Him and their stars

Chapter 226 Graduates

At 10 o'clock in the morning on July 20, 830, Yu Lian, wearing a pure white military uniform, was the third person to walk onto the stage after Feifei and Wayne.

At a glance, you can tell that this is the ceremony of conferring honors and titles upon graduation from the Central Defense University. Everyone knows this process, and of course there won't be any trouble.

Of course, at this time in the past, in most cases, the person attending this event would be the President, the titular Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. However, President Noxham, who had been around for a lifetime but got hard at the end, still had to pay a price for his passion.

In short, the Presidential Palace is currently in chaos. President Noxham and Vice President Merson are busy and have to escape, so they can only allow the representative of the Chairman of the Defense Council to attend.

It was clear that Chairman Nihita thoroughly enjoyed the occasion.

He performed a military salute and received the diploma from the smiling Chairman of the National Defense Committee Keith Nichta, as well as the gorgeous retro revolver in the box, also known as the legendary "Tiger Talisman".

Although he has already received the Silver Crown and Swords Medal, and it is confirmed that he will also receive the Navy Purple Ribbon Silver Star Medal due to his near-perfect rescue operation, but results are results, even with various bonus points, plus an A-level His final graduation score was still lower than Feifei and Horatio Wayne.

In any case, he finally made it into the legendary "Tiger Talisman Group". Even if he is not a psyker, even if he does not have such achievements, in the eyes of the world, his future in the army will skyrocket and he will never be able to control it again. .

In addition, and more importantly, he is really a psychic, and his record is really strong.

Ever since, a scene like this appeared on the scene. Principal Maxell then appeared with a strange smile and pinned a silver leaf-like badge on the collar badge of Yu Lian, the third person to take the stage. This is the sign of the rank of captain, which is one level higher than Feifei and Wayne who took the stage in front.

Yu Lian is also the only captain among the thousands of trainees graduating today.

According to regulations, students who graduate from the community's regular four-year military academies will automatically receive the rank of second lieutenant, but top students who rank in the top twenty will directly start from the rank of lieutenant.

In addition, even if this group of people does nothing, they should get their first promotion within half a year.

The so-called promotion is like riding on the "elite group" of the orbital helicopter, which can be seen from this.

Even so, Yu Lian didn't even have to go through the cutscenes for the past six months. In this stupid idealistic universe where everyone worships supernatural powers so much, psykers just take advantage.

"You are already in the second ring! According to the rules, you should have obtained the rank of major... However, after all, there are some procedures to go through. I hope you can understand. Don't worry, this silver statue tree can be replaced in half a year at most. Anchor!" Nishita patted Yu Lian's shoulder enthusiastically, as if "Young man, I really think highly of you." Even when he communicated with Wayne just now, he just shook hands.

Yu Lian was very satisfied. The only thing I was dissatisfied with was that the smile on the Chairman's face was so bright that it made Yu Lian shiver. He finally restrained himself from taking out the Tiger Talisman and blowing the opponent's head off with a shot.

"Don't worry, I've already approved the psyker's treatment. Captain, you can get the first batch of allowances this month! Haha, it's much higher than my allowance." The Chairman of the National Defense Committee winked again.

Yu Lian also showed a bright smile and decided not to blow the Chairman's head (for now).

Then, amid everyone's applause, His Excellency the Chairman began his speech. This is also the process of a routine. In fact, if no important person says something about this kind of ceremony, no one knows how it should end naturally.

"Anyway, in the past six months, we have experienced too many sudden tests, the covetousness of enemies, the suppression of powerful forces, and even some internal problems. However, we and the students here have still opened up a new path The way forward. I believe that the teachings of Marshal Victory Lee have always been engraved in your bones and engraved in the innate qualities of the children of Blue Star, making us invincible.

"You are the most outstanding young people in the community, and you care about the people of the motherland. After leaving the academy, you still represent a community that has gone through ups and downs and is full of ambition. Your mission is not only to protect the homeland and the country, but also to uphold justice. At least, in In events that have ended previously, some of you have become heroes and have upheld their oaths. As the highest military and political commander, I have full confidence in you. May the spirit of the universe bless you, bless the people you will protect, bless you. The motherland that we are determined to defend!”

Yu Lian, standing on Feifei's right side, stared intently, waiting for the end of the chairman's speech.

He now has a surreal feeling of time interlacing, and also feels a little guilty. In his memory, this year's Hufu Group should be completely monopolized by future famous generals of the 830 Party. But because there were more of me and Feifei, Chester Kent and Deng Zhengqing were squeezed out. Feifei even took the top spot from Wayne, and she was the one who just took the stage to speak as a student representative.

Anyway, they are all in the top ten. After all, the rank of lieutenant they obtained without delaying graduation should not affect their future too much, right? You know, counting the total results, they would have been able to win the first place in any previous year.

This is really not because their abilities are not good, but because their opponents are simply too strong.

However, this is strange. Feifei's grades are so good, why didn't she enter the Tiger Talisman group in her previous life?

At this time, Keith Nichta, Chairman of the National Defense Committee, ended his speech amidst the applause of the crowd.

This was not an extraordinary speech. Both the content and slogans were very routine, but Mr. Chairman was indeed an excellent speaker. After half an hour of speaking, he did not make anyone impatient.

Of course, there are still some exciting things in it. For example, the Chairman used the word "pillars" several times to describe the graduating students, but only used the word "heroes" to describe the participants in the exercise. For another example, the chairman of the committee mentioned Yu Lian's name alone, which made people even more imaginative.

Everyone started clapping and cheering, just like all the students leaving the college. No one can be sure about the future, but it does not delay their choices now.

At this time, the school officials no longer came out to make annoying remarks about paying attention to military appearance and dignity. The teaching staff all showed aunty smiles and almost joined the crowd of people shouting wildly. Regardless of whether their expressions are real, at least their attitudes are.

Even Colonel Franz (who had just been promoted) raised the corners of his mouth slightly. You know, this fierce uncle has just been the dean of students for less than half a year, and he has been nicknamed "The Night God". Ordinary students think that he is an iron man who has no blood or tears.

After the graduation ceremony, the students gathered in groups and prepared to find a place to celebrate by themselves. They will move out completely within three days and vacate their dormitories. Young people also vaguely know that they will go their separate ways in the future, there will be fewer and fewer opportunities to meet in the future, and their relationship will become less and less pure.

In this case, it is better to enjoy the purest and last years of youth.

Yu Lian checked the time and was about to leave when he saw Luo Zeshi coming up to him: "We are going to have a party at the Lion Building, will you come too? Well, no, you must come!"

Before Yu Lian could say anything, the other party smiled again: "After all, you are the number one in our class. If you don't come, everyone will have no backbone even if they celebrate."

Yu Lian looked at Wayne, who was talking to others in the distance, and lowered his voice: "You betrayed Brother Wayne so quickly?"

"Betrayal? How do you say that?" Luo Zeshi was slightly startled, and then he laughed dumbly. He shook his head, then smiled like a mature adult and said in a preaching tone: "Okay, we have graduated and are adults now. It's time to end your rivalry game! Okay, it's decided. Starting at six o'clock in the evening, you can bring female companions, hehe~~~ girls from outside the school are also allowed. Of course, we will also invite Miss Li."

The future chief steward of the 830 Party immediately arranged Yu Lian's time at night.

Fortunately, there is still some time before six o'clock.

Thinking of this, Yu Lian and Feifei said a simple hello, and after the latter reminded him to pay attention to the time, he quickly left.

He left the academy and, as agreed in advance, came to a secluded tavern in the lunar city.

Wang Jingyang had already arrived and was waiting for him in the booth at the end of the tavern.

He is no longer wearing the general uniform that really doesn't suit him very well. He is wearing very ordinary casual clothes, which is not much different from all senior social animals who are in the middle-aged crisis stage.

However, considering the several large beer bars on his table and the silly smile on his face, he looked more like a senior unemployed person doing nothing.

Yu Lian felt that this state might be more suitable for him.

Okay, let’s play with two updates today.

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