Him and their stars

Chapter 231 Collaborators and Fellow Travelers

Fortunately, before being chopped into pieces by the knife, Yu Lian still remembered to applaud vigorously and said loudly: "So, it is a meeting! It is a very important and serious matter! Girls, please take a break from the unproductive and low-level fun. Get out and take a look at this dangerous world!"

He changed his expression to a very serious one, and of course the girls had no choice but to become serious.

Zhixia said that she actually just used a table knife to cut cakes for everyone. Liuli also said that she just took out a fruit knife to peel fruit for everyone, which is actually true.

The girls thought that since they wanted to talk about serious business, they should do it while drinking tea. With this kind of tea party atmosphere, even if the talks fail to reach an agreement, they will not start fighting.

Yu Lian once again confirmed that these are indeed good and considerate girls!

"After Eisen and Tamir's design plan is established, they will start to design the light wing and ion pulse engine... You can understand that the former can replace the solar sail, and the latter can be regarded as a revolutionary small ship engine. Breakthrough. Once we have a sample, we can cooperate with the Mihir family's Brooklyn Shipyard to build a small cruise ship to participate in next year's Galaxy Race! Once you win, you can wait to collect the money!"

"Alian, are you so confident in their abilities?" Zhixia certainly knew the level of Aisen and Tamir, but a genius damage control mechanic and a genius designer were completely different things.

Not only do I have confidence in their abilities, but I also have more confidence in the “inspiration” I give them.

And there is no need to worry about technical leakage. To put it bluntly, the elementary light wing is a "low-end civilian version" of the solar sail. As for the ion pulse engine, even if they don't do it, the empire will get a key breakthrough in another five or six years.

Let them do it, let them become famous faster, let them become the golden hen in the eyes of the upper class faster... Then, let them have an upright identity to carry out the next plan.

As for the other great technology tycoon, Bai Ziya, who has even greater potential, is after all the young master of the Bai family in New China, and his abilities are more focused on data processing and theory, so he does not need to work on the earth and his two Friends carried parts together.

More importantly, this child has dropped a grade. Although he has graduated from college, he is still underage and must go home. And Yu Lian also needs him to do some preliminary work for him in New China.

"But, Alien, are you still an active soldier? Can you open a company?"

"There are indeed some hidden dangers in the procedures. That's why I need your help. Aisen and Tamir are both engineering nerds, so they can't do management structure, financial system and general routine work. So, Zhixia, Liuli, there are Are you interested in joining in and playing together?”

These two girls, one in charge of personnel and the other in charge of finance, would be perfect. More importantly, their hometown is Earth, they are proper local celebrities in the capital Earth, and their family tradition is generally good.

According to what Teacher Li taught, this is the so-called enlightened gentleman.

As the saying goes, you have to make a lot of your own friends and a few friends of the enemy.

"Anyway, you haven't thought of anything yet, right?"

"You have to take care of it!" Zhixia glared at Yu Lian: "I have already agreed with Liuli to go on a cantilever tour together!"

"Yes! Rent a small cruise ship and drive it yourself. Starting from the solar system and circling the entire third cantilever, it will take half a year!"

This is also a classic operation of young men and young ladies. After graduating from college, you can first go on a trip. It is said that reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles. This is contact with the "world"; then, you can go to some charitable organizations to do something, which is contact with "society".

In this way, at least the resume will have gorgeous content to fill. If you want to join some important positions at that time, it will be a matter of course.

However, it is better to go out and travel thousands of miles than to hide at home and attend various "celebrity gatherings" to give yourself the persona of a "socialite to be married".

"Have fun, you do have half a year to decide whether to join. During this period, Aisen and Tamir will make some achievements. In addition, I have left your communication method with Aisen. If there is If you have any questions, he will call you. Remember to help out for the sake of your comrades!" Yu Lian said authentically.

Probably with the endorsement of Michel Rozez, the subsequent discussions went very smoothly. The girls hesitated for a moment and then expressed that they would seriously consider this business plan.

"Then, Anne...last week, the cruisers of the New World Governor's Office have officially completed their modifications and are undergoing training in the Gibraltar system. The Government House has indeed recruited some people at the Gibraltar Star Port, but it needs more capable officers. Senior sister Eleanor asked me to recommend some talents for her, and I left your name." Yu Liandao.

Of course, in addition to Annie, there are also Li Baolu and Anton Koushan, it depends on how the senior sister uses them.

Yu Lian looked at the future star captain, the only girl in the student union who would become famous in later generations. He knew that this girl was a real person, but she was essentially a troublemaker seeking excitement.

Because driving a battleship got her adrenaline burning better than driving a speeding motorcycle, she joined the Navy.

Sure enough, she did show an expression of emotion.

Very well, let’s let the “Black Rose of the Arwen Star Territory” bloom in advance in the New World.

"Senior Eleanor should give you the phone number." Yu Lian paused, looked at Lilia, and then at Dana.

"I'm not idle at all!" Miss Dana Jefferson quickly raised her hands and said loudly: "I have already said, I have to go back to the countryside to raise cattle! None of the cowboys at home are fuel-efficient. Someone is in charge!”

Yes, cattle worth seven figures, pasture worth tens of thousands of square kilometers, plus cowboys with better equipment than the local police force! Sure enough, you came to join the army just to better lead the cowboys? The next step is to overthrow the government!

"I'm also very busy. I refused Zhixia's invitation to accompany me..." Lilia Alfonso said helplessly: "Dad asked me to go back and help him! The situation at home is a bit complicated and we really need manpower."

Yes, complex security situations are always prone to occur on semi-cultivated planets. Therefore, as one of the most powerful and famous families in the area, it really needs family talents who have received strict and high-quality military training.

"Dina's hometown is in New Tennessee, right? It takes two jumps from the Luna system, and the journey takes about a week."

"If it is a high-speed transport ship or warship equipped with anti-matter supercharger and space slippery equipment, it will only take three days. But it is indeed a fellow countryman." Dana looked at Yu Lian without knowing why, and then at Lily Ya.

"And Lilia's hometown is in New Seville! In the same galaxy is the planet Lumina, which sounds quite hard."

Lilia nodded helplessly, and then shook her head: "Actually, it's not bad. Even if the Rumina people are looking for trouble, they always go to the earth. However, New Seville is an ocean planet, and the land area is Less than 10%, the administrative efficiency is really not high. Almost every large inhabited island is a semi-autonomous administrative region, and it also has its own autonomous armed forces, so public security is indeed a problem."

"Very good." Yu Lian nodded.


Yes, it’s really good! There are some industries that the ocean planet is particularly suitable for!

"Maybe it won't be long before we can meet there." Yu Liankai smiled and said: "I have a little immature plan. To connect Lumina, New Seville, and New Tennessee. A small plan. Once successful, maybe we can also eliminate the Rumina terrorists at once."

In addition, the Wanling Cult can be solved in one go. Then, you can also make some accumulation of your own small goals.

Finally, maybe we can get rid of Xia Li at once!

Wow, kill two birds with one stone! I am simply a strategic genius! In my previous life, I didn’t discover my talent in this area, and there was no room for it to be used. What a pity!

However, after the girls looked at each other, they all showed worried expressions.

"Wow, Allen, when did you become possessed by that guy Wayne?"

"...that Lian Jun, Aisen Jun, Zhixia and I will take time to check it out. You, you must not be inflated!"

"You guys often accidentally raise your tail and use it as a flagpole. This is a disease that needs to be cured!"

You see, this is why Yu Lian feels that girls can’t become comrade (yet). They are both smart and good girls, but they are all too down-to-earth.

If it were Horatio Wayne, although he would ridicule him, he would never deny it on the spot without hearing it.

Historically, it turns out that only arrogant and paranoid people can change the world!

"So, this is why I went and summoned them! I described to them my future career plans and future world affairs. They thought I was too arrogant, and I also know that they thought I was too arrogant. . So the discussion took a little longer. You know, they are not stupid and sweet, but good girls who are born in a well-known family and have received higher education. They are all good girls who are knowledgeable, cultured and thoughtful. Because of this, they will not Feel free to be persuaded by me.”

"I have to analyze from the most realistic situation, from the micro to the macro, from the living conditions of ordinary people to the national economy and people's livelihood and the future of the universe! This is not just a meeting, but clearly a major lesson in history and economics! It's exactly that In this way, I talked from ten o'clock to one o'clock in the afternoon, and then I had a picnic with them! What I said was all true!"

Having said this, Yu Lian felt that he had possessed a little bit of the glory of the pioneer, and he was suddenly very proud of himself.

He has been able to understand the mental journey of the forerunners of the past generations. They go on the road alone, they carry a heavy load, and they are like the only ray of light in the darkness, lighting up the way forward for the whole world little by little.

Then, he finally had companions, and finally there were more and more people, and he finally found a road. That's how he changed the world.

Yu Lian looked up at the sky, feeling that he could finally see Teacher Li's back; however, when his sight came into contact with Feifei's peach blossom eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, he quickly returned to reality.

"So, Feifei, you must believe me!"

Feifei nodded with a smile, probably believing it.

"So, the pictures Yu'er drew last time were not intended to be sold, but to be run by his own business?"

"Well, I've thought about it. Those drawings are actually not very mature... However, it's not a bad idea to set up a small workshop to try the water first. Aisen and Tamir are so good at their craftsmanship, and I just happen to still have some spare money in my hand. ." Yu Liandao.

Feifei curled her lips: "Last time I saw a house in Atlanta, it was about 90 square meters, and it also had a roof garden... I saved a little money, and I was still thinking about it. If you and Yu'er put it together, the down payment should be enough!"

Atlan City is the capital of Mars. As mentioned before, after the miraculous planetary transformation plan, both Mars and Titan have become habitable planets. With a settled population of one billion and 300 million respectively, they are already large-scale inhabited planets.

"Who wants to buy a house on Mars! Oh, no, why are you thinking about buying a house now? I am a psychic, and there are apartments in the Big Apple City." Yu Liandao.

"Then you have to have your own real estate." Feifei said matter-of-factly: "Besides, I heard someone say last time that housing prices on Earth have skyrocketed, but houses on Mars and Titan still have good investment value... "

These words sound familiar! I always feel like I have heard it many times in my previous life.

"Forget it, it's okay if Yu'er wants to give it a try. Anyway, those two little foxes have been very bored recently. It's a good idea to find something for them to do so that they don't have to come here to chat when they have nothing to do."

Yu Lian couldn't help but pick his ears. He always felt that he seemed to have heard some words from Feifei that were particularly inconsistent with her personality. He felt that this must be an illusion.

"But, Yu'er... do you really not understand what those little foxes are thinking?"

Yu Lian couldn't help but pick his ears again, thinking to himself, why are you, a girl, so unreasonable? Let's have a good chat, but we can't just flip the table over!

Yu Lian looked at the sky, looked at the sun, and wondered how strong the dome in the sky was, and whether he could knock it open, then he simply gave up and groaned.

"Zhixia wants to be a playwright and explorer, and Liuli has always wanted to be a painter... Oh, no matter what the military school these two girls went to, they are such young and literary girls at heart. Both Dana and Lilia are There is a family business to inherit, but the former only wants to manage the millions of cows and thousands of cowboys in his hometown, and by the way, the food processing factory; Lilia may have to develop like a female warlord in the future, but But deep down, I hope to find a good man to marry and raise my children."

This is the life they hope for! Who can say that such a life is unfulfilling? Who can say that such a life must be worse than a magnificent life?

"After all, they are not the passionate and ambitious men like Wayne!"

Feifei sighed silently and had to admit this.

"I have said this to Wayne and the others. What we want to do in the future is not to treat guests to dinner, nor to do embroidery. Therefore, the rose-red stories in the student days will stay in the rose-red student days. As for the future, That means you have to go through a beating in the real world, and it’s too early to say this now!”

In addition, I didn’t greet them, I didn’t give them thoughtful handmade gifts, I didn’t build snowmen downstairs for them on a cold day, I didn’t pester them back to their hometown, I didn’t go on dates alone, I didn’t even set up a warm man setting. Is this all my fault?

"Then you can cut off their thoughts more directly."

"Nonsense, I can't bear it...ah, I mean, we are all adults, so we don't have to be so rigid with our words. We have to leave some room for change for everyone."

And if we really want to close all the branch lines, I feel like serious problems will occur!

"Now that we are no longer students, let's start a small business together. Seek common ground while reserving differences in a common cause, and look for the future! Moreover, we can also do a little exploration of the future route."

Feifei was still sneering, but said: "Through this agency?"

"I have never doubted the future of this new company. Because of this, it needs enough collaborators. I have allocated them all. Aisen and Tamir are technical shareholders, each with 10%. Then set aside 20%, as per The investment and management work will be allocated to everyone in the student union. I estimate that after the competition is over, the company will be on the right track and the income will be quite generous. One thing is true, I really hope The girls can earn some dowry together.”

"As for the remaining 60%..."

"Does it belong to Yu'er?"

"I originally wanted to say that it belongs to me and Feifei, and then Feifei can act like a major shareholder in front of the girls and instruct them to do this and that..."

Feifei's watery peach blossom eyes turned into cracks in laughter again, and she asked with a smile: "But?"

"However, I also want to explore other aspects. So, when the company really expands to a certain scale, I will distribute it to all employees and set up an organization to manage these profits!"

Feifei raised her eyebrows, showing a really dumb look. She thought for a while, but still could only shake her head and sigh: "Sorry, Yu'er, I really don't understand. Yu'er, you don't want to do charity, do you?"

"Feifei can take a look first. I think you will understand it earlier than those rough guys like Horatio and Hachiman!" These are really not polite words. Yu Lian does feel this way.

For some reason, Feifei also felt that she had received a very impressive evaluation, and she smiled sweetly again.

Just when Yu Lian thought that today's article could finally be turned over, Feifei suddenly said: "But Yu'er, what if they follow your footsteps again?"


"The growth of young people has always been illogical. Yu'er surprised us after she came back from Xinyumen. Who can guarantee that the next time you meet them, they won't surprise you?"

"Of course, we will treat them as comrades who can rely on us until death! Just like we did on the Red Tiger!" Yu Lian looked up at the sky, sincerely looking forward to that day!

"You are so confused again!" Feifei smiled and shook her head: "I mean, if one day you don't need to pretend to be stupid because of these high-sounding reasons, what will happen if you face the same situation today? Woolen cloth?"

Yu Lian looked up at the distant sun, and for a moment he had the urge to break through the dome, plunge into the universe, and be surrounded by stars.

A minute later, he regained his consciousness, mustered up his lifelong courage, and said solemnly: "Now, I can only ask the spirit of the universe for help, so that everyone can be happy!"

Anyway, probably only the spirit of the universe and the observers will understand this in seconds.

The ice-smart Feifei didn't seem to understand very well, so she smiled noncommittally, looked down at the time, and turned directly to the next topic: "We are expected to go home together the day after tomorrow, right?"

"The tickets are all bought."

Feifei nodded, a fleeting blush flashed across her fair face, but she still said in a calm tone: "Then come with me to buy some Fire Rock Bar tomorrow morning. I have asked, Guanghan City's foreign trade It will be in stock tomorrow at the station.”

"Fire rock wine? Ah, Uncle Wei's favorite kind?"

"Yes, dad said we will have dinner together when we get back, right in the store. The two families together."

"Great, it just so happens that I have to visit an elder the next day, and he is also very good at this!"

Really, as a persistent Crystal Palace author, you should have some confidence!

Originally, this meow really treated the girl from the student union as Feifei's accessory and tool, and her status was almost infinitely close to that of the girl with the same roommate... Didn't I say that more than a hundred chapters ago?

As for the limited crystals, bah, the seats in the core comrade-in-arms group must be reserved for seniors like Ina, Gongsun Qing and the like! The third-rate singer lady has only appeared in five or six chapters. Don't you think her presence already exceeds that of all the girls in the student union?

In addition, Crystal Palace, bah, there are too many members in the core group of comrades, which makes writing it troublesome and unpleasant. It really has become a symbol in the literature about collecting stallions everywhere, so what’s the point?

Therefore, there must be a reasonable way to make them leave the game, but they can be brought back to save the game at any time!

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