Him and their stars

Chapter 257 The Workers’ Leader in Red Maple Forest

With a height of 2.5 meters, Babaru is not only the tallest among the Lumina people, but also a very rare strong man among the Lumina people. His torso and four arms are more than one and a half times the size of the average Lumina people. Therefore, he does not look like a big praying mantis walking upright, but like a beetle walking upright, and he looks very powerful. Coupled with an oval-shaped head with a shiny black carapace, he looks like a character at first glance. If it were in an adventure novel from the classical era, this image would be enough to serve as a boss.

...In fact, this is indeed the case. A few years ago, there was a crew from the solar system who came to the Far Coast Nebula to shoot a music video. The director fell in love with Babaru at first sight and insisted on dragging him back to Earth with him, crying and shouting. The director holding an orchid finger said that as long as Babaru goes to Earth, he will definitely become a classic villain on the screen in a few years, or even a classic tough guy image.

You know, in this aesthetically diversified universe, this sharp, hard, and insect-like appearance is actually very popular in entertainment works.

This is much more than the dead wages he earned at Maple City and Red Maple Factory!

Babalu was so moved that he rejected the director without hesitation. He really didn't like it because the director was an old man but always pinched his orchid fingers and spoke softly, but he really didn't want to leave his hometown.

"If you leave your hometown at this time, wouldn't you become a coward who runs away?" Babalu said.

"I think you are putting too much pressure on yourself!" said his good friend Busca, one of the youngest engineers in the factory: "If you really leave, everyone will actually bless you. "

maybe! But even with the blessings of hundreds of thousands of people in the city, I can't just leave.

Babalu smiled bitterly and shook his head - of course, the Lumina people's facial nerves could not produce such an expression as a bitter smile, but his friend still felt the other person's emotions.

If you keep carrying this kind of emotion, it won't be good when you talk about business. We still have to make this guy happy. As a result, Busca brought Babalu a large food plate, which was today's breakfast.

Everyone is a self-supporting carbon-based mammal - yes, although Lumina looks like a giant mantis, they are really mammals - so they need to consume the same carbohydrates, proteins, and vitamins.

However, the tongues of humans and Rumina are different after all, and their perception of taste is also different. The Rumina people's favorite condiment is black thatch from the local planet, but humans think it is even darker than fried crotons with coptis.

However, Busca still made a breakfast for Babaru, which was quite delicious in the eyes of the Rumina people.

"Buska, if you are a Rumina, I will definitely marry you!" Babalu was very moved.

"I'm a fucking man!" Busca shouted loudly. This is actually a young man from Earth with a medium build, dark skin, strong muscles, and a strong temperament. He also walks in a tough guy style. At first glance, he looks like a classy working class man.

"Sorry, I can't tell the difference." Babalu chuckled, and then swallowed a big mouthful of black spear grass and sweet potato rice. After eating a few big mouthfuls, a hard-boiled moa egg rolled out from under the rice.

This thing is bigger than a goose egg. Although it is a bit fishy and has a thick taste, it is also a rare protein supplement for everyone.


"Uncle Xia Xia Ke from Dongcheng took people into the mountains the day before yesterday and took out a bird's nest. It was specially given to you to replenish your health."

"Buska, you know the rules." Babalu's face sank, but he looked at his friend Baba's eyes and did not blame him after all. Instead, he picked up the moa eggs, washed them, and put them in a clean In the rice dish.

"I'll take you to the kindergarten later."

"Sent them away a long time ago! The meat and eggs that Uncle Xia Xia Ke got were sent to kindergartens and schools. This is what the children took the initiative to save for you."

Babalu looked at Busca next to him, and saw that the latter was waiting blankly for the boiled eggs, and his throat seemed to be twitching. He no longer hesitated, picked up the moa egg and stuffed it into the other person's mouth.

Busca, a strong man, was still powerless to fight back in front of Babalu, who was 2.5 meters tall and walked like an upright beetle. He was fed a mouthful of moa eggs, which made him cry. It took him a long time to swallow them.

"I had it last week!" said Babalu.

Busca couldn't speak for a while and just gave his friend a middle finger without saying a word.

After eating, the two went to the reception room of Hongfeng Factory. The workers did not move the luxurious office that originally belonged to the boss. They cleaned an activity room in the office building and directly made some furniture by themselves and put it in, temporarily used as a reception.

Compared with those reception rooms decorated with modern furniture and decoration, this place looks very rustic.

Representatives of the Lumina tribe from the Great Lakes in the South and the Great Plains in the East did not have much reaction. On the contrary, for these traditional Rumina people who still retain the slash-and-burn lifestyle, all the scenes in Maple City and Red Maple Factory are Western scenes, which makes them happy every time they come.

As for the military representative from the Suppression Headquarters, a lieutenant officer in his forties, Quebing did not bother to hide his arrogant expression.

Babalu noticed the performance of all of them, but he didn't care and went straight to the point.

"How much food can you send this time?" he asked the representatives of the Eastern Plains.

This is a strong Lumina man with a maroon carapace, iron armor and a cloak.

He didn't seem to be good at words, so he stretched out three hands directly to Babaru and showed ten fingers. Lumina people have four fingers on each hand, but this guy obviously has a story. There is a finger missing on each hand, and it looks like it was chopped off with a sharp weapon.

"What do you want to change?"

"The shovels and hammers we replaced last time cost 500 sets each this time!"

Babalu found the deal acceptable. In this way, the basic rations for the entire city's population can be guaranteed for the next month.

"What about you?" He looked at the representative of Southern Great Lakes again.

"Five ships!" said the relatively short Lumina representative. He has a lake blue carapace, a fashionable coat on his body, and precious metal jewelry on his wrists and neck.

Babalu was also satisfied. In this way, he could organize the female workers in the city to get everyone winter clothes.

"The water pump we bought last time broke!" said the southerner.

"I'll ask the engineer to check it for you."

"Let me take someone for a run." Busca, who was watching, said, "It can definitely be repaired."

The southerner added: "In addition, you need a set of that kind of water pump. Also, at least three ships' worth of steel bars must be filled!"

Babalu thought for a while: "I can only give you two ships temporarily, and the remaining one will be shipped next month."

The other party also thought about it and found it acceptable.

Ever since, the deal between the Rumina people was completed.

It sounds like it went very smoothly, but in fact, if Babalu were not present, these representatives of the Lumina tribe would not be easy to deal with at all. This worker leader in Maple City also has a considerable reputation among the major tribes of the Rumina people. His strong courage is of course one aspect, but more importantly, his generous and fair style of doing things.

The so-called "Fair Babaru" is also a well-known name on this green planet.

This is probably one of the reasons why Babalu feels that his hometown cannot live without him.

Then, there is the issue between the Red Maple Factory and the military representatives.

"The encirclement at the front has been completed and we are about to launch a general attack! So we need support from the rear! I will make a list for you in a minute." said the military representative.

He paused for a moment and then said: "Don't worry, we all know the current difficulties of the factory, so they are all accessories that can be produced at the moment!"

"Aren't the military supplies for the front sent from New Seville?" Busca frowned.

"This is also for the good of everyone!" the military representative said in a high-sounding tone. Seeing that Babalu and Busca were a little confused, he said in a tone of hatred: "Who are we attacking? Rumi Na rebels! In this factory and in this city, Lumina people account for more than 60%! If you provide support, wouldn't it better show your attitude towards this matter? In the future, you will not have to worry about criticism from the outside world. ”

Busca, who had a bad temper, got angry and stood up as if he was scolding. However, Babalu, who looked even more fierce, calmly held down his friend and said seriously: "Okay, then when will you pay?" Where’s the deposit?”

"Deposit?" The other party was startled, and then became angry: "This is recruitment! Do you understand recruitment? Have you ever learned this word? Follow me and say, recruitment, recruitment..."

"I understand. But, sir, if you want to recruit, don't you need a warrant from the military headquarters? At the very least, you need a notice from the Far Coast Military District Headquarters! But I don't have anything."

"The Red Maple Factory is a military property! Do you understand that the military situation is urgent? All factories, equipment, resources here, and even you, are the property of the military! In emergencies, you must obey the orders of the local theater command!"

"But the Red Maple Factory has been restructured!" Babalu said: "The military and local government only own 40%. The remaining 60% is owned by private investors and all workers."

"Nonsense, where are all the workers?"

"At least that's what the old minister promised, and there's also a contract."

It was just a so-called "gentleman's agreement" written on a stone tablet and had no legal effect. The military representative wanted to say this, but it was indeed proven by the historical data left by the founding fathers of the People's Republic of China, and he really didn't dare to speak out.

"In the absence of private investors, the entire factory was organized by the workers themselves." Babalu thought for a moment and then said: "Furthermore, Hongfeng Factory does have a small parts production line, but it is all our workers. I worked it out myself in the past few years. Theoretically, it does not belong to the original Red Maple Factory, it belongs to everyone... So, you have to follow the market!"

"No, no, you're wrong! That's not how the accounts are calculated." The representative with the rank of lieutenant showed a kind smile, tugged his fingers, and began to sharpen them bit by bit, as if he had been in finance all his life. An old accountant who couldn’t pass the CPA exam.

The two sides argued for half an hour, but there was no decisive progress.

The lieutenant said that this was for the front line, for victory, and for the long-term stability of Lumina. Babalu said that you have to give some amount no matter what, this is for the livelihood of the whole city.

Obviously, no matter how kind the military representative's attitude is now, his bottom line has long been clear - no money, not a penny.

"I will come again!" said the military representative.

"No matter how many times you come here, the result will always be the same. You have to pay a deposit!" Babalu said.

"I will bring people here!" the military representative said again, his tone seemed less friendly.

"No matter how many people you bring, this will be the result. I am responsible for everyone in the whole factory!" Babalu did not give in.

As a result, everyone could only part ways unhappy.

Afterwards, Busca was a little worried, so he discussed: "I can lead everyone to work overtime, and I can still get those things done!"

But Babalu shook his head: "If he pays, I will work overtime with you!"

He was actually a little worried, but he was still very happy when he thought that today's three sales were completed in two, and everyone had food reserves for next month and clothing materials for winter. After seeing off Busca, he put on his work clothes and got ready to go to work.

Babalu is now the worker leader in the factory, but he always thought that this was just a part-time job. His real job was actually the monitor of the 3rd shift of the miners.

Just as he walked out of his office, he was stopped again.

"Are we here again? Over at Warehouse No. 3? A smuggler? An arms reseller? Or a fugitive?"

"Yes, yes...it seems to be Brother Kelmo!" the other party said cautiously.

Babalu was startled for a moment, and then glared at the other person so viciously that he wanted to hide in a corner and never come out. Immediately afterwards, the young worker leader also showed a distressed look on his face, which was a bit more distressed than when he came to deal with the military representatives just now.

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