Him and their stars

Chapter 230 A “club” that belongs to everyone

All in all, Lionheart Club 2.0 was established. Of course, based on Akinayama Hachiman's suggestion, everyone decided to temporarily name it "Youth Friends Club".

"You should still understand the principle of accumulating food and slowly becoming king. No matter what you are planning to do, you must leave yourself some room." Akinayama Hachiman said.

Luo Zeshi also agreed: "Yes, if we are in the academy, it doesn't matter whether we call it Lionheart Club, Knights Templar or Assassin, but we are now active military officers, so we need to be more cautious. ”

Yes, think about what Marshal Li of the Kingdom of Heaven did back then. It is obviously an insurrectionary organization that recruits comrades for the independence movement, but it is called the "Blue Blood Brotherhood". At first glance, one might think it is a group of second-rate villains obsessed with bloodline theory.

Yu Lian also thinks that the club is very good. Anyway, whether it is "Friends of Constitutionalism" or "CC International", they used to be clubs.

As for the organizational program, Yu Lian didn't say anything. Fortunately, no one asked too detailed questions.

After all, Teacher Li taught Yu Lian and analyzed specific problems in detail. It is even more important to distinguish who is our enemy and who is our friend.

According to Yu Lian's analysis, everyone in the 830 Party is indeed a patriot, but they are also children of wealthy families. The class attributes are really clear at a glance.

In any historical period, there is no shortage of individuals who betray their own class, but this often happens under special circumstances. The members of the 830 Party have proven their own courage and conscience in later history, but this may not be enough for them to betray their position.

And under the current historical conditions, in order for them to truly become comrades, they must see the hope of saving the country!

All in all, things need to be done step by step, and we must not make the mistake of left-leaning adventurism!

"So, Brother Hachiman, we are all passionate young people, so we need a careful and steady brain. Mihir alone is not enough. So, stay." Yu Lian said with a smile.

Akinayama Hachiman remained silent.

"I think there are still some small problems in the alliance's market..."

"I think that commanding thousands of troops is indeed my childhood dream. As for returning home to take over, I'll wait until I get older!" Akinayama Hachiman pushed up his glasses and said loudly.

Luo Zeshi glanced at the other party and said to Yu Lian: "...Besides us, who else are you going to recruit for the first batch of members? Girls from the student union?"

"No, they... should still have a happy life of their own. What we want to do is not to treat guests to dinner! It is not to write an article, nor to paint or embroider." Yu Lian thought for a moment and shook his head slightly.

"I will invite Aisen, Tamir and Xiaobai. Also, Zhengqing, can you invite Mengjiao?"

In this way, the core leaders of the Volunteer Army (currently graduated) can be regarded as "all in".

Of course, organizational structure and team discipline also need a little development before they can be formally established and transform from a loose club organization into a team with truly lofty ideals.

Indispensable for such a team is steel-like discipline. As organizations grow larger in the future, the importance of this convenience will become increasingly apparent.

Fortunately, there is still time and I can still do the work carefully.

Fortunately, the first batch of members are all outstanding people who have proven themselves in the future, and they will understand this.

"Since we are the first batch of members, we should of course be the first batch of cadres." Luo Zeshi said: "Let Horatio be the deputy minister. As for the minister, you still have to formulate the organizational program as soon as possible. . We can temporarily organize our daily work, but where this ship is heading, you really need to be at the helm."

It took Yu Lian nearly half a minute to realize that the other party was talking to him: "Am I the minister?"

Luo Zeshi smiled and said: "Who else could it be but you? However, you also said that this is an organization that belongs to all members, a club where everyone is absolutely equal in personality. Therefore, the term of the minister is over, but he has to start again. It’s the election.”

Yu Lian was a little surprised. Although he felt that the minister really had to do it with him, he thought it would go through some twists and turns. He really didn't expect that it would go so smoothly.

Are you really my mortal enemy?

Yu Lian couldn't help but look at Wayne, only to see him sneer and nod: "Yes, so it's you these five years! The next term won't be so easy! At that time, everyone will rely on their abilities and actual results."

"Haha, if you really understand the two issues I mentioned before and put forward feasible suggestions within five years, then why not I abdicate and make way for someone more worthy?" Yu Lian thought for a while, He added: "This way Feifei and I can go back to our hometown and run the restaurant and martial arts gym seriously!"

Wayne was so shocked by Yu Lian's last words that he couldn't even speak. He even forgot to say hello to Yu Lian who stood up to say goodbye. After a while, he suddenly realized that he was really thinking about those two topics.

"Is this considered an assignment for us?" Luo Zeshi said with a wry smile.

"Hachiman, you haven't spoken much since just now. Are you thinking of something again?" Kent said.

Akinayama Hachiman thought for a while: "...I was thinking that when a political group that is extremely organized and disciplined needs to take action, it needs a strong voice that can make the final decision. Such a voice will What appears naturally cannot be transferred by human will.”

Everyone understood what Hachiman meant. This so-called voice either appears naturally, or represents the team, and ultimately becomes a member of the common people.

"If our club truly becomes a legal political group, its leader may have more power than the president! However, it would be a pity if such a group is only used in parliamentary struggles. !”

Wayne suddenly sneered: "So what?"


"Hachiman, your biggest problem is that you think too much! The situation you mentioned may happen, maybe it won't, but this is not what we need to consider now! I am looking forward to the emergence of such a team. Let this include you and me. A powerful group, becoming a force that changes the world! Isn’t that true of you?”

Everyone in the 830 Party smiled and had to agree. Horatio Wayne was a paranoid man, a man who spoke out of integrity, and occasionally got carried away and had a feverish mind, but it was his upright charm that kept everyone together.

"Besides, since it is a disciplined organization, when I become the leader, won't I be able to arrange for that guy to do this and that? Hahaha, as long as I think of that picture, I feel that my life is full of progress. Motivation! Comrades, a bright future is waiting for us!"

As expected, this guy's chuunibyou has reached an advanced stage and is hopeless. Everyone suddenly felt that making Yu Lian the president and letting Wayne be among the vice presidents was the wisest decision tonight.

The process was a bit like playing house, but according to a certain cliché, the wheel of history began to take a big turn here. An organization that can change the course of human history and change the pattern of the entire universe was established here.

Of course, it's just a prototype. After all, it’s not even a “party” yet.

However, if this organization really cannot do this in the future, it will be really sorry for this third period of life.

Then, it was time to have a talk meeting with the student council girls the next morning.

Yu Lian really wasn't prepared to drag them into this "Qingyou Club", at least not now.

Teacher Li’s teaching is still good. Because of the memories of later generations, Yu Lian knew very well what kind of characters these 830s who had not yet become famous were. Therefore, he can develop them as preliminary comrades and integrate them into the small team early.

However, girls are another story.

First of all, with the exception of Feifei, the girls in the student union were all born into young ladies from famous families, and were born into the proper ruling class.

Secondly... It's not that Yu Lian looks down on girls, but since the girls haven't left their names in future generations, it can still explain some problems. What's more, just counting the memories of this life, Yu Lian also knows that although the girls in the student union are excellent, they are really only excellent in the ordinary category. You only need to look at their graduation results to know this.

The best performers were Zhixia and Liuli, who barely made it into the top twenty, while the rest were just outside the top hundred.

The only exception is Feifei. This girl is so perfect that you can't fault her.

Otherwise, does the "club" count as her?

I always feel a bit reluctant to give up. What we are doing is a beheading business!

Although when considering the course of history, we must also consider individual struggles. However, the choices the girls make after graduation do represent their attitude towards life.

Except for Annie—Yu Lian felt that this girl’s ultimate goal was actually to play with the spaceship—no one else stayed!

Of course, it is still the same sentence, who is our enemy and who is our friend. At the same time, primary contradictions and secondary contradictions must also be clearly distinguished.

We may not become comrades who die side by side in the same trench, but we can definitely become close collaborators.

Then, the subsequent conversation with the girls can be done in a different way.

With this idea in mind, Yu Lian arrived at his destination before ten o'clock while sorting out his words.

He anticipated the process, but not even the beginning.

Out of gentlemanly considerations, he arrived fifteen minutes early, but he never expected that all the girls would arrive.

"It doesn't matter if we come early, we will have more time...Eh? Why are you dressed like this?" Yu Lian was confused.

None of the girls were wearing uniforms, but they were all wearing very beautiful dresses and elaborate makeup. They felt like they would have no problem going to the dance.

Even the very aggressive and bold Anne was no exception. If I remember correctly, this was the first time Yu Lian saw her wearing a skirt.

"What's wrong with you?" Yu Lian couldn't help but asked as he looked at Annie who was filled with discomfort and discomfort all over her body.

"I don't know what's wrong with you, but just seeing Lilia dressed like this makes me feel like she's possessed." Anne said angrily: "That's why I have to ask you what's wrong with you? What the hell is this!"

She pointed at the girls present. All of them had their heads lowered, and there was an ominous aura brewing about them, as if low pressure was about to hit them soon.

"Lao Yu! I swear to the spirit of the universe, I am so impressed right now. You are better at playing than me!" Miss Anne Romanova gave Yu Lian a thumbs-up sign sincerely, and then looked like she was waiting for a good show.

"Well, I don't know why everyone reacted this way, but since it's here, let's have a meeting." Yu Liandao.

"Fuck you! I X^\u0026\u0026((*!" Zhixia said loudly, which immediately startled Yu Lian.

"Well, we have to talk carefully and don't use bad language! Besides, if you suddenly use bad language at this time... your personality will collapse!"

"I'm going to explode! I'm going to explode! I've been pretending to be a lady in front of you for so many years, and I don't even know how tired I am of pretending!"

"So, Lian Jun actually invited all of us?" Liuli tilted her head and looked at Yu Lian. She still looked like the demure Yamato Nadeshiko, but her big eyes seemed to have lost their sparkle. Yu Lian used to like Liuli's big eyes the most, as if they were lit by stars. However, now that he was looking at this big dead fish, even Yu Lian felt a little creepy. He still felt that it would not be too strange for this girl to suddenly grow four arms, each holding a kitchen knife.

"Forget it, he should have something else to discuss. We misunderstood." Lilia said with a sad smile, and took off the earrings and put them in the jewelry box, and then said sadly again A sad sigh.

"I didn't have any expectations from the beginning. That's why I'm not disappointed at all now!" Dana looked at her girlfriends proudly and smiled brightly. In other words, it's too clear.

"Then why are you dressed like this?" Zhixia asked loudly.

"That, that's, that's because... hum, I bought a new skirt, but I can't wear it at school! Can't I wear it today if I want to?"

"Come! Honey, look into my eyes! Yes, look into my eyes and repeat what you just said!"

Liuli rubbed her face, and a little sparkle returned to her big eyes: "So, this is the so-called business, right?"

"Well, even though I know this, I can't accept it! It's like a fool! No, it's like a nympho! All of us here have become nymphos!"

"Don't fire the map cannon, I'm bent!" Annie, who was watching the show, protested.

"Yes, the bent Annie has to get up at 5 o'clock in the morning to put on makeup. No matter how you look at it, it's Lian Jun's fault!"

"Huh? What on earth did I do?" Yu Lian thought to himself: I was clearly trampled to death by a subspace demon while I was sleeping!

However, even with Yu Lian's emotional intelligence, he also knows that the stupidest thing in the world is to reason with a girl. Although he was shaking and crying in his heart, he could only apologize frankly.

Fortunately, the girls present were all good girls. Although they were still angry, they accepted Yu Lian's apology for the time being. Then, the atmosphere at the scene finally changed from a rose-red hatchet to a more serious one. stand up.

"First of all, I told you last time that I plan to open a cockroach-catching design company with Aisen after graduation, and now Tamir has joined. They are looking for office and laboratory space. If you believe in their skills , I also believe in my vision, this is the last chance to join. Girls, invest your pocket money, I can guarantee that when you get married, the dowry will be so rich that it will blind your husband’s family. This The world is cruel, girls must learn to protect themselves, and more importantly, have financial freedom!" Yu Lian laughed.

When the girls' expressions seemed to be getting weird, they must have listened.

Yu Lian felt that he should strike while the iron was hot, so he continued: "Of course, this is just the first step of my plan. I plan to invest in some small businesses in New Seville and New China, and I hope everyone can help me with my advice. Wait... Zhixia! What are you doing with the knife? Ah! Liuli, why are you holding the knife? The important thing is, where did you hide these things before? "

Well, it’s still the same old rule, please help me think of an organization name that won’t be harmonized. The one with the most likes and the one that best suits my aesthetics will be adopted~~~

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