Him and their stars

Chapter 290 Side by side until death

I've never heard of someone firing before trying to persuade them to surrender!

Leader Wanda thought. At this time, the machinery on his watch has completed its activation. The nanomachines from ancient civilizations seemed to have crawled out of the void, directly condensing into a shield as tall as a person, covering him densely. Airtight.

The bullets hit the shield like raindrops, making a "puff, puff, puff" sound.

Flores Wanda stood still. The direct impact of bullets and shields did not hurt him at all. He did not immediately launch a counterattack, but hid behind the shield, carrying the bullet while extending his psychic energy, sensing all the movements around him.

There are 12 guns being fired, the power of a standard individual kinetic energy rifle! Directions... in all directions!

I was literally surrounded.

Leader Wanda’s heart froze. Of course he wasn't worried about a dozen soldiers with kinetic rifles. With his ability, he doesn't care even if it's several times higher and everyone is wearing a power skeleton.

But the problem is, since they dare to surround themselves, how could they not send out psychics? What's more, the enemy seems to know this secret passage in the ancient city that only a few people know about, and they even set up an ambush at the only entrance.

It’s terrifying to think about it!

The more terrified you are, the less you can act rashly!

Now that Wanda had made up her mind, she hid behind the shield and remained motionless. She also endured the pain of needle pricks and continued to mobilize her spiritual energy, trying to inject healing power into the body of Colmo who was on the street. .

The Lumina man was naturally not dead, of which Wanda was certain. However, being blasted at close range by a poisonous scorpion thunder that was obviously spiked would not be a pleasant experience for even a martial arts psyker, right?

Leader Wanda must bring that guy back! Although he has a high level and strong strength, after all, he is not very good at "purity" in frontal combat. Even for combat efficiency, it is necessary to awaken a human shield and increase output.

However, the "White General" in the minds of the Rumina rebel soldiers was more energetic than they imagined. He was indeed knocked unconscious by the explosion just now, but he only fainted for less than half a minute. Under the healing energy of the Wanda leader Before it was injected into his body, he jumped up.

Half of the snow-white carapace on "General White"'s cheeks was blown away by the shock wave of the explosion, and the remaining half also showed an ugly burnt black color. The most handsome young man among the Rumina rebels, the rebel leader known as the "born king", at this time, he no longer had any grace, handsomeness, or temperament. However, he stood proudly on the spot like a mountain. He stretched out his hand and sucked in the atomic light spear that had flown far away.

"Rumina lives forever!" He roared passionately towards the rock wall and dense forest in front of him, and his unyielding will seemed to condense into a mountain that would never collapse.

"Boom!" A rifle grenade landed next to the white knight, and there was another explosion.

Smoke and fire overwhelmed him again. Fortunately, he jumped out of the smoke in an instant and danced the light spear in his hand into a windmill.

The sound of "ding, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong" keeps coming, which is the sound of bullets flying away like raindrops.

"Fight fair with me! Fight fair!" He roared furiously.

Then there was a roar of "Hoo! Boom!", and another rifle grenade fell next to Colmo.

The Lumina warrior had no choice but to retreat back with a vigorous step. His body of more than two meters high curled up and actually hid directly behind the leader of Wanda. Of course he could hit all these grenades like a baseball, but those things were not baseballs after all. After being hit, not only would they not bounce back, but they would explode on the spot.

Kolmo also received professional military education, so he has this bit of common sense.

Wanda glanced at Kolmo who was huddled behind her, and found that this guy's skeleton was surprising, no, it was to the point of curiosity. Anyway, it is impossible for a serious Rumina person to do this.

Just as the leader was about to utter a few words, his spiritual sense once again caught the rapidly approaching danger. This should also be a bullet, but it is more oppressive than the steel nail bullets of ordinary kinetic energy rifles.

Leader Wanda didn't think much and just let the nanomachines increase the thickness of the shield a little.

The bullet immediately hit the shield, but still did not penetrate. The impact caused by its kinetic energy was slightly stronger than before, but it would not hurt the leader of Wanda. He did not even tremble his wrist.

But then, a beeping sound accompanied by the paralyzed ions began to beat.

"Fuck magnetic bombs!" Coleman cursed in a low voice.

"Bah! Bah! Bah!"

"Bilibili baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"

This was another shot in succession. None of the magnetic storm special bullets from two different directions missed, and they all hit Flores Wanda's unfolded shield.

"Crack!" This time, the seemingly indestructible shield finally cracked. However, looking at it and hearing the sound, it didn't even sound like cracking, but more like melting.

"Magnetic storms will destroy the connection of nanomachines!" Kolmo said loudly.

I know, don’t really think of me as a bastard who doesn’t know anything, okay? Wanda cursed in her mind, but quickly let the psychic energy re-expand along the edge of the shield.

Its invisible psychic field is like a devouring monster with its bloody mouth open, absorbing all the beating arcs. The psychic energy field lingered and fluctuated for a while, and actually melted all the arcs.

Wanda quickly gathered all the nano-robots into the watch, feeling a little hurt and a little disdainful. .

...technological things just don’t work! That's an ancient relic too! There will always be weaknesses in advancement, which will be restrained and exploited!

Sure enough, what people can rely on is always their own strength!

Flores Wanda spread out the five fingers of her right hand and waved lightly, and immediately unfolded a psychic shield in front of everyone.

At first glance, it looks like a mirror formed by ripples of air held in one's hands, which is more stylish than the iron shield composed of nanomachines just now.

"At this time, we are the only ones fighting to the death!" He whispered: "Colmo, my friend, will you stand by my side?"

"...Friends?" The Lumina man repeated the title, and suddenly stood up and took a step forward to stand beside Wanda: "Stand side by side until we die!"

"Okay!" Leader Wanda was very moved. With a flick of his left hand, he pulled out a white light out of thin air and penetrated into the Lumina people's bodies.

Colmo suddenly felt as if his body was injected with life and vitality, as if every blood vessel was flowing with inexhaustible power. The pain on his body has disappeared, and even the carapace on the broken face has grown directly, covering the muscles on his face again.

The young Lumina rebel leader feels he can fight for another ten thousand years.

"Repeat it again! Lumina people, surrender immediately!" The voice urging surrender sounded again from the opposite side, and it was still the calm male voice. However, Wanda could tell that the man was actually very young, probably around twenty-two-three years old. He was really an age full of vigor and hope!

Kolmo held the atomic light spear across his chest and breathed deeply.

"You'd better give up your illusions! Your entire army has been wiped out, and your ancient city of Sero has fallen under the feet of the Void Realm Monster. But isn't the Void Realm Monster now trampled under the feet of the warships again?" The person on the other side persuaded them to surrender. It's still going on, but this time the tone and timbre are a bit stiff, a bit like reading from a manuscript.

"Do you want to break out on your own? We have set up a dragnet here. The entire Sero Forest, the entire Lumina Star, and even the entire galaxy are under our surveillance! Where can you jump to? What? Mr. Flores Wanda, you have already been seriously injured. Taking action rashly will only add to the injury, cause irreversible mental damage, and may even induce degeneration. Can you really accept this? "

Flores Wanda didn't understand how the other party knew that he was injured, but after thinking about it, he guessed that Yu Lian should have arranged this - even if the other party did not arrange it himself, it must be related.

"Has he actually calculated it to this point?" Wanda couldn't help but fell into deep fear.

It was obvious that he was just a rookie who had only been awakened for a year, he was obviously a "court eagle dog", and he was obviously a well-known bureaucrat. Why was it that he had not even seen a real person, but it seemed that he had already been shrouded in his shadow?

How unreasonable! After all, I have been in control for half my life. Even if I am injured, I have to run away in a hurry! How could I let you and the rookie you sent humiliate me?

He had just completed the psychic structure of the Purity Eye, and was sure that there were no high-ranking psychics present!

Of course, if he really meets that kind of boss who can't even see through the eyes of purity, he will admit it!

The bosses are all very busy, so it shouldn’t be so boring!

"Cover me!" Wanda said.

Without any hesitation, Kolmo stopped in front of the leader of Wanda with a quick step. A bright light protruded from the tip of the light spear, condensing into a crimson light column of more than one meter.

This is the correct way to use the atomic light spear! Use spiritual energy to stimulate the original light stone at the core of the light spear, and you can directly deploy the indestructible energy light blade.

The length and strength of the light blade are completely controlled by the user. If a top expert is willing, he can even directly extend the light spear a thousand meters away. This is why those astral knight captains can slash ships with their spears.

Of course, Kolmo does not have the strength, nor the need. He adopted another correct method of using it, directly leveling the light spear, and saw a red light beam suddenly flash, spitting out a fatal ray, heading straight in the direction of the opponent's voice.

Looking at Master Wanda again, he had already bent down on the ground, raised his hands squarely to the sky, closed his eyes tightly, composed, and muttered something.

It was only then that he really seemed like a qualified cult leader.

The ray penetrated into the jungle on the opposite side like a sharp sword, causing a series of fiery explosions.

Then, a figure wearing an exoskeleton was seen leaping out of the explosion of fire with a sword in hand. His appearance was not clear, but the spiritual aura rising from his body was so powerful that it even deformed the surrounding flames. The momentum was astonishing.

"The spirit of the universe! This enemy is worth fighting!" Kolmo laughed to the sky, but his blood was also boiling. He bowed slightly, waiting for the enemy to come forward and take the initiative to pick him up!

However, the opponent did not pounce immediately, and stopped after getting out of the explosion range. He seemed to be hesitant. After staying in place for three to five seconds, he suddenly said loudly: "Mr. Coleman, you have failed. Don't resist stubbornly! Don't you miss Red Maple Factory and Maple City? No. Have you ever thought about what I and my hometown are?”

Colmo was slightly startled, and his rising momentum suddenly fell back.

"Don't embarrass the elders in your hometown! They are waiting for you to come back! The special commissioner has already requested a presidential pardon. As long as you kill the leader of the cult next to you, you can go home!"

Keep paying off your debt. I'm burning

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