Him and their stars

Chapter 405: Old people can only be angry

Yamida said that she hates it when someone pretends to be mysterious in front of her. But obviously, this matter is really not something that can be discussed here, so I put it aside for the time being.

Soon, her attention was attracted by the grilled fish with berries and grilled stuffed duck with mushrooms.

This girl has the advantage of being able not to be disturbed by external affairs and only focusing on the things that need to be solved in front of her.

Now, the only things worth paying attention to in front of her were these delicacies.

"The world is so big!" Yamida said with emotion.

"Almost all the land on the Wookiees' home planet is covered by various forests. More than half of the fruits in the galaxy originate there. Of course, their seafood is also very famous. What the Wookiees are best at The delicacy is a combination of fruits and seafood.”

"I know that!" Yani nodded and smiled: "I just didn't expect that most of the items in this store are barbecue. Wookiees have such long hair, aren't they afraid of being teased?"

"...That's why it's unique. It's not easy for alien races to live in the imperial capital, let alone run their own industry. They must have their own unique skills."

So, within the next ten minutes, the eldest lady of the Belenkester family devoted herself wholeheartedly to these "common people's delicacies" in front of her.

The eldest lady feels that it is really good to eat this kind of food occasionally. Unfortunately, her appetite was indeed limited, and soon she could only hold her chin, smiling as she watched Yu Lian put enough food for three people into her stomach.

"Some psychics need to constantly consume food. However, this is not a very efficient way. Why not try Norda Pharmaceutical's universal compressed nutritional pills?"

One of those things would make you panic. For a person who grew up eating food from the Liu family, which has a 1,500-year tradition of cooking gods, that kind of food is simply a blasphemy to the taste! Unless I was at the end of my rope, I would never encounter it. Yu Lian thought, so he continued to break the crabs with both hands.

After supper... or rather breakfast, it was almost five o'clock. The two of them walked out of the commercial street with slow steps, wearing expressions of satisfaction and happiness similar to those of the well-fed and well-fed working-class people.

"I'll catch the early ferry back." Yu Lianda said.

"Indeed, if I said I would send you off, in the eyes of discerning people, it would be too much and not enough." Yani nodded: "Also, the next time we meet will be at 5 o'clock in the afternoon the day after tomorrow?"

"no problem."

"Where is the location? If it's a date, you should decide the location, right?" the girl said with a smile.

"So, is this the city of Besenberg, right? There is a place that I have always wanted to visit." Yu Liandao.

Yamida did not express any objection and said goodbye to Yu Lian with a sweet smile.

"Sleep well," she smiled.

"At least he must sleep better than the adults in the Privy Council."

When Yu Lian returned to the Community Embassy, ​​it was almost eight o'clock in the morning. Many diligent staff have already begun preparation work. As soon as Yu Lian entered the gate, he saw Major General Lal leading the embassy guard team to gather in the square, asking them to be on alert and to be neither humble nor arrogant, nor to be indomitable, and in short, not to act in any way that would harm the national character.

Of course he saw the moment Yu Lian entered the door, and the two quickly exchanged a look that said nothing.

Major General Lal continued to shout loudly to the guards: "Listen carefully, the commotion in Wylenshire last night may cause the empire to overreact, so we need to safeguard our position even more! Embassy Within the scope, it is our territory..."

Well, all the well-informed forces and organizations in the imperial capital should know about this. After all, the flower of light and heat in Feilin University has bloomed several times, so how could it be blocked?

Yu Lian walked through the door of the main building of the embassy amid such encouragement, and said hello to Mr. Qi who was standing at the door of the office on the third floor.

The old gentleman opened the window and faced the sun, his face flushed, and he raised his glass to Yu Lian happily. It turned out to be a small wine jar. Although there was a distance, Yu Lian's perception still captured the slightest aroma wafting from the mouth of the wine pot.

It's white...

There should be at least three or four wine jars, right? What kind of fuss is going on with this heavy flavor so early in the morning? Even celebrities in the Wei and Jin Dynasties have a limit!

"I am mourning the life that has passed away." Mr. Qi made an expression as if he were mourning for his heir. If it weren't for the fact that his eyebrows and eyes seemed to be dancing happily, Yu Lian would have almost believed it.

Yu Lian went straight back to the dormitory, washed up and fell asleep.

In fact, with Yu Lian's current strength, staying up for a few nights is not a big problem, but last night... ah no, there were quite a lot of high-intensity activities in the early hours of this morning. Being able to lie down and have a rest is very important for mental recovery. Still very helpful.

Moreover, as long as he thought about the important ministers of the empire staying awake all night, he even slept very sweetly.

that's the truth. At this time, the ministers representing the highest will of the Galactic Empire had already held a meeting in the Privy Council for more than three hours.

The average age of the big guys present is over seventy years old, but they can only stay up all night like young people.

The Feilin Laboratory was exploded, and more than thirty people were killed or injured, most of whom were elite scientific researchers. In comparison, an execution judge died in battle, and an astral knight was hit by a death curse and was still lying in the ICU with no idea whether he could come back. It was nothing.

The empire, the imperial capital, has never behaved like this in hundreds of years? No wonder the empire bosses reacted like this.

Duke Arona even said to everyone in the Privy Council with the wound he had just treated: "His Royal Highness King Wilente is still lying in the gene therapy warehouse. My lords, if we don't make the necessary response, Chenxi The banner of the Holy Dragon will be put to shame!"

"This is indeed a tragedy... But, sir, why did you meet King Valente at that time? Well, no offense, I'm just a little curious." The 45-year-old Tamil King was very interested. asked.

Is this the point? Duke Arona was about to retaliate angrily, but then he noticed that he was not the only one who was interested in this matter, and he suddenly felt tired.

Fortunately, someone came to his rescue at this time.

"This is not the content of today's meeting." The speaker was the oldest gentleman present, the nearly 100-year-old Privy Councilor, Marshal of the Imperial Army, Grand Duke Inota.

Among the old people who are still active in the core of the empire's power, in terms of age, if the out-of-standard Emperor Elansel is excluded, Grand Duke Inota is the well-deserved champion. The so-called old age but not death is because... In short, when your age and qualifications reach this level, your prestige will naturally increase.

Seeing this living stone-level boss speak, everyone present nodded, and the meeting quickly got down to business. At this time, no matter what private conflicts these imperial political giants have, they can only cooperate sincerely. They quickly reached a consensus: the sky must be sealed off, and the fugitives from last night must be captured, but this would not affect the progress of the God of War Festival.

As a result, they quickly and methodically made arrangements for all security in the imperial capital. For example, the vacation of the imperial garrison is cancelled, and the Imperial Guard fleet is put on standby. All fleets at the border have also been put on alert and all exit channels have been blocked.

In addition, two squadrons of the Astral Knights also rushed back to the Imperial Capital from nearby systems to strengthen the occult protection of all important facilities.

In short, in just over two hours, the will from the Imperial Capital Sky Territory has been conveyed to all the territories of the Empire throughout the vast universe.

The rest of the Privy Council ministers are waiting for the report from the frontline investigators while continuing to discuss all the details of the deployment. The Lord Privy Seal, also commonly known as the Chief Minister of the Privy Council, will celebrate his 100th birthday in two years. Grand Duke Inota looked at the three people on the left side of the long table with eyes that were so calm that they were almost lifeless.

A man in civilian clothes is the Imperial Minister of the Interior. One person wearing a general's uniform is the director of the Military Intelligence Bureau of the Generalissimo's Office. A man in police uniform is the police chief.

These three are all the top officials in charge of the empire's intelligence security and suppression of violent terrorism. They hold high positions and are very loyal to their word. However, under the indifferent gaze of an old man who is nearly a hundred years old, they dare not even express their dignity. One mouthful.

Grand Duke Inota said in a slow but oppressive voice: "I never expected you to nip all dangers in the bud. However, I at least hope you can understand an old man like me. body. I really hope to drink the wine on my 100th birthday. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I'm sorry!" The three big men quickly bowed their heads and apologized, sweating profusely.

Grand Duke Inota ignored the three of them and looked at the empty seat directly opposite him: "How are you over at Valpolis? Didn't you say you were going to meet His Majesty? It should be over now, right?"

"His Excellency the Prime Minister has rushed directly to the scene." The liaison officer in the office said.

"Feilin Laboratory? There are many professionals there, do you need his command?" A Privy Councilor with a resolute face, about fifty years old, sneered.

This is King Solane, one of the elected emperors, and is currently recognized as the most capable feudal king - not in terms of force value, but in terms of command ability.

"No, it's the university... He said he had to appease the teachers and students."

"He's quite a good person."

Everyone sneered, but stopped there and did not continue the topic. After all, they are dignified ministers of the Privy Council. Although they are unhappy with Prime Minister Valpolis, they will not compromise their status and join forces to speak ill of each other on this occasion.

"He is right. Important figures in the empire must be present to express the importance of this matter to the people, especially the academic community. There is no one who can better represent the attitude of this matter than the Prime Minister." A Privy Council Minister said .

This is naturally because Prime Minister Valpolis can represent the will of the Prime Minister's Office and the Privy Council at the same time. In addition, he is a scholar-bureaucrat and has a good reputation among the people and academia. He is indeed the most suitable candidate.

In addition, there is another reason that everyone in the Privy Council knows.

Unless there is a military emergency, Prime Minister Valpolis is not very willing to attend Privy Council meetings. Anyway, if everyone is tired of seeing each other, they might as well do their own thing. Based on the competitive mentality, the efficiency may be even higher.

"I didn't say he did anything wrong. Anyway, that guy was never annoying because of his incompetence." King Solain snorted coldly, then looked directly at the most restless trio over there, and said loudly : "Half of the trillions of golden dragons' special security funds every year are spent around the imperial capital, so the Imperial Guard has to file several reports if they want to replace a Titan ship! As a result, you have produced such results? You yourself explain!"

The Minister of the Interior thought to himself that more than half of the trillions of gold dragon security funds were taken away by the High Priest Noddos of Hoshimi Pavilion! Why don't you give him trouble. Oh, he's an eighth-ring psyker, a true demigod?

Isn't it too bullying to pick up weak persimmons?

By the way, why is the high priest Nordos not here? Is he also a Privy Councilor? Just because it's an eight-ring? It’s really bullying!

Although he was so slanderous, he could only keep his smile on his face and continue to bear the bombardment from the Privy Council ministers.

There is no way, until the investigators at the front come to a preliminary conclusion, even these prestigious imperial ministers will find it difficult to come up with any reliable conclusion. Of course, I can only take it out on the people in charge of security.

Fortunately, just when the affairs assistant of the Privy Council Office came in timidly and asked the adults if they wanted breakfast, the investigators from the scene finally sent back the holographic projection.

Also appearing on the projection was a familiar face to the Privy Council ministers, the Chief Executive Judge of the Grand Inquisition, Xun Feng, a short and stocky Kulan man with feathers on his face. He is the "Judge" of the Sixth Ring. It is said that he can reach the realm of the Seventh Ring in one more step. He is also an expert in occult investigation, search and tracking.

Everyone knows that with this person's ability and past achievements, if he were a human, he should be a member of the Supreme Judicial Panel by now. Even if he enters politics, he should start as the deputy chief in charge of public security in the sector.

It's a pity that he is a Kuolan man after all, so he is still working on the front line.

Fortunately, Judge Xunfeng is still a conscientious, loyal and reliable imperial judge. Whether it is the Privy Council, the Prime Minister's Office, or even Long Lin Palace, they all believe in his judgment.

It is said that the Heraldry Academy has received a hint from Longling Palace and is preparing to grant him a title before he retires.

If nothing unexpected happens, in the future, there should be detective novels, movies and TV shows starring Judge Feng, right?

The Kuolan judge bowed hastily to the imperial bosses across the light screen and said: "The assassin sneaked into the university through water, and there is an 80% chance that he used 'element cells' and 'element bodies' And masters of similar psychic skills."

No one asked if it was some kind of shape-shifting alien species. The big guys in the Privy Council all believed in Xunfeng's judgment. If the infiltrator was really some kind of alien species, he would have left some cell tissue behind. Xunfeng must have discovered it by now.

"So, what about the Jade Forest Laboratory? The barrier has always been deployed there. Whether it is space skills or cell elements, they should be shielded." King Solain said eagerly.

"I don't know, I don't know." The judge said with a straight face and no expression.

King Solain was so choked that he was almost speechless, but he heard the other party say again: "Maybe it's an unknown mysterious method."

yes! The universe is so big that both science and mysticism are nothing more than an ocean of wisdom. Although the development of civilization seems to have stagnated in the past few hundred years, and technology in all aspects has not made much progress, the more senior and powerful people are, the more self-aware they are. Everyone present can feel the boundaries of knowledge and how small the existing civilization is.

Therefore, it would be reasonable if an unheard-of new skill really jumped out of nowhere and immediately disabled the most stringent occult defense methods in existence.

However, what is the difference between this and relying on quantum mechanics when you are in doubt?

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