Him and their stars

Chapter 271 Everyone is weird

Of course, what was attacked was not the main force of the Suppression General, but only an exploration force of less than 200 people. It is mainly composed of the New Seville garrison, and the personnel quality and equipment level are naturally very typical of the garrison level.

However, no matter what the so-called ordinary security force level is, it is a combat force of more than 200 people with multi-terrain walking vehicles, firepower platforms, and armored airships. Now that he was beaten by a wild beast and fled, the news could really make military observers and media throughout the galaxy laugh for a whole year.

So, when the information from the captain leading the team was delivered to Brigadier General Luben, he overturned the table on the spot while he was having lunch. Fine red wine, fish and lobsters, grilled steaks, fresh fruits and vegetables and bread sent from New Seville. A large table of dishes was smashed to the ground, making the orderly next to him twitch.

The orderly, who is not yet 20 years old this year, feels that such a senior official and person as His Excellency the General may not be as sensible as his 3-year-old nephew. That kid is a bear, but at least he won't waste food.

The orderly squatted down silently and began to clean up the messy ground. He wasn't scared at all. If this was the first time that Brigadier General Luben was so angry, he might even shudder, but during this period, the general has been doing this all the time, and the little orderly has naturally become accustomed to it.

Brigadier General Lu Ben has always set himself up as a Confucian general with graceful demeanor and wisdom. Unfortunately, there were too many falsehoods that made him very angry during this period. The persona that took decades to establish was naturally unsustainable.

He was really having a rough time during this time.

The transport team was attacked by Rumina guerrillas; the reconnaissance team was besieged. People were sent to contact the major Rumina tribes and asked them to send people to assist in the battle, but in the past two weeks, only one-third of the original plan was achieved.

The Suppression Headquarters located outside the forest was harassed by herds of animals from time to time, and sentries often suffered casualties.

But this failure made him particularly angry.

"Tell them to withdraw immediately! Yes, let Captain Suk and Captain Beta take their people to respond! In addition, all units have canceled their rest and have all entered a state of preparation for war! No automatic attacks are allowed, and the existing positions must be maintained!" I feel angry, but I still have to make follow-up arrangements, so I feel even more angry. This is the commander's self-cultivation.

Colonel Sacher, who was sitting at the same table as him, wanted to laugh, but he held it back. In this situation, everyone should still cooperate sincerely, and said: "At least we have determined that the various large beasts in the jungle are indeed abnormal. They have a certain organization and are extremely aggressive and aggressive. Strategic purpose If it has been achieved, it is not considered a failure.”

yes! We use our security forces to explore the road and die, while you Marines stay aside and watch the show, then go harvest heads and military honors, right? Brigadier General Lu Ben glanced at the other party, and really wanted to say something, but he really knew that now was not the time to fall out, so he could only nodded with a sullen face: "...I just hope that Mr. Commissioner can accept us. Let’s put it this way. Is he still in Maple City now?”

The Marine Colonel nodded, showing a strange expression.

"That damn place is as depressed as a tomb now. Why?"

Brigadier General Lu Ben also found it really difficult to understand.

Indeed, Yu Lian's operation was indeed too confusing.

It's understandable if it's because you don't want to be in a barracks with a bunch of smelly soldiers. After all, a considerable part of the "elite bureaucratic group" has this mentality, not to mention that the Moon Man is known as the "elite group of elite groups."

But in this case, he could just stay in New Seville! Wouldn’t it be nice to eat seafood every day and look at the smell of the sea? In order to make Mr. Commissioner happy. Brigadier General Lu Ben has worked hard to provide all the drivers, bodyguards, assistant tour guides! He even used the flower in the garrison headquarters that he hadn't even had a chance to nibble on. It was a waste of money.

When Yu Lian suddenly got rid of the people arranged by Brigadier General Lu Ben and went to Rumina alone, he really scared the latter.

However, the special commissioner went directly to Hongfeng Factory. Not only did the Suppression Headquarters show up, he didn't even make a phone call.

"This is probably to give us some steps to get down. You also know that some of our combat experiences with the Rumina rebels in the past few years do not actually stand up to inspection."

"Really, are these mantises still as bad as before?"

"That's right! Just be our food and clothing parents honestly. Isn't it good to have food, rice, money and food? Why do you want to be tied up with the Wanling Sect?"

"Those guys from the Wanling Sect are even more disgusting! Wouldn't it be better to just sell the lucky rabbit's feet and give some charity to the lonely big shot's wife? They have to cause so many things, it's too much trouble for people! Not at all! Consider the hard work of us civil servants!”

After Brigadier General Luben and Colonel Sacher complained for a while, they suddenly felt that life was too difficult, and inexplicably they felt a tacit understanding of each other.

As for the little orderly who was lying on the ground collecting garbage, he felt that if he continued to listen, he might have to prepare for his funeral in advance. He quickly stood up, hugged the trash can and said, "I, I will prepare a dinner for the officers. You guys will..."

The little orderly fled, and the two officers said nothing. Since they dared to say these things in front of their faces, they naturally weren't worried about this guy leaking the secret.

To put it bluntly, it has long been the consensus of the entire army that the Rumina rebels are the lifeblood of the Guard and Marines.

"Captain Yu Lian said he was here to rectify the Red Maple Factory. Is that true?" Brigadier General Lu Ben began to think deeply.

"The Red Maple Factory is a military industry, right?" Colonel Sahe has only been in Rumina for a few years and doesn't know much about this enterprise that has witnessed decades of Rumina's history.

"It seems that the system has been changed, and the management rights have been handed over to private individuals. Of course, the government and the military have supervision... Hey, what does this have to do with us? It's all the fault of the big shots on the other side of the earth!" Lu Ben The brigadier general rolled his eyes, stared at Sahe, and said in a strange tone: "Anyway, Captain Yu Lian is also a special commissioner. Whether it is the Red Maple Factory or our army, they are all within his supervisory authority. . If he comes to us on a whim one day and asks how our battle is going and what our results are... Do we want to tell him that we were beaten by a herd of beasts and fled?"

Brigadier General Luben spoke as if he was telling a ghost story, but to the colonel it sounded almost like a ghost story.

"If he is not satisfied, a flying letter will be sent to Earth telling you and me about our future... ah no, I might have to retire early now."

"Retiring early" is so miserable. Without special promotions or medals, it would be difficult to even attend a veteran's fraternity, and it would be very difficult to find a job again.

What, do you think that when major companies rehire retired politicians and retired military officers, they don’t look at resumes?

Colonel Sacher shook his head vigorously and said that he would never retire early.

"So, sir, what do you think?"

"Your marines have not suffered any damage during this period, and they are recharged and ready for the day. They must be in their best condition? Why don't we give up the plan of encirclement through the Thuro Forest and try to use high-altitude assault The way to land is to land directly in the ancient city of Sero and behead the enemy! How about that?"

Colonel Sahe looked at the other party expressionlessly, and for a moment he had no idea which class the other party was for by insulting his IQ like this?

"Of course, your Marines will be the main force in the airborne assault! The Guard will also use airships to conduct peripheral air assaults on Thuro to cooperate with your operations!"

yes! Then the biggest possibility is that we will be made dumplings, and you will be beaten so hard that you can't even see the outside of the ancient city of Thuluo.

The colonel soon realized that of course he had to refuse. But once he refuses, the other party can at least throw away the blame for being "fearful of the enemy".

"The main thing is that since there is a violent beast tide here, it is very unscientific! Do you understand what I mean?"

The brigadier general was startled for a moment, then nodded to express his understanding.

Since it is not scientific, of course it is very psychic. This is the law of this universe!

"We have to apply for psykers from the Far Fleet!"

"If that doesn't work, ask the City Autonomous Committee."

Of course there are psykers in the far shore defense fleet. Their chief navigator, their first stormtrooper, their flagship medical officer, were all extraordinary men. After all, it is directly facing the front line of the empire's defense, so it is normal to have such a configuration.

There are also psychics in New Seville, but they are civilians, and they only receive a subsidy from the municipal government where they live, so they are naturally not subject to military control.

In short, there are no serious military guards and marines in this galaxy. It is a sad story.

"So, do you want to apply for the Far Coast Fleet?" Sahe said.

Brigadier General Luben was silent, and of course Colonel Sahe could only remain silent. He was relatively speechless for a while. Let’s not talk about whether the fleet will give this face, but if the other party really agrees, will only psykers come? If you win in the end, who gets the credit?

More importantly, in the eyes of the senior officials of the Earth Military Command, not only did they mobilize troops locally and spend a lot of money but lose troops and lose no generals, they also had to request fleet support.

Not to mention it’s all about merit, maybe I’ll have to retire early again.

No, never retire early! Even if I have to spend my whole life in the military, I will never "retire early!" Colonel Sahe clenched his fists, his fighting spirit burning, and said in a high-spirited tone:

"You'd better send someone to Maple City to take a look. If you can help, help, and then...invite Captain Yu Lian to come over. This is also his scope of responsibility! The situation has reached such a deadlock, and everyone needs to work together. ah!"

What's more important is that having one more person behind the scenes makes it easier to operate, whether it's communicating with the far shore fleet or taking the blame in the end!

Although Colonel Sacher did not say these words, he believed that Brigadier General Luben on the opposite side must understand what he meant.

Brigadier General Luben felt that this might be the most human-like words Colonel Sacher said today.

He sighed, showed a tired expression, and said helplessly: "I always hope that the special correspondent is really as kind as he claims to be. A man on the moon with a great future, a transcendent person, if he really is If you can understand ordinary grassroots officers like us, that is the blessing of the spirit of the universe."

But anyway, as a special commissioner of the Central Committee, also commonly known as the "Supervisory Army", he did not appear at the Suppression Headquarters for a day, fully expressing his trust in the frontline generals with his attitude.

The more this happens, as frontline generals, after being flattered, they are now left with uncertainty.

"We still have to keep going! Captain Yu Lian gave us the steps, but we can't make it difficult for him!" Brigadier General Lu Ben said.

At this time, his heart was filled with a certain sense of mission, and he was moved by his own righteousness. He felt that subordinates like him who were considerate of others and could consider their superiors and their "supervisory troops" were the loyal and courageous role models of the community's frontline generals. .

"Yes, we still have to fight! But I will never let my men engage in airborne operations!" Colonel Sahe said.

"Okay, if you don't want to airborne, you won't airborne." The brigadier general lengthened his voice and said in a tone like coaxing a child: "Then this time, how about gathering more troops, not engaging in empty attacks, and attacking head-on?"

Just as the chief and deputy commanders of the Suppression Headquarters were having heated discussions about the next battle plan, their target was also discussing the next step in the ancient star observation tower in the ancient city of Thuro.

Those present were either gloomy cult leaders or ferocious Lumina rebellion leaders, but the overall atmosphere was quite warm. They did get another victory. And in the past few weeks as the opponent's army approached, they had indeed been winning. But today, it was the most glorious victory.

"The enemy has completely retreated! Now, the beast tide has poured directly out of the forest, and it should be heading towards the enemy headquarters."

"Oh... let's have a moment of silence for the bravery and tragedy of our children. The spirit of the universe will be watching them, and their souls will be integrated with the omnipresent Lord of the Underworld!"

Indeed, it is one thing to lay an ambush in the jungle, but it is another thing to directly attack a large and well-defended military base.

"This doesn't count as our victory, right? All the beasts in the Thro Forest are now our allies, but who can guarantee that they won't immediately become our enemies?"

The person who said these words was still the youngest Earth man present. He has always been a cautious person, so everyone is basically used to throwing cold water on him because he can't read the air.

"However, everything that has happened in the past few days can indeed prove that the notes left in ancient times are correct. The sacrificial vessels we found and our magic formations are also correct!" the older Wanling Sect retorted. Said, and then looked at Leader Wanda who had been silent before.

"Master, we can continue until the right time..."

"Where is the Central Commissioner sent from Earth, named Captain Yu Lian, now?" Leader Flores Wanda interrupted the other party and directly asked a question that had nothing to do with the current situation.

Everyone present looked at each other, and some people couldn't even remember who this person was for a while.

Still the very cautious young man from Earth said: "Always in Maple City."

"Maple City?" Bishop Wanda did not hide his doubts and fell into deep thought.

Naturally, he didn't see the Lumina young man sitting at the bottom, completely hidden in the shadows, also showing a pensive expression.

After a while, Master Wanda said: "Although that captain is young, he is not good at making mistakes. He has been standing still... there must be something fishy!"

Just as he was about to say wait a moment, a message ring suddenly sounded on the simple stone table in front of him.

In this environment and atmosphere, this of course seems a bit inconsistent.

The leader's eyes seemed a little stiff, but he remained expressionless and opened the information terminal with calm and natural movements.

"Master, there is encrypted communication from outer space, we..."

Before the correspondent could finish speaking, Master Flores Wanda stood up, said, "I'll come as soon as I go!", and left.

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