Him and their stars

Chapter 256 The Green Planet

Feifei sighed inwardly. The first rule she set for herself and Yu Lian was that their communication terminals must be set to automatically connect. Although this was actually a rule he made when he was eleven or twelve years old when he was suffering from middle school syndrome and had the strongest desire to control, over the past ten years, the two of them seemed to have naturally accepted this setting.

Thinking about it more carefully, both of them seemed to enjoy this nature quite a lot!

We cannot destroy this nature!

Feifei thought so, while continuing to draw her sword and preparing to kill, she continued to spread her spiritual energy field, and at the same time replied with a natural attitude: "Yu'er, didn't you say that, if you are not on a planet? Come on, just send an email? How expensive is the seismic wave communication channel?"

Indeed, if you are not on a planet, there will naturally be a delay in the radio signal of the beam. It's really better to contact via email or text message.

However, it doesn't matter if you are a wealthy person. Just use your signal terminal to connect to the source mass wave center and apply for a private communication channel. 10 yuan a minute is not even a drop of rain for rich people, right?

Yu Lian wanted to say that it was because I was a rich man now, but he said, "Well, because... this is also an important thing! Doesn't Feifei also want to write a shocking report? Come to Hongfeng Factory and visit us , you will definitely not be disappointed.”

"Well, really?" Feifei smiled noncommittally. But at this time, the monster on the opposite side finally lost his temper. Its existence seemed to directly violate the law of conservation of mass and energy. Twelve insect limbs spread out from behind its body, and each insect limb was constantly stretching, spanning a distance of nearly a hundred meters.

It let out a silent roar, and all its insect limbs launched an attack at the same moment.

The acid and toxins gathered into a dark green ray, blocking all the space that Feifei could avoid.

"Can normal creatures do this?" Feifei whispered.

"Ah? Feifei, what are you talking about?"

"Oh, I'm interviewing injured veterans recovering in the starport."


"Yes, it is said that when I was exploring a remote planet, I met a local native and was poisoned by being sprayed in the face. When I came back, I found that a carapace had grown on my body and I was about to turn into a lobster. Now I am Soak it in a petri dish and receive treatment. It will take a month or two just to remove the diseased tissue cells."

As Feifei spoke, her left hand danced gracefully, and the spiritual energy net that had spread out brought all the sprayed corrosive rays into the already unfolded field.

Then, no movement was seen, and the overwhelming green rays disappeared, not even damaging the hull of the ship the two of them were stepping on.

"A space-type psychic realm? Which one is it?"

The monster took a step back slightly and retracted its insect limbs. It suddenly discovered that this opponent was much more dangerous than it had imagined.

However, it definitely does not have the nature of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages like any wild animals or virtual monsters, but instead shows a sadistic and greedy smile.

In today's battle, the protozoa lost in its body cannot be replenished in a month or two. But precisely because of this, it needs to try to recover its losses.

As for the psyker opposite, as long as he can devour her, obtain her genetic information, and obtain her memories and experience, he will be considered a profit.

The monster launched another fierce attack. This time, it didn't make any vain probing attacks. The insect limb opened its stance blade and slashed at the powerful enemy in front of it from all directions. It itself charged. It has considerable confidence in itself and determines that its body is the most powerful weapon.

Feifei chuckled and raised her hands above her head, preparing to attack.

She has almost captured the opponent's attack trajectory, and can even determine all the opponent's possible changes and dodges. This is the most cruel and disrespectful energy level suppression under the occult system.

...However, this monster is indeed mysterious, so be careful! she thinks.

...If possible, save your remaining life and ask questions! She thought again and said, "Speaking of which, Yu'er, do you really think that the Red Maple Factory is the root of everything?"

"The Red Maple Factory is not the root, but it should be a wedge. As long as any intelligent clan accepts civilization, it will be impossible to return to the pastoral era. Give them the necessary conditions for survival, give them urgent dignity, and give them They hope that religious and racial conflicts will not be worth mentioning. More importantly, they can at least radiate the entire Lumina planet."

"...Well, when it comes to this part, I don't quite understand it."

"...Haha, it's not easy to encounter things that Feifei doesn't understand. I'm so proud!"

"Anyway, Yu'er has decided, so go ahead and do it! I've taken care of things here and will come over to meet you right away!"

The psychic power on the monster suddenly bloomed, wrapping around it and forming a crazy tornado form. Then he broke into the spiritual field arranged by Feifei so unscrupulously.

The vortex formed by spiritual energy reverberated on the thread, causing violent vibrations. The tornado was constantly swaying, and strange fractures and gaps were constantly appearing, as if it had been directly erased from the spatial level.

After the gap, the monster's body was finally exposed, and then, dense wounds appeared directly as if it had been injured by an invisible sharp blade.

However, those wounds closed quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye. New wounds constantly appear on the monster's body, but they always heal instantly.

If it were any other enemy, even a psychic, they would probably be cut into pieces at this time. But the other party just kept advancing so unreasonably. The vortex it formed directly with spiritual energy seemed loud and powerful, but it seemed too rough, inefficient and skillless. If you are an extraordinary person with the inheritance of a famous teacher, if you really use psychic powers like this, you will definitely be slapped on the back of the head by an elder.

However, this monster's spiritual energy is really more turbulent and abundant. Such an inefficient play style is really suitable for it.

Feifei closed her eyes slightly and secretly said that it was true.

...Is it spiritual energy converted from life force? This monster always feels like it is composed of 100 million cockroaches.

However, he is still a beast!

Feifei suppressed the transparent light blade and performed a graceful sword fight with a horizontal sword.

She didn't make any special moves, she just stood there, waiting for the other party to rush towards her.

The monster's psychic vortex suddenly exploded, as if it had turned into countless dense arrows, but it sank directly into the expanded invisible field and disappeared again. At this time, the opponent had already rushed to a distance of only four feet square inches from him.

The invisible light blade swayed out without any smoke and fire, and the starlight intertwined in the visually dislocated trajectory, but it seemed to condense into bright white moonlight.

The monster's body became unnaturally twisted, like an out-of-control vehicle that made a sharp turn and slid sideways past Feifei.

It ran uncontrollably for nearly five or six meters before staggering back. A look of horror finally appeared on the ferocious human figure that had been completely transformed into a monster.

Its torso was smoothly cut off from the waist and abdomen, and its upper body was detached from the body and thrown into the air. Its lower body, including its legs, took a few steps reflexively, then twitched a few times, and then it seemed to be The endless void sucked away all the vitality, became stiff, petrified, cracked, and then turned into ashes.

The monster watched with horror on his face as the lower half of his body completely turned into dust in the universe. Of course, it is not afraid of being cut in half. It is an injury that is fatal to other creatures and will suffer a lot before death. But to it, it is no different than losing a little hair.

However, what really scares it is that it can't feel the existence of those cells and "offspring" in the broken limb at all, and can only watch half of the body composed of them disappear into ashes.

Tens of millions of protozoa lost contact with their own spirits.

...Is it that weapon? It looked at the transparent light blade, and even with its own vision, it could only occasionally catch a faint ripple caused by optical misalignment. What's even more frightening is that, with his spiritual sense that can communicate with hundreds of millions of protozoa, he can't feel the existence of that weapon at all.

It has no idea how long and wide it is, what kind of energy it has, and whether it has occult properties.

The only thing that can be known is that this invisible blade of light has the effect of killing life.

The lower half of his body that had been cut off had turned into ashes, and some kind of cold and cold power directly invaded his upper body, destroying his body without restraint.

The monster gritted its teeth and mobilized all its vitality to catalyze the activity of the cells, thus barely resisting the erosion of this force.

The spider arms stretched out from its back barely supported its body, shrinking away little by little, as if it were an insect that had encountered a natural enemy.

Who among us is the monster? it thought.

"You should know that you have no chance of winning! Put down your weapons... uh, put away your tentacles, let go of your soul, raise your hands and surrender! I will judge whether to spare your life based on your attitude." Feifei used The spirit can convey one's emotions, and it has a little soul-soothing effect!

And almost at the same moment, after she applied the mask, Yu Lian's voice continued to ring in the headset: "Hey, Feifei, why don't you talk? Hello?"

"Uh, sorry, I just saw a spider, so I just took a laundry pole and poked it!" Feifei dealt with Yu Lian while continuing to use her spiritual power to persuade the monster on the opposite side to surrender.

"Spider? The ecosystem of this star port is doing well. I thought it would be good if the ragtag crew of the far shore fleet could fold the quilt neatly."

"Yu'er, you are really talking more and more like a man on the moon now!" Feifei laughed.

"Yes! Lilia said the same thing yesterday. So for people like me, who like to raise their tails like flagpoles when they are complacent, I need you to remind me."

"Lilia? Yesterday?" Feifei noticed the blind spot and stopped even using her psychic powers to persuade her to surrender.

"Uh, well, I just had dinner with her yesterday."

"Just you two?"

"...It's in the canteen of the militia headquarters!" Of course, the two of us made a small private room, but this was for quietness while talking. However, there is no need to tell Feifei about this kind of thing.

"Really...that's it!" Feifei said in a long voice, and her smile seemed to be brighter.

"Well, the source wave communication is very expensive... I will wait for you at the Red Maple Factory, see you later!" Yu Lian conveyed the above meaning in an impeccably calm voice, and then shut down the communication with a faster movement.

At this moment, the monster's limbs suddenly displayed wings of light, turned its head and slid into the distant void.

Obviously, it really doesn't want to surrender.

"Tsk, you naughty little fox..." Feifei muttered dissatisfiedly, put away her invisible lightsaber, turned her hands over, and pulled out a phase wave cannon from nowhere.

Yes, it is the kind of heavy artillery used on heavy main battle tanks, fighter jets and even mobile fortresses. The barrel alone is more than three meters long. However, Feifei, who was only 1.75 meters tall (after transformation), lifted it up with one hand and blasted it towards the little figure that had already jumped far away.

She fired for three full minutes, draining the battery of the gun, then clapped her hands and threw it on the hull. A few engineering robots emerged from nowhere, drove over cautiously, waved their mechanical arms gingerly, picked up the light cannon, turned around and crawled away at a speed that was almost like running away.

Feifei looked into the distance and made sure that she could no longer feel the fluctuations of the monster. Then she felt relieved and directly connected to the communication within the ship and found Captain Hanford.

"Is the fight over?" the old captain asked.

"The fight is over! Is there anything strange in the boat?"

"Nothing has been found so far. I have asked Dr. Qiao to start checking. Also, half of the supplies on the ship were lost just now!"

"You can stop at New Seville or Lumina. Of course we will have free supplies, fresh meat, fish, fruits and vegetables, and good wine! I will make the arrangements."

What Feifei didn't know was that the corpse fragments of the "monster" that had been blasted to the point where only half of its head was left had already fallen into a state of complete silence. There was no longer any vitality in this pile of fragments.

At least not even the most sophisticated instruments in existence, nor the most accomplished psykers, can sense it.

It is slowly floating towards the green planet that seems to hang at the end of the sky.

At this moment, on that distant green planet, in the only modern city on the planet, the young worker leader, a Lumina youth named Babalu, had just woken up from his sleep.

Babalu closed his eyes for a few minutes in the small room, and then got up carefully. He is two and a half meters tall, which is considered a big man among Lumina people. If he is not careful, his head will easily hit the ceiling.

In the room, there is only a single bed that can only be slept on when curled up, a set of iron seats, and a cabinet, with a total area of ​​only three or four square meters. This is the entire living space of the most influential young leader in the city.

He walked out of the room, stood on the solid metal corridor floor, and took a breath of air mixed with the smell of metal rust, sweat, and even heat waves. On both sides of the corridor, there are doors that are exactly like his, extending all the way to the end, connecting to the corridor leading to the rail transit station and shopping street.

When you are here, you feel like you are in a huge fortress that seems to be built with steel.

This is actually the workers' dormitory of the Red Maple Factory, housing three thousand people. There are eight dormitories of this size in the city.

Of course, they are all for single workers.

Babalu greeted everyone he met warmly while striding towards the traffic stop in the distance.

No one noticed that his smile was actually a little stiff.

He has a lot of work to deal with today. The tribes on the eastern plains jointly sent envoys, preparing to exchange food for industrial products; the city of Mel in the southern Great Lakes sent their velvet cloth and asked them to help sell it; the Suppression Headquarters also had military representatives, hoping to Providing finished metal needed by the front line.

Since the great changes, Babalu and his friends have relied on these scrappy small businesses to maintain the basic operation of the factory and the city.

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