Him and their stars

Chapter 1605: The journey of soul fusion in this world

"You must remember that we are standing opposite Her Highness Iwenya. If she really ascends the throne one day, what will you do?" Grand Duchess Inota said again.

"Yes... our supreme, the supreme sitting in that position is always the Dragon King, and we are just a flock of sheep. Look at the family emblems around, how many of the old relatives from the founding of the country are left? But the flock of sheep can't always be eaten!" Grand Duke Senqin said naggingly.

Grand Duchess Inota glanced at him with a strange expression.

Many smarter nobles present also felt that this old guy was a bit suspected of Alzheimer's. Talking like a complaining woman is very demoralizing, and it is clearly expressing dissatisfaction with the previous emperors.

If someone really wants to hear it out of context, then the noble coalition army is not fighting for the "glorious tradition", but is clearly preparing to take advantage of the chaos in the world to rebel against the Dawn Royal Family.

...Wait, this old guy doesn't really have this plan, right?

In this way, the nobles of the clans who made up the "thief army" finally managed to raise their morale a little bit under the encouragement of various bigwigs. The leadership of the thief army felt that although everyone had their own ulterior motives, as long as they launched an attack, everything would be fine.

On January 20, 287, the fleets of both sides lined up in the vast Luyuan galaxy in the Polar Frontier Star Region, and a war that determined the fate of the Galactic Empire began.

It must be admitted that these imperial nobles with abundant martial virtues, although corrupt and reactionary, are not discounted in terms of ability. At least there is no problem in the military aspect.

They know that they have an advantage in numbers, but their morale is at a disadvantage. In this case, the best way is to make good use of the advantage in manpower and build a strong camp to fight a stupid battle.

This is really a tactic that will never be outdated in every era!

On January 25, 287, the war continued, burning from the starry sky to the surface of the planet, but the thief army with the advantage could never gain an advantage. Even on this day, the flagship of the noble coalition army was hit by artillery fire, causing the main fleet deployed in the center to begin to loosen.

This gap was seized by Brunhild, who immediately launched a fierce attack, causing huge casualties to the "bandit army". If the troops in hand were not really limited, it might be possible to win the battle.

On January 27, 287, the flagship of Princess "Ivenya" was successfully boarded by the noble commandos of the bandit army. Citizens and minor nobles, psychics from various ethnic groups, and the noble children of the great nobles fought fiercely. After paying a heavy price, they finally succeeded in repelling the other side.

These "lower-class" children actually lack high-quality mystical inheritance, and their hard power is indeed a huge gap compared to the star knights composed of the noble children. However, they crossed this gap with blood and courage.

On the Titan ship Resnat the Great, more than 300 psychics from all over the world died in the aisles, hangars and even the outer layer of the armor plate. This includes the two Kiyan warriors who just killed Marquis Ludan in the Battle of the Bore System.

They killed less than one-third of their own casualties, but successfully repelled the enemy. At this moment, among the corpses of both sides, even in the field of mysticism, the poor children and the inhuman second-class races have completed the disenchantment of the aristocratic masters.

Today, the foundation of the Star Knights is about to change.

On January 30, 287, the combined fleet of the bandit army also took out the last reserve. Grand Duke Senqin told everyone that His Royal Highness King Reitz of Slein, who had been neutral in the civil war, was also leading a part of the fresh troops. They will definitely arrive at the battlefield within a week. As long as everyone holds on, victory is in sight.

On February 1, 287, it was not King Slein's fleet that arrived at the battlefield, but the Terra Cluster that rushed day and night from the Earth, led by "Grand Duke Terra" himself.

At this moment, the noble coalition army was completely in despair.

However, before Yu Lian led the fleet to launch a surprise attack on the bandit army, Grand Duchess Hideya of Inota had already responded. She told everyone: "The righteousness lies in the glorious immortal dragon", and then launched a righteous backstab against the brothers of the same class.

That night, during the interval of the battle, Yu Lian boarded the Resnat on a transport boat, and the two met again after half a year. It was obviously in the virtual world, but inexplicably there was a taste of a short separation better than a newlywed.

So, in front of the eyes of the three armies, Princess "Ywenya" hugged "her god of war" tightly and kissed naturally.

The soldiers of the three armies cheered loudly. They all felt that a great and prosperous era of co-governance was about to come, which would be the greatest era in the history of the Galactic Empire.

"Are you too excited?" Afterwards, Yu Lian couldn't help asking.

"You have to understand them. I was besieged by enemies twice as many as me for a week, and I was in a state of panic. When I saw my beloved arrive on a colorful cloud, I would be moved and unable to control my emotions."

You would be panicking. People like you, even if you were really besieged by enemies ten times as many as you, would only feel that there were too many enemies and it would be a pleasure to fire without even aiming!

Perhaps seeing Yu Lian's expression, Brunhilde chuckled: "Okay, okay, I'm just looking for an excuse to make a move, but this is also to make you accept it naturally. Again, Lian Qing, we have to play our roles well! Our close relationship is directly related to the stability and development of the Galactic Empire!"

"Thank you for your consideration. In addition, what's the matter with portraying yourself as a big sister who guides everything?"

"Don't care about these unromantic details, enjoy everything we have now."

If we really want to talk about enjoyment, Yu Lian feels that he still has the obligation to play the promising role of military commander. Again, the feeling of leading the Imperial Army to beat the Imperial Army is indeed too addictive.

So, after a brief meeting, he returned to his flagship and presided over the subsequent counterattack.

On February 2, 287, the pirate fleet fell into an uncontrollable total collapse under the siege on three sides. They fought with the "Ivenya" fleet for more than a week. Although they lost more than they won, they always maintained a stable front and even a positive momentum of moving forward. But once they were forced to come by the enemy's fresh forces, it took less than half a day to go from defeat to collapse.

At 11:24 noon on February 2, Grand Duke Senqin's flagship was captured by the peasants. He wanted to sink with the ship, but even this order was rejected by those around him. In despair, the leader of the aristocratic family chose to commit suicide by taking poison in an extremely undignified way.

"If he had shot himself, I would have looked up to him a little more." Brunhilde sneered.

"Come to think of it, there is no Grand Duke Senqin in our time, right?"

"This generation of Grand Duke Senqin, Enolic, has never taken sides in the civil war in real history. After Her Majesty Ivenya ascended the throne, he naturally chose to recognize him and joined the Privy Council. He did not have much presence in the entire Flowery Era. His family also continued until the 7th century of the Common Calendar."

"... Wasn't it dealt with by the current Majesty?"

"The main family has died out. Grandfather let the three branches become new earl families, which is very fair." Brunhilde said.

Oh, extension of favor? Isn't this thing too fragmented?

"However, how could that woman Inota turn against us? If she doesn't, I can kill her all together! But now, I have to treat her as a hero and thank her? Tsk, but Lian Qing, if you hadn't arrived first, she would never have turned against us."

"Some things don't need to be thought about too much. Facts have proved that she did play a key role in the Battle of Luyuan, and it's good to set her up as a role model. Let's call her the God of War of Luyuan in the future."

"Although I'm not a person without a sense of humor, dear, you shouldn't be serious, right? You should be mocking her, right?"

"I'm seriously thinking that she should be given this title in a sarcastic way. This will show that you are clear about rewards and punishments. Since you are not going to give up the Void Crown, and you can't completely give up the aristocracy, you have to have a role model. Supporting this kind of backstabbing villain can also attract the hatred of the entire empire. She can only follow you closely in the future, and she has to rush to do all the dirty work, tiring work, and wet work. Wouldn't she become the best tool person?" Yu Lian said.

Brunhilt kept a straight face and said nothing, but nodded in agreement.

"Anyway, it's already perfect to wipe out more than a hundred lords at once. Their territories and property are enough for you to share with ordinary citizens and strengthen your base."

Brunhilt continued to nod with a straight face, and then laughed out loud: "Lian Qing, have you noticed that your way of being a king seems to be getting more and more sophisticated."

Yu Lian thought that this was a way of being a king in a teapot. As a middle school student in the previous life, as long as you didn't sleep through the political and history classes, as long as you had a little more understanding than a paramecium, you would always have some basics.

"Well, since you're here, I can relax a little. Let's talk about what we should do next?" Brunhilt looked like I was ready to rule the country, and even licked her tongue, like a little female dragon who was really ready to go back to the pile of gold coins to sleep.

"Organize the troops and prepare to move forward. The time to march into the Sky Realm is ripe. However, it is completely unnecessary to attack those fortresses with circles within circles."

"No, I mean before that."

"Have a good meal? I want to eat the soup pot of crystal deer tendons from Luyuan Star with twelve kinds of wild mushrooms. I have been running day and night across most of the empire, and I am very tired."

"I mean after eating." Brunhilt said with her hands on her hips.

"Well, take a good nap? In order to catch up with this battle, I even played the role of the navigator of the entire army for a while, and I didn't have a chance to sleep well."

"Hehe, this is what you said." Brunhilt blushed, but her eyes lit up.

"...Why are you blushing?"

"Lian Qing, Lian Qing, you really don't know anything. Or are you pretending not to know?"

So, that night, when Yu Lian and Brunhilt slept together like newborn babies, it seemed natural. After all, in this completely real world, they have been fighting side by side for three years.

Come to think of it, the real time since I started my third life seems to be about this long, right?

Oh my god? Has the time I have spent with Brunhilde gradually surpassed that of Feifei and Yani?

"Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Again, in the final analysis, this is a very long game. Let's just enjoy the game."

"You said it very casually, but you are the one who is shaking."

"But, I am the one who took the initiative. Hehehe, in this world, I finally don't have to smell the smell of owls and foxes on you, dear, I want all of you!"

"So, if you are nervous and have goose bumps, don't pretend to be an experienced driver here."

"My body is nervous. But, dear Lian Qing, my knight, my god of war, your soul is nervous. You are still afraid! But why are you afraid? Don't forget, what is the purpose of this world?"

In this world, you can't be afraid.

So, under the witness of the stars and the fragrant breath, the human soul has been intoxicated.

But, the Dragon God swelled on the stage of time and raised his majestic figure. It gazed at the holy white and towering peaks, watching them dancing in the friction of the world's will. The Dragon God spread his wings and flew into the sky with the support of the sun and the moon. The Dragon God of Time broke through the corridor of space, crossed the rippling Tianhe, and entered the warm universe on the other side.

In the swaying starry sky, the Dragon God exhaled silently, and the holy white flame fell into the stars.

In the warm universe, the seeds of life are taking root and sprouting.

On February 3, 287, Yu Lian led the fleet to leave the Luyuan galaxy and arrived at the Bolei galaxy where the outpost had occurred before at 19:00 on February 5.

At this time, King Slein's fleet had arrived in this galaxy for more than 30 hours, and had been standing still and hesitating, only doing some humanitarian work such as treating the wounded and gathering the defeated soldiers. The three rounds of artillery fire suddenly launched by Yu Lian's fleet strengthened his confidence-he fired white flares without hesitation.

This is also the first elected emperor to surrender to Princess "Ivenya".

"In fact, you should have killed him as well. In this way, our second child will have the throne." Brunhilde said.

"This is too much. It is not a good way to maintain the base." Yu Lian said: "Although the commoners, small nobles and aliens are the ones who sent you to the throne, when you wear the Void Crown, they will not be your base. As an emperor, your base is naturally noble lords and royal family members. Because of this, you must be more cautious when eating."

"Okay, okay, you always make sense, I listen to you... Anyway, when it comes to prey, there are also the two in the Sky Realm." Brunhilde should be referring to King Tamir and King Shazamen in the Sky Realm. These two were the first to issue a manifesto to spit vulgar words at "Ivenya", even earlier than the "thief army" of the nobles. Their fate has been predetermined.

Brunhilde touched her belly again, her smile was a combination of the sweetness of a girl in love and the radiance of motherhood, beautiful and somewhat dreamy. Unfortunately, what she was talking about was not a very dreamy topic: "Dear, do you really not realize that your way of being a king is moving towards perfection?"

Yu Lian really couldn't tell whether it was perfect or not, but he was indeed thinking about the problem from another dimension.

However, now he felt that he was happy. He was welcoming his own offspring, and he was about to rule the oldest empire in the galaxy. His followers and people all worshipped him, respected him, and regarded him as a god.

Now, he was also fascinated by the feeling of discussing the world's major affairs with Brunhilde in the quilt. He felt that this was the style of a real great devil, much more stylish than those so-called great devils sitting in the temple and the throne.

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