of aura alone, the Empire's Star Knights are the experts.

The intercepting enemies kept rushing in from all directions, but with the addition of this power, everyone continued to charge forward and was invincible.

Even Yu Lian, who fell behind the team, personally killed two-digit armored grenadiers and two Star Knights who also wore emblem machines. He felt that, purely from the perspective of combat, the intensity was no different from actual combat.

To be honest, for the practice of psychics, it can indeed be regarded as a "high-quality copy". Of course, for him, a practical saint, it was a bit too simple.

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