Him and their stars

Chapter 272 Matryoshka Doll

After leaving these words, Master Flores Wanda waved his sleeves and walked away without a cloud, leaving his subordinates and collaborators looking at each other.

Anyway, as the head boss of a cult, although Leader Wanda has the face of a golden cowherd, he still interprets the characteristics of mysticism very realistically.

In any case, mysticism is indeed a characteristic that is very suitable for the promising profession of cult leader. Of course his subordinates are already used to this.

However, his collaborators didn't think so at all. Leader Wanda had just left, and the Lumina people present expressed their dissatisfaction on the spot directly in front of the senior leaders of All Souls Religion.

"What is this? Do you think we are his subordinates?"

"Such pretentious virtue can only deceive you weak-minded humans. Don't even think about deceiving the people of the God of the Sky!"

"Don't forget, humans, you are just outsiders! This city of Sero, this great forest of Sero, and this planet all belong to the God of the Sky and the Rumina people! Remember, it is we who have protected you. !”

Although this loose alliance has always seemed to be dominated by the Wanda Cult, the Rumina people are far more than humans, both on site and in the entire city of Thuro.

Although the number was small, the leaders of the All Souls Religion present were not easy-going people. They looked at these angry "allies" with a sneer.

"Blade Weng, does this represent your attitude and the attitude of the Lumina rebel soldiers?" someone asked.

The old Lumina man known as "Blade Weng" is the oldest person present and can be regarded as the most senior anti-system element. All the rebels will give him some face. He is not a leader, but he can be called a respected elder in the rebel community.

The old Rumina man touched his chin and said: "This is not an attitude, it just represents everyone's emotions. In any case, we are all wood rats hiding in the same cave now. We need to hug each other for warmth, and we also need to express our sincerity! Everyone , the rebels of the Rumina people have expressed enough sincerity. Seeing that victory is in sight, we also hope that Mr. Wanda can understand everyone's mood!"

The Rumina people are a race that has come from the past and are willing to express their emotions frankly. For example, Yan Gong can be so roundabout and is already the most eloquent among the rebel leaders.

In short, perhaps it is because there is finally an old and steady person present, and perhaps the people of Lumina also know that although the number of cultists here is not large, there are still several masters. Although the atmosphere among everyone is not very friendly, it is still at the "what are you looking at" stage. As long as there is no action, it means that everyone is still a comrade who cooperates sincerely.

Colmo still sat in his original position, trying to hide himself in the shadows. In this way, his joking gaze would not be seen by others.

"Look, this is the reason why you have no future! First you cooperated with the cult, and then when you saw a little possibility of success, you started fighting among yourself! How can the future of Lumina people be left in your hands? ! The people of Rumina in the future will not need the God of the Sky or these so-called collaborators. Likewise, they will not need you either."

Colmo walked along the corner of the Star Observation Tower to the door and left the depressing atmosphere.

Many people noticed his movements, and like migratory birds with guidance, they stood up and left.

As a result, the military meeting that was started because of the victory in the battle was supposed to be a meeting of victory and unity, but it ended on bad terms.

Leader Wanda, who theoretically caused all this, has returned to his own quiet room at this time.

This was originally an independent meditation room belonging to the most famous of the ancient kings of the Rumina people, the ruler of the ancient city of Thuro. Now it has been completely occupied by Flores Wanda as a matter of course, and many occult defense facilities, various high-tech equipment, etc. have been installed.

This is probably one of the reasons why the Rumina people are dissatisfied with the Wanda leader.

However, he didn't care at all.

At this time, he had also received the news of the quarrel between the two parties after he left, but he still didn't take it to heart.

The Rumina rebels were his collaborators, but they were just collaborators who used each other. Both parties actually knew this. Of course, they will try to avoid a cooperative relationship between the two parties, which will end in an embarrassing way. But at the same time, they are also more mentally prepared to fall out.

Compared with the trust of these unreliable allies, communications from higher-level organizations are much more important.

Flores Wanda knows this all too well. He knew that the mysterious organization he belonged to had been hidden in the shadow of history for countless centuries. Although he is considered an old member and cadre of the organization and has his own "code name", he can still only see the tip of the iceberg.

The organizational structure he belongs to is very loose, and he rarely gives orders to its members, and rarely assigns any fatal tasks. It is more like a shady troublemaking club organization. But the more this happened, the less Wanda dared to neglect.

He knows very well that the reason why he is where he is today is not only due to his own struggle, but also because of the process of the times created by the organization for him!

While thinking about it, Leader Wanda opened the communication terminal in the quiet room and opened the encrypted message.

In this stone room full of rough ancient charm, a holographic figure suddenly appeared.

It was an independent race with smooth azure skin, a slightly slimmer body than the leader, a pair of eyes that were much darker than the deep sea, and very flat facial features.

This is a Manlan.

"All things have animism!" Minlan used a joking tone and gestured to Wanda with the prayer gesture of the All Souls Cult. However, Minlan people have six fingers, each with four joints.

Flores Wanda unabashedly rolled her eyes, showing an expression as if she was about to swallow a fly, and said in a high voice: "All spirits are empty, all things are real, and there is only one truth!"

"The truth..." Minlan also changed his posture, let his expression darken, and added in a ritualistic voice.

"It's all a circle!" they both said in unison.

They paused and then said: "The will of the snake!"

After finishing this set of passwords that were full of cult rituals, both Minlan and the cult leader's expressions were a little stiff. If they hadn't been the only ones there, they would have covered their heads and crawled into their stomachs.

"Why does our organization, which has a great history and sense of mission, and is a noble organization that has been passed down to this day with the development of the entire universe's civilization, have such a password?" asked Master Wanda.

Of course, he didn't expect the other party to answer, but simply expressed emotion. If I have any dissatisfaction with the existing organization, this is probably the most dissatisfied.

"You have to ask the ancestors of the organization. Who told you not to ask clearly when you first joined?" Minlan sneered. Before the other party counterattacked, he said directly: "Is everything going well on your side?"

"Everything goes well!" Wanda said.

These two people are indeed enemies, but after all, the Minlan people are also representatives of the organization, so Wanda does not want to cause any trouble and explains seriously: "The legacy left by Count Salvin in the Luna system is ultimately just a guess. At present, , through the notes he left, what we can determine is that he built a treasure house in the virtual realm through the original mysterious power of the ancient city of Sero. What is in the treasure house is unknown, but there is indeed at least one statue Tens of thousands of spiritual beasts that have survived for more than tens of millions of years. Miss Divine Servant has already confirmed this."

Minlan nodded. He already knew this information, but he didn't understand it that clearly.

"According to her speculation, over the past hundred years, the reason why the Rumina people have been able to feel the existence of their so-called sky god more and more clearly is because of the will of that virtual thing. For us, this Powerful and rare spiritual beasts are originally one of the treasures."

Minlan nodded: "If Ms. Dispute wants to break through to the eighth level, the core of the ten thousand-headed spiritual beast is indeed one of the best materials."

"However, this kind of virtual monster that has survived in ancient times is not something that my subordinates and I can confront head-on."

I'm not you, my qualifications and popularity are incomparable, so I can't apply for help from the organization's high-end combat power. Leader Wanda was jealous and angry, but she still had to keep smiling.

"Fortunately, Count Salvin was able to control him through Proka's large-scale will array and several precious phantoms left by the Enlightened One, so I can too."

"Oh, so this is the reason why your subordinates did such good things in the Big Apple City!" Minlan said with a smile.

"The Will Array of Proka's configuration is very complicated. It involves such a large-scale operation, and the difficulty increases exponentially. If I don't try it myself, how can I dare." The leader said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Very good, very energetic." Minlan said in a calm tone. It's hard to tell whether he was being sarcastic or complimentary.

"But didn't you fail?"

"I succeeded. The magic circle was artificially destroyed and failed during operation! But it has indeed been operating perfectly, and the entire Big Apple City is within its scope. In just two or three hours, at least one person More than one million people have been affected! If it continues, more people will be affected! This scale is enough to handle."

"But, you did fail!" Minlan repeated again.

Leader Wanda didn’t want to talk anymore.

"The sect you have been running for a long time has gone from being a guest in the upper class to a cult that everyone wants to beat up. Because of this, you even used the precious ancient omnic core to set up such a trap. Let Francis Morey get in automatically and cause even bigger trouble! Is this for revenge? However, apart from making the community appear in front of the entire galaxy, does this have any practical significance? Or should we say , you think that this can cause trouble for the community and buy yourself time... But haven't you still failed?"

Leader Wanda stopped looking at each other and pressed his temples tiredly.

In the eyes of his followers and followers, their leader is a powerful, mysterious and wise mentor, like the incarnation of the will of the spirit of the universe. However, in front of the representative of the mysterious organization, this Minlan man, he could only humble himself and be trained.

This is probably why he has to stay alone in a closed quiet room.

"Flores, Flores Wanda, our teacher, you seem to have really forgotten the responsibility represented by your title? Your responsibility is not to hunt for treasures, nor to fan the flames! Our snakes need a lot of heads! When you are not allowed to bite, you must close your mouth and coil your body. Why don’t you understand such a simple truth? "

The leader lowered his head and still listened to the other party's words like a primary school student.

"The greatest legacy that Count Salvin left to us is not the bottles and jars buried on the Lumina planet, but those bloody little animals! However, without our little queen, those bloody animals Fang Gang's little animals are just beasts, but not a real army. As you know, the little queen has disappeared for a long time. We think she should appear. This is the reason why Your Excellency personally ordered you to come here and wait for the rabbit in the future. ah!"

Minlan paused for a moment, and a trace of solemnity flashed on her face: "But our little queen still hasn't appeared. We arranged people where she should appear, but she didn't appear... After thinking about it, Flores, don’t you feel a chill running down your spine?”

I don’t think so, and you Minlan people are cold-blooded animals, so you know how damn cold it is. Leader Wanda thought.

"What's more, all your plans so far have been inexplicably destroyed, and you have ended up in this situation. What happened in this? Have you not thought about it at all? Frelos, this is For a while, Lady Luck may not be on your side.”

Flores Wanda must admit that what the other party said does make sense.

However, he also knew that if you could choose to do or not do everything because of these "principles", the world would be peaceful long ago.

"We have found all the psychic treasures used by Count Salvin before. I have tested all their psychic reactions, and they are exactly the same as recorded in the notes. According to the composition of the Proka Array, the psychic powers of these treasures The fusion of reactions can indeed add the attributes of dominance and spiritual suppression to the Will Array field... Such an opportunity is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

Wanda raised her head again and looked directly at Minlan. The latter sighed silently in his heart and stopped talking.

"Then, that's it." Leader Wanda said.

"All I can say is, good luck." Minlan said.

Wanda looked deeply at the old enemy in this organization and silently closed the communication.

At the same time, on a small spacecraft located in the corner of a giant system with a chaotic magnetic field in the far shore nebula, the Minlan people also closed the communication terminal.

He touched his bare blue forehead - this is an action used by the Minlan people to clear the brain nerves, which is equivalent to humans pressing their temples - and then patted the other still-operating communication station next to him. He said to the other holographic figures that were still floating: "You see it. I have told you a long time ago, the more accomplished people, the more powerful people are, the more they have to bear the burden of more people. The more hope you have, the easier it will be to be kidnapped by these hopes. How can such a person be swayed by words! Besides, I already have a problem with Brother Flores, why did you let me come? "

The projections looked at each other without speaking, and one of them even sneered.

Immediately afterwards, everyone laughed.

Suddenly, there were many happy emotions in this narrow and depressing cabin space.

The book club exploded. Hahahaha. So the new book club group is 887291431.

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