Him and their stars

Chapter 255 Shura Field in the Starry Sky?

Earl Black Moon looked directly into the opponent's evil eyes. The eyes that were not human, did not even look like a living thing, but more like a virtual monster that chose people to eat.

"How did this thing get into the real world?" she thought.

However, now is not the time for such a thing. In an instant, several tentacles stretched out from the shadow behind Earl Black Moon, like several soft swords with sharp blades, sweeping towards his back again.

But this time, those sharp blades only swept away a phantom.

The girl in gray robe felt that her eyes were blurred, and she had lost sight of the other party. She suddenly felt a chill on her shoulders, and the negative spiritual energy penetrated deep into her body with the cold touch and exploded suddenly.

She couldn't feel pain, but she felt a sense of horror and crisis. In just one round, tens of thousands of the protozoa in his body that were even smaller than cells were reduced to ashes.

However, at that moment, Earl Black Moon also felt the same shock. Her butterfly dart had pierced into the opponent's shoulder, but she could not feel the touch of piercing the flesh at all, as if it had pierced a ball of cotton soaked in water.

In the past, with just this wound, one's own spiritual energy could be turned into threads of thought, penetrating deep into the opponent's body and controlling their internal organs, bones, blood, and even nerves and cells. However, her psychic energy seemed to be thrown into an endless chaos, and no matter what, she could not find a target worth attacking. It's like an elite soldier preparing to directly attack the enemy's formation, kill the generals and seize the flag. After breaking into the battlefield, they find that they can't see the enemy's formation at all. They can only rush forward in the endless formation of miscellaneous soldiers, and are eventually killed due to exhaustion. Forced to be defeated.

"Haha...monster!" A ferocious smile appeared on Earl Black Moon's face, his fists sank down, and he punched his chest like raindrops continuously in a short distance.

The opponent's gray cloak was completely turned into rags, and he was smashed tightly against the armor plate of the ship, revealing a graceful body.

It was indeed an exquisite and delicate body, at least in terms of pure lines. It's a pity that such a good figure, and a good figure that is fatally attractive to a certain kind of gentleman, is covered with insect-like carapace, and insect-like barbs are exposed under the wrists and armpits.

If you can still stand up after seeing a body like this, you must be the overlord among gentlemen, the mahatma among perverts, and the strange species among old perverts.

Seeing this scene, the refugees who had been showing sympathy just now woke up from a dream and screamed one after another.

There was a trace of pain on the face of the "girl" with an insect body and a human face. It was not the pain caused by the injury, but more like the feeling of having her wallet stolen.

...This, this person is so strong!

I haven't recovered yet, my body is far from evolving to a high level, my spiritual energy has just awakened, and I don't have enough tribes and clones yet.

I am really no match for him now!

"Girl" thought. But she immediately realized that she was on a ship. Everything on this ship is a weapon for oneself, but a burden for the other party.

She unfolded her tentacles again. Each of these long organs protruding from her back was equivalent to another arm of hers. They were agile and powerful, and each one could exert as much destructive power as a magical weapon. However, the "girl" did not dare to make a mistake, but directly opened the sharp tip of the tentacle, revealing a daunting blade, which seemed to be the mouthparts of a piranha.

The center of the mouthparts was vaguely condensed into liquid with mist.

The "girl"'s movements were already very fast, but Earl Black Moon's movements were even faster than hers. The invisible psychic field has already been opened, like a restraint that cannot be caught by the naked eye, compressing the "girl" and the tentacles spread out behind her. Immediately afterwards, the count fired another powerful punch. The moment "his" fist style came into contact with "the girl's" body, the boiling air flow seemed to form a vortex, all bombarding the opponent's insect body.

There were even obvious cracks on the thick carapace that exuded the luster of the model.

That's not all. The power of physics and the mystery of spiritual energy penetrated into the opponent's body again, creating countless tiny "explosions" in his body. The power was not exhausted, and even went directly to her head.

The "girl" felt as if she had been slapped on the forehead, her expression was in a trance, and before her eyes could regain focus, her whole body was pressed against the hatch behind her. Immediately afterwards, her neck was pierced with a butterfly dart, and her entire body was pulled directly to the locked back door of the cafeteria.

The earl stretched out his hand, causing the spiritual energy to gather into a bundle, and directly hit the switch ten meters away.

As the back door opened with a bang, the petite "girl" with a sharp knife stuck in her neck was hit with another fierce uppercut on the chin. The sound of the impact of the body was so loud that I accidentally thought it was... The house was hit with a counterweight hammer.

She could no longer maintain her current balance, so she flew backwards out of the door and fell into the narrow corridor behind her.

If someone had just arrived at the scene, they would instantly know who the villain was.

Suffering such an impact, the "girl" spit out a mouthful of brown mucus, but somehow regained her consciousness, but couldn't help but secretly complain. In such a narrow passage, it is difficult to spread out those strong and long limbs, which is really disadvantageous.

She tried to retreat, but found that all the joints in her body were entangled with invisible steel cables, as if she had to exert all her strength to move every finger.

She took a deep breath, and the two rows of translucent glutinous rice teeth instantly turned into sharp blades. The sandalwood mouth made an inaudible sound of bone friction. In an instant, the mouth grew into an arc that was almost impossible for humans to open, like a reptile. Similar.

It was only then that the character of this pitiful "girl" really collapsed!

"Monster!" The refugees behind the canteen screamed.

"Close the hatch!" Earl Black Moon shouted loudly.

By this time, Mr. Captain and his men had arrived, everyone holding weapons. Judging from the reaction speed alone, their quality is far above the average quality of most regular navies in the universe.

"Don't come over!" However, the earl refused to let them come over for reinforcements. "He" stretched out his hand, and invisible spiritual threads crisscrossed directly in front of him, like a spider's dense web.

At this moment, the monster disguised as a "girl" had opened her mouth, and countless insects, much smaller than mosquitoes, roared out of her huge mouth.

Immediately afterwards, there was a series of fierce explosions.

The small flying insects spit out by the monster can actually explode, and their power is at least close to that of individual grenades.

More importantly, there was a trace of turbidity in the shock wave of the explosion, which was clearly some kind of toxin.

At this moment, a trace of solemnity finally appeared on the earl's face. He was still certain that he was superior to his opponent in terms of martial arts, combat experience, and spiritual power, but who knew what other indescribable talents this monster had?

Fortunately, Captain Hanford, who had worked with him many times, trusted him very much and had already closed the hatch behind him.

"Then let's play big!" thought the count.

"He" flicked his hands, and the invisible thread formed by spiritual energy turned from an airtight net into a sharp soft whip. In an instant, all the mosquitoes in the aisle were blown to pieces. As a result, they exploded almost at the same time, but just before the violent energy formed a shock wave, the psychic threads gathered again, held them all together, and then shook with all their strength.

The explosion was guided by spiritual energy and poured in one direction, all reacting on the monster. Her whole body was hit hard again, and no part of her body stopped giving off a warning.

However, thankfully, such an explosion created a violent backlash, completely sending it flying backwards to the end of the corridor. It steadied its body and did not fight back immediately. The protozoa that were still active in the body quickly grasped the surrounding environmental conditions. It immediately made a tactical tilt, and the person had fallen into a relatively wide cabin.

This should be a cargo bay, about 10 by 10 by 3 spaces. Although it is not spacious enough for this monster to freely express all its power, it is still better than the narrow aisle just now.

The monster took a few steps back, regained its footing, and spread out all of its ferocious insect limbs.

It knows that if it fights with spiritual energy, it will never be the opponent of this seemingly "ordinary person", so it will naturally try its best to use abilities that... do not belong to spiritual energy, do not belong to humans, or even belong to normal creatures. Got it!

"Come here!" It stretched out its hand and stuck out its thumb from the gap between its index finger and middle finger.

Then, it licked its lips again, pulled out the butterfly dart still on its neck, pinched it, and turned it into ashes.

"I... am the master of evolution! If you can't kill me now, I will be everywhere!" it said loudly, and the cracks in the carapace that were blasted out on its body were expanding, and it made a sound of "Puff, Puff, Haloxylon" , like countless insects climbing.

The Earl sneered, and actually gave up the favorable terrain of the narrow corridor and entered the warehouse directly. He also closed the hatch with his backhand, blocking the way between the warehouse and the corridor behind him.

The monster was a little confused and didn't quite understand what the other party was doing, but he still opened his tentacles directly. At this time, those soft octopus tentacles turned into spider-like insect limbs, with sharp bone blades extending directly from the tips.

Of course, saying it is "bone" is just the impression given by the texture. At this moment, energy fluctuations flowed across the blade surface, coating it with a rapidly vibrating force field.

The earl raised his eyebrows, and before the other party could rush towards him, he suddenly stretched out his hand and pushed.

His palm spit out a spiritual pulse, which did not hit the monster's twisted face, but hit another switch behind it.

All three doors to the outside of the cabin were opened, and the air inside flowed out, along with the packed cans and bottled water.

The monster was caught off guard. Before its insect-transformed feet had time to clasp the steel plates under its feet, another psychic wave hit it, causing it to lose its balance again. It was carried by the airflow, and its entire body floated towards the hatch.

"Naive! Do you think you can kill me like this? I am not one of those superficial biological weapons!" The monster roared ferociously, and its eight insect limbs opened directly, just like the ropes that fixed the body, directly pulling the cabin The door frame!

She faced the increasingly violent airflow and once again opened her large mouth full of sharp blades. Poisonous rays that could corrode a warship and increase its price were gathered in front of the throat, preparing to spurt out.

"Hoola!" A large cardboard box hit its face, smashing all kinds of salted fish and canned ham into pieces. The sticky greasy smell of sodium nitrite immediately hit it.

...The monster took two deep breaths and stretched out four arms from behind. Each arm holds a ball of high-temperature energy!

Another big cardboard box came over. This time, the monster was not attacked again by Ai, who slashed it away with a swing of his arm. However, a series of glass shattering sounds were heard, and a large amount of high-strength liquor poured out. This time, there was no sour smell of sodium nitrite and methanol mixed together. The alcohol burned directly under the close action of high-temperature energy, and breathed on the monster again.

This kind of injury is really not painful to the monster, but everyone believes that the blow to the heart must be far stronger than the physical blow.

Didn't you see that not only did it close its mouth, but the fireball it held in its hand also dispersed?

However, before it could extinguish the flames on its body, it was hit in the throat by a knee with psychic ripples.

The monster felt that this was probably how it felt when he was hit head-on by a large mobile fortress. The insect limbs extending from her back could no longer hold the hatch, and finally broke away from the ship and fell into the void.

But, in this case, wouldn’t you also come out? You are a human being!

It looked at the enemy who had not finished castration and also flew out of the ship's hull without knowing why, and found that the opponent had put on a mask at some point. In this way, no part of his body was exposed to the universe.

This monster doesn't have much culture, and most of the individuals it has devoured so far are just pirates and smugglers. Of course, they don't know that the mediocre close-fitting power suit worn by the opponent is the alliance's new DA12 power armor combat suit, which has space capabilities. Functional.

The insect limbs behind the monster spread out a halo of light, causing it to hover in the void before landing on the outer wall of the ship.

At this time, the count had already taken a stand on the hull of the ship with the help of psychic suction. Those elusive psychic threads are taking "his" body as the core and expanding to the surroundings in circles. "His" right hand was naturally raised in front of him, and at some point he lifted a flat metal rod about the length of his forearm. There seemed to be energy fluctuations beating at the top of the rod, but nothing real could be seen.

...No, it’s not that there’s nothing real about it.

The monster can clearly feel the extremely dangerous aura. It took a closer look, and finally vaguely caught a trace of the visual dislocation of the magnetic field beating, much like the feeling when the Alliance's lightsaber was activated.

However, that light blade is transparent!

"Come here!" The earl said from behind the mask, then lowered his body and made a killing move.

I don’t know if it’s because sound can’t be transmitted in the universe, or if the monster is really scared. Anyway, it is motionless and trying to observe.

"If you don't come over, I will come over!" the count said again. However, before "he" could start, the headset behind the mask beeped three times and then connected directly.

Immediately afterwards, the most familiar voice sounded directly in "his" ears.

"Hello? Feifei? I'm going to Lumina by boat right now! After you're done at the Star Port, just go directly to the Red Maple Factory to meet me. What happens next will definitely make a big news story of."

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