Him and their stars

Chapter 407 The

The Feilin Laboratory was raided. This was certainly the most vicious incident that had occurred in the empire in the past century. Although King Suliuka felt a little sorry for those innocent researchers, he just couldn't help but laugh when he thought of King Wilente being sent to the ICU. However, she felt that she still had to pay attention to the impact, so she spent a lot of effort to smooth out the corners of her mouth that were almost uncontrollable, and then asked seriously with a straight face: "So, is it possible that it is King Wei?" How about directing and acting on your own?"

Giafel felt that her best friend and master had gone too far, and said helplessly: "Your Highness, I know you don't like His Highness King Wei, but this line of thinking is too conspiracy theory. Even...even if King Weirent really As you say, he is a sullen conspirator,"

"No, you are wrong, Gilly. I actually have a lot of respect for my extremely smart cousin. However, this kind of thing where he suffers a one-sided loss doesn't always feel like his style. After a while, I'd better ask Ostana to send a wreath... and take the flower basket over and check out the mood," Brynhilt said.

The female knight felt a little tired. To be honest, if my best friend hadn't inexplicably rejected each other, the empire would have realized the three-king alliance of Wilent, Aido and Suliuka a few years ago. In this way, his lord, King Suliuka, could officially enter the Privy Council a few years earlier.

Personally, Giafel actually has a good impression of the graceful and gentle Prince. Probably because she is a martial arts sect herself, so this scholar type is more pleasing to the eye.

She really couldn't understand why Brunhilt was so disgusted with King Wei.

Not only was she confused, but even Viscount Hugh Morai, the prime minister in his hometown who had watched King Suliuka grow up, and Miss Ostana, who was in charge of intelligence in King Su's "girlfriend group", were also confused. .

No matter what, we still need to discuss it with Ostana and Viscount Humolai. Your Highness is now like the Minister of the Privy Council, and you can no longer be willful. She could continue to dislike King Valente, but at least she couldn't show it on the surface. Giaphiel thought.

At this time, Brunhild heard another saying: "In other words, Grand Duke Inota and all the elders in the Privy Council are sure that the Red King and the world-circling snake are the ones this time. Is it the mastermind behind this?”

"He is known by his first name, and the head of the World Serpent has also appeared twice. He is indeed an arrogant, arrogant person, but has outstanding energy. All aspects of the situation still correspond to each other. However, according to the Your Highness, do you have some doubts about this?"

"Judge Xunfeng and I have the same idea. Since there is no conclusive evidence, then this matter is worthy of discussion... Of course, for the adults in the Privy Council, what they know, what they determine, and what they need to do are not Conflict. Moreover, the World Serpent has existed for many years. It is obviously just a secret society full of cult properties, but its behavior seems to be somewhat different recently." King Suliuka frowned and thought for a moment, then said: "... Gilly, the Fourteenth Workshop that was opened in Holy Forest City the year before last was probably the property of World Serpent, right?"

Holy Forest City is a giant space city located in the Suna galaxy, which is also the royal seat of King Sulyuka.

Giafel thought to herself that I am not in charge of intelligence. Fortunately, Ostana is a hidden chatterbox who is very tight-lipped in front of outsiders but is very talkative among her "girlfriends". She nodded and said: "Although I have set up several layers of disguise, But Ostana has still found the source, which is basically certain. Of course, in the final analysis, this is just intelligence information..."

The so-called "intelligence information" is facts that can be determined at the intelligence level, but they do not constitute legal evidence.

King Suliuka nodded: "Then let Wovna and Olivia go back to Suna and seize the Fourteenth Workshop. Try to capture the core executives and main technical personnel!"

"Your Highness, that is a legal enterprise. At least legally."

"Well, then let's temporarily activate military martial law in the Holy Tree City. Evidence and so on can always be found." King Suliuka said with a smile: "Of course, in the final analysis, it is because I think that the godly factory has already It’s very unpleasant. In addition, the self-regulatory security system being developed by this company is quite interesting, and it can completely make up for the shortage of soldiers when the territory is opened.”

"Brynn, what a steal!" Giafel sighed, not using the honorific this time. In fact, she would only call someone by their nickname when expressing dissatisfaction.

"No, dear Gilly, I am only cooperating with the Privy Council's security operations. I can also be sure that I must be the first emperor to cooperate in this way."

Giafel will no longer comment on this matter. This was the only thing she said from the beginning to the end.

This female knight lady is already considered a good child among the imperial military aristocrats who is relatively modest, observant of etiquette, rules and martial ethics, but she also has this behavior. No wonder the opposing alliance always finds black spots.

The two of them finished the sponge cake quickly, and at this time, Brunhilt's "sisters" also arrived at the Holy Tree Palace and started their "girlfriend play" time today.

This "big battle" involving tens of millions of troops and more than 5,000 large and small warships, led by a group of fierce women who will leave their names in later generations, lasted all day long. In the end, it still ended with Queen Brunhilt's victory.

This is of course not because her "girlfriends" all let her go - in fact, Miss Olivia, who was born into the Marquis of Rowentour family, even used many cruel methods that she (thought) would not be practical in actual combat. , but still lost.

As mentioned before, the ladies present are all the proudest, bravest, and wisest elites among the imperial aristocracy. Because they are proud, they cannot let go of the "game" just because of their status; because they are brave, they are willing to admit their strengths frankly; and because they are smart, they automatically gather around Brunhilt. , like a planet next to a star.

The reason why Brunhilt became the leader of these girls was because she was the best at fighting.

After the girls' "girlfriend play" time was over, they got together again for dinner. As a group of girls targeting female marshals and female knights, the dinner content is of course not all kinds of grass, and there is never a shortage of all kinds of big fish and meat.

Of course, with the amount of exercise these girls do every day, even all kinds of high-calorie and high-protein foods will definitely be consumed, and the nutrients they should have will definitely grow to where they should go.

During dinner, Miss Ostana Barr also took the opportunity to discuss more detailed information with everyone.

Miss Ostana is the only official retainer of King Sulyuka among the female heroes present. She is about 25 or 26 years old, and her figure is also the weakest among the people present. She has silver-gray shoulder-length hair and a slightly thin, but delicate and charming face. If you ignore the blazing eyes that occasionally flash With her glowing red eyes, she could easily be mistaken for a gentle young female scholar, and she was a liberal arts major.

Only those who have truly suffered from her will know what a terrifying female devil this Miss Ostana, who usually wears a smile and has a calm face, is. It only took her five years to reorganize the original intelligence department of the Suliuka royal family into a small but extremely capable "Black Tree" agency. The combat effectiveness displayed on the intelligence front in recent years is even more powerful than that of the Imperial Military Intelligence Agency and the Inquisition.

As a result, the opposing alliance even used the term "lava sword" to describe Miss Ostana.

It means that under the average appearance, there is actually a power that can destroy the world and destroy the world.

In addition, we all know that the greatest benefit of psychics is their beauty, especially for women.

So this guy just looks young, but his real age is more than ten years older than his appearance. However, she is not married yet, and has never heard of a lover. She looks like she is ready to devote her life to her career and her master Brunhilt.

The noble ladies present all have their own intelligence channels, but they are not as clear as Ostana.

As a result, the girls happily humiliated King Wei who was still lying in the medical cabin, and by the way, they also humiliated Duke Arona.

"Then the old man's most proud resume is that he served as the captain of His Majesty's guard, right? But from today on, no one will think that the fact that His Majesty has gone through hundreds of battles without being injured is his credit, right?" Miss Olivia, the daughter of the Marquis of Roventure, curled up on her chair with a comfortable and relaxed movement, like a lazy Persian cat. A pair of different-colored demonic eyes, one blue and one green, similar to those of a Persian cat, also flashed with an arrogant and low sneer like a cat.

"The Duke of Arona is a traditional warrior, so he will probably find this a great shame and humiliation." Wolf is a woman with short honey-colored hair, a small and round face that can even be considered cute, a petite body, and a very capable and capable temperament. Miss Na, the daughter of the Earl of Maimeda.

"Can you just say that he is a brave man from the cold weapon era?"

"Then we are in trouble, aren't we? The entire officer group of the Imperial Army is too, isn't it?"

This is what this group of "female heroes" likes to discuss most, military tradition and future direction of change.

Brynhilt usually liked this topic the most, but obviously it was not the time yet, so he asked: "Jade Forest Laboratory... In addition to dead people, what else is missing?"

"Nothing was lost. As for the internal intelligence, there was no trace of being copied. At least, that's what the current technical means say." Ostana said calmly: "However, the Red King already knows." The "Gods of Souls" plan exists. According to him, this is the reason why he came forward to warn the imperial government."

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