Him and their stars

Chapter 1606 Falling is like free fall

On April 30, 287, Princess "Iwenya" announced that she was pregnant and returned to the palace on Luyuan Star to recuperate.

Representatives of alien races from all over the universe cheered and decided to build an orbital space city that integrates the styles of various races in a certain star system on the main transportation route from the Polar Frontier Star Region to the heart of the empire to celebrate the birthday of the little prince or princess who was about to be born.

Princess "Iwenya" was very pleased and renamed the star system where the palace was located to "Young Dragon Star System", and the space palace that had not yet been built was named "Palace of All Nations".

Yu Lian thought that this meant that all nations came to pay tribute, but Brunhild insisted that it was a common prosperity for all nations.

On May 10, 287, Earl Salwen, a famous medical scientist who made great contributions to the great cause of Her Royal Highness, also arrived in Luyuan. He announced to the entire galaxy that "Her Royal Highness Iwenya" was pregnant with a pair of healthy and lively twins with natural spiritual talents.

So, in the nebula they ruled, the people spontaneously started a three-day celebration.

Yu Lian really didn't understand what was so good about this. Princess "Ivenya" had a favor for you, but it didn't mean that his son would really ascend the throne, nor did it mean that the successor to the throne would be her offspring. Even the emperor selection process is not needed, isn't this a historical reversal?

If it continues to develop in this way, even the corrupt and anti-civilized Tirilo slave owners can mock me for being too feudal?

This is the real reversal of Tiangang!

On May 20, 287, Yu Lian bid farewell to his happy nest, and as the Imperial Marshal and Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Space Fleet, he led a huge fleet and pressed towards the direction of the Heavenly Domain.

In theory, the position of Commander-in-Chief of the Galactic Empire Space Fleet is concurrently held by the Emperor of the Empire, but we all know that Her Highness Brunhilde can always come up with something new. When she handed this position to Yu Lian, of course there were people who opposed it, and some even pretended to die.

Then, he really died.

The reason for his death was not because he said something that the leader didn't like to hear, but because he secretly colluded with his disloyal intentions, which was outrageous to both humans and gods. Brunhild said that he was a fair ruler and never did the trick of killing without teaching.

Of course, after two months of hard work, the remnants left by the noble coalition army were completely swallowed up. Now, Princess "Iwenya", the regicide, has become the most powerful party in the civil war. Her control over the army and various princes has far exceeded that of Boro III. She really does what she wants now, including executing a high-ranking noble who speaks badly.

However, as I said, Princess Iwenya really doesn't do the trick of killing without teaching.

In short, wherever Yu Lian's fleet goes, the people are indeed welcoming it wholeheartedly. Whether it is a noble family with a long history or a powerful psychic, they are all prostrating themselves to his Golden Dragon King Flag.

On June 13, 287, when Yu Lian arrived at the Tianwan Star Region where the Royal Knight Academy and the Knights’ headquarters were located, the contemporary Grand Master of the Star Realm Knights, Duke Corsella, also knelt on one knee to pay homage to Yu Lian.

Following him, five of the eight Grand Knights, twelve of the twenty flag bearers, and four hundred and eighty of the six hundred and twenty regular knights knelt together. As for the more junior knights and trainee knights, they were not even qualified to approach this door and could only stand in the square outside the door, standing like statues or ants.

However, the ceremony of more than five hundred psychics, including demigods and saints, swearing to surrender to him was a grand scene that could shock the entire universe.

At this moment, Yu Lian felt that his life had reached its peak.

As for the Heaven Realm, King Tamir, King Slein, and the elders of the Senate, who had already been killing each other, were actually willing to unite to deal with Yu Lian’s army.

However, everyone knows that this is just shivering in fear for warmth. At present, the only thing that can slightly trouble Yu Lian's army is the fortress group built by successive kings, which surrounds the imperial capital.

"Your Highness the Regent!" Some people have already called him so.

"The Regent should behave like a Regent. Your Highness, you represent the Galactic Empire." Duke Belleros, Grand Duchess Inota and even King Slein all advised him sincerely.

"Indeed, a true king must have not only loyal barbarian guards around him, but also a knight group of noble children. This is the pomp of the ruler." General Moshan and General Kenon also think so.

"They are barbarians, what about you?" Yu Lian asked.

"We? Hahaha, Your Highness, I am also an earl! It was you who persuaded Your Highness Ivenya to give me my hometown, Wall Star." General Moshan said.

"I am also the Marquis of Gumeya. Although I cannot have a planetary territory, the Gumeyans have left the blockade and can migrate and work freely. They also have their own autonomous space city. This is all thanks to you. Your Highness, I really hope that you and Your Highness Ivenya will live long and your rule will last for thousands of years." General Kenon said.

"Do you think so too?" Yu Lian asked Captain Barbateus again.

The simple, kind and strong Lumina warrior said sheepishly: "Barbarians are barbarians. I really can't be a noble man. Her Highness the Princess said that after the war is over, let me become a guard of the Imperial City or something, and then I will You can be promoted to police chief or something like that. But you can't do this for such a big shot. However, you didn't treat us as barbarians and brought us into civilization. You also eliminated all the former Lumina bosses. That’s enough, that’s enough.”

Barbatus couldn't speak, but Yu Lian understood what he meant. These Rumina warriors were willing to leave their homes and fight for themselves out of gratitude to themselves. If it's not for power and position, there won't be any competition for favor.

Yu Lian couldn't help but sigh. And a decree was passed here, confirming the autonomy of Lumina Star. Theoretically, this planet belongs to him as the regent's private fief, and neither the Heraldry House, the Prime Minister's Office nor the Privy Council has the right to interfere. The planet itself, including the factories and farms being built, belongs to all Rumina people.

"Barbatus, when all is said and done, go back to being the planet leader of Lumina. Watch out for our experimental field."

"Understood! The little one should study hard."

"Yes, hurry up and study. At least get a degree. You have been my junior for a year, so you can't just regard yourself as an ordinary martial artist."

As a result, not long after, a new guard team was added to Yu Lian's side. They were all composed of the most elite young sons of the imperial nobles. The mechas were painted the same golden color as the sun. They call themselves the "Sun Guardians", and the "Barbarian Guards" composed of Tiantian and Lumina people are big-eyed and small-eyed.

Of course, at this time, the two units are still in healthy competition.

Due to Yu Lian's hard work, the Lumina warriors' lack of desire, and the fact that the current noble children have been beaten into submission, everyone even gets along pretty well.

The captain of the Sun Guards even frankly told Yu Lian that Barbats was the noblest and purest warrior he had ever seen, and he should have been born to belong to the Knights.

The guard captain was telling the truth, Yu Lian could tell. But he didn't care and even forgot the name of the guard captain.

However, since they are already the nameless but real regents of the empire, everyone seems to feel that this pomp is not enough.

As a result, a pair of sisters from Earl Dongmei's family, young girls named Serbelia and Alicia, were brought to Yu Lian's side. They are 21 and 18 years old respectively, with fourth- and third-level psychic abilities. They are considered to be talented psykers, and they are also disciples of Duke Corsella, the grand leader of the Astral Knights.

Before the start of the civil war, her sister Cerberia was a graduate of the Junior Military Academy of San Sero and spent a year at the University of the Palace of Wisdom. My younger sister is about to graduate from Mingdai Girls' Public School, and she was still the student council president before taking a break from school.

Even if they put aside their extraordinary abilities and families, they are still top talents with both talent and appearance. Of course, it may be their extraordinary strength and family that made them successful.

Duke Corsella said that His Royal Highness the Regent bears the hope of the Galactic Empire and even the entire universe and must be cautious. You need a considerate person who can serve you tea and water, and you need a government and military secretary who is always on call. When necessary, it should also be transformed into a shield and a sword.

In this case, the two sisters from Earl Dongmei's family are the best candidates.

"You are asking me to make a mistake!" Yu Lian was speechless for a moment as he looked at the pair of sisters with long silver-white hair and rose-red eyes, one aloof and the other a healing girl.

The grand leader of the Astral Knights is obviously a demigod, but he is actually such a secular type! Yu Lian felt that it was still a bit difficult to accept.

Although the grand leader of his time, Duke Sartolan, was a crazy critic, he was still a hard-core crazy critic after all!

However, although I agree more with that crazy critic, it turns out that this secular type is easier to deal with.

"Your Excellency, Grand Leader, you don't have any thoughts on our relationship as husband and wife, so you are ready to add a little challenge to me?" Yu Lian said with a smile.

"This, this, Your Highness, you are so witty." The grand leader of the Knights took out his handkerchief to wipe his sweat, and squeezed out an awkward and modest smile with even a hint of flattery: "I am really here for your safety and daily life. It’s convenient to consider. Moreover, you must also consider your dignity! Not only your safety, but also the honor of your trip is related to the stability of the empire.”

Of course, he, a demigod, couldn't really be frightened and sweating profusely by Yu Lian's words. However, in the field of office politics, the act of taking out a handkerchief to wipe sweat is a way of expressing submission. From this perspective, Duke Korsela is also well-trained.

...A demigod, a leader of the Astral Knights, well-trained in office politics, always felt like something was wrong. No wonder the Astral Knights had such no sense of existence during the Imperial Immortal Dragon Civil War in history.

"Over at Deer Park, my wife, our queen, and my child who is about to be born need more safety. Therefore, please send the two ladies of Earl Winter Rose to her side."

Although the grand leader was a little disappointed, it was naturally impossible for him to have any objections. In other words, he is a well-trained politician who knows very well that any objection to this matter is disrespectful to His Royal Highness the Regent. It would be very scary.

So, the two sisters who were both good at warming the bed, taking care of the housework and being secretaries set off for the deer park. However, when they left, Miss Serbelia, who was tall and cold and queen-like, who was most suitable for her XP, cast a sad look at Yu Lian.

At that moment, a cold and taciturn queen suddenly became a little more charming.

Yu Lian was amazed. He found that this virtual world really perfectly provided all the emotional values ​​and spiritual needs that a normal man needed!

If he relaxed his requirements a little, his fall would be much faster than a free fall.

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