Him and their stars

Chapter 229 Lionheart Club 2.0

Yu Lian and Annie drank tons of vodka, discussed with Lilia who was the future trend between light spear cannons and kinetic energy cannons, and argued with Dana about who was the Andean black bull or the Verno white bull. It tastes even better. Finally, I chatted with Zhixia about the recent stock market, and seriously told the latter that he must withdraw before September.

From beginning to end, he did it in front of Feifei...at least theoretically, it should be within Feifei's awareness.

Therefore, Yu Lian really didn't understand why all these girls reacted in shock as if they were stealing gold coins under the nose of a giant dragon.

Anyway, he had finished explaining what needed to be explained, and Yu Lian calmly waited for the banquet to end.

In fact, before the banquet was over, Wayne and the others came looking for them.

"Okay, this kind of occasion is more suitable for discussion."

Feifei saw Yu Lian and Wayne go upstairs together, just like she had just witnessed Yu Lian's conversations with the girls one by one.

She didn't take it seriously and sat firmly on the throne, motionless as a mountain.

At this time, Miss "Queen of the Moon" was very busy. She is the idol of all the girls in the school. Now that she is about to leave school, there are still many junior girls and classmates who make her cry.

"Okay, everyone can still hold a class reunion when they have time in the future! Let's do this, we can organize a sorority, just for us girls! Yes, we don't want those stinky men to participate, haha~~~ Erin, just you Organize it?" Feifei pointed at a girl in the lower grade. The little girl suddenly seemed to have received the highest instructions, full of a sense of mission.

In the small conference room on the second floor of the Lion Building, there was finally only a group of men left. Without those chirping birds and birds, this is the time to talk about business.

"What do you think of the future?" Yu Lian got straight to the point.

This caught everyone off guard. You know, Wayne originally wanted to have a fight with Xianshui.

"In the future?" The first person to speak was Michel Rozeshi. The chief steward of the 830 Party pondered for a moment, then smiled and said, "All of us, except Hachiman, have decided to stay in active service."

Yu Lian breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the butterfly wings were not too naughty after all.

He continued: "Then, I will become a qualified officer step by step. If nothing else happens, I should retire after becoming a general. I should be over forty years old by then, and then I can enter politics."

"As for me, after I retire, I'm afraid I'll have to go back to my hometown to raise cattle. I've really had enough." William Banner Jr. laughed.

"So, you don't care about the more than one million cows in your hometown?" Deng Zhengqing said with a smile.

"Haha, you can leave it to your younger siblings. The Banner family is a big family, and there are many people who can inherit the family's property."

"Dina is also going home."

"She is the only daughter in their family... Anyway, it's not like I won't go home in the future." At this point, Banner couldn't help but want to glare at Yu Lian as a class enemy, but thinking about it, this would be too much like a defeat. The dog was gone, so he gave up.

"I'm not sure about the others, but I will probably work in the army until I retire. I quite like the military, so it wouldn't be considered a failure if I could at least become a marshal, right?"

"However, if it were you, you shouldn't just want to ask this, right? Our respective futures? Our respective career plans? Yu Lian, would you ask such a superficial question?" Kent said.

No, no, no, the questions I asked the girls and my roommate ABC before were really such superficial questions. I’m really sorry!

"Yu Lian, I know what you want to say... People like us should not only consider our own future, but also include some deeper and broader contents. Society, country, and even the entire The international situation of the Galaxy. It would be too hypocritical to say that we have no ambition to become a community army or even a national leader." Kent was very calm, and his words did not cause any big reaction from everyone, which shows that everyone really They are not pretentious people.

He pondered for a moment and continued: "But, after all, we are just young people who have just graduated from the academy. Our academic qualifications have given us a good start... Moreover, because of this incident, we are even better than all others." The seniors have all stepped onto the stage earlier. However, we are still at the beginning, and whether it is merit, popularity or strength, it takes time to accumulate."

"Oh, but brother Chester, I heard you proudly say that you want to show those old guys who is the real future!"

"Brother" Chester? Is this guy a little wandering lately? Obviously he should be the youngest one. Chester Kent's eyelids twitched unnaturally, and then said:

"Oh, that's just a slogan when you get carried away! It's not much different from Amitabha, Infinite Heavenly Lord, For the Messiah and so on. In fact, everyone sitting here can indeed represent the future. I have this Confidence! However, it is only the future, this is reality.”

"Let him speak." Wayne, who had been silent at first, suddenly spoke.

His attitude today is quite correct, his expression is calm and solemn, and he even has a sense of solemn ceremony. He must have realized something.

Yu Lianduo glanced at the other party, his shaky respect for the future leader of the 830 Party slightly restored, and then he said: "Do you think our universe is weird?"

"Weird?" Everyone looked at each other with subtle expressions.

Seeing that Yu Lian was so serious, I thought he must have some high-level opinions, but I didn't expect that the one who opened his mouth turned out to be about metaphysics.

Sure enough, everyone who has become a psyker can talk nonsense.

If everyone hadn't been so well-educated, they would probably start to sympathize with him.

However, Yu Lian's next words made everyone fall silent.

"Three thousand years ago, we were using gravity wells for hyperbeam navigation; today, three thousand years later, we are still using gravity wells. From Nephi to Tianyu, it took half a year two thousand years ago, but now it has finally progressed to more than four months. "

"Three thousand years ago, our orbital gun could penetrate an asteroid. Today, three thousand years later, the kinetic energy cannon on the Titan ship can penetrate the moon. However, this is still a orbital gun."

"Light spears, electric arcs, new weapons have appeared. But, in the final analysis, isn't this just replacing the spear with a sharper spear?"

"Throughout the history of civilization, culture, thought, political system, and even scientific and philosophical thinking in this galaxy, there has been no essential progress since the day we climbed into the universe. Even online games are so special. That's it. I'm on top...ah no, our grandfather was playing RPGs, and we are still playing, can you believe it?"

Everyone was shocked by Yu Lian's tone. Probably because this is indeed a question worth pondering, or maybe because he has already used a little bit of mind control skills at this time. Although all the future famous generals present were determined and ambitious, after all, they had all drank a lot and were somewhat affected.

At least, under the current circumstances, they were willing to listen quietly to Yu Lian continue speaking, instead of subconsciously rejecting the next content due to inherent prejudice.

"Our universe has stagnated. The scientific community is placing its hope in new archaeological discoveries to find knowledge that leads to the truth. Such an idea is more like theology than science." Yu Lian looked more and more. Everyone who is serious, their voices are getting heavier and colder.

"Our society has also come to a standstill. The rich live in vast distances, and the poor have no roof. Those of you who grew up in the prosperous Central Star Territory, and were born in a home where bells ring and dishes are heard, may find it difficult to have an intuitive understanding. But, I’ve seen it before!”

"It's the age of the universe! We can obviously cross the stars and transform the world, but why are there still so many people who, after working hard all their lives, are still unable to guarantee the livelihood of their families? They always leave their homes, and their families are always broken up. "

"My classmates, if you can't figure this problem out, you are not qualified to talk about becoming a leader. Because I dare to think that the spirit of the universe guarantees that when you climb to high positions one day, you will be the same as those you despise the most. Those old useless guys are all the same now.”

Yu Lian felt that it was enough to talk about it at this point. Although he can bring out the Dragon Slaying Technique and the "Book of Origin", the time is not yet ripe... More importantly, he still lacks a good entry point to make those great contents more relevant to the current era. status quo.

You all need to accumulate, and I also need to accumulate.

"Okay, this is actually a topic I gave you. I hope you can think about it more in the future. Once you understand it, we can move on to the next step."

If they were affected by the mind control technique just now, this time everyone really started to think about Yu Lian's words.

Wayne's hand knocked on the table unnaturally, and it took more than three times longer than usual to pick up the wine glass in front of him and drink it down in one gulp.

"Yulian, are you going to tell us that you are going to be the Messiah of the universe?"

"I'm just telling you the current situation. In fact, student Horatio, there has never been a savior. The first thing you need to realize is this." Yu Liandao.

Akinayama Hachiman, who had been watching with cold eyes, pushed up his glasses, wondering what he was planning.

Wayne looked at the other party with a sullen face, feeling a little thirsty, a little irritable, a little wanting to laugh, but more importantly, there was indeed an exciting and boiling feeling filling his chest.

He didn't know where this feeling came from. He only knew that this feeling was not annoying to him.

Yu Lian's words seemed to be a joke, but he also understood that the other party was serious.

In other words, unprecedented seriousness! No matter whether they were classmates for four years, or the last time they faced the underworld killers and cultists in the Big Apple City, or even when they faced Morey on the Azul Princess, they were not so serious.

"Well, we can discuss the future changes and the problems of the universe slowly later. The real problem we have to face first is our blue star community. Although it is terminally ill and useless, it is still the earth. The kingdom of man is also the country that everyone loves. You don’t deny this, right?” Yu Lian looked at everyone.

The Blue Star Community is still the third largest military power in the galaxy.

Then he took out a small notebook and started recording.

"Then, our big goal is the entire universe, and our small goal is to save the country!"

"Yeah, it's really a small goal that makes people... uh... feel happy!" Luo Zeshi smiled bitterly.

"So, what I want to ask you again is, in this small goal, who are our enemies and who are our friends?"

Deng Zhengqing paused for less than a few seconds and said: "Currently, the central government is trying to fully cooperate with the alliance. I believe that even if President Noxham steps down because of this issue, this will be the established foreign policy of the new government. . We were independent from the Empire, and our existence is still regarded as a shame and a disgrace by too many imperial nobles. However, between the Declaration of Independence and the Treaty of Orion, the Empire has recognized us as an independent government after all. They won’t attack us directly.”

Unless you encounter extreme circumstances. However, such a situation is bound to happen in the future.

"Our long-term rival is indeed the Empire, but our current direct rivals are the Kingdom of Ketai, the Republic of Bakvi, and the Lumina separatists. The Alliance is our ally, but I think all they need is a third-round opponent. The arm is a chess piece to contain the power of the empire, plus a buffer zone between the two powers. Our relationship with the alliance is destined to be impossible to compare with those traditional allies with hundreds of thousands of years of friendly relations."

Yes. However, this has little to do with diplomatic history. It has more to do with whether we want to fully open the market and whether we want to join the alliance's military system. Yu Lian thought to himself.

"...Looking at it this way, we actually feel a little helpless." Luo Zeshi said with a smile. "If a war breaks out in the future, we will most likely not get actual support. More importantly, we need to rely on imports for many of our war necessities. Once a war breaks out, it will be difficult for the community to take advantage."

"You don't need to say it so politely. As long as the empire personally enters the scene and cuts off the Gibraltar star field, we will definitely lose!" Wayne said coldly: "Now is no longer an era when we are united as one and would rather break than bend! The current international situation, It won’t distract too much of the empire’s power!”

"We have territorial disputes with the Ketai people and the Bakvi bird people, and the Rumina rebels are also a big hidden danger. If any party fails to respond in time, it may be dragged into the quagmire. By that time , it may give the empire an excuse to kill him personally!"

"Whether it is our population, military, industry, agriculture or technology, we are far away from the empire. The Alliance cannot be trusted either... They will not do their best to help us."

"The alliance wants us to be a buffer, but it definitely doesn't want us to really become a powerful country, right?"

"No, it may be more in the interests of the alliance if the community is completely dismembered."

He is indeed a future celebrity! Their words seem a bit taken for granted, as if any member of the political bureaucracy who reads more books and pays attention to international news can analyze it. But if the analysis is 90% correct, then it can be described as a strategist. .

And these young people, talking to each other like this, are really about to restore the course of the Hundred Days War.

However, after this analysis, everyone's mood became inexplicably low.

"Here's to our country fighting alone!" Yu Lian raised his glass.

Everyone laughed bitterly, raised their heads and drank from their glasses.

Fortunately, their mood is indeed a bit low, but it is far from despair, and their spirits are still very high.

The country has reached a critical stage of survival. Isn't it the time for us to make contributions?

Yu Liangan bets that this is what these guys must be thinking now.

Wayne put down his wine glass and actually took the initiative to fill up a glass of wine for Yu Lian.

"What exactly do you want to say?"

"The road ahead is indeed difficult, but it is not a dead end. Our enemy is not the empire, but only 5 million imperial nobles and 2 billion so-called imperial citizens. If you analyze it this way, don't you feel so desperate? Already?"

This is indeed refreshing. Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then fell into thinking.

"This is the second topic I have prepared for you. Once you have figured this out, you will find that our vision is promising. And our first topic now has a solution!"

Yu Lian smiled, and then before everyone asked questions, he said again: "Then, let's consider the third topic. Well, I don't know that everyone dislikes me, but I think everyone is very pleased with it. .”

The scene was a little quiet, and everyone still didn't speak, but it was obvious that they were not deep in thought.

"Yu Lian, actually..." Luo Zeshi smiled bitterly and was about to speak when he heard Yu Lian say: "So, I hope to establish an organization. One where everyone shares intelligence and resources with each other, advances and retreats together, and fights for a goal. An organization that works together!”

"Group, organization?"

"Yes! Horatio's idea of ​​establishing the Lionheart Club is very good. This is not a club for rich people to play house, but a group of like-minded companions who move forward side by side. However, we must go further. , has discipline, organization, a program, short-term goals and long-term planning goals. The people, the country, and the universe need such an organization!" Yu Lian glanced at everyone, his eyes lingering on Wayne's stunned expression. for two seconds.

"So, why not just call it Communist..."

Before he finished speaking, Yu Lian couldn't help but be frightened by some sudden oppression, and immediately shuddered. Somehow, he seemed to feel that the entire universe he was in was on the verge of destruction.

His mouth almost lost control and he quickly put back the words that had reached his lips.

I didn't even take out the Book of Origin and the five volumes of Dragon Slaying Technique, so it was also too early to call that name.

"Yes, it's equivalent to Lionheart Club 2.0! As for what the name should be, let's all work together."

Thanks to Mr. Kasaan for the fifteen thousand reward, so... I'd better bite the bullet and not ask for leave.

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