Him and their stars

Chapter 289 Big Harvest

The private meditation room of Master Flores Wanda is naturally the most heavily guarded place in the ancient city of Cerro. For example, the gate is obviously made of military armor, and it is not known what mechanism is installed. Even if there are no guards now, it can't be broken through casually.

At least, there are no weapons that can damage the dragoon armor that Yu Lian is wearing, which is the leader level of the miscellaneous soldiers.

Thinking of this, he directly took out the lightsaber. The bright light blade was like a hot table knife cutting tofu. It penetrated deeply into the armored door easily without feeling any sluggishness.

The armored door began to glow red, and the cold and hard metal peeled off bit by bit like a melted candle. After half a minute, a passage large enough for people wearing power armor to pass through was formed.

Behind the door is a very elegantly decorated porch, and it is still in Alliance's marine style, like the foyer of a high-end club or vacation villa.

It takes quite a bit of effort to create such a high-end living environment in the ancient and vicissitudes of the ancient city of Seruo. Leader Flores Wanda really does not wrong himself, but he is also essentially a person who is not pretentious or pretentious!

"On the left, the first one..." Shi AA's mood had returned to calm, as if the sadness just now was just an illusion.

Yu Lian didn't stop, and directly opened the small door on the left, revealing another flight of stairs. At the end, there was a large-scale laboratory, with an overall area of ​​three to five hundred square meters, and it was arranged in a very orderly manner. There are various facilities that look very technological at first glance. Ignoring the computers, test tubes, petri dishes and other tall machines, the most conspicuous thing is a large crystal cabinet in the center of the room, which is filled with turbid liquid, and the rest cannot be seen clearly.

Yu Lian twitched his nose and sighed. His physical quality and senses are now hardly considered ordinary human beings, and his sense of smell is also within the enhanced range, so he can naturally smell the stench inside. The smell of strong acid and corrosion intertwined to form a nauseating and heart-stopping smell.

Wanda could not allow these parasitic protozoa, which were full of unknown information and a large amount of knowledge, to fall into the hands of the enemy. She would definitely make arrangements before retreating. He may not be able to take away so many parasitic protozoa, but as long as he sends one or two die-hards to add a little material to the crystal cabinet, he can completely deal with it from beginning to end.

"Concentrated acid was poured into the water tank." Yu Lian said to Shi AA.

"That's right, indeed, it's impossible for any of the same people to survive like this." Shi AA said. His mood remained very calm.

"I think... this scene is too scary for you, right? I'd better turn off visual sharing." Yu Liandao.

"...Don't worry, you mammals and I still have different moral values. Through neurons, we can share knowledge and information. In a sense, all our tribesmen are of one mind and one virtue. So, as long as If there is still one individual, our group will not perish. As long as the group does not perish, they will not die either."

Why bother talking so harshly? Yu Lian thought.

Don't be ridiculous, I still don't know about your host protozoa? Knowledge and information can only represent objective information, but cannot represent subjective cognition. Sharing information is just a way for you to communicate, but each worm has a different consciousness, a different outlook on life, and a different and independent individual.

From this perspective, what is the difference between you and us social intelligent creatures that walk upright?

So why can't you be sad?

"I think you can cry! Anyway, I'm the only one here. It's not a sin for a man to cry."

"First, I have no tear ducts. Second, I am not a man. We protozoa have no gender."

"Oh, then just remember it in the way you want. Don't refuse, and don't pretend to be strong! Empathy and empathy are actually signs of intelligent creatures, you should understand."

Shi AA was silent for a moment and did not object this time: "...Thank you very much."

Yu Lian once again felt the profound sadness of this parasitic protozoa. It is indeed sad, but unlike humans, this sadness carries a kind of sincere longing, but there is no heart-rending pain and longing. At least when it comes to death, these molluscs are much calmer than the upright-walking mammalian carbon-based organisms.

It didn't miss it for too long, and quickly recovered its mood: "Here, as well as the stargazing room and information room next to it, there should be some useful information for you! I will take you there."

Yu Lian nodded, but then said: "You told me before that Wanda only dug up part of you, and most of you should still be sleeping in the secret laboratory left by Count Salvin. Where is that place? Lu Somewhere on the planet Mina? Or New Seville? Now, can you tell?"

In the past period of time, Shi AA was very cooperative and willing to answer all of Yu Lian's questions, but this was the only exception. Yu Lian didn't take the initiative to ask, and Shi AA didn't take the initiative to say. There seemed to be a tacit understanding between one person and one insect in this regard.

But at this time, it is indeed time to open the skylight and speak out.

"...Can I ask? Do you need us to do anything? Research tools? Test objects? Or weapons?"

"Oh, I am already in the third level, and I have also mastered the Soul Maze. Although we are talking directly with our minds, it is still quite easy to deceive you." Yu Liandao.

"I know. So I can only place my hope on your character." Shi AA's mood fluctuated a bit, revealing a pitiful pleading and miserable sadness.

Yu Lian felt that based on his level of emotional creation, this guy must be a top "talking" master and diplomat among his own race.

However, what can a true man not reveal to others? I was not planning to deceive the other party, so I said: "Probably an atypical researcher. Your own neuron network is the largest shared database. In addition, I know that your expertise is in biology, and you have quite excellent innate calculations." Ability. This kind of ability will also be very useful in other scientific fields."

"We don't have much imagination. We can only construct what we see. Because of this, the Creator feels that we are actually failures." Slug said.

"Tsk, you all have such a distinct cognition and personality, why do you care about what the Creator of Laoshizi says? You are still here, where is he now?"

Shi AA fell into silence.

Yu Lian continued: "I have always had a whimsical dream, hoping that the universe will return to the right track of scientific development... Yes, I think that even psychic energy should be part of science. But some people have mistaken it Mysterious and metaphysical. So, don’t you think that the universe has actually come to a standstill? The last time you woke up, it was the era of Earl Salvin, and it was the era when Emperor Elansel had just ascended to the throne. ...It was really a turbulent era! But today, one hundred and fifty years later, when you woke up, did you notice any qualitative changes?"

Shi AA continued to remain silent. It felt that it was just a parasitic protozoa and that it would just let him study serious natural science. Those informal social sciences and philosophies are really beyond the scope of ability.

Of course, he at least understood that the other party was not using him as a test subject.

"The pioneers and explorers of every era have a heart that is eager to change! Your Creator should be the same way... So, Davari Stone AA, do you want to come together?"

"...I didn't quite understand." Shi AA's mood seemed extremely sincere.


"I said, we don't have much imagination. We can't imagine things we haven't seen before. So, please let us see it."

"...the remaining laboratory of the same clan Chengmian is near Xia Qiu on the Lumina planet. The specific coordinates are 127W and 47N. These are the coordinates of the empire's planet map. When you get there, you should be able to see three straight towers. Mountain peaks, when their shadows overlap, the entrance activation process will be started. The password is 'All spirits are empty, all things are real, and the truth is only', which must be read in the imperial court language."

"..." What a special slogan for the second grade, and I always feel like I have heard this sentence somewhere. Well, where will it be? Yu Lian's heart sank. His experience told him that there is something fishy about the words, passwords, and even the words that sound a little familiar but can never be remembered.

"This is all I know." Shi AA said that he really didn't know anything more.

Yu Lian chose to believe the other party, so he temporarily suppressed his doubts in his heart, and began to get busy under Shi AA's guidance.

Leader Wanda did send his subordinates to clean up the mess, but maybe it was too long and he still didn't clean it up. Yu Lian cracked the other party's information terminal and found some files that were not too important.

For example, two secret bank accounts with a total of 430 million Xinxing deposits; another example, the evidence and transaction flow between the All Souls Sect and some community politicians and businessmen; and another example, some instability in the Far Coast Nebula Gravity well parameter list and start-up period.

"It really helped a lot!" Yu Lian was ecstatic, feeling that this parameter list was definitely the biggest gain today.

In a sense, this can even be regarded as a digital star map.

"...This actually only contains a very small part of the data of the Far Coast Nebula. I know more details than this." Shi AA said.

"I may not know any worse than you. But this is the best excuse! Don't understand? Haha, my slug friend, you still have a lot to learn."

Later, Yu Lian found three bottles of Shengzun wine that had not been opened for 50 years and a box of two top-quality Green Court Bay torpedoes, confirming once again that the leader of Flores Wanda really respects his own desires. What a man!

In comparison, the small bag of Imperial Gold Dragon Coins found in a secret compartment under the sofa can be regarded as an added bonus.

What a great harvest!

At this moment, of course, Master Flores Wanda didn’t know that all his remaining wealth had been evacuated. Of course, even if he knew, there would be nothing he could do.

Now, having just escaped from the shock wave of light and heat, he looked sadly at Kolmo, who was lying on the ground covered in smoke, and wanted to quickly retreat into the passage, but found that he was unable to do so. There's still a way to go.

At the moment the mine exploded, a bolter shell roared and hit the entrance of the passage behind him, causing the tunnel to collapse on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, there was another dense rain of bullets, hitting the nanomachine's unfolded shield like raindrops.

For a five-ring master, the kinetic impact caused by this shot is not painful at all, but it is quite frustrating.

"This is the last warning! Flores Wanda! You have been surrounded. Please put down your weapons and surrender immediately!" A voice floated over from a distance accompanied by the sound of gunfire.

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