Him and their stars

Chapter 227 The subsequent truth

Wang Jingyang, the Sixth Ring Psychic Master, already a "saint" in the eyes of the world, had just poured half a glass of beer into his stomach in one go, and then let out a contented sigh.

He picked up a small piece of sausage that went well with wine from the tray on the table, dipped it in some fragrant chili noodles, and was about to taste it happily, when he realized that there was another person at the booth.

"Here, sit down, sit down. Xiao Yulian, let me tell you, the dark beer in this store is really good! Special Bavarian! The sausages here are also really good, special Munich!"

Yu Lian felt that Uncle Wang must have never drunk authentic Bavarian dark beer, and the Munich sausage dipped in pepper must be something wrong, but he was not prepared to expose him.

Now, Wang Jingyang is no longer wearing the uniform of the general of the internal security force that really doesn't suit him very well. He is dressed in a very ordinary outfit, not much different from all senior social animals who are in the middle-aged crisis stage.

However, considering the several large beer glasses on his table and the heartless smirk on his face, he looked more like a senior unemployed person doing nothing.

Yu Lian felt that this state might be more suitable for him.

It's just before noon, so of course there aren't many people in the hotel. However, Yu Lian still glanced around and confirmed the current situation.

"The owner of this store is my friend." Wang Jingyang said with a smile: "Let's talk safely, no one will eavesdrop. After all, I am also a saint of the sixth ring. Can't I find out if someone eavesdrops?"

Yu Lian narrowed his eyes and really didn't understand who gave him such courage.

Wang Jingyang also reacted, blushing and said: "Controlling the mind cannot be regarded as hostility. Controlling...controlling the mind is a matter of the manipulator behind it, and it is also relayed through slugs. How could I have thought of it? There are also robots, robots It’s not a living thing, so why is it hostile?”

Yes, Wang Jingyang's hostile perception field spread to the entire ship, and the hostile intentions of any creature could not be hidden from his perception. Even a master like Brigadier General Morey can only suppress his true intentions and emotions deep in the sea of ​​consciousness, and dare not even move a slightly hostile thought, let alone take action.

Ever since, in order to break through Wang Jingyang's perception of hostility, Morey's approach was quite extreme. He allowed others to control his mind, and when he acted, he completely let go of control of his body, allowing the mind controller's will to control his body.

In this way, his body is no longer controlled by his own will, but is just a tool. Of course, there is no perceptible hostility.

I have to say that Brigadier General Morey, who was dead with no bones left, was really cruel. Once you let go of your soul and allow other people's will to enter your body, it is really possible to completely turn yourself into a puppet.

For General Schwartz, he was able to do this, and I didn't know whether to sigh or be shocked.

"What a shame!" Wang Jingyang sighed with emotion.

"Yeah, so the love brain is not trustworthy."

Wang Jingyang always felt that Yu Lian was mocking him, but there was really no evidence.

At this time, Yu Lian said again: "Actually, even if you don't use such an extreme method, there are several ways to avoid the judgment of hostile perception. For example, it is said that the Void Spirit Temple has this kind of spirit control The method, while fighting until the sky is dark and making deadly moves, is still smiling sweetly."

Of course, this spirit control method called "Void Will" is one of the top secret techniques of the Void Spirit Temple, and it is not taught to outsiders.

"If I really encounter a master who knows the will of the void, I will consider myself unlucky."

"There are actually simpler ways. For example, find a controlled person with a bomb... Yes, the hostility perception field can certainly detect the will of evil thoughts, and controlling the mind is also one of them. It can be avoided There are many methods of this kind of monitoring. For example, the enemy used parasitic protozoa as a relay for mind control... Aren't you fooled?"

"Hmm... I thought it was because Morey was too tired recently and didn't have time to take care of himself. He had lice in his hair and beard."

"Yes, the life fluctuations of parasitic protozoa are similar to those of mites. It is indeed easy to be ignored." Yu Lian shrugged and said: "However, people can not control their minds and just brainwash them! Anyway, after brainwashing, Once your spiritual derivatives are taken back, there will be no hostility."

Wang Jingyang was sweating profusely after hearing this. He really wanted to ask why the other party was so proficient, but when it came to his mouth, he said: "Xiao, Xiao Yulian, why didn't you remind me?"

"How did I know you would use this method to take control? Who gave you the courage to think that the field of hostile perception is foolproof?"

"This is all what Morey said!"

Oh, isn't this back to the starting point?

Of course, Yu Lian didn't blame Uncle Wang very much. In terms of security, if you want to be foolproof (relatively) in mysticism, in addition to the field of hostile perception, you must at least open the field of spiritual purification, microscopic energy visitation, etc. But in this case, the number of high-ranking psykers who need to be dispatched is no longer one or two.

In comparison, it is better to put more effort into using scientific methods.

At least Yu Lian's experience in his previous life has proven this.

He did take the head of the Imperial Prime Minister at the scene where several psykers were stationed; however, when he was about to assassinate a certain Alliance Navy Minister, he found that there were all kinds of people who were three steps away from the opponent. Under the defensive measures of advanced monitoring facilities, they had no choice but to resort to the hooded Assassin flow stealth method.

"The teacher said that I did rely too much on my extraordinary abilities, but I have always lacked imagination... Sure enough, my practice is still insufficient!" Wang Jingyang shook his head.

You do have a problem with lack of imagination, but in fact this is not a big problem. According to the martial arts world view, you are the kind of white Tao master who practices the authentic Xuanmen. You have no weaknesses, but it is difficult to kill monsters by leapfrogging levels. Now you are still prone to some evil tricks, but once the day comes when you really achieve great success in Xuan Gong, you will really be able to overcome the evil spirits.

At least in future generations, both your actual combat performance and teaching achievements will be enough to determine your historical status.

"The teacher said that I was too hasty in choosing to enter the officialdom at this time. It is very likely that I will suffer a big loss!" He giggled and shook his head: "Oh, he was right again."

Yu Lian pondered for a moment and whispered: "So, are you sure you want to resign?"

"I am the commander of the Blue Guard, and I am also the official security officer for this celebration! If something like this happens, my deputy becomes a terrorist and a traitor. Even if the central government wants to retain him, there will be no guarantee that he will be retained. Why should I stay here with dignity? I have already submitted my application for resignation and retirement, and Marshal Aylwin has also agreed." Wang Jingyang said.

Seeing that Yu Lian's expression was not very good, he smiled again and said: "Actually, it's okay to resign. I'm just a psychic who has been practicing mysticism for most of my life. I don't understand the world, and I don't have any knowledge of leadership and management. . So, Xiao Yulian, my uncle decided to go to college and get to know the real world! The teacher also agreed with me and said that this is the real practice of joining the world. "


"Well, don't look at me like this, but I actually have a high school degree. Hahahaha!"

What's so proud about this?

"However, I still don't quite understand what I want to learn."

"Two directions. Law, and mathematics. The former suits your path and allows you to understand society. The latter will allow you to really understand imagination." Yu Lian said casually.

Uncle Wang was startled for a moment, thought for a moment, and then nodded with enlightenment: "I will think about it carefully."

You really thought about it! Yu Lian suddenly felt a little guilty and quickly changed the subject: "What should the Community Guard do next?"

"Don't worry. Now that our psychic force has been established, it will definitely be implemented according to the old plan. The new commander will take office next week."


"It seems to be Major General Azisha Mallowan, who seems to be quite famous in the scientific community..."

"Isn't that an archaeologist?"

"Yes! Do you know her?"

The changes in the historical line are so naughty. Yu Lian really couldn't decide whether this appointment was right or wrong. He just felt it was strange, so strange that he didn't even know what expression he should make.

Anyway, at least it shouldn't be a particularly bad appointment.

"Okay, let's get down to business." Wang Jingyang took out a transparent special test tube. There is a protozoa soaking inside.

"I have asked Junior Brother Grant to check it. This thing is indeed a type of parasitic protozoa, but it is not any type we currently know. Junior Brother Grant is also very surprised!"

The full name of "Junior Brother Grant" in Uncle Wang's words is Sonny Grant. He is also a psychic master of the Sixth Ring. He is also a very capable alchemist and occult research expert.

Yu Lian really missed this old man who was a nerd in mystical science and technology. The grumpy but warm-hearted old man helped complete the magical modification of the atomic light spear in his previous life. Of course, he should still be just a hot-tempered middle-aged angry young man now.

All in all, he is a trustworthy senior.

"I checked it through spiritual communication and found some problems... Yu Lian, this thing actually has a memory. It is not an ordinary space slug."

Yu Lian was not surprised at all, but he still showed a surprised expression appropriately.

The space slug with the scientific name "parasite protozoa" does look a bit like a smaller slug, which is why it is called such a slug. More than three hundred years ago, this was a creature that caused considerable controversy, and even led the trend of certain evolutionary concepts for a long time.

Alliance archaeologists once dug out a well-preserved biological laboratory from the ruins of an ancient Enlightenment, and extracted cells from the remains in the culture facility, cultivating and restoring them. The creatures they got were space slugs.

These are small animals that look like slugs. They are actually very fragile. Any child can burn them and play with them. Their lifespan is also very short. Even in a constant-temperature sterile culture room, they can only survive for less than 24 hours. However, no one really thinks of them as simple molluscs.

Since it is a thing obtained from the ruins of the Enlightened One, even if it is a paramecium, it must be a paramecium full of evil spirit.

Later, after a long period of research, the alliance's scientific researchers determined that this slug could survive for a long time only if it attached to the brain stem or spine of a large mammal and shared its nutrients.

For mammals that are parasitized by space slugs, their nerve response speed, metabolism efficiency, and cell activity will be enhanced to a certain extent. These activated cells even include brain cells.

As for the side effects, it is said to reduce the hormone secretion of animals. But these days, even games are more fun than women, so there should be less such low-level fun.

In addition, some strong individuals of slugs can even become media for the storage and transfer of psychic energy. For psykers, it is equivalent to an extra blue bar and spell slot stored in the body.

It’s all beneficial without any harm!

Having said that, after all, this is parasitizing another animal at the vital points of the body of an intelligent creature. Ethical issues aside, who can guarantee that this thing is really harmless?

For this reason, the Alliance, and even the entire galaxy, had a large-scale discussion.

Those who agree believe that this is the source of the evolution of intelligent creatures. As long as you achieve symbiosis with these little slugs, you will be one step away from catching up with the enlightened predecessors and unlocking the truth of the universe.

Those who objected believed that this must be a conspiracy of subspace demons! Although they don't know what a subspace demon is or what the conspiracy is, they just want to oppose it.

In the process, a small number of slugs finally escaped from the laboratory, and were even regarded as some kind of weapons on the black (meow) road.

Black (meow) way, there are all kinds of weird things. There are many guys who control poisonous insects and beasts, and there are also weird ones who hide poison glands in their stomachs to hold acid tanks. Compared to that, what does it mean to have a bug on your back?

Alliance labs have even begun human trials. Of course, the test subjects are not humans, but various alien races in order to obtain alliance citizenship.

Although the Empire was a step slower, it also began to make preparations. Anyway, there is no shortage of second-class races in their territory.

If it weren't for a sudden epidemic, this slug might become a social trend that spreads throughout the universe.

In short, the epidemic known as slug flu broke out almost simultaneously across the galaxy. For ordinary people, this is just an ordinary flu, but for individuals infected with slugs, it is a fatal and terminal disease.

In just one year, more than 2 million people died. Well, double that if you count the slugs in your head.

Since then, research on space slugs in various countries has fallen into a semi-stagnant stage, with only occasional small-scale experiments on some common animals.

The conclusion was disappointing: slugs could not turn orangutans into ones that could speak human language.

However, in the public and current mainstream biological understanding, although space slugs have various magical functions, they are still just fragile molluscs.

Molluscs, on the other hand, cannot memorize information.

"If today's discovery is spread, the alliance's existing research will be completely overturned. It's incredible." Wang Jingyang said with emotion.

Because those born in the alliance laboratory are, in the final analysis, just unnatural copies. They couldn't reconstruct the brains of these little slugs!

Yu Lian thought.

"However, the information I observed is very confusing. There are unknown languages, very muddy images, and almost out-of-control psychic fluctuations. It cannot fully analyze a complete set of clues. The only clearer information is this Two already..."

As he spoke, he passed on two pictures.

It looked like a gloomy figure. Only the eyes could be seen clearly. They were a pair of dark green eyes that looked extremely deep.

The other one is a stone building in the mountains. It is large in scale, but its shape is very classical. It seems to be a product of the pre-industrial era.

"This is the architectural style of the Rumina people. However, this building does not exist in the database, which is very strange." Wang Jingyang said.

"The ancient omnic core you captured before has also been determined. It was Frank...it was captured by Morey from a group of Rumina and All Souls Cult terrorists in South America. Therefore, it has been basically determined above. The mastermind of this matter.”

"I understand." Yu Lian picked up the test tube and said with a smile, "You haven't reported the existence of this thing yet, have you?"

Wang Jingyang showed an honest smile: "In the underworld, space slugs are theoretically considered a type of weapon. Since you capture them, of course they are your trophies. At present, the only ones who know about their existence are me and Grant, as well as the teacher. ”

Uncle Wang is indeed an honest man, but anyone who thinks that honest people won't lie is really stupid.

"This is a discovery that can subvert the existing research on space slugs. If you report it like this, the credit will definitely be taken away by the people above. Xiao Yulian, you want to do some complete research yourself and then publish it yourself. Bar?"

Uh, what else are you studying? The past, present and future of these unlucky bugs have all been wiped out by the "Goddess of Wisdom" from the Alliance of Later Generations.

"I knew that a child as gifted as you would always have many ideals! A powerful psyker, an excellent conductor, a foresighted strategist, and now a talented scholar is no big deal. .”

...Well, this sounds like a system-flow protagonist!

"However, Xiao Yulian, you must pay attention to safety. In addition, don't think about implanting yourself! Even if you don't consider the slug flu, Qiluo and Lao Yu cannot be eliminated! Do you understand? You are still young! You must do it! Don’t give up on the future!”

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