Him and their stars

Chapter 406 The sleeping dragon wakes up?

The big guys in the Privy Council are a little unhappy, thinking that it's just the others, why do you, such a thick-faced and big-eyed person, do this? But they really couldn't find any reason.

Duke Arona, who was the party involved, asked: "The person here calls himself Red King and is one of the top cadres of the Thirteen Faces of Krait. I remember that you and Krait have met face to face. Do you believe this?"

"Xiaguan has not dealt with the Red King directly. On the contrary, he has fought with the 'Hunter' once, and exchanged information with the 'Herdsman' twice." The judge pondered for a moment: "Xiaguan can only say that according to the current situation , there is very little information about the Red King. Our country’s intelligence department only has two records of his appearance, and they were both five years ago. However, when the official inspected the body of the execution judge who died in battle, he found that the fatal wound was from the right side of the shoulder. It was broken three centimeters from the side. Then the thorn became a pick, and the beheading was completed. The cut surface of the beheading was very smooth, with an inclination of 15 degrees."

Duke Arona and several well-known privy council bosses were thoughtful, and King Soren nodded directly: "...Indeed, this kind of wound is indeed the beheading technique of the palace's flashing sword!"

However, most of the Privy Council bosses present were not martial arts masters and could only wait for the judge's explanation: "Judge Xinji who died in battle was a master who was good at using the spiral impact crutch. However, the spiral impact crutch's attack is difficult to deal with when facing If you are a master of the flashing sword, you will definitely die!"

The Spiral Impact Turn is an elite "military martial art" belonging to the Empire's execution judges and police officers. It was pioneered by the famous martial arts master Emperor Renault, the "Sword Emperor" more than 400 years ago. This is indeed a high-end martial art that is both offensive and defensive. Whether it is used to suppress arrests or to attack and kill enemies, it is proficient in everything. However, the emperor's attack skills left flaws that were tightly restrained by the palace swordsmanship. This is horrifying to think about.

"Based on the abilities shown by the Red King during his two appearances, he does have a profound knowledge of the palace's flashing sword." The judge paused for a moment and then said: "In addition, the intelligence shows that the Red King's application of positive and negative energy is also very profound. Handy.”

"Positive energy is the power of life, and reverse is the energy of death!" King Sorain said: "That Astral Knight is still lying in the ICU, right?"

"Still resuscitating." The secretary next to him replied: "All the skills of the body are aging and failing, and many organs have even collapsed at the cellular level."

"... They really match up! An excellent swordsman, a psychic conjuration mage who is good at using positive and negative energy, and also has an elusive sneaking method. If it is the snake heads, it is not surprising to have such abilities." Ya Duke Rhone nodded.

"I never dare to make hasty judgments when there is no evidence to decide. We cannot rule out the possibility of copycats." The judge said businesslike.

Imitation of shit! The big guys present thought. Where to imitate? From the secret database of the Imperial Home Office?

Just when the bosses were about to complain, the execution judge said again: "In addition, I believe that there is a high possibility that the infiltrator has a certain relationship with Feilin University."

The elders of the Privy Council exchanged glances, and the Grand Duke motioned to the judge to continue.

"When the opponent retreated from the Feilin Laboratory, they also used elemental cells and flame jumping techniques. The psychic array inside the bomb was activated by the explosion, forming a temporary space channel."

Some people breathed a sigh of relief. Although we still don’t know how the other party completed the final step of infiltration, so knowing how the other party retreated is better than knowing nothing at all.

"In other words, the other party's mysterious method of sneaking into the Feilin Laboratory still has a certain cooling time." King Tamil keenly grasped the information inside.

"Indeed, otherwise he could have retreated in the same way and wouldn't have left these flaws."

The big guys present felt a little more at ease. Since there is a cooling time, it means that this technique should still be within the scope of their "common sense", but it has not been discovered yet.

And as long as it's within "common sense", it can be dealt with!

"This is indeed one aspect." The execution judge nodded: "In addition, the bomb in Feilin University exploded in the back garden. It should be that Judge Xinji who died in the battle discovered the clues and went over to intercept it in advance. .”

idiot! Don’t you know how to call someone? King Solain cursed in his mind. Although he knew that based on the combat power shown by the Red King in instantly killing an execution judge, the reinforcements that could rush over at the moment were probably just food delivery; but in this way, at least he could force the enemy to reveal more flaws.

If it weren't for the dead man, he would have cursed him now.

Judge Xunfeng added: "But if it exploded in a dense school building area, wouldn't it be able to create greater chaos? Wouldn't it be easier for him to retreat?"

At the level of the Privy Council bosses present, they no longer consider issues from an emotional perspective. They didn't think that such a super terrorist would show mercy to Feilin University because of past relationships (which they were not even sure existed).

However, this is a relatively clear direction of investigation after all.

"Then, let's investigate from this aspect. First, look at the people related to Feilin University, their students, their teachers and staff, and even their social relationships to see who is a psychic. "King Soren said.

"It's best to start with the teachers and students living on campus today." King Tamil added next to him.

The execution judge nodded slightly, bowed hastily to all the bosses, and closed the communication directly.

He probably also knows that his power has reached its ceiling, so he has been letting himself go lately. Even when facing so many Privy Council bosses who can decide his own destiny, he always looks so cool.

Of course the big guys didn't mind his attitude.

"I said that I really want to drink wine on my 100th birthday. So, whoever wants to make me unhappy here for two years will make his whole family unhappy." Elderly Ino Grand Duke Ta raised his old face covered with wrinkles and age spots, patted the table, and said in a slow and calm tone: "So, who agrees? Who objects?"

Everyone present was silent. Even those involved, such as the heroic King Thorane, the gloomy King Tamil, and the Duke of Arona, would not find it difficult to express any objection.

"Then, Your Highnesses and colleagues, please investigate. I know that some of you here even have some shady cooperation with snakes. However, the dignity of His Majesty the Supreme Emperor, the overall situation of our sacred empire, and your Be careful, you should know which one is more important! It is just a shady secret society. No matter what kind of halo it is given by urban legends, it is just a poisonous snake hiding in the gutter! The dragon should not be feared It's a poisonous snake. You all should know how to do it, right?"

All the Privy Council ministers, including the elected emperor, stood up, bowed and saluted Grand Duke Inota with uniform movements, and then left quickly with firm steps ready to embark on the battlefield.

Judging from this scene alone, this does not look like a meeting of senior officials at all, but an extremely efficient military combat meeting.

The Grand Duke was also ready to leave, holding on to the table and standing up with a slight stagger. His secretary and attendants rushed forward to help him.

"Prepare the boat. I also want to go to Longlin Palace to meet the saint." The Grand Duke ordered.

Just after the attendant military attaché quickly prepared to leave, the Grand Duke ordered his secretary: "Inform the Holy Tree Palace of the content of today's meeting, and also convey it to His Royal Highness Brunhilt, King of Sulyuka. The Privy Council also needs her wisdom. "

The secretary showed a surprised expression, but nodded quickly.

This political secretary has also been with His Highness the Grand Duke for several years, and has some understanding of his boss's methods of doing things. He probably came to the palace this time to inquire about this matter. If the Grand Duke gets the approval of His Majesty the Emperor, King Suliuka will officially join the Privy Council and become the youngest Privy Councilor in the empire in a century, right?

...It’s really touching!

Thus ended the emergency meeting of the Privy Council. All the arrangements made at the meeting were implemented in an orderly manner under the guidance of these embryo-killing bosses.

In just twenty-four hours, the entire empire entered a state of alert, which immediately caused a tremor in the surrounding neighboring countries. Of course, this country, ruled by a war maniac, goes into alert and war preparation too many times. Everyone is nervous, but they also feel that this seems to be a routine matter.

No, isn't the God of War Festival still going on?

So, it was just a routine matter. It must be like this!

Only those with a keen sense of smell realize that something really seems to be happening.

At the same time, King Suliuka's official residence in the imperial capital, the Space City Pavilion known as the "Holy Tree Palace", had also woken up from its night's rest and welcomed its first guest today.

The Brigadier General of the Imperial Army, Countess Giafel, a Star Knight, entered the Holy Spring wearing a straight military uniform, but entered the Holy Tree Palace carrying a bag of snack boxes that was incompatible with her clothing and temperament.

The Tirero people are a race that is pragmatic to the point of cruelty, but at the same time pragmatic to the point of rigidity. The laws and etiquette of the palace are very strict, which can be seen from the pretentious imperial architectural style.

This is probably because the founding ancestors of the Chenxi Dynasty were also a group of people who "were only in awe of authority will be virtuous".

In short, apart from the superficial official relationship, whether you are a senior military officer or a cabinet minister, if you want to visit the city hall where the emperor is elected, you need to make an appointment in advance, and it is not clear whether you can meet the real owner. However, after the young female knight entered the gate, no one came up to try to stop her, and no security personnel even asked her to put down the sword and gun on her waist.

"It's in the garden." The butler who came to greet him even pointed to the corridor on the left.

The female knight nodded and walked straight into the garden with a relaxed pace as if she was returning to her own home.

The woman in a white dress hid her elegant figure behind a wall of roses. Her long, gorgeous golden hair was tied into a complicated bun at the back of her head.

She seemed to hear the footsteps and raised a face from behind the flower group: "You are late."

"I went to buy the red wine sponge cake you like, and I waited in line for half an hour." Giafel raised the cake in his hand.

The blond woman raised her face from behind the flower wall, puffed out her cheeks and snorted: "Jili, I don't want you to have the illusion that you can bribe me with food." After saying this, she also touched her neck On one side, he retracted his head again.

"Then I'll eat it myself?" The female knight carried the cake and walked straight to the small pavilion next to it. On the round table there, in addition to milk, coffee and fruit, there were also two sets of tableware. Needless to say, they must have been prepared for me.

Giaphiel almost laughed out loud when she heard the footsteps behind her.

After eating a piece of sponge cake, Suliuka King Brynhilt still said with a straight face: "It's delicious. But Gilly, I'm still very unhappy. We agreed today, but it's a happy relationship between our best friends." It’s girls time! It’s already ten minutes late, and today’s schedule is completely messed up!”

Giafel wondered which girlfriend's girl time was a group of girls getting together to play strategic simulation battles! It’s not all because of you, a willful imperial lady.

I am also a girl, and I also want to go shopping and have afternoon tea occasionally!

"When the others come, they see that we haven't finished breakfast yet. Fortunately for Volna, Olivia will definitely start to look weird, just like her weird eyes."

Miss Su Wang's group of Ji friends is quite large, and has almost gathered the most restless and elite group of war-mad ladies among the top aristocrats in the empire. Of course, since it is the Ji Friends Group, there is naturally someone who plays the role of the main palace, and this is naturally Countess Giafel.

Of course, even if they are all war mad, there is still a level gap. In comparison, Giaphiel was the more normal one among the young ladies, so she said: "...Just now, Sir Anstar gave me a call."

"Sir Anstar? Who is it?"

"His Royal Highness Grand Duke Inota's Chief Political Secretary!" Giafel said helplessly: "He just told me that he hopes you will be ready to join the Privy Council."

Because of his age, King Su only has the honorary title of "Privy Minister", not a formal Privy Minister. In most supreme meetings, she has the right to observe, record and make limited suggestions, but has no decision-making power, let alone the right to vote to reject government decrees or even imperial edicts of the Prime Minister's Office.

Of course, no one came to notify her of an emergency meeting like last night.

Now, judging from this, she should soon become the youngest Privy Councilor in a century.

"Oh?" Brynhilt showed a slightly surprised look, and then smiled: "So, is there anything new?"

"...Your Highness, haven't you heard any news at all?" Gyafel said helplessly.

"It's not like you don't know my living habits. When I was ten years old, the magician from the Void Spirit Temple said that I might have inherited my mother's bloodline. After the age of twenty, there would be some kind of mutated severe collagen disease. It may cause illness. So I must sleep for more than 9 hours every day."

That’s why I woke up! thought the Countess.

As for why the retainers in the Holy Tree Palace did not come to report, it was naturally because King Su’s job before breakfast every day was to prune the flower beds. This is also her biggest hobby besides studying the art of war, and it has always been called the "only resting place of her soul." At this time, no one dared to disturb him except himself.

"The Feilin Laboratory was raided," Giafiel said.

King Su raised his eyebrows: "Is the Feilin you are talking about the Feilin?"

"Yes, that's the Feilin. Then... King Wilente was seriously injured and is still lying in the treatment cabin."

"Oh hahaha... Well, this is such a sad story! Remember to ask someone to send a wreath later... ah no, go over to the flower basket." King Suliuka wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and reached out his hand to try to put the flower basket away. The corners of his mouth that were rising were smoothed down.

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